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Tickle threats from friend (no actual tickling)


Registered User
Jul 8, 2024
Hello, this is my first post here. I've recently joined, but since there's a place for sharing true experiences like mine, I decided to be brave and post.

(Coming back up to the top after writing everything: there's a tiny bit of backstory before we get to the tickles. That's my habit, and I apologize.)

My interest in tickling has always been a tightly kept secret. No one knows, as of now, and I went to great lengths to separate this aspect of me from my normal self. Despite that, innocent jovial teases from an unaware person would still get under my skin, which was exactly what happened last year.

I have this friend, whom I'll call Caleb, for the sake of easy reference in this text. He's a pretty nice guy from America, and timezone differences aside, we hit it off quite well, having initially started chatting over shared interest in a few video game franchises and deep cut animated TV shows. Initially, our conversations were mostly nerdy gabbing, but after we got a little closer and I felt comfortable enough to reveal to him my gender, Caleb revealed himself to be quite a seasoned flirt - having been in a few relationships during university taught him a few things, apparently.

It's all casual; being separated by the biggest ocean on this planet meant that trying something serious was never in the books, and that's not touching on my general aversion towards the matters of the heart, which still persists in present time. However, that same inexperience made me incredibly susceptible to his teasing flirts, and perhaps also quite curious about them.

His flirts continued for the better part of my university semester at the time, and, well, there was one time that he genuinely got me somewhere deep, and I had to scramble to play it cool, even if he couldn't see me.

"Careful~. My hand might not just stay on your head~! 😉"

"What, thinking of poking around for more weak spots? 😛"

"... Possibly. 🙂"
"I could literally "poke" you, as I'm sure you're probably ticklish to some degree."
"However, both of us would probably prefer I aim for the better "spots"~"

He would never know just how hard that got me.

While I played along quickly, what he did not see was me swallowing and staring away from my phone for quite some time, as I attempted to recollect myself. Never have I been more grateful for the anonymity of the Internet than that time.

Mind you, that conversation was back in November, and then he joked two more times about tickling me at different dates, but even now, I've yet to truly get tired of the mental image of him trapping me in a playful tickle fight and driving my sensitive regions mad with deft strokes and prods. To tell the truth, I have never been actually tickled, despite liking it, and having him be the first person to give me that experience would be bliss. Unfortunately, I don't see myself ever working up the courage to tell him the truth, or to drop any more hints to clue him in. I feared what he would think, if he were to find out. At least, I'll always have my mental fantasies to keep me company.

... That is, unless, by some miniscule chance, he is also here, and saw this, and recognized our messages from months back. In that case, I can only wish he spare me this last bit of dignity and allow me to carry on in ignorance.

That's all for now. I mentioned that he's jokingly threatened two more times about tickling me, but I decided against posting them, because this is getting somewhat long for describing one event. I hope this can serve as something to get you all constricted and flustered from reading.
Good morning and welcome to the Forum. I'm sorry no one has responded to you until now.

You might check out a Britain-based blog called Come Curious. It is readily available on YouTube. One of the partners, Reed Amber, has been long in coming to grips, no pun intended, with her interest in tickling. She put together an event and had a lot of fun.

Come Curious is a wide-ranging blog and carefully preserves the ideals of specific and informed consent and of non-judgmental exploration. Ms. Amber and Florence Barkway have traveled and they have evolved. Highly recommended.

Perhaps you have been to the Chat Room. Several of our female members reside in Europe. Nobody wants to rush into anything, but you might find a like-minded friend, nearby.

Finding oneself is the journey of a lifetime. Godspeed.
Welcome to the TMF, Cherry_Arowana, and congratulations on making your first posts. 😀
This is a wonderful place. Have fun here.
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