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Tickle Monster Saga 12


3rd Level Blue Feather
Aug 30, 2002
Steven is searching around Madera. Trying to figure out where he should start, exploring his new home. Well home for a while. So many Mexicans live in Madera. He’s searching for the girl that sticks out. That’ll be his first victim. He sees her…

Tickle Monster Saga 12
“Adventures in Madtown, Part 1: Abby”

Abby is about 5 feet tall. She’s an Asian lady. She’s wearing a short, loose, light blue jean skirt, a t-shirt, white socks, and white shoes. Steven sees her go into her house. He sneaks in after her. She lays down on the ground in front of the TV. Steven approaches her arms, which she has already streatched out above her head. He sticks her arms to the ground. He reaches down and tickles her armpits.
“HAhahahaha! What the?!” She looks up at him and tries to move.
Steven moves around her and kneels by her feet. He smiles at her.
“What are you going to do to me?” Abby asks. Steven doesn’t answer. He looks down at her feet. “Please don’t touch my feet!” Steven doesn’t listen. He takes off one of her shoes. He tickles her socked foot. “Ahahahahahehehahahahaha! Please, no!” He still doesn’t listen. He keeps tickling her foot. She kicks it but Steven keeps a firm grip on her foot. “Hahahahahehahahahahaha!”
Steven smiles again and then takes off her other shoe.
“No, no. One foot is enough.” She pleads but Steven doesn’t care. He tickles her other socked foot. “Hahahahahehehahahahahaha! Hahahahahahaha!” She laughs. Her eyes get wide as Steven takes off her sock from that foot. “No! Definitely not bare feet! Please!” Steven tickles her bare foot with his feathery finger. “HAHAHAHAHAHEHEHAHAAH!” She kicks, and twists, and laughs. Steven sticks her foot to the ground.
“Now try to kick this foot. See what happens.” Steven says, she tries but it won’t move.
“Please. No more!” She says. Steven then takes off the sock from the other foot. He starts tickling that foot with his feathery finger. “Hahahahahehehahahahahahehahaha!” She kicks that foot because it’s still free.
“I’ve had enough of your kicking.” He says as he sticks that foot down to the ground. He starts tickling both feet.
“HAHAHAHAHAHEHAHAHEHEHEHEHEHAHA! STOP!” She screams. “HAHAHAHEHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Steven slides his fingers in her toes. “HAHAHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHA! HahahahahahHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHA!” She shakes her feet. “Stop! HAHAHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHEHEHAAHHA.” Steven moves up to her thighs and starts to tickle them. “Hehehehahahahehahahahaheheha! Steven squeezes her legs covered by her skirt. She tries to kick, but nothing happens. “Hahahahehehehahahahahahah!” Steven is having fun tickling this Asian beauty. “Are you done yet? HAhahahahahahheh!”
“Getting there.” Steven says as he tickles her hips right above her skirt.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHEHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” She bucks up and down. And her laughing only gets louder and more desperate as Steven’s hands slowly move up from her hips to her belly. “HEHEHHHOWOWOSHHOHOHOHOHOHAHAHAHAHA! God help me!”
“I believe I’ve said this to someone else but it bears repeating…”
“If God didn’t want you to be tickled, he wouldn’t have made you ticklish.”
“OH HAHAHAHAHEHAHAHAH! HAHAHAHAHEHEHAHA AHAHAHEHEHAHA!” Steven slides his hands up her sides and into her armpits. “No, hahahahahahehahaha go awayhahahahehehehehaha! Ahahehehahaha.” Steven digs into her armpits more. “HAHAHEHEHAHAHAHA” Steven moves his hands back down to her side and starts tickling her sides. “HAHAHAHAHEHEHEHAHAHAAH!” She screams as she arches her back. “Stop! HAHAHEHEHAHAHAHAHEHAHAHA.” Steven slides his hands under her shirt and tickles her belly button. “HEHOHOHEHEHEHEHE!”
“Are you having fun yet?” Steven says as he tickles her hips again.
“No woahhahahahahehahahahahehahaha!” Steven’s hands slide up her skirt and tickles her bare thighs. “No no hahahahehehahaha! Not the bare hahahehehahahahehehehehahahaehehehahahah legs hahahehehahahehehahahaHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHA!” Steven just keeps at it. She raises her legs to try to get away. “HAHAHEHAHAahhahahehehahaha!” Then she lowers them to try to trap Steven’s fingers so they can’t move. He’s able to wiggle them around. “Heheheheh!” She giggles. He slides his fingers out of her skirt and he walks down to her feet. He slides his feathery fingers around her bare soles. “Woah hahahahehehaha! Please go! Hahahehahahehaha.” He slides his fingers inside her toes. “Hehehehehahahahehea.” He looks her over. She takes a few breaths. He goes back to tickling her feet. “HAHAHAHEHEHA I thought HAHAHAHEHAHAHAHA you were AHAHEHEHEHAHAHAHEHAHA done!” She says, and he stops. He looks at her again and walks out without a word. Leaving her sweaty little body there to rest.

The End​
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