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Lucy who is 20 years old and studys at Auckland University she was studing to be a teacher, well she often studied late at night at Uni, when she finally finished doing some work she walked out and down to the Carpark to her car. TLucy is about to unlock her car when she hears someone coming up behind her, she turns around and sees a guy wearing a black hooded top and something wrapped around some of his face so she cant reconise the face. She kicks him in the groin area and tried to run away but he was quite tough and was still able to catch up to her and grab hold of her, he got a rag to cover her mouth which had this sleeping stuff on it and on the way to his van the girl passes out into a sleep he puts her in the back of the van, closes the doors and gets into the drivers seat and droves out into the country side and he gets closer to a barn which is in the middle of nowhere, he arrives at the barn, gets out of the van and opens the back doors of the van and picks up the girl and takes her inside the barn, inside the barn is a table with straps attached to it and there is a small table with objects on it like feathers, toothbushes, fake hands with long fingertips on them, on the ground next to the small table is a bucket full of water and a sponge and two goats are also in the barn. The serial tickler puts the girl on the long table strips her down to her bra and undies and then ties the straps on her wrists and ankles. By now the girl has woken up and says "where am i, who are you, what are you going to do to me" the Serial Tickler says " your far away from anyone who can hear you, im a serial tickler and love to tickle woman" Lucys eeyes go wide with fear as she is super ticklish everywhere on her body she starts pleading for him to not tickle her "please dont tickle me, i cant stand to be tickle, please, i will do what ever you want but please dont tickle me HAHAHA" the serial tickler had stroked Lucys sides and he said "So your ticklish, well im am deffinitly going to tickle you now, ticklish one hehe" and Lucy screams "NOOO! HAHAHAHAHAHA" the serial tickler had tickled her sides again and then he starts tickling down her arms to down to her elbow, getting closer to her armpits and then he digs all 5 fingers into each armpit and Lucy just bursts with laughter "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAPLEEEASE STOP HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAI CAAANT TAKE IIITANYMORE HAHAHAAHA" the serial tickler stops and starts tickling her stomach and bellybutton and lucy starts giggling away and wriggling about trying to get away from the tickling fingers "HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHASTOPHAHAHAHAAHAHAPLEASEHAHAHAHAHIIIM BEGGING YOUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHASTOPHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" the serial tickler then moves down to Lucys feet and starts stroking up and down Lucys ticklish bare sole she laughs away and pleading again "PLEASE NO MORE HAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAPLEASE HAHAHAAHAHHAIIII BEGGING YOU HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHSTOPHAHAHAHAHAHAHSCREAMHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHASCREAMHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAPLEASE HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHIIII CAAANT TAKE ANYMOREHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA" the serial tickler then stops and strokes his fingers behind Lucys knees and and up and down her legs and Lucy laughing whish this torture would end "HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHANO MOOOREHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHSTOPHAHAHAHAHAAHAPLEASEHAHAHAHAHAHAHANO MORE PLEEEASE HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" the serial tickler stopas Lucy was looking like she was going to pass out, he grabs the sponge and wet it and puts in on the girls face and says "dont go passing out on me, if you do i will make the tickling even more worse" and Lucy looks up at him with worried eyes and says "Please no more, ive had enough, im begging you" Tthe serial tickler says "im not finished with you yet still got alot of hours of tickling to go" and Lucy starts crying and the serial tickler says "why are you crying, im not hurting you, im only tickling you, well i will have to make those tears go away wont i, laughing is better than crying isnt it" he says with an evil smile, Lucy stops crying and hopes this torture will finish soon. The Serial tickler walks over to his small table and grabs the feathers and walks back to the girl and Lucys eyes go wide again as she knows what going to happen next.
Well i hope you enjoyed my story. This is PART 1,plenty more parts of this story to come 🙂
What did you think of my story? 🙂
Im not very good at story telling lol but i like to try anyway 🙂
Well i hope you enjoyed my story. This is PART 1,plenty more parts of this story to come 🙂
What did you think of my story? 🙂
Im not very good at story telling lol but i like to try anyway 🙂