Southern 'Lees
As a southern girl, I girl I feel I am an authority on this subject. <hehe>
All I know is someone can sit across the room and talk about tickling, and I'm tucking my feet and pulling my arms to my sides. Now, I have GF's who are from ABOVE the Mason-Dixon line that will tell you the exact same thing~!
The difference? Let's see.....
I've been told I laugh with a Southern accent. How is that possible? But, I've been told that by more than 2 people, so there must be a hint of truth in it. I personally think , it is my screaming "STOP IT, Noooo, or That Tickles" that gives them a hint of my accent. <which is "southern aristocratic b*itch," not hick-trailer-redneck, btw>
The South is prime tickling geogrpahy. It's HOT!! VERY HOT....we get 4 weeks of a so-called winter in the South, so it's shorts and sandals weather from February to December. Then there is the leaves that fine layer of moisture on the skin. It simply enhances every touch you share with another person. Combine the skin exposure with that tidbit and you have tender ticklish flesh walking around exposed quite often. 🙂 Now, as far as the submissive attitude. As much as I hate to admit it at times, there is MUCH truth there. Socially speaking, southern girls are taught <for the most part> to be "girly" for the men in the world. We all have a Scarlett-complex. Some of us like it, some of us alter that fact as we age. Some of us waffle and play both sides of the fence. Sassy, yet subby 🙂 <<Batting our lashes at a would be tickler when the moment is just right for a wink and tilt of the head to expose our ticklish necks>> Can ya guess where Jobelle fits in that list?? hehe😉 Then there is always that image that we southerners aren't real bright, so you can automatically assume that a shouthern chick will say, "Oh, you want to tie me up? Why? My feet too? My arms WHERE?'s ok..go ahead, but whatevah are ya gonna do to me , dahhhhhlin'?" And don't think that a smart Southern Belle wouldn't play that for all it's worth. `😉
Ok, can you tell I've had this conversation with people before? Boils down to this....instead of Southern girl....insert Farm Girls, or New York girls, or Eskimo girls, Cali girls or Yankee are alll ticklish...and we all hype it just right. HAH~!
Jo....a southern variety of ticklish. 🙂