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Ticklish bodypaint model M/F


TMF Master
Nov 3, 2006
In my spare time, I occasionally do freelance photography jobs. I'm on a site where photographers and models can work together, posting jobs and hiring each other etc.

Last month I saw a posting for "photographer wanted for body-paint shoot". I applied for the job and the model responded saying she liked my portfolio and would be happy to work with me.

A week later I arrived at the studio and met up with her. She was a truly lovely person - really happy and energetic personality.

Looks-wise, here are her stats from her model bio:

Height - 5ft11
Body type - slim/toned
Hair - shoulder length, brunette but currently dyed deep maroon/red
Shoe size 9 (UK) (UPDATE - size 11 USA)
Tattoos - Yes, various tattoo across full body
Piercings - Nose, ears, belly button
Breasts - Small, natural

We chatted and got the small-talk out the way, then she went into the changing rooms to get ready while I set up my camera equipment.

About fifteen minutes later she emerged in skin-coloured underwear (that would be later be photoshopped out to make her look nude), and she had painted her face, parts of her arms, and some on her hands.

The look/theme she was going for was nature and flowers, so she'd begun painting vines and petals across herself.

She then said "Umm, can I ask a HUGE favour? Would you mind helping me paint a few areas I can't reach?"

I said sure, but told her I wasn't much of an artist. She replied with "It's okay, you just need to paint some green vines".

She handed me the paintbrush, and said "Can you paint from my elbows, down my arms, and then down my sides?"

Immediately I thought "This could be fun", but I didn't say anything and tried to remain professional.

I took a step towards her with the brush and she flinched back, then said the words everyone on this forum loves to hear:

"Oh, I'm just going to warn you... I'm extremely ticklish"

My heart jumped, and I probably went bright red. Trying to look unfazed I replied "I'll be careful. I'll try not to tickle you", even though I didn't really mean it.

I began drawing from her elbow, slowly down towards her armpit. At first she didn't react, but as I got a few centimetres away, she flinched and squashed her face into a cute smile, letting out a little giggle. As I continued and the brush touched her armpit, she let out a little squeal and stepped back.

"Ha! Sorry! Sorry sorry!" she giggled.

"It's okay" I replied

She lifted her arm again and I touched the brush to her armpit. She started giggling and closed her eyes tightly, occasionally letting out a "HA!!". Below her armpit didn't tickle much, nor did the side of her chest.
As I touched her stomach though the laughter returned and she did a little dance as she tried to hold still, giggling softly and muttering "Oh god oh god oh god!!".

Once complete she stepped away, fanning her face with her hands. She was bright red and slightly breathless. She stepped away for a moment to compose herself, then lifted the other arm and said "Right, other side. I can do this".

I repeated the process, this time lingering slightly on her armpit - not too long as to appear suspicious or that I was doing this on purpose, but just enough to get some good laughter from her.

Again I moved on to her stomach and painted small circles with the paint, making it look like growing vines. She giggled constantly and rocked back and forth.

Once we were done, she took the brush back and then began to paint her legs. In the same patterns. I returned to my camera and lighting equipment and carried on setting up.

When I was done I came back to her and saw she was done too. She'd painted all the way down to the tops of her feet. When she stood up and did a little spin, I told her it looked really good. She replied with "Thanks! Can I ask one more favour please? Would you mind doing the back of my legs? If that's okay. I don't want you to get paint on yourself or your camera equipment, so it's fine if not! I just can't turn around that's all".

I told her it was fine and took the brushes back. Slowly I began painting the back of her legs, but didn't really get a reaction here. A slight giggle behind her knee, but nothing noteworthy.

Figuring this was the only opportunity I'd probably ever get, I said "Do you want me to paint the soles of your feet?"

She laughed and said "My feet? Are you TRYING to tickle me??"

Embarrassed, I backtracked and said "Ha, it's fine. Just a suggestion".

But she responded with "No it's okay. You can paint them, but you are literally going to have to hold me still, and I apologise now if I kick you in the face! I also apologise that I have big ugly feet!"

"Nahh, you don't" I said "They're nice. As feet go! Nothing wrong with them"

"Thanks, that's sweet. I've always been a bit self-conscious. I don't like my feet"

"Honestly, they're nice" I reassured her (probably going a bit red as I said this)

I gently took hold of her ankle, and started painting lines down her sole. She immediately screamed out with laughter and tried to pull away but I managed to keep her still. Behind her toes got the best reaction.

I painted one foot and said "Okay, one more to go".

She replied (between laughing) "This is literally torture!"

She handed me her other foot and I did the same. She was banging her hands on the floor and her other leg was flailing wildly.

Figuring this was my last chance, I purposefully pushed the paintbrush between her toes as I finished and she absolutely SCREAMED, yanking her foot away

"Okay okay okay hahah!" That's enough!" She laughed at me.

The rest of the shoot was great. We got on really well, but there was no more painting or tickling.

Towards the end of the shoot once we'd captured everything, she surprised me by saying "Do you want to take some pictures of my feet? Since you painted them so well"

I probably turned red again, but tried to remain professional saying "Oh yeah, sure. Can do".

Part of me wondered if she'd picked up that maybe I liked feet from our conversation earlier, or maybe she was being genuine about me painting them and I was overthinking it. I didn't question it. She sat on the floor for a moment and let me take pictures of her tops and soles.

After the shoot we went our separate ways, but she did message me later that evening to say she'd had a great shoot and would like to hire me again in the future, then said "Sorry for being so ticklish! OMG that was so embarrassing!!"

I replied with "Honestly, it was funny. Nothing to be embarrassed about!"

I really, really wish I could share the photos here, but they're very unique and posted under my real name and portfolio. And her tattoos would be a giveaway as to who she was. Being an established model someone might recognise them.
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Fabulous story! :feets: Thanks for sharing your experience here. :D

PS: UK size 9 women's shoes is US size 11.
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