I give you.....Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
I have no words...
I have no words...
You do know this is based on a book >_>.....are you THAT surprised that Tim Burton would make a movie based on such a strange, dark book 😉 ?
Twilight was based on a book....doesnt mean it should have been made into a movie...some books were meant never to be read...
I don't see what's so outrageous. It looks to be pretty interesting. Good to see that Burton is still at the top of his game.
I spent one dollar at the redbox watching the first installment of Twilight. I wouldn't watch this at gunpoint. Lincoln's dust must be spinning in his grave.
And I thought the Dark Shadows trailer was bad.
I wouldnt watch either if YOU paid ME....lol
Vampires are still a hot topic
I wont be surprised if they make pride and prejudice and zombies a movie either
Now if you want no words(cuz in awe of awesomeness) i give you this
Vampires are still a hot topic
I wont be surprised if they make pride and prejudice and zombies a movie either
Now if you want no words(cuz in awe of awesomeness) i give you this