4th Level Red Feather
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This is a one parter which I wrote just today. Seems once I start writing its very hard to stop, its currently ten to 11pm. Hope you all enjoy Tina's latest adventure! 😀
It had been six months since Tina was released from Prison. Now twenty five years old Tina had decided to get on with her life. After being released Tina had moved right into the heart of Elk City, now with a successful job and a new set of friends Tina was enjoying everyday. At 5'8 with long blonde wavey hair and breasts the size of basketballs Tina had no trouble getting dates either. Life was good.
Tina had just got home from a busy day at work, only having just rested her exspensive black hand bag inside the door, the bell rang. Tina rolled her eyes, span and peeped through the peep hole. It was her fathers best friend Ray...what was he doing here she wondered as child hood memories flushed through her mind.
Aside from her parents, Ray was the biggest tickler in Tina's growing up. It seemed like everytime he came to visit, or baby sit her he would tickle her silly. The thing about Tina was, she was such a friendly and slightly ditsy girl, not to mention insanley ticklish, that people just couldn't help but tickle her. Hiding from Ray made no difference, he would always creep through the house saying 'here comes the tickle monster' or 'did you know theres a tickle feind loose and he only tickles ticklish blonde girls'.
For Ray and Tina's parents it was all just good fun, for Tina it was playful yet after a certain extent it was no longer a game. One of the worst memories was when she was twelve and Tina's parents, sister and Ray took the liberaty of tickling her bare feet after she had crawled into a sleeping bag upside down.
The most terrifying memory of Ray however was on Tina's eighteenth birthday. It was around noon when Tina sat watching T.V, home alone. Her parents and sister were out getting decorations for the party and none of her friends were due to arrive until six o'clock.
"Ray! What are you doing here?" Tina said with a pleasent surprise as she opened the door to the 6'4 middle aged man with medium lengthed dark light hair and a leather jacket. "No ones due til' six. Come in, come in."
"Happy birthday my girl." Ray said with a friendly grin as he hung his coat up on the hat rack. "Where's your mom and dad?"
"Oh, everybody's gone out" Tina began to explain as she walked into the kitchen. "There getting ready for the party...Do you want a drink or anything?"
"I have a present for you, its in the car" Ray said as he watched a cute smile grown on Tina's innocent eighteen year old face. "But you know what I want first..."
Tina smiled and stepped foward to give Ray a big hug. A Ray's musculer arms tightened around her Tina felt his fingers twitch inbetween her ribs. Tina suddenly tried to jerk back but she was trapped in his tickling arms.
"Hee hee Ray! heehee" Tina giggled playfully as Ray sped up the tickles. "heehee RaYEEEHEHEEHEEE OH NO!Hahahahah"
As Tina flicked her head back and kicked her legs Ray lifted her straight of the floor, still tickling her ribs he carried her through to the lounge. Tickling strong Ray forced Tina who struggled weakly and playfully onto the shagged carpetting so she lay on her back, then pinning her arms with his knees, Ray sat over Tina's tummy and briefly ceased the tickling.
"Still ticklish I see." Ray teased as he positioned Tina's arms so they wouldn't be crushed under his knee caps. "Tickle tickle!"
"No Rayhhee hee" Tina giggled when Ray hadn't even begun tickling her again. "You know how ticklish I am!...can't I just have my present?"
"Your getting cheeky in your old age!" Ray joked as he quickly darted his fingers down Tina's t-shirt sleeves and onto her smooth underarms.
"EEHEHHEEE RAYEHEHEHE" Tina giggled, kicking her legs and thrashing her head totally helpless. "HEHEHE OHPLEAEHEHH HEEHEEE"
In her younger years Tina didn't find tickling quite so tortorous, instead of begging, pleading and negotiating like she would now she would simply giggle, laugh and ever so occasionally say please for the tickler to cease. Unfortunatley, when Tina was young that was the main problem, she never really conveied that she hated being tickled, she was far too polite. People simply assmumed she took at as a playful game which is how they meant it.
"HEhehehee hee" Tina's giggles slowed as Ray stopped after thrity seconds and waited for Tina to catch her breath. "..hee hee Can I have my present now?"
"Still being cheeky I see." Ray joked as he let Tina's arms free and quickly shot his hands up Tina's shirt onto her belly. "Lets see if your tummy's still ticklish!"
"NAHAHHEhe HEHEhHEEEE" Tina buckled foward and then shot back onto her back as her baggy white t-shirt rose exposing her bra while her tummy was squeezed and proded. "HAHEHEHEH RAYAYAEEEHEHEHEEEHAA"
Tina's giggles only fueled the game futher as Ray moved up and took adavantage of the newly bare flesh by once again tickling up and down Tina's ribs. Relentless in his efforts to tickle the poor girl Ray ran his wiggling fingers up and down her poor torso keeping Tina in constant hysterics. Suddenly Tina slipped foward as hard as she could to escape but her large breasts got caught in the tunnel between Ray's legs she was using to escape, and now her t-shirt stuck tightly over her head keeping her arms extended above her.
"Silly girl." Ray said now sitting just below Tina's bra covered breasts. "Now your really trapped!"
"EAHAHAHAEHEHEAAAAHHHAAA!" Tina shrieked with ticklishness as Ray dug his fingers into the jelly like sides of Tina's enormous breasts. "EEHEHE RAYAYYYEHEHEE HEEEHHEE"
"Ticklish aren't you?" Ray said as he stopped and watched Tina giggling to herself. "Only one place left to tickle now!"
"No! No Ray!" Tina knew exactley where he meant, she began despartley trying to get the cursed t-shirt down back around her nearly bare torso but it was no use as she felt Ray begin to kneel over her shins. "Ray! Don't! Not my feet! Not my feet!"
As Ray slipped Tina's socks from her squirming feet she continued to struggle with the t-shirt which covered her face and restrained her arms. When the cool air conditioned lounge room air swept across Tina's cute little feet she really began to squel in pre-emtive ticklish hysterics. If people tickling Tina ever wanted a really big reaction, they all knew the feet was the place to go.
"AAIIEEEEEEHEHAHA RAYEHEH" Tina squeled as Ray quickly began running his fingers all around Tina's frantic soles. "EEHEHAHAHE HAHAHAHSTAHAHAHPAAAHAH"
"Are you going to stop being cheeky?" Ray teased as he continued his ticklish onslaught.
"EEHAYYEEHSHAHAHA YEEEHHEEEE" Tina tried to reply as she bucked wildly from the extreme ticklishness. "EHEHYESSHEHEH HEEEE"
"I can't hear youuuu." Ray teased futher knowing full well she was trying to say 'yes'.
"YES! EHEHEHE YES! EHEHEHAHAH" Tina managed to scream amongst her tickled laughter as tears began to form in her eyes.
Now twenty five Tina shuddered at the unrealistic thought of that ever happening again. Plastering her inhospitible face with a big welcoming smile Tina opened the door and stood to see her old family friend, the infamous Ray who Tina hadn't seen in almost six years.
"Ray! What a suprise! How long has it been?" Tina said stepping aside to let the fifty something year old man in. "Come in, come in!"
"Oh, Tina my girl its been too long!" Ray said as he walked in admiring the large apartment. "It took me forever to track you down, my God girl how do you afford this place?"
"Stocks and bonds, thats all I'm going to say!" Tina said jokingly as she closed the door. "Can I get you a drink? Coffe?"
"What? No! No!, How about givin' your old friend Ray a hug first?" Ray said with open arms as Tina's stomch sank as she remembered her eighteenth birthday hug. "C'mon girl it must have been six years!"
Slightly reluctent but then quickly thinking herself stupid for thinking he'd do the same thing to a grown women, Tina stepped foward and hugged Ray with a friendly squeeze. After a few seconds Tina twitched as she thought he brushed her blouse covered ribs, nervous she suddenly pulled back only to realise Ray was simply moving his hand to step back and complete the hug.
"So what have you been doing with yourself?" Ray said as he sat down on the large leather couch and patted the spot next to him, signalling Tina to sit down. "I heard you got thrown in the slammer, what was all that about? Your parents said it was tax evasion or some nonsense?"
"Ha ha, yeah thats me, just a little slack on the old tax." Tina replied glad he didn't know what she had really been imprisoned for. "What have you been up to anyway? Hows your motor bike going?"
"Well it changes every six months, mid life crisis my shrink sa...hey are you still ticklish?" Ray interupted himself and he watched Tina raise quickly from the seat and head toward the kitchen. "I remember you used to be the most ticklish little thing."
"Ha ha, not anymore Ray." Tina said trying to avoid the topic as she opened the fridge. "You were saying about your bike?"
"Oh, no no. Your not getting of that easy." Ray laughed as he stood up from the seat. "A girl as ticklish as you were doesn't just become not ticklish, C'mon one for good ol' Ray, for ol' times sake."
"Really Ray I'm not ticklish, theres not point in trying." Tina said now desperate for him not to touch her as she shifted toward the bathroom. "I've just got to use the bathroom, won't be a minute."
Tina locked the door behind her and quickly turned on the tap, splashing her face with water. After a hard days work some fifty year old man wanting to tickle her was the last thing she needed. Luckily while on the inside Tina had learnt how to get rid of unwanted people, ecspeically the guards.
"I'm really sorry Ray, I hate to be rude but I've got a busy day tommorow and I'm over worked as it is." Tina lied through the door as she leant against the sink. "I don't wanna kick you out, its great to see you again but maybe you could stop by tommorow?"
"No, no don't be silly thats fine." Ray voice came through the door, friendly as ever. "I got things to do anyway, I'll give you a call tommorow, maybe we can do lunch or something."
"Sounds great Ray!" Tina said as she put her ear to the door to listen for him leaving. "I really am sorry!"
"Don't be, I'll see you later!" Ray said followed by the sound of the front door closing.
Tina let out a sigh of relief as she walked calmly back into the kitchen and reached up to the cuboard for a glass. Just as Tina was about to open the small cuboard a horrible feeling of doubt shot through her mind when she saw, what looked like Ray's reflection in the window. Before Tina could turn around it was too late and Ray's hands had already shot straight up her blouse.
"NOAHAAEEEE" Tina squealed in ticklish surprise as she shot her arms down to her sides, trapping Ray's hands underneath the blouse. "NO GET OUT! GET OWWOOUUEETHEHEEE"
Ray was pleased, Tina was as ticklish as ever. Keeping his arms wrapped around her sides as he tickled her toned ticklish belly Ray dragged the giggling twenty five year old into the living area. Using his superior strength Ray forced Tina to the floor, which didn't take much effort as her knees became weak from the tickling.
"Ha ha, just like the old days huh?" Ray grinned as he locked Tina's arms under his knees while he kneeled over her tummy. "Still the ticklish wee thing you always were."
"Get off me Ray, this isn't funny." Tina said sternly, struggling to free herself from beneath his weight. "I'm not a kid anymore, you can't just come in here and start tickling me."
"Aww, don't be silly, you'll always be my little tickle-kitten." Ray said as he began quickly popping open the buttons of Tina's blouse from the top down. "But I'm not disputing the fact your not a kid anymore, look at the beautiful women you turned into."
"Ray you can gawk at my boobs all you like but don't you tickle me!" Tina snapped as her blouse was thrown open revealing her huge breasts only just managing to squeeze into the small white bra. "Get off me!"
"Oh don't be so stroppy I'm only playin, and you know perfectly well I only opened your shirt to get better ticklin'." Ray said as he began to lightly dance over Tina's ribs with his ten wiggling fingers. "Don't be a spoil sport, remember the good ol times we used to have ticklin' you silly."
"I hated the good ol' times Ray! No get off me!" Tina yelled before the tickling sensations took over. "Get out oeehh Ray donooo't HAehe Thiseheh This isn't funneeheheHHAHAHA"
Ray wasted no time as he tickled all around her the sides of her breasts, her smooth underarms and her sensitive ribs. Tina bucked like a wild thing trying to break free but his weight and strength were too much, there was only one way out of this.
"OOAAFF!" Ray gasps as he was forced foward by the sudden pain of Tina's knee colliding with his spine.
"Get out of my house Ray." Tina said as she squirmed out from underneath him and stood to her feet.
"Arrgh...arrgh." Ray rolled onto his back in pain with a look of extreme suffering on his face. "Arrggh oh good shot...really hurts...arggh."
"Oh my God, are you o.k?" Tina's mood quickly changed to concern as she bent over to attend to Ray. "EEEEE! NOOOEHAHA"
Suddenly Ray shot up onto his knees and grabbed ahold of Tina's sides. With the sudden tickling shock Tina buckled foward over Ray's shoulder, ceasing the oppurtunity Ray stood straight up and held Tina on his left shoulder as he continued to tickle her sides.
"RAY! RAYEHEHE!" Tina screamed as her legs kicked out in front of Ray and her arms frantically hit his back while she hung hysterical over his shoudler. "RAYAHEE NOO NOT IN THEREEEHEH RAYAYAYA"
Ray had began walking towards the bedroom, which meant he was going to put Tina on the bed which meant he had the major advantage. Only one exit, a soft surface to keep her on and blankets and pillow cases which could easily be used to restrain her if Ray used his imagination.
"NO RAY NO DON'T NO TEHEHERHEE" Tina said as her back hit the soft matress and she breifly felt Rays fingers brush against her moisoning love muscle as he unhooked her stockings. "STOP IT! STOP IT What are you doing?!"
"How do you expect me to tickle your feet if your wearing these horrible things?" Ray said while with one smooth swoop he stripped Tina of her stockings and very expensive high heel shoes. "I remember these ticklish little feet!"
"No get away! No!" Tina pleaded as she tried to kick Ray away and stop him from sitting on her shins. "Ray no don't! PLEEASE! WAHAHA NO! NO DOHON'T NAHAHAHAHAA"
Tina burst into wild laughter as Ray sat squarley on Tina's shins, pinning her long smooth legs to the bed as he tickled away at the soles of her feet. Tina tried hitting Ray in the back but the tickling made her uncoordinated and all she could do was helplessly fit on the blankets and laugh without mercy.
After nearly fifteen seconds the tickling stopped, briefly. Tina giggled until she felt her middle toes on her right foot being softly spread apart. A look of pure horror and panick took over Tina's face, this was a cruel move from her child hood that Tina would have happily forgotten. Only Ray had ever used it, he called it the 'Ol Ray special' and it sent Tina into fits of unknown ticklishness.
"NO RAY! ANYTHING BUT THAAAAAAA" Tina screamed as she sat up and then instantly fell back onto her back as she felt Ray's index finger sliding wickedly between her toes. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHEHEHAHAHA"
Tina's entire body from her knees up jerked and twisted wildly from side to side as the blankets scrunched up and tears began streaming from Tina's eyes. Tina was totally useless, there was no way out, this tiny yet overly effective technique drove her wilder than even having her post orgasm pussy tickled. No one except Ray had ever tickled that spot, he knew exactley where to go and what to do. Tina didn't, or couldn't in her current state, even want to imagine what it would like being tickled there post orgasm.
A few minutes passed in which Tina had nothing but hysterical instincts and physical reaction while Ray tickle inbetween her toes for longer than he had ever done before. Despite the randomness of it all Ray was calculating every move, and he knew that tickling her in that spot for long enough would exhaust Tina enough to begin the next phase of his plan.
"HHAAHHEE HAH HAH HAH" Tina took deep breaths of relief as she lay limp on the bed when Ray finally stopped, after what seemed like forever. "HAH HAH aaha ha ha."
Tina was still not completley in the right state of mind to notice Ray reaching behind her and hooking her bra. Tina realised she was being stripped down after several seconds but sitting in exhausted relief was all that mattered, even when her soft milky breasts bobbed out of the restraining bra. After nearly two minutes of recovery Tina finally proped herself up on her elbows to see she was now completley nude.
"I never knew you were so passionate about tickling." Ray said observing Tina's errect nipples and nearly dripping mound. "I guess you like ol' Ray's games after all huh?"
"Ray...you've had your fun. You know full well why I was in prison, I'm sure you know everything." Tina said as she sat up and crossed her legs to cover her smooth love muscle. "Please...just leave."
"You know I can't leave a job half finished." Ray grinned his friendly 'I'm your best pal' grin as he began walking on his knees across the bed. "Now don't be cheeky, you know you want to finish this aswell."
"No Ray, Seriously..." Tina said as she tried backing away until Ray reached around and grabbed ahold of Tina's firm butt cheeks. "No! RAY! NAHAHAHA"
Tina lost control once again as Ray kneeled over Tina's bare thys and sent his fingers to work on the soft cushy sides of her ticklish breasts. Tina weakly batted at Ray's tickling arms but it was no use as her back was hard up against the wooden bed head and there was little room to move.
"No RAYAYPLEEAHAHAEEE" Tina begged hysterically with tears running down her face as she felt Ray's hands tickling down toward her sensitive lustful mound. "NOTETEHEHAHAHAHAHA"
Tina thrust foward trying to find something to thrust back inside her but all she could feel was the horrible pleasure being produced from the unbearable tickling of her throbbing love muscle. Suddenly Tina's body wrenched foward as her eyes rolled up into her head and Ray was completley thrown backwards off the ticklish nude beauty.
"OOOHhHAAOOoOOOHHH" Tina howled in ecstacy over her pillows as Ray stood back onto the floor to watch the spectical. "OOOOoooO...OOooheeheeooOO..hhh"
Ray shut the bedroom door behind him leaving Tina naked and sweating, limp on the scrunched up blankets. It was the first time in over a year and half that Tina had been tickled like that, it bought heaven in the end but not without the unbearable torture of hell that came before.
"Now thats what I call a proper tickling." Ray smiled to himself as he closed the front door behind him and smuggly waltzed on out of the apartment.
The End.
It had been six months since Tina was released from Prison. Now twenty five years old Tina had decided to get on with her life. After being released Tina had moved right into the heart of Elk City, now with a successful job and a new set of friends Tina was enjoying everyday. At 5'8 with long blonde wavey hair and breasts the size of basketballs Tina had no trouble getting dates either. Life was good.
Tina had just got home from a busy day at work, only having just rested her exspensive black hand bag inside the door, the bell rang. Tina rolled her eyes, span and peeped through the peep hole. It was her fathers best friend Ray...what was he doing here she wondered as child hood memories flushed through her mind.
Aside from her parents, Ray was the biggest tickler in Tina's growing up. It seemed like everytime he came to visit, or baby sit her he would tickle her silly. The thing about Tina was, she was such a friendly and slightly ditsy girl, not to mention insanley ticklish, that people just couldn't help but tickle her. Hiding from Ray made no difference, he would always creep through the house saying 'here comes the tickle monster' or 'did you know theres a tickle feind loose and he only tickles ticklish blonde girls'.
For Ray and Tina's parents it was all just good fun, for Tina it was playful yet after a certain extent it was no longer a game. One of the worst memories was when she was twelve and Tina's parents, sister and Ray took the liberaty of tickling her bare feet after she had crawled into a sleeping bag upside down.
The most terrifying memory of Ray however was on Tina's eighteenth birthday. It was around noon when Tina sat watching T.V, home alone. Her parents and sister were out getting decorations for the party and none of her friends were due to arrive until six o'clock.
"Ray! What are you doing here?" Tina said with a pleasent surprise as she opened the door to the 6'4 middle aged man with medium lengthed dark light hair and a leather jacket. "No ones due til' six. Come in, come in."
"Happy birthday my girl." Ray said with a friendly grin as he hung his coat up on the hat rack. "Where's your mom and dad?"
"Oh, everybody's gone out" Tina began to explain as she walked into the kitchen. "There getting ready for the party...Do you want a drink or anything?"
"I have a present for you, its in the car" Ray said as he watched a cute smile grown on Tina's innocent eighteen year old face. "But you know what I want first..."
Tina smiled and stepped foward to give Ray a big hug. A Ray's musculer arms tightened around her Tina felt his fingers twitch inbetween her ribs. Tina suddenly tried to jerk back but she was trapped in his tickling arms.
"Hee hee Ray! heehee" Tina giggled playfully as Ray sped up the tickles. "heehee RaYEEEHEHEEHEEE OH NO!Hahahahah"
As Tina flicked her head back and kicked her legs Ray lifted her straight of the floor, still tickling her ribs he carried her through to the lounge. Tickling strong Ray forced Tina who struggled weakly and playfully onto the shagged carpetting so she lay on her back, then pinning her arms with his knees, Ray sat over Tina's tummy and briefly ceased the tickling.
"Still ticklish I see." Ray teased as he positioned Tina's arms so they wouldn't be crushed under his knee caps. "Tickle tickle!"
"No Rayhhee hee" Tina giggled when Ray hadn't even begun tickling her again. "You know how ticklish I am!...can't I just have my present?"
"Your getting cheeky in your old age!" Ray joked as he quickly darted his fingers down Tina's t-shirt sleeves and onto her smooth underarms.
"EEHEHHEEE RAYEHEHEHE" Tina giggled, kicking her legs and thrashing her head totally helpless. "HEHEHE OHPLEAEHEHH HEEHEEE"
In her younger years Tina didn't find tickling quite so tortorous, instead of begging, pleading and negotiating like she would now she would simply giggle, laugh and ever so occasionally say please for the tickler to cease. Unfortunatley, when Tina was young that was the main problem, she never really conveied that she hated being tickled, she was far too polite. People simply assmumed she took at as a playful game which is how they meant it.
"HEhehehee hee" Tina's giggles slowed as Ray stopped after thrity seconds and waited for Tina to catch her breath. "..hee hee Can I have my present now?"
"Still being cheeky I see." Ray joked as he let Tina's arms free and quickly shot his hands up Tina's shirt onto her belly. "Lets see if your tummy's still ticklish!"
"NAHAHHEhe HEHEhHEEEE" Tina buckled foward and then shot back onto her back as her baggy white t-shirt rose exposing her bra while her tummy was squeezed and proded. "HAHEHEHEH RAYAYAEEEHEHEHEEEHAA"
Tina's giggles only fueled the game futher as Ray moved up and took adavantage of the newly bare flesh by once again tickling up and down Tina's ribs. Relentless in his efforts to tickle the poor girl Ray ran his wiggling fingers up and down her poor torso keeping Tina in constant hysterics. Suddenly Tina slipped foward as hard as she could to escape but her large breasts got caught in the tunnel between Ray's legs she was using to escape, and now her t-shirt stuck tightly over her head keeping her arms extended above her.
"Silly girl." Ray said now sitting just below Tina's bra covered breasts. "Now your really trapped!"
"EAHAHAHAEHEHEAAAAHHHAAA!" Tina shrieked with ticklishness as Ray dug his fingers into the jelly like sides of Tina's enormous breasts. "EEHEHE RAYAYYYEHEHEE HEEEHHEE"
"Ticklish aren't you?" Ray said as he stopped and watched Tina giggling to herself. "Only one place left to tickle now!"
"No! No Ray!" Tina knew exactley where he meant, she began despartley trying to get the cursed t-shirt down back around her nearly bare torso but it was no use as she felt Ray begin to kneel over her shins. "Ray! Don't! Not my feet! Not my feet!"
As Ray slipped Tina's socks from her squirming feet she continued to struggle with the t-shirt which covered her face and restrained her arms. When the cool air conditioned lounge room air swept across Tina's cute little feet she really began to squel in pre-emtive ticklish hysterics. If people tickling Tina ever wanted a really big reaction, they all knew the feet was the place to go.
"AAIIEEEEEEHEHAHA RAYEHEH" Tina squeled as Ray quickly began running his fingers all around Tina's frantic soles. "EEHEHAHAHE HAHAHAHSTAHAHAHPAAAHAH"
"Are you going to stop being cheeky?" Ray teased as he continued his ticklish onslaught.
"EEHAYYEEHSHAHAHA YEEEHHEEEE" Tina tried to reply as she bucked wildly from the extreme ticklishness. "EHEHYESSHEHEH HEEEE"
"I can't hear youuuu." Ray teased futher knowing full well she was trying to say 'yes'.
"YES! EHEHEHE YES! EHEHEHAHAH" Tina managed to scream amongst her tickled laughter as tears began to form in her eyes.
Now twenty five Tina shuddered at the unrealistic thought of that ever happening again. Plastering her inhospitible face with a big welcoming smile Tina opened the door and stood to see her old family friend, the infamous Ray who Tina hadn't seen in almost six years.
"Ray! What a suprise! How long has it been?" Tina said stepping aside to let the fifty something year old man in. "Come in, come in!"
"Oh, Tina my girl its been too long!" Ray said as he walked in admiring the large apartment. "It took me forever to track you down, my God girl how do you afford this place?"
"Stocks and bonds, thats all I'm going to say!" Tina said jokingly as she closed the door. "Can I get you a drink? Coffe?"
"What? No! No!, How about givin' your old friend Ray a hug first?" Ray said with open arms as Tina's stomch sank as she remembered her eighteenth birthday hug. "C'mon girl it must have been six years!"
Slightly reluctent but then quickly thinking herself stupid for thinking he'd do the same thing to a grown women, Tina stepped foward and hugged Ray with a friendly squeeze. After a few seconds Tina twitched as she thought he brushed her blouse covered ribs, nervous she suddenly pulled back only to realise Ray was simply moving his hand to step back and complete the hug.
"So what have you been doing with yourself?" Ray said as he sat down on the large leather couch and patted the spot next to him, signalling Tina to sit down. "I heard you got thrown in the slammer, what was all that about? Your parents said it was tax evasion or some nonsense?"
"Ha ha, yeah thats me, just a little slack on the old tax." Tina replied glad he didn't know what she had really been imprisoned for. "What have you been up to anyway? Hows your motor bike going?"
"Well it changes every six months, mid life crisis my shrink sa...hey are you still ticklish?" Ray interupted himself and he watched Tina raise quickly from the seat and head toward the kitchen. "I remember you used to be the most ticklish little thing."
"Ha ha, not anymore Ray." Tina said trying to avoid the topic as she opened the fridge. "You were saying about your bike?"
"Oh, no no. Your not getting of that easy." Ray laughed as he stood up from the seat. "A girl as ticklish as you were doesn't just become not ticklish, C'mon one for good ol' Ray, for ol' times sake."
"Really Ray I'm not ticklish, theres not point in trying." Tina said now desperate for him not to touch her as she shifted toward the bathroom. "I've just got to use the bathroom, won't be a minute."
Tina locked the door behind her and quickly turned on the tap, splashing her face with water. After a hard days work some fifty year old man wanting to tickle her was the last thing she needed. Luckily while on the inside Tina had learnt how to get rid of unwanted people, ecspeically the guards.
"I'm really sorry Ray, I hate to be rude but I've got a busy day tommorow and I'm over worked as it is." Tina lied through the door as she leant against the sink. "I don't wanna kick you out, its great to see you again but maybe you could stop by tommorow?"
"No, no don't be silly thats fine." Ray voice came through the door, friendly as ever. "I got things to do anyway, I'll give you a call tommorow, maybe we can do lunch or something."
"Sounds great Ray!" Tina said as she put her ear to the door to listen for him leaving. "I really am sorry!"
"Don't be, I'll see you later!" Ray said followed by the sound of the front door closing.
Tina let out a sigh of relief as she walked calmly back into the kitchen and reached up to the cuboard for a glass. Just as Tina was about to open the small cuboard a horrible feeling of doubt shot through her mind when she saw, what looked like Ray's reflection in the window. Before Tina could turn around it was too late and Ray's hands had already shot straight up her blouse.
"NOAHAAEEEE" Tina squealed in ticklish surprise as she shot her arms down to her sides, trapping Ray's hands underneath the blouse. "NO GET OUT! GET OWWOOUUEETHEHEEE"
Ray was pleased, Tina was as ticklish as ever. Keeping his arms wrapped around her sides as he tickled her toned ticklish belly Ray dragged the giggling twenty five year old into the living area. Using his superior strength Ray forced Tina to the floor, which didn't take much effort as her knees became weak from the tickling.
"Ha ha, just like the old days huh?" Ray grinned as he locked Tina's arms under his knees while he kneeled over her tummy. "Still the ticklish wee thing you always were."
"Get off me Ray, this isn't funny." Tina said sternly, struggling to free herself from beneath his weight. "I'm not a kid anymore, you can't just come in here and start tickling me."
"Aww, don't be silly, you'll always be my little tickle-kitten." Ray said as he began quickly popping open the buttons of Tina's blouse from the top down. "But I'm not disputing the fact your not a kid anymore, look at the beautiful women you turned into."
"Ray you can gawk at my boobs all you like but don't you tickle me!" Tina snapped as her blouse was thrown open revealing her huge breasts only just managing to squeeze into the small white bra. "Get off me!"
"Oh don't be so stroppy I'm only playin, and you know perfectly well I only opened your shirt to get better ticklin'." Ray said as he began to lightly dance over Tina's ribs with his ten wiggling fingers. "Don't be a spoil sport, remember the good ol times we used to have ticklin' you silly."
"I hated the good ol' times Ray! No get off me!" Tina yelled before the tickling sensations took over. "Get out oeehh Ray donooo't HAehe Thiseheh This isn't funneeheheHHAHAHA"
Ray wasted no time as he tickled all around her the sides of her breasts, her smooth underarms and her sensitive ribs. Tina bucked like a wild thing trying to break free but his weight and strength were too much, there was only one way out of this.
"OOAAFF!" Ray gasps as he was forced foward by the sudden pain of Tina's knee colliding with his spine.
"Get out of my house Ray." Tina said as she squirmed out from underneath him and stood to her feet.
"Arrgh...arrgh." Ray rolled onto his back in pain with a look of extreme suffering on his face. "Arrggh oh good shot...really hurts...arggh."
"Oh my God, are you o.k?" Tina's mood quickly changed to concern as she bent over to attend to Ray. "EEEEE! NOOOEHAHA"
Suddenly Ray shot up onto his knees and grabbed ahold of Tina's sides. With the sudden tickling shock Tina buckled foward over Ray's shoulder, ceasing the oppurtunity Ray stood straight up and held Tina on his left shoulder as he continued to tickle her sides.
"RAY! RAYEHEHE!" Tina screamed as her legs kicked out in front of Ray and her arms frantically hit his back while she hung hysterical over his shoudler. "RAYAHEE NOO NOT IN THEREEEHEH RAYAYAYA"
Ray had began walking towards the bedroom, which meant he was going to put Tina on the bed which meant he had the major advantage. Only one exit, a soft surface to keep her on and blankets and pillow cases which could easily be used to restrain her if Ray used his imagination.
"NO RAY NO DON'T NO TEHEHERHEE" Tina said as her back hit the soft matress and she breifly felt Rays fingers brush against her moisoning love muscle as he unhooked her stockings. "STOP IT! STOP IT What are you doing?!"
"How do you expect me to tickle your feet if your wearing these horrible things?" Ray said while with one smooth swoop he stripped Tina of her stockings and very expensive high heel shoes. "I remember these ticklish little feet!"
"No get away! No!" Tina pleaded as she tried to kick Ray away and stop him from sitting on her shins. "Ray no don't! PLEEASE! WAHAHA NO! NO DOHON'T NAHAHAHAHAA"
Tina burst into wild laughter as Ray sat squarley on Tina's shins, pinning her long smooth legs to the bed as he tickled away at the soles of her feet. Tina tried hitting Ray in the back but the tickling made her uncoordinated and all she could do was helplessly fit on the blankets and laugh without mercy.
After nearly fifteen seconds the tickling stopped, briefly. Tina giggled until she felt her middle toes on her right foot being softly spread apart. A look of pure horror and panick took over Tina's face, this was a cruel move from her child hood that Tina would have happily forgotten. Only Ray had ever used it, he called it the 'Ol Ray special' and it sent Tina into fits of unknown ticklishness.
"NO RAY! ANYTHING BUT THAAAAAAA" Tina screamed as she sat up and then instantly fell back onto her back as she felt Ray's index finger sliding wickedly between her toes. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHEHEHAHAHA"
Tina's entire body from her knees up jerked and twisted wildly from side to side as the blankets scrunched up and tears began streaming from Tina's eyes. Tina was totally useless, there was no way out, this tiny yet overly effective technique drove her wilder than even having her post orgasm pussy tickled. No one except Ray had ever tickled that spot, he knew exactley where to go and what to do. Tina didn't, or couldn't in her current state, even want to imagine what it would like being tickled there post orgasm.
A few minutes passed in which Tina had nothing but hysterical instincts and physical reaction while Ray tickle inbetween her toes for longer than he had ever done before. Despite the randomness of it all Ray was calculating every move, and he knew that tickling her in that spot for long enough would exhaust Tina enough to begin the next phase of his plan.
"HHAAHHEE HAH HAH HAH" Tina took deep breaths of relief as she lay limp on the bed when Ray finally stopped, after what seemed like forever. "HAH HAH aaha ha ha."
Tina was still not completley in the right state of mind to notice Ray reaching behind her and hooking her bra. Tina realised she was being stripped down after several seconds but sitting in exhausted relief was all that mattered, even when her soft milky breasts bobbed out of the restraining bra. After nearly two minutes of recovery Tina finally proped herself up on her elbows to see she was now completley nude.
"I never knew you were so passionate about tickling." Ray said observing Tina's errect nipples and nearly dripping mound. "I guess you like ol' Ray's games after all huh?"
"Ray...you've had your fun. You know full well why I was in prison, I'm sure you know everything." Tina said as she sat up and crossed her legs to cover her smooth love muscle. "Please...just leave."
"You know I can't leave a job half finished." Ray grinned his friendly 'I'm your best pal' grin as he began walking on his knees across the bed. "Now don't be cheeky, you know you want to finish this aswell."
"No Ray, Seriously..." Tina said as she tried backing away until Ray reached around and grabbed ahold of Tina's firm butt cheeks. "No! RAY! NAHAHAHA"
Tina lost control once again as Ray kneeled over Tina's bare thys and sent his fingers to work on the soft cushy sides of her ticklish breasts. Tina weakly batted at Ray's tickling arms but it was no use as her back was hard up against the wooden bed head and there was little room to move.
"No RAYAYPLEEAHAHAEEE" Tina begged hysterically with tears running down her face as she felt Ray's hands tickling down toward her sensitive lustful mound. "NOTETEHEHAHAHAHAHA"
Tina thrust foward trying to find something to thrust back inside her but all she could feel was the horrible pleasure being produced from the unbearable tickling of her throbbing love muscle. Suddenly Tina's body wrenched foward as her eyes rolled up into her head and Ray was completley thrown backwards off the ticklish nude beauty.
"OOOHhHAAOOoOOOHHH" Tina howled in ecstacy over her pillows as Ray stood back onto the floor to watch the spectical. "OOOOoooO...OOooheeheeooOO..hhh"
Ray shut the bedroom door behind him leaving Tina naked and sweating, limp on the scrunched up blankets. It was the first time in over a year and half that Tina had been tickled like that, it bought heaven in the end but not without the unbearable torture of hell that came before.
"Now thats what I call a proper tickling." Ray smiled to himself as he closed the front door behind him and smuggly waltzed on out of the apartment.
The End.