This pleases us. The expressions on the Earth womens' faces, to their lack of clothing, to the dark and foreboding environs, we are overjoyed that your works have been made in tribute to us.
However, if in the future you decide to "experiment" further with the lights, we have decided that you should indeed not make the candles so bright.
hmhm. I agree on the candles, they seem a little too bright right now. Tuning them down should make for quite a lot better effect. And have you considered playing with different coloured light? Maybe in some disco or a room with blue light? That could also bring something cool and new. In tickle-hell you could use a variation of red and orange lights with maybe some yellow and regular (not to make it all too red)... playing with the lights may prove a fun experience.
We see the wisdom in Ilohnoh's counsel! Red and orange lights will help this scene immensely! Pattern the room after our Imperial Chambers and these lovely Earth women will be our concubines!
Oh yes! I think this is a HUGE improvement. It looks a lot more realistic, natural and atmospheric.
The reduced amount of light also had another effect. It looks a little more spooky due to the lowering of the lights, which brought a bit more focus on the light (of the night) that comes from outside through the window and there appears to be a certain concentration of dust in the air.
I love the effect. This one is a huge improvement in my opinion.