Heck, I moved up to what was supposed to be the coldest end of Canada, and got the first easy winter here in ages. Was nicer here than I've seen it get in Wisconsin & Minnesota. Funny part is that I know Californians that PRAY for the stuff...
...mind ya, the selfish bastards just want it to fall in the Sierras durin' ski season, abatin' for the drive times to and from!
Havin' left California for this, I still prefer it. Seasonless weather is boring. I like seasons. Plural. More than sunny or wet. That's all we had in California in the Silicon Valley, Sunny or wet, and the variations between, what little existed. Faugh. Shovelin' is savin' me a fortune in gym fees. 😉
As for cold where you are, Venray, ever been t'Chicago for the winter. New definitions in FUCKING cold. Wind chill t'kill a man.
I'm above the Dakotas, though, wadin' through it like the rest of the winterland crew here. Makes us stronger. 😀