The whole purpose of this poll is because we're trying to put in the works a TMF Radio Station. I was curious as to how many people would be interested in tuning in and what not. It may be some time before this gets up and running, but we hope that it does. There will be obvious trial and error until we can catch our groove.
With that said, anyone with a good speaking voice, something interesting to say, someone with good segment ideas or discussion topics or anyone who has input or questions or whats to be a part of the station please PM me. I'm trying to establish a good crew before this can even be put into production.
All ideas are welcome, although not all may be used but could be used down the road.
Anyone is free to "apply" for a host, co-host or guest spot on the show.
The only thing I ask is that people applying to be a host or co-host are somewhat well known TMFers who have a pretty established reputation on the forum, others may be considered but are not guaranteed. Anyone may apply and be considered for a guest spot.
I strongly encourage people of both sexes, all ages, races, interests in tickling/bondage/feet/etc., sexual preference, etc. to participate with ideas, discussion topics, guest spots, host spots, etc. The more diverse, the better.
A temporary website may be put up soon for application, feedback and idea purposes along with how to tune it and when.