Ok quick story we were hanging out at V's apartment with her to roomates. After a long night of drinking, playing spades, dancing and whatnot, we decide to cut the fun and go eat at the waffle house. It was prolly about about 3:00AM. Well V proceeds to talk crap to me, while she was sitting with her knees in the chair, so I pulled her down to where she was laying on her stomach in the chair, then I sat on her butt, grabbed her ankles and proceeded to tickle the hell out of her feet. Everyone heading to the door stopped completely and turned to watch, including my cousin(who has long nails for a guy atleast) who came over and told me to hold her ankles. When his nails his her soles she went nuts, I mean sreamimg and laughing her head, she almost bucked me off(shes only like 5'2 maybe 115). I can almost remember the look on my cousins face, this huge grin showing nothin but teeth as he tickled the crap out of her feet and laughed to himself(and hes not even one of us atleast not to my knowing). There was even a point where I look over and even her roomates were rolling on the floor laughing at her situation. It was great fun. We actually took a pic of our little capor, which is actually the aftermath of the whole thing, and if you can see how her elbow is raised she actually pinching the hell out of my ass, which her roomates thought was even funnier. After my cousin stepped aside he pulled out his camera phone and took the pic while she was still giggling alittle. Sorry about the fuzziness of the picture as I said it was takin by a camera phone.