On the contrary, many nail techs do wear mask when giving pedicures and there are several salons that allow pics because many pedicures are given on a special day such as a wedding,birthday, or vacation and customers would want a pic. The pic is very much mainstream. Thanks for the insight though🙂
I know the feelin, it took me a long time to get used to the feelin of gettin my toes pampered when gettin a pedicure. sometimes i have to hold back. Thank god I have a boyfriend that caters my feetzies and toes!!
I know the feelin, it took me a long time to get used to the feelin of gettin my toes pampered when gettin a pedicure. sometimes i have to hold back. Thank god I have a boyfriend that caters my feetzies and toes!!
Just wanted to say welcome to the TMF and hope to see more of you in here. By the way your video in another thread did not work, but the pictures are lovely.