> Glad to hear about the DC gathering! Chris and I will definitely
> be there all day Sunday.
> We've never been to one of these. How and where do we register?
This Sunday the 12th is not the “convention”-fest that is being announced;
that will come in August (22nd to 24th). Sunday is just a ‘munch’. And all
are welcomed, no registration involved. Just show up, meet and eat.
It’s at the regular restaurant, and I’ve included the notice from our T’nF
Group here as information.
Saturday July 12, 2003
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
This event repeats on the second Saturday of every month.
The next reminder for this event will be sent in 6 days, 3 minutes.
Event Location: On the Border
Street: 8051 Leesburg Pike (just west of the beltway)
City, State, Zip: Tyson's Corner, VA
Ask for the TnF group or for Rodney. Starts at noon and last until everyone leaves.
There isn’t a norm for munch turnouts, as we’ve had as many as 12 and as
few as 4 (sigh). The ‘ratio’ of women to men varies (this is the first question everyone
always asks), but it is about the same as we find in other parts of the country
Happily there are more ladies who are beginning to show up, more though as ‘couples’.
My wife and I actually started the group 3 years ago as T-Time.
> Sorry about all the questions but we're new to the gathering scene.
Hey, we ‘all’ were once “new to the scene” (smile).
Please, either you or Chris, feel free to send a note/questions you all may have
to either myself at
[email protected]
or my wife-partner Melinda/MsLace at
[email protected]
about the Tethers and Feathers group, the convention, munches, parties to be planned,
or whatever.