I knew this would come up...
okay, first of all, Virtua Tickler can't have sound because I'm "borrowing" the footage of the models I shot for Ticklish Situations. For me to have sound, I'd have to also borrow the sound I recorded for TS - but I didn't record any laughter.
What's that you say, Phin? A tickling game without laughter? What's wrong with you, man?
I know it sounds strange, but I thought long and hard about that one. I decided not to use sampled laughter (although TS *will* have sound and music, unline VT) for two reasons. First of all, it's very difficult to "loop" a laughing sound clip without it *sounding* like it's being looped, and therefore becoming very annoying. Don't believe me? Take any, say, three-second clip of your favorite tickle footage and put it on a loop. You'll be able to tell when it starts over again, and won't sound natural at all.
So the solution to that would be to record longer sound clips, right? Good idea, but next to graphics, sound is the biggest consumer of resources in a game. Longer sound clips, at a quality that wouldn't sound like crap, would take up far more disk space than I feel is available for each model. The ladies' graphics are already going to take up a decent amount of space, and as this game is most likely not being distributed on CD, I don't want to bloat the download size for a feature that won't come out right no matter how I do it.
'sides... believe it or not, a couple of the models weren't ticklish enough to produce believable laughter. The images came out fine, but I know how you all feel about faked sounds. So, it was better to do without. Maybe in the future I'll have enough of a budget to do a "real" multimedia-style tickling game, but TS is being done on the cheap, so I've no real way around this.
I hope the sound issue doesn't turn people off from playing; it's going to be a great game regardless. If I can locate a composer, it'll have music instead.