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a brave attempt to secure your copyrighted material, but as it's played on a computer, I'm 100% sure that some1 will have the right tools to demolish the security, as computer-security is always leaky 😛
small question: does the windows encoding stuff work properly on unix/linux?

and I doubt that the security is watertight, especially seeing the fact that some hacker-dudes have this sport of cracking windows security systems (for example: when windows made a patch to protect .pdf files or something (was quite some time ago) 1 day later a file was available called "unfuck.exe", which demolished all of microsoft's hard work)
Whats going on? Why? We keds just wanna simple thingys
DRM & Stuff

Hi TickleTelevision

I'd like to talk to you a little about your use of DRM to attempt to protect your product.

Before you think I'm going to go off on a wild flame, of course I understand that you made it, it's yours, you are free to protect it however you want to. On the other hand, if I disaprove of your method of copy protection, am free not to buy it. Freedom is a wonderful thing. Ok, I'm through stating the obvious 🙂

Now that DRM stuff... is nasty. It requires very specific software to be installed in the user's computer. Some won't be able to use it, others will think "woah, too complicated!", others will think that it's a ripoff, what, with all the complexity, explanations, people who couldn't do it, etc - others, like myself, are unwilling to install that software, especially microsoft stuff, which is buggy and invasive as all hell. This will cost you business. Now I realize that it probably won't cost you a whopping ammount of business, at the moment most users will install anything (believe me, I know... I've had to clean up all too many messes made that way) but... some won't, and the times, they are a-changing.

My final point concerns fairness to your clients. My earliest clip is timestamped 2-7-1997. Which makes it almost 7 years old... during that time I've had... 4 computers. Once someone has bought your clip, they are free to view it from now to the heat death of the universe, right ? So in a couple of years... or a few days, they buy a new computer, copy their files over from the old one and... oopst! Exactly... they can't watch the clip they bought from you anymore because the clip isn't authorized for that computer. I don't think that's fair, do you ?

Well, so far I was talking about what I know, now I'm going to take a little detour into guessing - don't take my word for it, ask your fellow content producers - they're bound to know more about it than I.

If unprotected, unauthorized copies of your files WILL be made and distributed - it's a fact of life. These copies fal into two categories : Some will cost you business - people who would buy them from you won't because they got them for free. Some others will see the files without paying for them... you won't loose business because they wouldn't pay for them anyway. And maybe (though this is by no means assured) they will like it, and in the future buy something from you they can't get for free (or even buy it because they think you deserve the money and want to encourage you to make more clips... ok, RARE, I know 🙂 ).

In conclusion, I think the negative aspects of using DRM far outweigh the positives. I personally think you loose more business by using it than you would in "lost business to illegal copies". But, of course, the decision is wholly yours, and I hope you keep producing material no matter in what format.

If you have read so far, I thank you for your patience, and apologise for the length and "foreign english". I hope you will consider what I have said.

Best regards,

I was interested in buying 4 tokens to download your movie but after some research I have decided I will not install anything to do with DRM.

Also, I change my computer at least once a year, so if all of your clips will be like this then I won't be buying any of them!
Re: In response

Hi TickleTelevision, thank you for your thoughtful reply.

Regarding your first point, I fully understand - I'm a programmer by trade, and have taken my fair share of losses because of Piracy. On the "profit/loss" side of things, my only thought is that you may lose more revenue by people not willing to use DRM-enabled players then you would out of illegal copies of your work. Your second point is a legitimate extension of your first one, and although the same caveats apply is equally valid.

On your third point you are entirely and without counterpoint right. It is a legitimate concearn, and I have no alternatives to offer. Filtering is an inexact science, and your efforts will greatly decrease the possibility of a child viewing your material. I commend your dilligence in this matter.

Regarding the technical arguments around the following points... well, that's a point of contention - I'm sure the companies you discussed this with are adamant in their claims of security but... ultimately, it will be broken - and soon (I have heard scuttlebut that it has been already, but have yet - in all honesty - to see proof of such claims). Still, as a programmer I have reviewed DRM as a protection scheme for content and found it wanting. Opinions will vary, and you will find plenty of very smart people dissenting from my opinion... but you will find just as many (though not wearing such nice suits) agreeing with me. 🙂

I have read the FAQ regarding a change of systems... the problem is that it assumes that both you (as a business entity) and the DRM management company will be around when this happens. I certainly hope you are, but it is by no means assured.

As for your "everything will have DRM" assertion... well, I for one hope you are wrong. Companies are forever hyping technologies that go nowhere - see the .com crash for abundant proof, and I certainly hope DRM is yet another one, as I find it invasive. And with the rise of the use of alternative operating systems being promoted by increasingly large companies, I believe soon we will see a wee bit of a revolution going on... but again, this is personal opinion and hope, not incontrovertible fact. One year will pass and we will see. Besides, you're operating in a very niche market - it may be possible for content producers to set the standard, and we ticklephiles can be forced to go with it or do without <shudder>.

I thank you for your kind effort to answer my concerns, and wish you luck in your venture.

Best regards,

😀 Great clip! I love the feet tickling! 😀
I must say Dorsai's got a good point; I'm confident that there's a leak in the DRM's sourcecode, and I am equally sure that there's a certain group of people who will find the leak and design software to cope with it, pretty much the same as the unfuck.exe I mentioned earlier.
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