Holy shit, how did this ever make it's way here? Just to let you guys know, that's me doing the tickling (and I created the entire website,
http://ohsnap.tk). And yes, even though the site says I'm 17, I just turned 18 at the beginning of this month, so I can post here.
A little background on this:
I've always been a ticklephile, I just never really made it public. So, when I was looking to make this site, and I saw her wearing the Tickle Me Elmo hoodie, I couldn't resist. She was very cool about it.
And for those of you who are interested, yes, she is very ticklish. I had the opportunity to tickle her a few times, and she was ticklish on her sides, tummy, and feet (very ticklish feet). Unfortunatley, she went off to college and I haven't seen her since.
Oh, my new website, sans tickling (sorry), is