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ticklish business woman


4th Level Yellow Feather
Sep 24, 2003
ticklish business woman 1

I met this lady, Marie, over 20 years ago.
She ran a business and was becoming quite successful. I was working in another field but the company I worked for had dealings with Marie on a regular basis. She was in her early 40s at the time.
She would come into our premises for meetings and was always in court shoes and brown or dark nylons.
She would sit at tables and always had her feet crossed behind her with her stockinged soles popping out of her shoes.
From a distance you could tell she had quite broad feet with very high arches, sometimes the nylon would follow the line perfectly.
When her feet were in her shoes her arch line was always proud of the shoe, there was always that inviting finger gap.

This story started when she asked a director for advice.
She was owed monies from a contractor who wasn't for paying up, so it was deemed of interest for us to send a deputation to visit said businessman.
I was asked to drive Marie and two other gents were coming along for security, whilst we served default papers on him.

The car journey was a good hour long and off we went. No soon as we had started as her shoes were off in the footwell. The conversation was pleasant and after a time her mobile rang.
I heard her say, oh no not tomorrow, does it have to be then.

So at the end of the call I said ..more problems ?..

She replied, Not as such, " It was my husband.
Every month he has a manipulative massage, usually on a Saturday, for an old sports injury from a therapist.
But he insists on making the most of the man's visit and I have to have my feet done my feed done."

Acting a little slow I said you mean like nails painted, noticing hers were red.

" No he doesn't paint them, but he cuts my nails and does that bloody terrible filing thing on the bottoms of my feet, then I get my massage."

So what's wrong with that.
"It becomes a family day out...I sit there in his chair holding a newspaper up in front of my face, and everytime he touches my feet I jump and try not to giggle. Martin, my husband is always there talking to him, but the children come and watch also. They find it bloody amusing that the newspaper is jumping up and gown and so am I in his seat. I can usually hold it together, but sometimes I break out in laughter, then the children start.. mum is ticklish.. mum is ticklish.. Its awful and it happens every month."
I thought the children would be children, but turns out they were 12 to 16, three of them.
Oh I see, so you're ticklish then.

She said.. "I cant stand anyone touching my feet."

So the conversation went on to the matter in hand, whilst I thought, I have to see this for myself.

A few months went on and I had further dealings with Marie, and had been to the house and met her husband. So good working relationships were formed.

My boss was going on a summer vacation and asked me to have her sign some documents in his absence.
Now looking at this theoretically, I knew that I could call by her house as she had an office there, and it could be a Saturday.
I had 3 to go for, knowing the therapist was an eleven o'clock slot, and she was always second to be done.

I took a gamble on the 1st Saturday of the month as that was around when we had done our road trip.

So I called the day before and made arrangements to call, and bingo, the reply was, "If you come about 12pm the massage man should have finished, he's here tomorrow."

So I arrived at 1130. lol.
To be greeted by Martin who said come through to the sitting room, She's just in with the foot man.
I explained I had to read some papers and have them signed.
Oh thats fine go through.
Bingo..ringside seat.

She was there, very white skin without nylons, food up on like a v shaped holder, and he was about to start.
he said,"oh your early."
I started to go through the paperwork as the scrubbing started, next thing, yes, her hands tightened on the newspaper, it started dancing as she was twitching and jumping with each stroke of the file on her seemingly quite soft foot.
She was obviously not hearing a thing I was saying by now, out of sheer concentration.
She was twisting her mouth, shutting her eyes and biting her cheek in an effort not to explode into laughter.
Of course I asked her a question and that was it, confersation broken and.
"Whaaaaahaaahaaa. Oh god...stoppitt haaahaaahaaaaa, oh jesus nohaaahaahaaaaa, oh nohaahaaaa."
Two of the children were there and one commented, she's worse than usual today. lol

She then re gained her composure until the other foot went up, and same again once the scrubber started. By now the newspaper had been discarded and she was gripping the side of the chair.
Just as the guy reached the centre of the ball of her foot, there whats a strange."ohhohhohhohh, then oh ho hahaaaahaaaahaaaaaaoh god heeee haaaaaa, are we donehaaahaaahaaaaa"
Everyone was grinning in the room, and the therapist finally said, there you go, sorry they were a bit worse than usual today.

She was a little breathless, and signed my documents and and whist she had her foot massage I left.
As I was shown out by her husband I just said, that was interesting and laughed, and he replied oh yes its her only weakness in life , that and white wine spritzer, and he laughed as he bid me good bye.

I have a couple more stories of her in the succeeding years. I'll write them when I can.
I thought
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Good pictures and story JJ; I think you may have mentioned her to me before, but I still look forward to the next instalment. Always like your work.

Cheers, everybody,
Great story and fine photos to go with it! :feets: Thanks for sharing them here. 😀
Absolutely brilliant story...complete with those pics have just made my day. Can’t wait for the next bit!!
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