I found some interesting newsletters on the topic doing a simple search. I've barely begun and have come up with some interesting leads. Seems to me there are some twisted people out there, with some I beleive just using tickling as a personal kink in their work...while there ARe some doctors out there who are looking for a link between clinical depression and tickling as a solution.
While I have not yet found a true article stating this as completely so. I have found these two pages on the subject of tickling and medical occurances related to it. By far, not what I thought they'd be at all. But may lead to other topics. I am actually quite shocked at what I've read. You should do a search yourself and see what I mean.
<a href=http://www.healingandlaw.com/Massage_Humor/MH_Vol._1/MH_Vol._1__No._3/mh_vol._1__no._3.html>http://www.healingandlaw.com/Massage_Humor/MH_Vol._1/MH_Vol._1__No._3/mh_vol._1__no._3.html</a>
This leads to a doctor who talks about laughter/humor being used as a technique to help depression, however, counters strictly at the end, that he beleives tickling to be a destructive act.
<a href=http://pub70.ezboard.com/folderchildadoptionfrm10.showMessage?topicID=28.topic>http://pub70.ezboard.com/folderchildadoptionfrm10.showMessage?topicID=28.topic</a>
This is a terrible story of a young girl who has trouble speaking. In fact, she refuses to do so. Her adoptive mother, admitted this child to a doctor, who specializes in so called "Speach Therapy", which subjects this girl, to actual tickle torture sessions. Some scary stuff this woman speaks of...
Could this stuff be real?
The internet may be a scary place for information, but I fear the real world even more.
While I have not yet found a true article stating this as completely so. I have found these two pages on the subject of tickling and medical occurances related to it. By far, not what I thought they'd be at all. But may lead to other topics. I am actually quite shocked at what I've read. You should do a search yourself and see what I mean.
<a href=http://www.healingandlaw.com/Massage_Humor/MH_Vol._1/MH_Vol._1__No._3/mh_vol._1__no._3.html>http://www.healingandlaw.com/Massage_Humor/MH_Vol._1/MH_Vol._1__No._3/mh_vol._1__no._3.html</a>
This leads to a doctor who talks about laughter/humor being used as a technique to help depression, however, counters strictly at the end, that he beleives tickling to be a destructive act.
<a href=http://pub70.ezboard.com/folderchildadoptionfrm10.showMessage?topicID=28.topic>http://pub70.ezboard.com/folderchildadoptionfrm10.showMessage?topicID=28.topic</a>
This is a terrible story of a young girl who has trouble speaking. In fact, she refuses to do so. Her adoptive mother, admitted this child to a doctor, who specializes in so called "Speach Therapy", which subjects this girl, to actual tickle torture sessions. Some scary stuff this woman speaks of...
Could this stuff be real?
The internet may be a scary place for information, but I fear the real world even more.