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Tips for getting a reluctant gf into tickling


TMF Poster
Mar 29, 2017
Hey, so I've been seeing my gf for around 6 months, I am really into her and things are going treat. She is extremely sensitive all over her body which I find really hot but she absolutely hates tickling. Unfortunately she had a horrible experience in the past being groped and now associates tickling with that event. She had never told anyone about it until me a few days ago and it was quite a big deal for her. I haven't told her about my tickling fetish yet but so far she has been super open for trying new things in the bedroom. I'd really like to try and do some tickling stuff with her but I don't see how without making her uncomfortable
Before even trying to "get her into it", I think you should be straight with her and tell her about your fetish. Every relationship I've had I've been straight with my partners about this. It's a compatibility thing. If she is willing to indulge your fetish, you're only going to know by telling her about it.

Secrets in relationships aren't good in general. Especially sexually related. Be transparent and play your part instead of trying to sneakily indulge yourself. That would be bound for misunderstanding and disaster...

And also... if she's really not ok with it, respect that and either move on or stay together under that pretense.
Be up front about your fetish. It's not going to get easier to tell her as you keep waiting.

Since she associates tickling with something like groping, there's a good chance she won't indulge in it. But you'll only know for sure if you tell her. Respect that if she tells you she's not comfortable with tickling.
Could you provide clarification about how you came to learn she “absolutely hates tickling”? Like, did you tickle her and then she told you? Did she just confide in you more out of the blue about how someone groped her and now “she hates tickling because she associates it with her traumatic experience”. Are you just interpreting her body language? It just seems sort of convenient that she’d disclose such a clear stance toward something so important to you without it having been sort of lead there by you.
First: I am against convincing someone who is "against" being tickled. If it is a hard limit for her, then explore options to sate your tickling needs another way or find a new girlfriend.

If however she is interested but nervous, on the fence, or has left the door open in any other way: try giving this a read. I wrote it a while ago, and has had some good responses from ticklers, ticklees, and anti-tickling folks alike. (Sorry, you will need a FetLife account to read it.)


Good luck, always consider her wellbeing at least as much as your own, and I hope you both find joy.
She absolutely hates it, and associates it with a horrible experience she's had, it's a very big deal to her that she told you...and you still want to do it to her?
I think it comes down to honesty on your behalf but at the same time not been disappointed if she really can't bring herself around too letting herself been tickled and that has to be respected.

I mean I would suggest maybe just doing a light playful tickle but...I am kinda with wolf on this if it truely is a traumatic experence then it should not be done. However...with GMT on this also.. clarification should be seeked but ultimately you can't force it on someone mate, nothing good comes of that
This is going to sound like an echo, but it's important.

You need to be honest with her so she can see things from your standpoint. If she's only hesitant about tickling, she may be more open to trying if she understands how important it is to you. That being said, you have to respect her if she really is against being tickled. If that's the case, it'll be up to you to decide whether or not you want to pursue a relationship with her. I know that can be a tough decision as I've had to make it before myself.
Unfortunately only the person herself has to understand tickling is for her own good and decide to give it a try.
There's no way to convince if the person is not ready for this.
Don't make a big thing out of it. If you have the time and premises to hand, give her a glass of wine, take a candlelit bath with her (you get the taps end) and suck her toes very slowly, one by one while caressing her foot with your other hand. Use your teeth gently and keep her just this side of giggling. If you can manage to negotiate that precarious tightrope you're on the way.

She may not acquiesce immediately but gently convince her over time that though she'll always been more important to you than tickling, it's special and you want her to enjoy it with you. Above all, learn to keep a straight face while asserting this. It will be valuable practise for further encounters over the years.
Openness and honesty is what's important here. You don't have to come right out and tell her that you have an attraction to tickling. Ask her about her experience in the past. Show genuine compassion about it and tell her that you've always thought tickling to be kind of fun and silly, not torture. Let her know that you would never want to hurt her that way, but that you've always liked lighthearted tickling and thought of it to be a method of foreplay. Ask her if you were kind and gentle with it, if you could at least try it. If she allows you to, don't go overboard. Be exactly that, kind and gentle with it. Let her at least try to come around to it. If she's not willing to even indulge you at all, then you've got to rethink your relationship if tickling is that important to you. Sometimes there's no changing someone's mind. But sometimes with some sensitivity, you can change someone's mind.
Don't make a big thing out of it. If you have the time and premises to hand, give her a glass of wine, take a candlelit bath with her (you get the taps end) and suck her toes very slowly, one by one while caressing her foot with your other hand. Use your teeth gently and keep her just this side of giggling. If you can manage to negotiate that precarious tightrope you're on the way.

She may not acquiesce immediately but gently convince her over time that though she'll always been more important to you than tickling, it's special and you want her to enjoy it with you. Above all, learn to keep a straight face while asserting this. It will be valuable practise for further encounters over the years.

That sounds like straight up grooming, man.
Basically all of my previous gfs hated being tickled to the point of reacting extremely negatively due to past unpleasant experiences. It would always come down to the point where I had to choose whether my fetish was more important or did my feelings for her outweigh the desire to tickle? Most of the time I chose them and they would always be more than willing to tickle me especially during sex. And my one girl used to let me tickle her once in a blue moon because she knew how much I liked it but I only did it when she offered. There’s really no convincing otherwise, especially out of respect for their level of comfort. If she comes around to it after you telling her you like it that’s one thing but she has to decide that for herself.
Tell her it excites you, that feeling helpless while a lover pulls laughter out of you and being unable to resist is a rush. Tell her about the endorphin rush you get after laughing as hard as you can for a good while. Then ask her to stretch you out and tickle you silly. She may never have gotten to experience the fun and excitement as a ler driving a lover crazy with laughter. Explain about safe words. Make her feel it as a fun playful thing between the both of you. Let her tickle the bejeebers out of you a few times and maybe she will be more comfortable in exploring it with you as a lee.

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Tell me if I'm iverreacting but using the word "helpless" doesn't sound like a good ideanif they've associated it with a bad experience they had in the past.
Tell me if I'm iverreacting but using the word "helpless" doesn't sound like a good ideanif they've associated it with a bad experience they had in the past.
When I had this conversation with someone long ago they were hesitant until I explained that I didn't want to accidentally kick them, and I knew I could not hold still. It was a safety thing that also helped my enjoyment as it let me give in to the sensation easier.

Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
Hey, so I've been seeing my gf for around 6 months, I am really into her and things are going treat. She is extremely sensitive all over her body which I find really hot but she absolutely hates tickling. Unfortunately she had a horrible experience in the past being groped and now associates tickling with that event. She had never told anyone about it until me a few days ago and it was quite a big deal for her. I haven't told her about my tickling fetish yet but so far she has been super open for trying new things in the bedroom. I'd really like to try and do some tickling stuff with her but I don't see how without making her uncomfortable

I've had girlfriends who hated being tickled, but when they learned it was a kink for me they were willing to try it, and they ended up enjoying it.

So I think you need to have a conversation with her where you're honest about your interests. And give her a chance to deal with it directly.

Because right now, this conversation only exists in your head and she hasn't had a chance to make a decision or offer an opinion. When she says she hates being tickled, that could cover a very wide range of feelings, from "I've only had negative experiences, but my mind is open" to "I literally cannot and will not be tickled for any reason."

So I would say just talk it out as soon as possible.
I've had girlfriends who hated being tickled, but when they learned it was a kink for me they were willing to try it, and they ended up enjoying it.

So I think you need to have a conversation with her where you're honest about your interests. And give her a chance to deal with it directly.

Because right now, this conversation only exists in your head and she hasn't had a chance to make a decision or offer an opinion. When she says she hates being tickled, that could cover a very wide range of feelings, from "I've only had negative experiences, but my mind is open" to "I literally cannot and will not be tickled for any reason."

So I would say just talk it out as soon as possible.

Exactly this OP. Be clear.
I've had girlfriends who hated being tickled, but when they learned it was a kink for me they were willing to try it, and they ended up enjoying it.

So I think you need to have a conversation with her where you're honest about your interests. And give her a chance to deal with it directly.

Because right now, this conversation only exists in your head and she hasn't had a chance to make a decision or offer an opinion. When she says she hates being tickled, that could cover a very wide range of feelings, from "I've only had negative experiences, but my mind is open" to "I literally cannot and will not be tickled for any reason."

So I would say just talk it out as soon as possible.

Do not concur. When someone tells you about a horrible experience in the past, that they've only just now been able to tell someone about, you don't counter with how much it turns you on. That just adds another layer of bad feelings to something they've already got a problem with.
If she hates being tickled and associates it with a horrible experience it’s not likely she’s going to change her negative feelings about it. Are you into being tickled yourself? I was married to a woman who couldn’t stand being tickled but when I told her I liked it and would like her to tickle me she was happy to do it. She got to be really good at driving me up the wall tickling me and marveled at how I could be enjoying it but when I told her I absolutely did and wanted more of it she got into dishing out all the tickling I could handle! But I never tickled her, even though I’d have liked to.
Don't make a big thing out of it. If you have the time and premises to hand, give her a glass of wine, take a candlelit bath with her (you get the taps end) and suck her toes very slowly, one by one while caressing her foot with your other hand. Use your teeth gently and keep her just this side of giggling. If you can manage to negotiate that precarious tightrope you're on the way.

She may not acquiesce immediately but gently convince her over time that though she'll always been more important to you than tickling, it's special and you want her to enjoy it with you. Above all, learn to keep a straight face while asserting this. It will be valuable practise for further encounters over the years.

That sounds like straight up grooming, man.

Oof, agreed

With a little gaslighting thrown in for ambience.

This post is absolutely disgusting.
Trying to get a girl wherever you want with such materialistic stuff even though you KNOW she HATES it..
how disrespectful can you be....???

Do not concur. When someone tells you about a horrible experience in the past, that they've only just now been able to tell someone about, you don't counter with how much it turns you on. That just adds another layer of bad feelings to something they've already got a problem with.

I've had girlfriends who hated being tickled, but when they learned it was a kink for me they were willing to try it, and they ended up enjoying it.

So I think you need to have a conversation with her where you're honest about your interests. And give her a chance to deal with it directly.

Because right now, this conversation only exists in your head and she hasn't had a chance to make a decision or offer an opinion. When she says she hates being tickled, that could cover a very wide range of feelings, from "I've only had negative experiences, but my mind is open" to "I literally cannot and will not be tickled for any reason."

So I would say just talk it out as soon as possible.

I'm in complete agreement with Jeff here. We've met and chatted IRL at several NESTs, and I can vouch for his sanity, or at least the fact that he's among the saner members on this site. 😀

I'm ancient compared to most here and first began practical exploration of this hobby in the 70s. I've met some girls (girls in those days but of legal age...) who loved it anyway, some who found themselves interested, some who indulged me and some who absolutely hated it. Above all don't forget that every woman is a human being and approach her accordingly.

That being said, Dr. Seuss's book 'Green Eggs and Ham' is a pretty valuable allegory when explaining how new things might be fun.


My present wife of almost 14 years confided that when an ex snuck up behind her and gently poked her in the ribs when she was preparing dinner she tried to knife him, declaring very loudly that she hated being tickled. Now though gentle modification of that once- dreaded sensation she can now be brought to orgasm by moderate to vigorous foot tickling and nothing else. It's actually quite fun for both of us, but as we met relatively late in life (mine; she's almost three decades younger and I have every intention of dying first) I'd discovered that it did work with a fair few of her predecessors. I experimented.

Nothing works with everyone because everyone is different, but sometimes people can change. It's best not to judge or be censorious, as has happened in previous posts in this thread.

In conclusion I'll offer the same advice as was offered me when he noticed me floundering badly by a far older (late 30s) and more sophisticated English guy in '75, when I was 19. 'Unfortunately you can't be too nice to women', he said. 'If you are, you'll always have plenty of female friends, but everyone else will be fucking them'. I was in my early 30s before I realised that unfortunately he was right.

I didn't like the long series of rotten experiences I went through to learn it, but he was right.

Don't be a pig, but don't be a pushover either. And that's a real balancing act.

Never force; learn when and how to negotiate.

Good luck. And remember that humanity in general doesn't change but individual people might.
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