3rd Level Blue Feather
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Steven has finally arrived in Central California as he approaches Bakersfield. Almost there. Who will be the first to be tickled by him in Central California…
Samantha, an adorable white girl who barely reaches 5 feet, is sitting in her home alone. She is wearing shirt shorts that go down past her thighs and a tank top. Steven sneaks into her place and traps her on the bed. She is stuck before she even realized someone was in the house.
“What’s going on here?”
“Relax. Don’t be afraid.” He says as he pokes her foot.
“Hey! Don’t touch me!”
“What not?” He tickles her foot.
“Hahahahaha! I don’t like to be touched! By anyone!”
Steven tickles her foot some more. “You’re definitely a friendly one.”
“Ahahahahahahaha. No I’m not!”
“I was being sarcastic.” He starts to tickle both her feet. She kicks.
“Hahahahahahahehahahaha! STOP!”
“No.” He tickles her feet some more.
“Hahahahehehahahehahahehahehaheahahaehahaha!” She screams and steven tickles in between her toes. “ahHAHAHEHEHAHAHEHAHAHAHAHA!”
“What a cute laugh you have.” He says as he continues to tickle her toes.
“AHAHAHEHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” She shakes her feet, not that it would do anything. “HAHAHAHEHAHAHhahahahahahahahhahehehehHEHEHEEH. Get away! Please stop this! HAHAHEHAHeheheheehehhhaahahahaAHAHA. I am not enjoying this.”
“I am.” He slides his feathery fingers around her ankles.
“That was a weird spot to make you eek.” He goes back to tickling her feet.
“These are fun little feet.”
“Ok, I’ll stop tickling your feet.”
“Good.” She says, then gasps when Steven’s fingers move up her legs to her knees. He starts tickling her knees and she begins to laugh again. “Hahaheheheehheehehahahaahhahahahahaha!” She shakes her legs trying to break free. “HAhahahahahahahahahahahahehehaaha!” Steven continues to tickle her knees, squeezing both of them. “Hahahahahahahah! No, no! Hahahahahaahahahahahahaahah!”
“Yes, yes.” Steven moves his hands up her legs and slides his fingers under her shorts.
“Get your hands out of there, you perv!” She screams in anger. Steven squeezes her bare thighs, repeatedly. “HAHAHAHEHEHAHAHAHAHAhahahahehehahahahahahahahahah!”
“Are you having fun yet?”
“Hahahahehehehehahahahahahahahaha! No! I don’t like being touched! I… hahahahahahehehahahaha… told you that. Hahahahahaheehehhahahahaa.”
“I know, I’m hoping you’d get used to it and maybe even start to enjoy it.”
“Hahahahehehahahaha! Never! HAhahahahehehahahahahaha.”
Steven takes his hands out of her shorts and tickles her hips. She twists and turns. “You know you like it.”
“Yes!” Steven slides his hands under her shirt and tickles her sides.
“I’m not a perv. I’m not touching you in some bad spot.” He says as he tickles her bare belly.
“You’re reaching your hand under my clothes. HAHAHAHAHEHEHAHAHAHA. You’re a perv!”
“I guess that makes sense.” He says but doesn’t care as he keeps tickling her.
“If God didn’t want you to be tickled, he wouldn’t have made you ticklish.”
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Shut up! HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Steven tickles up her bare sides. “AHAHAHEHEHAAHAHAHAAHAHA. AHAHAHAHAHAEHA.” Steven slides his finger inside her belly button. “Oooh. HAHAHAHAHAHEEEHEHHEHEHEHA.” Steven then takes his hands out of her shirt. She takes a breath. Steven then attacks Samantha’s armpits. She tries to bring them down but she can’t. “Hahahahahahaha. Please! Go away! Hahahahahehehahaha.” Steven then tickles back down her sides and tickles her belly. “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!”
“What goes up, must come down!” Steven then started tickling her thighs some more.
“Yes! Almost done.”
“AHAHAHEHEHAHAHAHA. Please be done now. HAHEHEHEHEHEHAHA.” Steven then goes down to her knees, and squeezes both of them a few times. “Hahahahahehehahahaha!” He finally ended up back at her feet. He moves his fingers along her feet. “Hahahahahaheehheheheheh! Help me! Hahahahehehehehaahahhaha.”
Steven looks at her, quickly tickles her feet one last time then leaves. He heads on to Madera. Almost there.
Tickle Monster Saga 10
“Journey to Madtown Part 5: Bakersfield”
“Journey to Madtown Part 5: Bakersfield”
Samantha, an adorable white girl who barely reaches 5 feet, is sitting in her home alone. She is wearing shirt shorts that go down past her thighs and a tank top. Steven sneaks into her place and traps her on the bed. She is stuck before she even realized someone was in the house.
“What’s going on here?”
“Relax. Don’t be afraid.” He says as he pokes her foot.
“Hey! Don’t touch me!”
“What not?” He tickles her foot.
“Hahahahaha! I don’t like to be touched! By anyone!”
Steven tickles her foot some more. “You’re definitely a friendly one.”
“Ahahahahahahaha. No I’m not!”
“I was being sarcastic.” He starts to tickle both her feet. She kicks.
“Hahahahahahahehahahaha! STOP!”
“No.” He tickles her feet some more.
“Hahahahehehahahehahahehahehaheahahaehahaha!” She screams and steven tickles in between her toes. “ahHAHAHEHEHAHAHEHAHAHAHAHA!”
“What a cute laugh you have.” He says as he continues to tickle her toes.
“AHAHAHEHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” She shakes her feet, not that it would do anything. “HAHAHAHEHAHAHhahahahahahahahhahehehehHEHEHEEH. Get away! Please stop this! HAHAHEHAHeheheheehehhhaahahahaAHAHA. I am not enjoying this.”
“I am.” He slides his feathery fingers around her ankles.
“That was a weird spot to make you eek.” He goes back to tickling her feet.
“These are fun little feet.”
“Ok, I’ll stop tickling your feet.”
“Good.” She says, then gasps when Steven’s fingers move up her legs to her knees. He starts tickling her knees and she begins to laugh again. “Hahaheheheehheehehahahaahhahahahahaha!” She shakes her legs trying to break free. “HAhahahahahahahahahahahahehehaaha!” Steven continues to tickle her knees, squeezing both of them. “Hahahahahahahah! No, no! Hahahahahaahahahahahahaahah!”
“Yes, yes.” Steven moves his hands up her legs and slides his fingers under her shorts.
“Get your hands out of there, you perv!” She screams in anger. Steven squeezes her bare thighs, repeatedly. “HAHAHAHEHEHAHAHAHAHAhahahahehehahahahahahahahahah!”
“Are you having fun yet?”
“Hahahahehehehehahahahahahahahaha! No! I don’t like being touched! I… hahahahahahehehahahaha… told you that. Hahahahahaheehehhahahahaa.”
“I know, I’m hoping you’d get used to it and maybe even start to enjoy it.”
“Hahahahehehahahaha! Never! HAhahahahehehahahahahaha.”
Steven takes his hands out of her shorts and tickles her hips. She twists and turns. “You know you like it.”
“Yes!” Steven slides his hands under her shirt and tickles her sides.
“I’m not a perv. I’m not touching you in some bad spot.” He says as he tickles her bare belly.
“You’re reaching your hand under my clothes. HAHAHAHAHEHEHAHAHAHA. You’re a perv!”
“I guess that makes sense.” He says but doesn’t care as he keeps tickling her.
“If God didn’t want you to be tickled, he wouldn’t have made you ticklish.”
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Shut up! HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Steven tickles up her bare sides. “AHAHAHEHEHAAHAHAHAAHAHA. AHAHAHAHAHAEHA.” Steven slides his finger inside her belly button. “Oooh. HAHAHAHAHAHEEEHEHHEHEHEHA.” Steven then takes his hands out of her shirt. She takes a breath. Steven then attacks Samantha’s armpits. She tries to bring them down but she can’t. “Hahahahahahaha. Please! Go away! Hahahahahehehahaha.” Steven then tickles back down her sides and tickles her belly. “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!”
“What goes up, must come down!” Steven then started tickling her thighs some more.
“Yes! Almost done.”
“AHAHAHEHEHAHAHAHA. Please be done now. HAHEHEHEHEHEHAHA.” Steven then goes down to her knees, and squeezes both of them a few times. “Hahahahahehehahahaha!” He finally ended up back at her feet. He moves his fingers along her feet. “Hahahahahaheehheheheheh! Help me! Hahahahehehehehaahahhaha.”
Steven looks at her, quickly tickles her feet one last time then leaves. He heads on to Madera. Almost there.
The End