This isn't your average every day tickle story. My withholding of laughter was really put to the test on the bus coming home from school yesterday. The bus was comfortably packed and I was standing up with my arms above my head holding onto the bars. Now on either side of me are two girls whom I don't know. They are much shorter than me and have their elbows raised because of holding onto their strap bags. As the bus is moving their elbows keep on going for my ribs and it is driving me nuts. Now sitting below me is a fat guy who is snoring and everyone out there knows you should never fall on a sleeping fat guy. So if I were to let go of the bars from the tickling then I would risk falling down on this guy. I am trying my hardest to hold on the bars and the girls keep on diving their elbows in at alternating times. As we went on the bus got more and more packed so I really couldn't move elsewhere. I passed this test though when one of them got off the bus before I did and I moved to another spot immiedately. So when one is forced to hold in your laughter I guess we do have will power we don't know exists.