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Tickle therapy clinic


Level of Lemon Feather
Aug 20, 2001
Play the role of the tickle therapist at the tickle therapy clinic.

The clinic currently has 2 patients who have been sent there to receive tickle therapy to correct their behaviour!!

The 2 are:
Jenny and Mark
Both are highly responsive to tickling!!

You (their therapist) can have them in any position to receive their "therapy"-
all you have to do is to describe what you do to them- what you say-- how they respond etc!!

Have lots of fun!!!!

Here is my attempt:

Jenny: in foot stocks:
I take off her shoes and socks and begin to tickle the **** out of the soles of her feet---- she begs me to stop----so I.........carry on for an hour!!
I give jenny an hour of rib tickling this afternoon--- sends her into hysterics!:devil:
Okay. I'll bite:

After strapping our less-than-willing subject(Jenny) faced-down and naked across the crisp white sheets of the 'examination' table in a taut spread-eagle position, I then waste no time in ball-gagging Jenny(strictly to moniter inhalation/exhalation-rates, of course). Admiring my handy-work, I then slowly and gently coax a butt-plug into her delightfully upturned ass. This is no ordinary plug, however, but a vibrating plug, with wires that lead to a hair-trigger pressure-plate that I place under her chin. Any time that she allows her head to rest on the table, the vibrating plug buzzes into action for one minute, then rests until her head or chin touches the sheets again.

It's about now that I go into a lenghty dissertation on the reasons Jenny has been rendered into our care, the results we hope to achieve with Jenny's therapy sessions at the clinic, and the importance of a cheerful, 'chin-up' attitude toward the immense amount of attentive care we intend on lavishing her with; all the while strolling around the table, examining my handy-work and occassionally running a fingertip along the smooth curves of her sides, legs, or back.

Next, Jenny is fitted with headphones that block out all noise while this little ditty is played repeatedly for her amusement.

Lastly, I lead Mr. Wiggles the trained tickle-chimp into the room to keep Jenny company for an hour while I visit other 'patients' at the Clinic... 😀

For today's therapy session, we have something very special planned for Jenny:

Once again, we've restrained her on the examination table, but this time, she's spread faced-up in an inverted 'Y'-position across the sheets. A state-of-the-art robotic contraption is wheeled in place. It features two slender robotic armatures with flexible handlike appendages and a digital camera apparatus that points down at Jenny. The entire assemblage is digitally linked in real-time to a computer kiosk at an adult video-game seminar. Interested gamers at the seminar are asked to try out the game, called simply ~Jenny's Ticklish Torture~. On the screen, they see an animated representation of Jenny, and are given a number of gaming options for how they wish to go about tickling their cartoon captive. In reality, the robotic machine at the Tickle Therapy Clinic will indeed really be carrying out the gamers computer commands, tickling and teasing poor Jenny for as long as the player manipulates the various command buttons and toggle stick!

Needless to say, a long line of curious players assembles at the kiosk. Many are amazed at how 'lifelike' the game seems, complete with laughter and gasps and even crying and cursing at times! It's going to be a loooong afternoon for our young subject. 😀
It's been almost a week since I last checked-in on our less-than-eager subject. From her current files, it appears that the treatment is achieving some desired results, but that Jenny may be showing improvements in her behaviour and attitude in an attempt merely to curry favour and perhaps avoid further therapy sessions. It is also rather curious that something as playful and cheerful as a delicate fingertip massage could bring forth such childish tantrums and downright fitful displays. She has actually been known to go into something resembling a nervous/psychotic breakdown during sessions of therapy with Nurse Ratchet, sobbing and blubbering like a petulent brat until her half-hour treatments are over with for the day.
Having spent the last two days down in the Hold strapped loosely to a chair amongst the gibbering, utterly mad mob of, ahem, "past patients" has given her a renewed sense of determination to 'graduate' from our 12-step procedures at the Klinic, and we've decided to try to again attempt to soothe the inner tension and stress away with a procedure that's bound to work to slendid effect.

Jenny is led up from the lower bowels of the asylum, er, Klinic,then cleaned-up and tightly strapped-in to a cloth straight-jacket. This special straight-jacket has a reinforced, wide strap that runs between the thighs, hooking from back-to-front not unlike many standard straight-jackets. In this case, however, the strap is fitted with round seams for inserting a vibrating dildo and plug that are snugly and firmly held into place when the jacket is fully buttoned and strapped into place.

Jenny is then led gingerly to the now familiar examination table(bed), where she is carefully lifted onto the mattress near the foot of the bed, in a kneeling position facing the head of the bed. Already, she is reverting to her primal-nature, nearly in tears at the prospect of the corrections-to-come.
Next, a set of pillories is brought up to the foot of the bed, and her feet are locked into place widely splayed towards the endposts, leaving her in a rather awkward balance, her weight distributed between her knees and her ankles confined in the pillory, her arms held in a tight hug around her midsection by the straight-jacket
Thus, she is all-but-readied for her session, a mouth-inhibitor(i.e. ballgag) completes the tableau.
With Jenny wobbling on her knees, trying to maintain a balance, and not fall facefirst towards the blankets, and the sum total of her vocalizations amounting to muffled groans, snorts, and whimperings due to the big rubber Klinic gag, I then proceed to lecture her on why she was brought into our care here at the Klinic, what we had hoped to achieve through her therapy, and what we could have perhap done differently to bring about the sort of contented wellness and general sense of hands-on treatment that we try to provide our clients. Blathering on about the complexities of the Klinic's methods and the positive resluts(ahem, results) we've achieved with similar patients, our state-of-the-art treatment centers, and onandonand on...
...I purposely waste a good seven-to-ten minutes boring even me into a near catatonic, almost hypnotic state.

The whole time, our darling patient makes a valiant and successful attempt to stay both balanced on her knees,and swivelling to and fro, peeking over the shoulder of her straight-jacket to attempt to see where I am hovering while I pace back and forth at the foot of the bed, considering the next step in Jenny's treatment plan, blathering about the seriousness of her potentially permanent hypersensitivity, the effects it could contribute to in her laterlifeinterpersonalcomunicationswith significantothersofvorpalrabbitlustingetcetalblahblahblah...

The strain on our bouncy little patient is apparent by the time I finally decide on the proper 'happiness inducement' tunes for Jenny to enjoy during her therapy. I suppose now is as good a time as ever to whisper in her ear that the tip of the anal-plug that she is all-too acutely aware of at present is spiked with XTC, and that she should be feeling the first waves of warm fuzzies cascading through her body shortly(I'm lying, of course, but curious to report what sort of effect the suggestible placebo-effect will induce...)

Given her decidedly unbalanced state, I prefer this little ditty to keep her feeling groovy and mellow. Headphones replaying the happy tune repeatedly, and a tight black scarf wound tightly around her head, and our brave little patient is ready to achieve altered states of relaxation and improvement with no worries about outside environment interferences.

With a quick =buzz buzz= of the remote-wand to give Jenny some idea of the unavoidable positive energies emitting from the vibrating toys so snugly strapped into place, I make her fully aware of what will occur should she lose her by now shakily jiggling, precarious kneeling position during the treatment and wind-up faced-down, leg's-spread, in a straight-jacket on the mattress(both vibrators on, at full-throttle: a little bit of a "To Happy" kindova place to really 'get one's head together in', if you know what I mean---and I think you do).

Naturally, our already reticent patient is showing signs of rapid compiance and a readiness to respond to a rigorous therapy session. It's been a good 25 minutes now, and I haven't even so much as brushed against Jenny's oh-so-soft soles or her tiny curled toes. I do hope she is able to maintain something approaching a measurable level of composure this week, and not break-down into the fiesty, almost possessed little demon she became last week.

You'd think she didn't appreciate all the effort that goes into her weekly treatment(Dr. Kobb mulls to himself as seats himself comfortably at the foot of the bed, admiring Jenny's insanely sensitive feet, and clicking on the sonicare's he holds in each hand...).
Think nothing of it, Dr. Heaven. Even if the government grant money wasn't pouring in for our state-of-the-art research, we'd be out there, doing everything within our power to 'help' victims of hypersensitivity disorder like Jenny. We took a Hippocratic Oath, and by jingo, we're gonna make good on it. :wavingguy
Jenny’s ‘sock-monkey’ Puppet Show Theatre

Our impatient young patient, Jenny, has been held in solitary confinement for the last 48 hours, due to an unfortunate incident with another inmate at the asyl—“ahem”- clinic.
According to her version of events, Jenny was just sleeping in her quarters, when the new, much more promising patient, Katy supposedly snuck into her room and began tickling her feet while wearing sock-puppets on each hand (!). Jenny further stated that Katy has supposedly been sneaking into her room and threatening her since she arrived at the clinic. Katy, who indeed is given abit more freedom to roam the facilities during ‘after hours’, denies all of this, and claims that it’s in fact Jenny who has been intimidating her ever since she arrived. A thorough investigation was launched for the better part of a half hour, and clinic personnel on duty at the time (Nurse Ratchet and I) were unable to discover the supposed sock monkeys in question. Given Jenny’s continuing poor outlook and disagreeable attitude, we quickly dismissed this latest incident as merely another of Jenny’s fabrications. Having warned her in the past concerning clinic policy for falsehoods against staff or fellow patients, it was decided she should spend the weekend in the quiet rubber comfort of the soft solitary cell, to cool that hot red head off abit, and to separate the two young women while I decided on how best to handle the situation at hand.

Katy arrived at my office late Sunday evening with a splendid idea! Leave it to our precocious newcomer at the clinic to provide a wonderfully therapeutic way to bring the two girls in one room together to heel *ahem*-heal- their differences (and to sort out any misunderstandings on the part of either as to their relative status regarding any perceived patient pecking-order within the confines of the clinic). Apparently, Katy has felt absolutely terrible about Jenny’s being sent to solitary, and she has spent every waking moment of the whole weekend working on a very special puppet-show to share with Jenny! When I saw the almost manic glee in Katy’s eyes, I was confident I’d made the right decision to allow the two ladies to settle the matter on their own.

Well rested from her heavily sedated weekend away from her nemesis, our erstwhile patient Jenny slowly awakens from her groggy torpor only to find herself in a darkened room. Regardless, she knows instantly where she is, as she has found herself in this particular predicament before. She is in the Rec Room, and she knows this because the heavy wooden stocks are located there, and she is definitely trapped in them.

Clad only in her panties and a half-top, Jenny is in a seated position, stretched forward, her wrists locked into the middle holes of the stocks, her ankles locked into the holes at each end, causing her to sit forward with legs spread and bent outward and upward slightly. It is a most awkward, exposed position to sustain for someone as sensitive to tactile sensations as Jenny is, and things are further complicated due to the familiar, most hated, rubber ball-gag filling her mouth and causing her beautiful face to be fixed in a look of wide-eyed surprise.

Next, the ponytail in her long red hair is pulled tightly back, causing her slender neck to arch back, her line-of-sight faced-forward, with only minimal peripheral vision, as her head is pulled up and back while the rest of her body strains forward, locked into the vice-like(though soft-lined) stocks. She whimpers her disapproval.

To make the already difficult situation even more problematical, Jenny feels a pair of female fingers gingerly roll up the front of her cotton sleeper top, exposing her ripe, tender breasts. A definite attempt at “No” is discerned through the gag, although it manifests as a mere, “Nnngnnh!”, a phrase that simply isn’t recognized in polite company.

A line is tied to each of her big-toes, and her feet are drawn back exposing her sensitive soles, the line leading to a pair of clothespins clamped to her tender pink nipples. Any movement of her feet will now instantly register as a painful tug on the clothespin clamps pinching her delicate nipples. Straining, she forces herself to sit as far forward as her neck will allow, considering the unforgiving tether pulling her head back.

Already, the first drips of spittle escape her lower lip, dribbling from her chin down to her navel, only to continue its downward course, causing a wet spot to grow, slowly soaking the front of her cotton panties. She is well aware (thanks to previous misadventures in the Rec Room) that she will soon be seated in a pool her own drool, tears, perspiration, and worse before her trial is over.

Determined to voice her displeasure at this decidedly unfavorable predicament, Jenny launches into a long discourse on why she should be set free, how she will never cause any trouble again during her stay at the clinic, and how much she loves everyone there, including that little blonde bitch Katy. Unfortunately, due to the big red gag, her pleas are relegated to choked grunts and groans punctuated by bubbles of drool that join the cascade running down between her breasts to her belly.

Already, her feet tire of maintaining the arched-back, toes-splayed, awkwardly exposed position, and, despite her earnest efforts, resume their normal frontward point, thus causing her nipples even more undue pain. This is all the reminder Jenny needs of the excruciating combination of pinching and pulling on her taut, young tits, and she again focuses her energies on keeping her pale, pink soles reared back, lessening the excruciating tugging action on her throbbing nipples, but leaving the absolutely worst, most vulnerably sensitive spots on her slim, freckled body (her soft soles) open for tactile exploration of a truly malevolent nature. A cold chill runs down Jenny’s spine with the anticipation of torments to follow. Sadly for her, she couldn’t have possibly envisioned just how terribly twisted this party was about to become…

A flash of white light in the dark, and two sparklers are simultaneously lit, each poised a foot or so above Jenny’s upturned feet, illuminating the strange scene in the Rec Room at last for our poor, helpless captive. Literally at her feet, Jenny sees that a miniature stage has been built onto the stocks that she struggles so vainly against. It appears to be a tiny amphitheatre, complete with curtain! Shortly, the sparklers die down, and again the room is bathed in impenetrable darkness.

Awash in her own private symphony of agony, poor Jenny shudders as a slim hand rests on her exposed shoulder and an all-too-familiar voice whispers in her ear: “Welcome to Katy’s Sock-Monkey Shock Therapy Theatre, bitch! I just know you’ll enjoy the show! HaHaHaHaHaH!” cackles the utterly insane Katy.


….A flash pot ignites, and suddenly the room is bathed in the glow of the red and green Christmas lights that have been crudely stapled onto the outer wings of the makeshift amphitheatre. A second later and the curtain is drawn, revealing a doll-house-size stage adorned like a street-scene, complete with the outline of buildings against a starry sky. Without warning, out jumps a sock-monkey hand-puppet holding a feather pointed at the upturned, arched sole of Jenny’s right foot. Immediately, she is sent into spasms of helpless laughter as the puppet jabs the feather at her exposed soles.

I could go on, but you get the idea. Before the evening is over, poor, overwrought Jenny is treated to a full-on, psychotic, multible orgasm rendition of “The Mikado”, the “Barber of Seville”, “Cats”, and “The Phantom of the Opera”, as performed by sock puppets with her tender soles in featured roles in each mortifying production!
Yes, Katy is quite the inventive little wisp! Though not nearly as ticklish as some of the clinic patients(like Jenny, for instance), she seems to have an innate talent for tickling therapy, dispite a lack of formal training, and Nurse Ratchet has already taken her under her wing.

Although Katy's Sock Monkey Theatre in fact only lasted a little under two hours, and only the girls were privy to the entire exciting performance, I am told that Katy's ingenuity for cruelty was apparently boundless.

At various points in the production, Jenny was not only the sole audience-member, but also a feetured (*wink*) player. More than once, the monkeys would place the implements of her own torment in Jenny's bound hands while they drew the curtain on certain scenes. Several times, Jenny's feet were spared while the monkeys aimed long plumes at her delicate collar, neck and forehead areas, driving her into a renewed frenzy of struggling against the stocks that held her in such an awkward position. Though her poor, pinched nipples were freed from the clothespins in a mere ten minutes, her feet came under attack in a wide variety of ways throughout the ordeal, leading to shuddering spasms and agonized bleatings behind the gag.

Most importantly, both girls came away from the experience with a better understanding of their relationship while under our observation at the clinic, with Katy whispering excitedly before freeing her terrorized, utterly frazzled prisoner, "I own you, bitch!". :Kiss2:
Ah yes!

We certainly haven't forgotten about poor hopelessly ticklish Mark, over in the men's wing of the clinic. He is a favorite patient of Nurse Ratchet, although he too, is showing the same penchant for trouble-making as Jenny, with little chance for any permanent improvement. It is very difficult for Katy, dispite the extra freedoms she has achieved as a star-patient, to sneak over to the men's wing, and there would be sheer Hell to pay if she were discovered.

I will leave the details of Mark's therapy sessions to another chronicler. <<<<----
Mark's in trouble- the newest nurse, Kate is about to tickle him insane....

In the good Dr. Kobb’s dark office downstairs in the cellar, Jenny’s daily 'therapeutic examinations' continue unabated. With every new, desperate escape attempt thwarted, and her now terrified realization that everyone in this so-called Clinic is clinically insane, Jenny has very nearly given up hope of seeing her brother, Mark again, or of ever leaving this twisted madhouse of tickling fiends. With her psycho nemesis, Katy having been given full caregiver status for poor Mark’s 'conditioning exercises', Jenny knew that Mark could look forward to a series of steadily increasing cruelties and humiliations bent on breaking his spirit and leaving him exhausted and spent, only to start the whole process over again the next day, and on ad-infinitum, til he snaps.

At least the wide-eyed, constantly grinning nutcase Katy would be occupied with someone else for a change. Unfortunately, that only means more time undergoing that crazy quack, Dr. Bill’s bogus therapy sessions.

Thus, we find our leggy red-haired beauty in the musty dark basement; a single bulb dangles overhead, lending an interrogational sense to the proceedings. Jenny straddles the big leather office chair, arms tied tightly behind her back, on her knees facing the backrest, ankles tied to the hand rests at the front of the seat , her feet provocatively vulnerable, dangling from the front of the chair, within reach of Kobb, who is presently scribbling furiously onto a notepad, while babbling excitedly about his plan to present her at an upcoming secret Mad Scientists Assembly and Awards Banquet in much the same position for an entire evening, but captive inside a gilded birdcage dangling mere feet from the floor, available for whatever degradations and humiliations might spring to mind amongst the visiting dignitaries.

Much as the tickler learns each sensitive spot on their captive intimately, so the captive eventually learns what to expect the most from the tickler. A casual observer to this scene who had seen the perverted doctor at play with Jenny would be able to see that things weren’t that far along yet in that afternoon’s proceedings, as Jenny still has one of her socks on, her tight mini-tee is still on, and that cute, round bubble-butt is still trapped inside a pair of Capri-pants, rather than on display for the crazy coot’s loving pats and gropings. Also, the fact that she isn’t as yet gagged would tend to point to the early nature of this therapy session. Attempting to placate the sick bastard for as long as possible to delay his twisted jollies, Jenny enthusiastically agrees that being helpless at the hands of a bunch of geeky nutcases who can’t handle their drink sounds like a brilliant idea and how she’s so looking forward to that soon, anything to keep Kobb from concentrating on the therapy session at hand…

Suddenly, a commotion is heard upstairs and a loud emergency bell in the basement begins to sound along with a flashing red light. Kobb stops his mad scribblings, jumps up with the ball-gag in hand and says in a menacing whisper, “We might have unwanted company today it appears, deary! Time for your ball-gag. I’m going to go upstairs and see what all the fuss is about. You are going to stay down here and if you make so much as a sound, you’ll pay sorely for it later! Do you understand? Good.”

And with that, Jenny is left down in the cellar while vague noises upstairs send her into total terror. Besides the thumping around, she makes out the sounds of glass breaking and even what sounds like pops, perhaps from a gun? This is soon followed by a smoky smell, which, trapped in the cellar tied to a swivel chair as she is, sends Jenny into a total panic. She begins screaming through the ballgag, and attempting in vain to wiggle the chair in the general direction of the stair-case.

Just then, the door to the cellar opens, and a voice is heard speaking as if through a radio transmitter. The smoke comes billowing in, and suddenly, Jenny is whirled around to face the barrel of an assault rifle wielded by a gas masked figure in combat fatigues. A muffled voice from within the mask says, “Got another captive down here. She looks like she’s fine. Over.”
Then, the voice is directed to Jenny, “Are you alright? Are there any more of you trapped down here?” while freeing Jenny from her gag. Immediately, Jenny begins crying tears of joy, “Oh God, you’ve got to get me and my brother Mark out of here. They’re all crazy, and they’re trying to drive me insane, too!”
“Not to worry, Ma’m. We’ve got the place surrounded and we already have Dr. Kobb and Nurse Katy apprehended. Are there any more staff we need to know about?”. “Just that bitch Nurse Ratchet, now please untie me and get me out of this hellhole now, dammit!” “We have to assertain that the area is under a green control status first, Ma’m”, says her savior, while wheeling Jenny around towards the dark, empty old supply closet at the back of the large cellar. “Please! Just get me the fuck out of here! I want to see the entire place burnt to the ground, with all three of them dead and buried inside. They’re monsters! They kidnapped my brother and I! Please just get me out of he….”, Jenny sobs, as she begins to hear the tell-tale chuckling of Nurse Ratchet from inside the gas-mask, and the ball-gag is again forced into her mouth, her hopes of escape crushed again, with the sudden realization of the dirty trick they have played on her this time. Nurse Ratchett removes the mask, while pulling out a digital recorder, that begins repeating over and over, faster and faster each time, "They’re all crazy/I want to see the entire place burnt to the ground, with all three of them dead and buried inside, They’re monsters!" "They’reallcrazy/Iwanttoseetheentireplaceburnttotheground,withallthreeofthemdeadandburiedinside,They’remonsters!" "They’reallcrazy/Iwanttoseetheentireplaceburnttotheground,withallthreeofthemdeadandburiedinside,They’remonsters!" "They’reallcrazy/Iwanttoseetheentireplaceburnttotheground,withallthreeofthemdeadandburiedinside,They’remonsters!" "They’reallcrazy/Iwanttoseetheentireplaceburnttotheground,withallthreeofthemdeadandburiedinside,They’remonsters!" Over and over, faster and faster, til it sounds like a little mouse screaming into the headset that Jenny is fitted with, as Nurse Ratchet wheels her towards the waiting, leering faces of Dr. Kobb and Nurse Katy now illuminated in the darkness…
chrisheaven said:
more form the Doc will come soon hopefully

Why, thank you, Chrisheaven!

I will try to, but no promises, as I'm carrying a heavy work/school-load at present. Believe me, I WANT TO, though.

Maybe we can convince some others to weigh-in with their own stories of their experiences at the T.T. Clinic(either as staff or as pris(*cough*)patients).
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