Re: here's a thought...
Knox The Hatter said:
Hey, Lee...I have an idea...would it be easier for you if you made her strip, too? All things being equal, that is...
Would that be better for you?
I mean, I do like being a lee now and then, I think it's as wonderful to receive as it is to give. But no one without a gun in hand is going to force ME to strip, that's just me. I wouldn't care if she was the last female Ler on earth.
Just say, if I have to take off my clothes, so do you... 😎
HELL NO I don't want her to strip too!
Nor do I think she will, but that's unconfirmed. She's read my story and quite a bit more and I think she has enough ammunition to scare the hell out of me once I show up.
I don't think I'd like her to strip as well because... well... I dunno. I just would rather her not. I REALLY don't think that she will.
The "gun" in this case is the fact that I want to go through a tickling that will make me temporarily lose my sanity. I want to HONESTLY beg for it to stop, not the play-begging that I have done in the past (when I was 16) but HONEST begging. I fear that that is what is coming.
I also am enjoying the anticipation. I'm also enjoying the fear. The fear for me right now is VERY real and VERY frightening. I actually start to sweat when I think about what's coming. I think about a story from one website (true one) where a girl was tied up for a 3 hour session. The girl yelled herself hoarse after 15 minutes. She then endured the remainder of the 2.75 hours AND she peed herself so another 1/2 hour was added. THAT is the kind of fear I have about what's coming.
I'm not worried about being forced to have sex - I've been promised that that isn't going to happen. I also believe the promise completely.
But... I'm being left in the dark about whether or not a safe word will be given. I HAVE been told that using one when she thinks I shouldn't will not yield to mercy but rather may lead to much worse tickling. I sadly (or maybe happily) know that I'll use a safe word to buy time before I'm even touched or even tied down. It will be an honest use of the safe word too when that happens. I just know it. So THAT adds to the fear I have about this event.
Arrrrgh! Just like my story, there's 2 parts of me fighting over this in my mind. I'm SCARED to use the safe word, don't really know if I'll be given one, and I DO know that I'll end up making this girl mad if I use it prematurely yet I know that's going to happen.
And on top of all that I'm REALLY enjoying the fear that this is generating in me. But fear and excitement are two very similar emotions so I'm not really sure if I'm mistaking fear for excitement.
I DO know that I'm glad that I've been warned about using a safe word when not necessary. That adds a HUGE dimension of helplessness to the situation. And the helplessness adds to the fear... which adds to the helplessness...
By the time this comes about in a few days I'm going to be a quivering mass of jello. She's aware that I'm scared of doing this and she also knows that I'm going to probably honestly regret it once it starts. I _think_ she's intrigued by that. She's done this sort of thing for 17 years and she was surprised when I said that I was frightened.
I'm a nutcase, huh? hehe. Excited, scared, fearful, wanting, willing... These are not normal to experience simultaneously. hehe.
I'm also going to be quite embarassed when stripped. This will DEFINITELY make the tickling worse (better). I'm starting to accept the stripping now, but it is still something I'd rather not endure. However, I'm going to HAVE to endure it to get the tickling. Ultimatum of no nudity, no tickling accepted. =)
-TickleLee (rosy red with anticpation, fear, and embarassment)