In another thread regarding what makes a ticklee "hot," one of the responses sparked an interest or a question that I would like to direct toward ticklees (either most of the time or exclusive ticklees). Let me repeat the response then see if I can frame my thought and question properly.
First the response: Tinkerhead 414 said, "I'm not terribly worried about what makes my ticklee atractive as long as she doesn't swear a whole lot, is extremely ticklish, and has a nice laugh." It was the part about "doesn't swear a whole lot that made me think...
My ticklee is extremely ticklish and has a delicious laugh. She rarely swears during tickling except now and then...
The only way she can convince me to stop tickling is by reflex action over which she has zero control. I have to feel it in the way her body responds, see it in a slight distortion of the smile on her face or hear it in a drop in pitch of her laughing and screaming. Since I love tickle screaming or at least the effort to scream, simple screaming won't do it. It has to be at the right pitch. Yet...
There are times when I am in the mood, and she has other things to do, perhaps someplace to go in a few minutes, sometimes fairly dressed up, it can be any of a number of reasons. The point is she might prefer me to tickle her later. Still, when a tickler is in the mood, and the ticklee is so good looking, it's just not fair for the ticklee to apply the brakes, thank you very much. At these times, my ticklee first says, "No." Then she says, "No, really!" Then she a times actually will swear at me. This rarely works. The fact is, now and then it sort of adds to the fun. I don't want to overdo this because I think for tickling to be maximum fun, it has to be fun for both parties. The thing of it is, is, I (occasionally) like it when she is laughing while she is seriously trying to convince me to stop until all she can do is laugh.
At these times, my wife will try to convince me how angry she is when I let her up, yet she quite literally can't pull it off for long, or when she gets back to me, all is long as I don't take her over the edge into the torture range.
Here's my question. Do you ticklees out there ever find yourselves in such a place where you think this isn’t the best time, yet you find your tickler is having entirely too much fun?
First the response: Tinkerhead 414 said, "I'm not terribly worried about what makes my ticklee atractive as long as she doesn't swear a whole lot, is extremely ticklish, and has a nice laugh." It was the part about "doesn't swear a whole lot that made me think...
My ticklee is extremely ticklish and has a delicious laugh. She rarely swears during tickling except now and then...
The only way she can convince me to stop tickling is by reflex action over which she has zero control. I have to feel it in the way her body responds, see it in a slight distortion of the smile on her face or hear it in a drop in pitch of her laughing and screaming. Since I love tickle screaming or at least the effort to scream, simple screaming won't do it. It has to be at the right pitch. Yet...
There are times when I am in the mood, and she has other things to do, perhaps someplace to go in a few minutes, sometimes fairly dressed up, it can be any of a number of reasons. The point is she might prefer me to tickle her later. Still, when a tickler is in the mood, and the ticklee is so good looking, it's just not fair for the ticklee to apply the brakes, thank you very much. At these times, my ticklee first says, "No." Then she says, "No, really!" Then she a times actually will swear at me. This rarely works. The fact is, now and then it sort of adds to the fun. I don't want to overdo this because I think for tickling to be maximum fun, it has to be fun for both parties. The thing of it is, is, I (occasionally) like it when she is laughing while she is seriously trying to convince me to stop until all she can do is laugh.
At these times, my wife will try to convince me how angry she is when I let her up, yet she quite literally can't pull it off for long, or when she gets back to me, all is long as I don't take her over the edge into the torture range.
Here's my question. Do you ticklees out there ever find yourselves in such a place where you think this isn’t the best time, yet you find your tickler is having entirely too much fun?