Level of Double Ruby Feather
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- May 7, 2001
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Just wanted to write this to the TMF members to ask a question
about how important tickling is a part to your happiness in your
life.I can only speak from my perspective as I try to look
into my life as if I am a casual observer looking in rather
than being personally involved but what I see is this :
I am in Northern California about a good 8 hours from Sacramento and
I could make it to a gathering if given advance notice but I seem to
always miss out on the tickling fun 🙁.Then all of you others in
other states are even further away 🙁.
May just be me feeling lonesome tonight but I wish I could get to
know all of you better ,tickle you all if you would be
willing and I love to be tickled too 😀 .Tickling is a
Passion of mine and Sometimes I really don't feel like
I am a welcome member of the group here at TMF considering how many ticklers,ticklees are here and the few that I do know and so many of you I may see you post in the forums but we don't really know each other,then there are those of you that I'm sure I haven;t even met yet or seen post,at times I think I am being tolerated ,rather than being well liked and I sometimes think others don;t really want,desire ,
or wish to tickle me .There are those of you that I DO know you would like to tickle me if given the chance(you know who you are,and I love it when you remind me 🙂. I hope I am wrong in sometimes feeling this negative way because I could be alot happier knowing that I am thought of,cared about ,missed if I am gone and have endless people I can consider friends that also love tickling 😉 If tickling wasn;t so important to me as it is ,then I could Maybe leave TMF but tickling to me is just as important
for my survival,happiness as my heartbeat.
about how important tickling is a part to your happiness in your
life.I can only speak from my perspective as I try to look
into my life as if I am a casual observer looking in rather
than being personally involved but what I see is this :
I am in Northern California about a good 8 hours from Sacramento and
I could make it to a gathering if given advance notice but I seem to
always miss out on the tickling fun 🙁.Then all of you others in
other states are even further away 🙁.
May just be me feeling lonesome tonight but I wish I could get to
know all of you better ,tickle you all if you would be
willing and I love to be tickled too 😀 .Tickling is a
Passion of mine and Sometimes I really don't feel like
I am a welcome member of the group here at TMF considering how many ticklers,ticklees are here and the few that I do know and so many of you I may see you post in the forums but we don't really know each other,then there are those of you that I'm sure I haven;t even met yet or seen post,at times I think I am being tolerated ,rather than being well liked and I sometimes think others don;t really want,desire ,
or wish to tickle me .There are those of you that I DO know you would like to tickle me if given the chance(you know who you are,and I love it when you remind me 🙂. I hope I am wrong in sometimes feeling this negative way because I could be alot happier knowing that I am thought of,cared about ,missed if I am gone and have endless people I can consider friends that also love tickling 😉 If tickling wasn;t so important to me as it is ,then I could Maybe leave TMF but tickling to me is just as important
for my survival,happiness as my heartbeat.