I love the site design and I gotta say.. you're a bastard! How could you tease us with that Coming Soon trailer? It felt like a real movie trailer! You made me feel impatient like at the movies! I hate that and damn it.. I can't wait! 😉
Incredible concept and loved the site design. I have to add this to my collection, it's too frickin' creative not too!
I can't imagine the effort or the editing involved with just this one video. Plus you made it feel like Renee is a Hollyoowd movie star with her profile. Very sharp and classy. I can't believe this is being done!
Finally someone took the crown from Paradise Vision for "most creative". I could never give that to any other tickle company but them (despite their low quality ticklees). It's yours without the video in hand. It's a Darkknight award, not worth anything, so don't get excited. 😉
I've very hyped for you and your company, something so fresh.
I would imagine this is much easier to approach an actress/model to do since it is a "spoof" movie but with a tickling theme.
Can we get an idea of what other movie/cable themes will be? A short list, maybe? Always wondering if a superheroine theme will ever be done right. Hmmm. 😉
Wow. I can't wait to see this tape. Will you be doing DVD formats too?
Ok.. I'll shut the hell up now. 🙂