I've always been intrigued by the question of "looking ticklish". Whether it is a celeb, or just a regular civilian. My theory is that people can definitely "look ticklish". Plenty of times I'll see actresses, newsgirls on TV, even regular people I come across and they just look ticklish. I'm sure some are more ticklish than others. The only time I may have been wrong about this was about a semi celebrity. From watching her on TV, and just looking at her, I would have bet that blonde weather channel forecaster Kristina Abernathy is very ticklish, and yet I have had conversations with A TMFer who claims he knows Kristina personally, and that she is in fact not ticklish at all. He said he has opportunites to tickle her because she is a personal friend of his, and that he has tried, and she has not been at all ticklish. I think "looking ticklish" is one thing, being ticklish is quite another. While Iam sure that many people can look ticklish, in fact there are many Iam sure who might look very ticklish and not be, and others who may not look ticklish and be very ticklish. I personally know of a woman who if you saw her, you would not think she would be at all ticklish, and, according to her son, who is my best friend, she is very ticklish. This guy's sister on the other hand, looks ticklish in my opinion and in fact is hardly ticklish at all, he said he has tried to tickle his sister many times through the years with little or no reaction. To summize, I do think people can "look ticklish" and in fact be very ticklish, but this is not always the case. Looking ticklish is only part of the story, but doesnt always hold true.