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TMNT m's/f and f/m's


Level of Lemon Feather
Apr 4, 2005
Please don't lynch me for this. Not my fault. Plot bunny attacked yesterday. Yeah, it's me, not April. It's f/mmmm and mmmm/f, so if you want just skip the first part. 😀;;



OK, time for some fun. It had been a bo-ring day…Senshi was in the middle of moving and had no phone or Internet, I had worked all day, and granma had fallen asleep on the couch. I quietly left her there and retreated to my room.

Taking a meditation stance was easy sitting on my bed. Time to go back to my oldest sanctuary; one I had been going to since age four. My first ‘imaginary’ friends—my oldest confidants. And this honorary little sister and ninja had a little surprise for them.

I took in a deep breath. Sewer water. Not something most people find attractive—the smell was comforting to me. I took the first left, then a right, and then another sharp right. I was right in front of The Lair.

I took a moment to wonder how I was going to do it…sneaking up on four teenage highly trained ninjas was never easy. Best approach, I decided, was the direct one. I made a quick mental sweep of the room—they were indeed there in the living room, engrossed in television, and their sensei was in meditation and wouldn’t be disturbed by noise. Perfect. I quickly changed into a black ninja’s outfit, one I wouldn’t be immediately recognized in, with a load of bolas as my only weapons.

I blew down the door. I’d put it back later, easy enough to do. They glanced up in shock.

Don was the first one to his feet. He ran at me, bow out, and ready to take me on headfirst. I easily dodged it and grabbed the outward end, slinging Donatello effortlessly into the air towards the couch. I slung a long bola at him, effectively wrapping his arms around his body and his ankles together. Curiously, at least for them, the area between the two body parts was left wide open.

Raph was NOT a happy camper. He leapt up, both his sai at the ready.

He opted for a less dramatic approach, which surprised me. He tried to leap around behind me and take my bolas. I simply kicked behind me and knocked him down, gently, of course, onto his beanbag. Trust Raphael to have a beanbag! I as quickly incapacitated him with the same method.

Now I had a two-on-one to deal with. Leo and Mikey didn’t like watching their brothers go down. Never did.

Leo charged at me, blades crossed in front of him. I went down like a sack of potatoes; I meant to. I had on thick padded gloves, more than enough to grab his katanas and pull him over my head and onto the couch beside Don. I slung the bolas at him, which he cut. Uhoh. I had forgotten to account for sharp katanas.

I heard whirring behind me…crap. Mikey and his nun-chucks. I hit the floor just as they both attacked me at once.

Effectively knocking both their weapons from their hands. They stared at each other for half a second and exclaimed, “shell!” I almost laughed, but I didn’t want to give myself away. Not yet. I knocked Mikey into a recliner and Leo next to Raph on the floor, bola-ing them in the same fashion. I stood back to look at my handiwork. I had successfully taken out all four of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Leonardo growled. “You’ll never...get away with this…you…”

This time I did laugh. “Aw Leo, is that any way to talk to your sister?” I asked teasingly, taking my mask off.

There was a collective groan from my captive audience. “KA-REN!”

What’s wrong boys can’t get up?” I laughed again. “Well, I think it’s time to put the icing on the prank…”with that I split myself. Literally. I was now four Karens…each with their own capacity for moving independently. I had separated the other three from my brain; not to worry, I’d gain all their memories of this experience once I rejoined them to me. “Ticklish much?” asked the one on the far left, and we all winked.

Raph, as expected, rebelled; “WHAT? You come into OUR lair…trick us into thinking we were under attack…” he started to go on.

Mikey, luckily, still had his sense of humor about him. “Dude, come on, she got us fair and square!” He turned to face me. “Dudette, I hope you’re not hoping to get much reaction outta me!” he laughed gamely and…of all things…stuck out his tongue at me.

His reaction had the double effect of both calming Raph and rallying the other boys to suitable attitudes; in other words, one tongue became four. I grinned hugely…good. They wanted to play. We would certainly play, then.

Forty fingers wriggling at one time would intimidate most people, and my amphibious brothers were no exception. Eyes widened, they all four fought down grins as I (we? :-S) advanced.

Karen number one went straight for Don’s stomach. Shaking his head side to side, he did his damndest to hold it in—didn’t last long, either. “HAHAHAHA NNNAHAHT THE STOHOHMACH!” he exclaimed, shaking on the couch. “HAAHAH YOU’LL PPPAY FOHOHOR THIS!!”

Karen number two grabbed Leo’s feet and went to work. HEHEHEHHEE YOU’LL NNNEHEEVER DDDE-FEEHEET ME!!!” He laughed, squirming in a psuedo-attempt to get away. “Was that supposed to be a pun?” the psuedo-me asked. “It was a pretty stinky one. Kind of like these!” Laughing, Karen #2 attacked both his toes, teasing between them as well. “WAHHAHAHAHHAHA!!” was all he could manage to reply.

Mikey was, by this time, already in hysterics. Of all the turtles, he cared the least about fighting…he was just enjoying himself. “WAHHAHA DUHUHUDEHEHETTE, NAHHAT THE SIHHIHDESHHOHOHOH!” He shook side to side, but wasn’t really fighting. He was far too relaxed for that.

The original me, of course, went straight for the rebel. “Now Raph, why fight so much? It’s not like I’m gonna hurt you or anything…” I wriggled nails at him.

Raph is very much like I once was. Sure, he loves it…all my ‘friends’ in my head do. (Don’t call me crazy, I had a very lonely childhood: p) Raph just saw it as a sign of weakness that the others had come to accept it wasn’t…I was very much like that at one time, not so very long ago. And I felt it was my duty to…help him.

“C’mon Raph, don’t fight me…” I began wriggling nails along his neck. “Just giggle for me…”

His eyes got huge. Then he sucked in an enormous amount of air, even for a turtle, and then closed his eyes, slowly shaking his head.

I had him and I knew it. Raph is a lot like me indeed…he puts up a tough front, but deep down he wishes he could drop that front. And, like me, there was a button you could press to let him do that.

“Kitchy kitchy Koo, Raphael! Giggle for me like a good liddle turdle!” I teased, grinning down at him. I then switched to attacking at random, stomach, sides, ribs, and neck.

His face flushed bright red, and for a turtle that’s hard to do. “Ddddon’t tttease!” he stuttered before breaking into giggles and wriggling side to side. “AHAHAHHAHAhahahaha! Sssstappit!”

“Aww, but what if I don’t waaant to stop it, widdwe Waph? What if I just want to tickwe and tease da poor widdwe turtle aww day?” I winked at him, watching his laughter shift up a notch to near hysterics.

“NOHO NONO YOU WOHOHOULDN’T!” he giggled, shaking his head side to side.

“Ooh, sure I would! I could stay here aaalll day doing no-oothing but tickling my big brother Raph…” I cooed, grinning openly. He responded with faster laughter and more thrashing…not that he could do much about it. Before long he had simply relaxed in his bonds as I ran my nails over his stomach. I had finally achieved the seemingly impossible; I had gotten Raphael to relax.


“…THREHEHEE! UNCLE!” they all chorused.

…. Well, not quite all. Raphael was squealing with laughter as the original me wriggled her nails between his ribs. The other three were, as if by magic, freed from their bonds. Raphael laughed for another thirty seconds before he hollered out the Universal Safeword. With that, I receded all my psuedo selves back into one whole.

Raphael sat up, panting and sweating. The other three gaped at him.

Mikey was the one to break the silence. “Dude! You lasted like, half a minute longer than the rest of us!”

Raphael was blushing bright red and about to say something rather rude before Leonardo cut him off. “I’m impressed!”

“Um…thanks.” He simply replied. “But now I have a suggestion for ‘da four of us.” He looked at me with a slight gleam in his eye…I immediately didn’t trust it. “Wh-what?”

He grinned an evil grin that should never cross anyone’s face beside the Foot. “Get ‘er!”

I was suddenly faced with four unarmed turtles who I had just finished creaming. Running at me. With a battle cry of “AAAAAHHHHH…”

“Oh shell”

They tackled me and forced me onto the couch. Not even having to tie me up, Leo and Don each used one arm to keep my shoulders down with brute force. Not that I can honestly say I was struggling with full strength or anything. “C’mon guys, y-you can take a joke, right? I mean, I was just havin’ a little fun…you all were! You were laughin your heads off!” I couldn’t help but crack a grin at that one.

Ba-aad move. “Oh, so you thought that was funny, do you? You don’t seem to be laughing! I think the four of US should help you with that, whaddaya say, boys?” They laughed, grinning at me.

24 fingers isn’t quite forty, but its’ still enough to make most people nervous. Especially when every one of those larger-than-average digits are wriggling towards you with such intent. I was giggling in an instant.

There are many good points to having living, thinking beings inside your brain. Especially those of wiser, stronger, and faster beings.

There is, however, one major downside. They. Know. Everything. And they have no scruples, most of the time, about using that knowledge against you. Especially after you’ve just played a prank on them.

And they each one knew how crazy being teased makes me.

I looked meekly up at my newfound captors. It’s a scary feeling, being on top of the heap one minute and then suddenly cast down to the bottom, looking up at the faces you were stepping on. OK, so maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration.

It’s kind of a fun situation to be in! “G-g-guys...d-don’t do this…” I stuttered out, fighting down giggles.

Raph laughed. “Whats’a mattah, lil’ sis lose her place on top of th’ heap? Well, it’s time for a little brotherly revenge!” With that, he led the pack in running all six of his fingers over my stomach.

I tried the same thing he did; I held my breath. It didn’t work long, however, as Don and Leo both attacked one set of ribs each and Mikey went for my sides.

“WAHAHHAHA! SSSHIHIHIT!” I exclaimed, arching my back and laughing.

“You wanted a little excitement, sis? Well you’ve got it!” Don teased.

“SHUHUT UHUUP DOHOONNY!” I retorted, blushing from the teases.

Also a ba-ad move.

“Ooh, now she’s gonna start telling us to shut up, is it?” Leo asked. Suddenly all there were two more hands, one in each armpit. “AHAHA! MIHIKEY! RAHAHPH! NAHAHAT THAHAHAHT!” I all but crowed as the two used their other hands to attack one of my most sensitive spots.

“No? Then like, just say it, girl!”

“NEHEHVER, MIHIHKE!” I managed to get out through my chortles. “NAHHAT GOHOHNNA HAHHAPPEN!!!”

Mikey laughed so fast he nearly snorted. “Hah! You can’t last any longer than the rest of us, Dudette!”

THAT I knew wasn’t true. “WAHHAHAHA! TRYHYHYY MEHEHE MIHIKEY!” Looking at the clock, I could tell I already had. Apparently he wasn’t paying that much attention.

Don bent over and blow a raspberry on my stomach, causing me to nearly go into orbit as I squealed. “Oooh, a squeal! How cute!” He inhaled again.

I was just about to lose it. Four guys, all on me at once, and teasing the SHIT out of me…

Suddenly it all stopped. Only for a few seconds…I had just enough time to take in two breaths and wonder what was going on before they all four started up on me again.

“Well, you learn something new every day, don’cha?” teased Raph.

“Yeah! Who’d’ve thought you’d learn a new tactic from US!?” laughed Leo.


“You first, Kar’!”

Suddenly it stopped. Again.

Only this time it wasn’t a trick; April was on TV.

“…bank robbery in progress on Fifth and Cypress…”

I sat up. “Time to go to work, eh guys?”

“Yeah, ‘fraid so” said Leo. “Wanna come along? You’re still a ninja in training.”

My face brightened. “You bet!”

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Anyone who gets that reference has earned themselves a big bowl of jelly. Cute story TK, is it part of a series at all?

*eats jelly* Thanks Dev!! I was worried this story was gonna get me lynched for the /m-ness...still might...^__^;; Not currently part of a series...you have an idea? I'm certainly open to putting another story/series on my WIP list😀

*eats jelly* Thanks Dev!! I was worried this story was gonna get me lynched for the /m-ness...still might...^__^;; Not currently part of a series...you have an idea? I'm certainly open to putting another story/series on my WIP list😀


You got the "?, !" reference? Funky... Anywho, I thought that if it's the 80's cartoon you're basing it off (Which it seems to be) the Don Turtlerelli (sp?) is a good bet to have in one chapter.
You got the "?, !" reference? Funky... Anywho, I thought that if it's the 80's cartoon you're basing it off (Which it seems to be) the Don Turtlerelli (sp?) is a good bet to have in one chapter.

It's kind of a mix of the 80's one and the movies...Raph wasn't such a rebel in the old show, but it's still my fave.

Hmm, Turtelli in a story....it's a possiblility...😉

awesome story karen. i used to do something similar all the time...but i was a lizard who got exposed to the mutegen, and the turtles were helping me to cope. small world i guess.
Thanks boys...was when I was younger, Veg. Yeah DW, I did a lot of the same stuff as 'imaginary' friends. Like I said. I had a lonely childhood😛

Hey, sorry if you didn't get my post. I just didn't really understand the story is all. Nothing meant by it. I LOVE F/M stuff!
My, my, Karen. I didn't expect you to be caught off guard by the Ninja Turtles. You really made a big mistake. *wink*
Hee hee! Great story bud! I have always been a huge fan of the TMHT, specially since Turtelli. 😀 😀 I too used to dream of the TMHT coming to me for help....but not so much for tickling though. Awesome story bud - anything with you getting it is worth a read, lol! 😉 😀😀
wow... great story... one would have to be crazy not to apreciate it... and frankly, in light of your /m concerns, i feel there should be more... a lot more... keep up thet good work. ive been a big fan of your stories since the first one i read, even though i havent replied. I'm sadly much shyer on this forum than most of the other ones, don't know why. but anyway, sorry... tangent... i look forward to more incredibly original stories like this one

Thanks so much everybody! Especially your reply is appreciated, Cap'n!!! And F, I had the same daydreams as a kid nightly😉
well, im glad my feedback is appreciated. and hmm... nightly daydreams, eh? heh heh... well, i definately look forward to your next story

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