rajee said:TC39, do you wear sandals or flipflops to work too? Awesome siggie. 😀
MistressValerie said:Lounging in a provocative position ... sounds nice 😉
Speaking of provocative positions, T'Cutie, I love that sig!
MistressValerie said:Hi, Ticklenick, and welcome to TT. Thanks for posting about your experiences -- that might be helpful to other 'lees who want to create some tickle action 😉
I wish some random guy would ask me to check out his 6-pack, whether or not he had one, but the place I work at is too stuffy (and I'm not the most approachable person in real-life, either, lol).
Sometimes, if I'm not so lucky, I'll ask the nearest girl with long nails to scratch my back. I'll giggle a little bit to let them know I'm very ticklish, and 9 times out of 10 the backscratching turns into a pretty good tickling! I've even went as far to asking girls to check out my "6 pack" (which i obviously don't have), and the long nailed girls always go nails in first. It drives me wild!
MistressValerie said:Hi, and welcome, Arachnademus and Deamon -- it's great to see more male 'lees joining in 🙂
Hi, and welcome, Arachnademus and Deamon -- it's great to see more male 'lees joining in
tigress said:I do whatever I can, whenever I can to tempt, even when I'm talking to my friends online.