I have been getting a monthly massage for over a year now. I'm talking about a legitimate massage by a trained therapist, not an escort or anything like that. Anyway, she and I have gotten to be friends and often talk during the massage.
I try to separate the massage from my tickle and foot interests, but it's tougher this time of year when she's wearing sandals and a nice light blue polish today. There are two main parts during the massage where I can't suppress the ticklish reaction. She does a light feathering before applying oil and when she does my abs. She thinks it's funny and teased me about it a little bit this morning.
Then, about 5 minutes into my massage, she slipped off her sandals. I was on my stomach with my face in the donut thing. This gave me a great view of her pretty nice feet. Then, she leaned on the table to get leverage to work on a knot in my shoulder. It hurt so my eyes were closed at first. While she worked on my left shoulder, One of her feet was off of the ground as her leg braced against the table. My right arm was hanging over the edge of the table already. I knew I could reach er foot because it was near where I leave the Kleenex box (your nose tends to run during massages). Anyway, I reached out and tickled the bottom of her foot with her fingertips.
To my glee, she quickly pulled her foot forward and said, "hey!" She was laughing as she kept cranking on my shoulder. After a few seconds she said, "I guess it's only fair seeing as you're usually the one getting tickled." I'm glad that I had 20 more minutes on my front before I had to flip over.
It was short but fun.
I try to separate the massage from my tickle and foot interests, but it's tougher this time of year when she's wearing sandals and a nice light blue polish today. There are two main parts during the massage where I can't suppress the ticklish reaction. She does a light feathering before applying oil and when she does my abs. She thinks it's funny and teased me about it a little bit this morning.
Then, about 5 minutes into my massage, she slipped off her sandals. I was on my stomach with my face in the donut thing. This gave me a great view of her pretty nice feet. Then, she leaned on the table to get leverage to work on a knot in my shoulder. It hurt so my eyes were closed at first. While she worked on my left shoulder, One of her feet was off of the ground as her leg braced against the table. My right arm was hanging over the edge of the table already. I knew I could reach er foot because it was near where I leave the Kleenex box (your nose tends to run during massages). Anyway, I reached out and tickled the bottom of her foot with her fingertips.
To my glee, she quickly pulled her foot forward and said, "hey!" She was laughing as she kept cranking on my shoulder. After a few seconds she said, "I guess it's only fair seeing as you're usually the one getting tickled." I'm glad that I had 20 more minutes on my front before I had to flip over.
It was short but fun.