What sort of preview file is it? In other words, what is the format of the clip? And what movie player are you using to play it? If it is in a thread here, let me know the link, and I'll see if I can tell you what you should be using.
It's the preview from the monthly ad on the side of the main forum page. It's the player on tickling paradise's web page. I left a message on Renee's TMF account over a week ago with no results or reply. This is the first time having any difficulties.
Can you give me the specific address of the page that the player is on? I admit that I do not know Tickling Paradise or their website, and I've been unable to locate a preview player on their site.
I believe this is the link. All I'm doing is clicking the blue ticklingparadise on the left side of the forum page under the ticklingparadise august 2010 release, where it says.......watch free trailer at ticklingparadise. This has always worked in the past.
Okay. I went to that page and the only preview page I could find was from a button labeled "Free Trailers" on the left, towards the bottom, of http://www.ticklingparadise2.com/ There seem to be a number of Windows Media Video-format preview clips there. Is this where the issue is? Or is something else amiss?