Tickling Woes
This subject has been discussed on several tickling fora for the several years that I have lurked among the tickle people. The subject has always left me a tiny bit uncomfortable. Before getting married, I dated a number women...some more seriously than others. Some I liked a great deal, and some thought I was the rube of all time, and dropped me in mid-date. I don't think I ever went anyplace with a woman thinking this is the time to tickle before it actually was the time.
Perhaps that is a basic mistake we tickle people make. I have always thought we should want to do things with our partners because we like them. We should plan to go to ball games or bowling or to movies or to dinner. We should take walks in the park and drives by the lake and picnics and dancing lessons and on and on.
We should move heaven and earth to make sure our partner for life or for just the evening thinks she(he) is the most important person ever born, without the slightest regard for tickling. If sparks fly, then we will get to spend more time with one of the true pleasures in life...getting to know, really know, another person. Along the way (and this gets my personal money back guarantee)there will be times and places for the most delightful tickling anyone ever saw.
The shy part is a bit more of a dilemna. That may be the true tragedy. See, while there seem to be a few more libertines these days than there were in my youth, I think there are still lots of both sexes that are more reserved, and instinctively would like to meet potential partners with whom they can relate. It always seemed to me such a simple way to solve two problems at the same time to get two shy people into the same room to let things unfold.
I also think the vast majority of people aren't as smooth as some think they are, although smoothness comes with practice...and your occasional failure. People have to make themselves available. They also should be willing to be "blind dates" yet still follow the rule laid out above. By the time I was nineteen I was over my shyness, although I marvel at lost opportunities from when I was 16 or 17 or 18. I also had a natural advantage in that I think 99.99% of the women in the world are knockouts.
If you start with dinner and a movie, you can be quite non-threatening. I've watched my kids struggle with these issues, and can promise if you both take the risk and make yourself available, the shyness will disappear, and along the way you will get the tickles.
Here is the dream and the reality put forth by Henry Mancini, for with faith, it will happen:
They say there's a tree in the forest,
A tree that will give you a sign,
Come along with with me, to the sweetheart tree,
And I'll carve your name next to mine.
They say if you kiss the right sweetheart,
The one you've been waiting for,
Big blossoms of white, will burst into sight,
And your love will be true evermore.