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Tormented Soles: A Tickling RPG (Character Sheets)

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HisDivineShadow's Character

Name: Valdor (No last name)
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Description: 6'4''. Black hair about three inches longer than shoulder length. Deep blue eyes. Muscular, but not overly so. Always seen wearing a black cloak that reached the ground and went almost completely around his body, with a stand-up typle collar, black gloves, black close (Sense a pattern? ) and heavy shoulder armour. He makes use of dual shirasaya nihontou, or wooden-hilted Japanese-style swords, with multiple runes near the hilt on each. He is highly skilled with them, but only draws them as a last resort, prefering to use his impressive speed to surprise and disable his foes rather than slicing them up. They are kept at his waist, hidden beneath the black cloak
Bio: A mysterious and aloof character, Valdor is a man of few words. His past is largely unknown, but what is known is that he suffered greatly as a child and that suffering caused him to take up the life of a traveler, vowing to become strong enough to defend himself from all who would do him harm. He is not a mean man, and is most often scene with a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye, although he almost never speaks. Friend to few, he travels the land, offering his skills to those whom he deems worthy of purchasing them. Many an evil man has tried to force him to do their will, and all soon found their lives cut short. Those few fortunate (Although some would say unfortunate) to have seen him in battle and lived to tell about it spoke of seeing a blur moving amongst his foes, calmly eliminating his enemies with no apparent emotion. Whenever he is using his full strength during combat, a glowing rune of deep blue hue appears on his forehead. But, to date, only one man has witnessed this and lived. That man was the one person to have defeated Valdor, and to this day he is searching for him, seeking to find out why the mysterious man spared him. That is largly his quest in these troubled times and has become the primary focu of his life.

He considers himself aloof from the conflict raging in House Galthari, but with his skills being as they are, it will likely not be long before he is drawn into the conflict, willingly or unwillingly.
Misc. Info: While he might seem to be an emotionless mercenary on the outside, Valdor has a softer side, especially towards those who cannot help themselves, as he once could not. If he happens across some unfortunate soul being persecuted, the culprits often find themselves staring down the tips of his twin blades. While he keeps few friends, those few who earn his trust can count on his aid should they ever find themselves in a bind.

Because of his great speed and skill with his dual swords, he has been nicknamed Lighning Blades.
Zarnler's Character

Name: Velkator (no last name)
Age: 48
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Description: 6'8". Short white hair. Long grey/white beard about 8 inchs long. Green eyes with a bit of brown. Very muscular. Wears all chain, all in a very bright silver. Wields a very large axe, axe;s blade stands 3 feet tall, 3'4" in length. stands 5'2" feet tall. The axe he wields carrys around on his back. Until battle.
Bio: Velkator him self is very quite, would rather listen to every point of view befor he gets involved with fights. He was once a Guard for the royal's, but was kicked out after a mass slaughter in the kingdom. No one knows what provoked the slaughter, but the few that made it out alive said. "His eye's glowed with the darkest red you will ever see. It was like looking death it's self in the eyes, his maddened battle cry would send a chill down your spine.

Misc. Info: After the day of his slaughtering rampage in the kingdom, he awoke in a field with the stains of blood all over his armor and axe. He has no memorie of his rampage in the kingdom.
FeatherFeet's Character

Character Name: Gabe the Blue Shadow.

Race: Once human, now immortal.

Bio: Gabe once served as a police officer. He was assigned to take down a mongering war-lord who was obsessed with the dark powers and trying to dig up evil artifacts in the ruined city of Kal-Maruni.

(Info on Kal-Maruni) Kal Maruni was the center city for the Golden age of the Neight. The Neight were a race of evil creatured, half human half dragon that enslaved many of the worlds races and used them to mine for them, and build their great temples. They relied greatly on black magic. For over a thousand years the Neight plundered and pillaged, destroyed and burned villages around them. Then their own power collapsed on them, their dark magic created around the city, the black forest. The forest is many miles thick and wide, and through the forest roams beasts.....and even worse. Now the city is a ruin somewhere within the forest, although no one knows where, exactly....)

so Gabe traced the warlord down with his small squad of Elite Guards. While searching the forests they were ambushed, by the warlord and all Gabes men were killed, he barely escaped. He ran through the forest trying to find his way out, when he stumbled upon the city, and found all of the warlord's men dead at the gates. The warlord was still amoung the living, but was battling a foe. Gabe ran to see what it was and dicovered it was a Neight witch. He didn't know how the witch was still alive, but she was still really powerful. She stopped fighting the warlord and pitted gabe and him against eachother, saying that only one will be able to walk away alive. Gabe and the Warlord fought for 2 hours straight in a one on one. Gabe slew the warlord. The witch as a reward or curse gave Gabe Eternal life. The she vanished. For 600 years Gabe wandered around the world waiting for his life to end. But realized it wouldnt. He eventually decided to wander the black forest, hoping to find the witch thinkin if he killed her, he would kill the spell. He eventually found her, and slew her through the heart. In her dying breath, she told him, the curse would last for a time after she died. But the magic would drain. Eventually. It has been 25 years since he slew the witch, he is still alive, but with ever mortal wound he faces, he can feel the immortality slipping. He estimates he only has a few "lives" left so to speak. And he plans to use them carefully.

Present Day Info about Gabe:

For the past 20 years Gabe the Blue Shadow has become a mercinary, working for whichever kingdom will pay the highest price during a war. Already a legend in his time, both for his warrior skills and his immortality, it was not hard for him to find work. He still will work for anyone, who will pay enough.

Weapons: Gabes primary weapon is a black bladed sword that belonged to the warlord he slew. The sword is an inch and a half thick, 3 feet long, with a dragon on the hilt. His other weapons include a dagger, with a crystal on the bottom, a sheild, with 2 tigers battling on it, and a small axe, or tomahawk. He also has a bow, and arrows. He is an expert archer.

Gabe wears black cloths with a dark blue Trenchcoat.

His only friend is his horse, montana. Which is actually not a horse. It is a elnighte, believed to be the last of its kind. It appears in every way to be a horse, but it is over 600 years old, such as Gabe is. Plus it can move alot faster than a horse.

There is one other thing,

upon dying the Witch did curse Gabe with a weakness, while nearly undefeatable in battle, while being able to withstand many a sword and axe, he cannot withstand the feel, of a feather to the bottoms of his feet....
My Character

Name: Rachel Drake Teniel.
Age: 20.
Gender: Female.
Race: Human.
Description: 5'8 ft, fair complexion and of average build, indicating a person who lived a sheltered life. Rachel has long, dark brown hair, brown eyes and is very beautiful. She wears a simple short sleeved brown leather armour, long brown pants and leather shoes. Her weapons are the offensive magic spells she has at her fingertips.
Bio: As the princess of Halthrea kingdom, one of the three kingdoms in House Galthari, and the daughter of King Thoth, Rachel was the envy of many in the kingdom. However, Thoth always wanted a son to take over the throne when he dies, so he was enraged when the queen gave birth to a girl. Rachel was thus treated with indifference as she grew up, left in the care of the palace servants while the king tended to military affairs almost every day. She passed the time by attending classes in magic schools, learning quite a few spells that would make her a moderately formidable opponent in battle.

Rachel's mother passed away just as the war reached its peak and tickling became a favorite pastime. By accident, she overheard her father talking to an army general about his plans: he was going to make Rachel his trophy, his personal plaything! After all, she served no purpose in his reign and she was not eligible to be his successor. Rachel was shocked to hear that, and immediately packed up her belongings. She had to run away from the palace before the king's men find her.

Stealing some travelling equipment from the armoury and a horse from the stables, she dressed herself in the clothes of an adventurer and rode out of Halthrea. Eventually her father would send soldiers and mercenaries after her, but until then she would have to travel as far as possible.
Misc. Info: To blend in with the commoners, Rachel adopted a spunky attitude and can even seem playful at times. But she is always watchful of every stranger she meets.

Her spells range from the generic fireballs and charms to summoning vines from the ground.
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ticklishrilina's Character

Name: Rilina (No last name)

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Description: Rilina is about five foot, three inches tall, with bright blue eyes and close croped dirty blonde hair that tends to stick out on it's own accord. She tends to dress in more simple clothing, fitting her station; except when she is stealing things, which is her 'night job' as it were. Then she wears black, although still fairly simple clothing. She always wears thick boots.

Bio: Rilina was born in the kingdom ruled by the House Galthari, and has lived there all of her life. She was trained by her mother as an Apothecary; her father died in one of the numerous wars the kingdom is always plunged in. Shortly after her father's death her mother passed on naturally, some say of a broken heart, leaving Rilina to tend the Apothecary on her own. To supplement her income she has taken up robbing houses so she has food to eat, but she isn't very good.
Tukano's Character

Name: Castorp Kentari, also know as The Placid
Age: 48
Gender: male
Race: human
Description: Average height, curly brown hair and thick beard, brown eyes, all of his body is quite hairy. He loves eating and drinking, and one could hardly define him an "active" man, so he's rather chubby. But he plays and sings wonderfully, knows how to talk to people and has a wide, charming smile most of the time, so he's generally good to fascinate and convince people, specially women... It seems that they specially find irresistible the fact that he apparently has absolutely no morality and enjoys life in the most simple aspects.

He wears very confortable and simple clothes and shoes, always brings with him some musical instruments, specially his Klavdia, an ancient string instrument.
He also has a very strange medallion, depicting a green bear with 2 heads.
Both the Klavdia and the medallion are known as typical emblem of an ancient and mysterious sept, the Eshetoh.
His faithful dog Tolpoff always follows him.
He doesn't bring weapons, except a short knive, just for defence.

Bio: No one knows much about him. Some says he was born and raised in Halthrea, someone else says he comes from a place very far from Alethron, over the Rybien forests at east. Anyway, still very young, he started to wander the whole Alethron, trying to avoid the wars, stopping by every little town along the way for a couple of months, making a living with his music, very appreciated, and seducing wealthy ladies with his romantic songs and his bright smile.
The ladies seemed to particularly appreciate some kind of game he used to play with them, but if somene asked them about that, they would just blush and giggle... Often these ladies were married, so more than once Castorp had to precipitously run away from the village, chased by furious men with knives and forks. And invariably after some months in the same village a few newborns with his eyes and his smile, even if still with no teeth, would come to life. Once he wasn't enough fast, and he was captured by one of the most notable country men in Lyahdah, north of Halthrea, whose wife liked Castorp's music too much. The man knew important people in Halthrea, so he got Castorp imprisoned for more than a month and forced to undergo the terrible punishments they used to dispense to criminals. Fortunately the wife of the offended man secretely managed to let him free, but Castorp still feels tingling all over his body, when he thinks about that...
He wears a strange medallion and always plays an instrument, the Klavdia: they are both symbols of an ancient animistic cult, the Eshetoh.
Many decades ago the Galthari regnants banished from the land some esoteric cults, included the Eshetoh, that were dangerously acquiring consensus between people, specially in the areas near Alethron's borders. They were considered as harmful to government, since these cults were contesting the authority and legitimacy of Galthari rulers, based essentially on ancient wars of conquer performed by their ancestors, that subdued the aboriginal populations. The cults were promoting the aboriginal culture, letting the descendents of those population discover their real identity. That was of course unacceptable for Galthari authorities, who decided to forbid the cults everywhere in the land and to kill or arrest their priests. But the seeds of that cultural movement made the kingdom less stable and are amongst the reasons for the recent struggle inside House Galthari for dominance over Alethron.
Although the cult itself is forbidden, the authorities don't care if people still wears their symbols, considered as harmless, so Castorp can still plays his Klavdia and wears his medallion...

Misc. Info: He always take good care of his Klavdia, not letting anyone touch it, not even his lovers. When he plays it, it emanates powerful and inebriating vibrations... The medallion depicts a green bear with 2 heads: one seems to laugh histerically, one has a very mischievous grin; everyone always asks him what it represents, but he is always very vague about it...

Tickling: Tickler/ticklee, but only with female characters played by female players.


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ElFewja's Character

Name: Lucius Brimstone
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Human. The extra feat is worth it!
Description: Appearence, eh. Dark brown eyes, black hair pull back into a short pony tail that reachs back about to the shoulder. Lean, not exactly skinny, but not buff either, about 5-7. Strong features, determined face, etc. Prefers to wear a wide brim hat pulled down low, greenish brown cloak that covers most of the body, turned down boots. Carries a short, curved blade by his side, short bow and quiver on back, and a pack with various tools, weapons, and basic traveling supplies (yea, I dont want to go into extreme detail, cut me a break).
Bio: A loner, really. Avoided the strife between the three houses as best as possible, cause it can only lead to trouble. Because of this, those who actually know of him tend to not like him. Managed to make it so far by being a mercenary of a sorts, doing whatever it took to cover his stay at an inn, staying in an abandoned region outside of town when this was impossible. Has no family, few friends, but enough within each major house that the local rumors aren't far from his reach.
Misc. Info: Eh, this stuff will probably come up as the story progresses. Thus, Ill do it later, cause I cant think of anything right now.
alchemy's Character

Name: Edward (the Adequate)
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Half human/half elf
Description: 5'9", long chest lenght brown hair, piercing green eyes, wears a neat/closely trimed goatee, slim and fit, wears comfortable dark clothing (mostly blacks and greys) and sometimes wears a cape for formal occasions. Has a deceptively friendly personality that nicely hides a cool, calculating mind. Has a wity and slightly sadistic sense of humor. Is mostly a loner who does not do exceedingly well in groups. Carries and enchanted sword which he is adequately effective with, but is also adept at empty handed combat. Is also an accomplished musician.
Bio: Considers that conflicts of the houses to be mostly irrelevant to his existance. Lives mostly as a mercenary, but will take on a job for free if tickle torture is involved. Well...ALMOST for free (Hey, mercenaries gotta eat too). He doesn't not consider himself affiliated with any house and will work/fight for the highest bidder most of the time. He is a newcomer to this land and has long since severed all ties to the far off place of his birth. His main goals besides personal gain/pleasure is knowledge and power. Is more than a little secretive about his past.
Misc Info: Likes seafood. Is a "nightowl".
AussieMonkey's Character

Name: Gokui "the furred sage" Nylethoai

Age: a young and impetuous 21

Gender: male (at least, we think he's male)

Race: Monkey-Boy (Ma-Mang-Shan)

Description: a beanpole-thin figure, standing at around 5' 6, weighing around 75 kilos and with normal human proportions. tanned, mocha brown skin, unusual for a Cathaysian, he shows no noticeable hair growths bar on his head (a rather stylish 80's style subdued-afro) and on the tail that sprouts from the base of his spine, a useful appendage around 3.5 feet long. the normal number of arms and legs, he has a well-muscled, healthy and robust figure, without being stocky or beefy. picture a 'bruce-lee' look. of course, barely any of this is visible, as he clothes himself quite modestly in an oriental long-sleeved coat-jacket, a cotton garb common to natives of Cathan, coloured a matt white with blue lining, and mystic symbols adorning the up-turned collar and the sleeves. rarely, except during combat, do his hands leave the comfort of their sleeves. his pants are comfortable and loose, the same blue-dye colour as his lapels and sleeves. he wears a pair of circular glasses covering his eyes and eyebrows completely, leaving him mostly expresionless. these glasses are attatched to his overlarge ears (think panda/monkey, on the side of the head) by straps. for a face, think of coco the monkey, basically human with a few monkey-features. his feet are like that of hobbits, with prehensile toes that can be used as fingers (heh, heh, heh...). he invariably carries a swag of various esoteric and exotic items from the far east, and is never without his faithful companion, a gourd filled with Quorache, an intoxicant native to Cathan (it is said to have quite a light-headed effect, and is a useful knockout drug for the uninitiated). he also carries a bo-staff, ostensibly as a walking stick, but he is extremely proficient in its use.

Bio: Hailing from the un-anchored Island-landmass Cathan, to the east of Alethron, Gokui is an unusual character, even by the standards of his Ma-Mang-Shan compatriots. playful and capering, yet wise beyond his years, he brings comfort and an aura of calm serenity among those he walks with. Cathan is a magical place, of which many legends have been told and folktales woven. while much of it is untrue, such as stories of flying wheels and gold thick on the ground, the country does have more than a few unusual characteristics which keep the rumours in steady flow. containing all weathers and conditions, from arid deserts to tropical jungles to snow-capped peaks, and everything in between, it is truly a wonder of the natural world, and a fine tourist destination! the monkey race, Ma-Mang-Shan, is a reclusive one, sequestered in the humid forests of Tainang. they spend their lives in merriment, with countless festivals celebrating various religious holidays (some speculate that they make up the religions for the sole purpose of the holidays) there is much contentment and wisdom also, a philosophical treadition stretching back thousands of years, not to mention some really funky architecture in tune with the ebb and flow of nature. as a result of this, their race is one of sages and seekers-after-wisdom, constantly journeying the world to gather the newest ideas, before retiring to a life of contemplation and scholarship. Gokui is on his first sojourn, having completed his stint at the college of blissful enlightenment (CBE), and seeks to discover more about the world to the west, travelling further from home than any other of his people. having heard the rumours penetrating even through the dense jungle, he is eager to explore this 'uncivilised' world. stowing away on a galleon, he wended his way through the seas barring Cathan from the western continent, and, through many adventures, now finds himself in the midst of the conflict, a new arrival. what he shall do now is unknown (he is a bad planner)

Misc. Info: Gokui is adept at several ancient forms of martial arts, learning from countless instructors. he has his own style too, one to fit his amorous intentions: 'perv-fu'. an amalgam of several styles, it is an ultimate non-lethal art, mainly seeking to humiliate or embarras an opponent into submission. Gokui has always been curious about 'humans' and half-elves, feeling a stronger attraction to them than to his own race. he did not realise until recently why this was: humans have feet! it is the very deficiency of prehensile ambidexterity that renders their lower appendages so attractive to Gokui. he is as yet unsure of these feelings, but is coming towards a sexual awakening. at most times he is a fun-loving guy, a jester, and a pervert, but he also has his contemplative, mystical side, and in these times he can be truly profound.
Kleptomaniac's Character

Name: David Zullen

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Description: Being a young man, he preferred to dress simple and casual, rather than those of the more noble background. His most common attire was black slacks and a black tunic, and even a black cape to go with that. Don't forget the large, thick, black boots. Guess his favorite color yet? Around his waist was a leather belt, which held about a dozen pouches of varying sizes. Each pouch was filled with micellaneous things from coins to little survival tools.

As for his face? Well, being 18, it was quite young and generally clean shaven. Brown hair hung down, just barely touching his hazel eyes. He was 5'10", slim, about 160 lbs.

The only weapon he had on him was quite apparent by the leather scabbard on his right side. It held his longsword, with dull and dirty hilt sticking out. The blade was still sharp, however, for times when he needed it.

Bio: Your typical childhood sad story, losing his parents, having to fend for himself. He grew up taking oddjobs from people, whether it be to help run a tavern, or deliver a message to the next town. It gave him enough money to finally get back up onto his feet, yet doing all those oddjobs inspired him. To this day, he is a mercenary, traveling from town to town. If you have the money, he is most likely willing to complete the job.

Misc. Info: David is a bit stand-offish, looking cold to those who just met him, though really deep down he was a silly and carefree guy. It just took some time before he trusted another person. There was one job he was offered, a woman offered quite a hefty sum of gold coins to have her tickle his feet for a few hours. Twenty minutes after it started, hoarse from laughter, he let the woman keep her money and ran off from the job, not able to bear it any longer.
ticktort's Character

Name: Philamius Ammiratisque
Age: rumored to be around 150yrs old
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Description: 6'3" tall. Black hair kept short with mutton chops, deep set black eyes. Wears a long yellow and red cape with the image of a Chimera set in constant struggle against a Dragon, the Kingdom's sigul. Loose white shirt with the top 2 buttons unclasped, a piece of armor in the shape of a chimeras head over his left shoulder. Dark Brown pants, and a pair of Heavy boots. Muscular, but of average build.

Bio: The most feared General of the Kingdom of Damanius, second kingdom of the house Galthari. Second only to King Damarius himself. The Kindom of Damanius believes they were the frist kingdom created by the house Galthari, so by right, they should hold the most land and the most power. Consiquently, they were the first house to start the struggle of power over ten years ago in the assault on the outpost of giggoth'kur once held by the Halthrea kingdom. Countless lives were lost that night as the forces of Damanius, lead by Philamius himself, sieged the outpost. The woman were all 'interrogated' by Philamius himself, before being sent back to the king for further interrogations. Few ever last under the cruel torturers of the Damanius kingdom. Most are usually left to be tickled to death.
'Phil' has undergone countless experiments upon his body. Some are evident like his long life......others are only believed to be rumors. It is believed that he has undergone some sort of 'mind alteration' which allows for his impressiveness on the field of battle, some believe he can read your actions before you even do them. Has defeated every foe and won every every battle no matter the odds against him. Has disappeared from the public eye shortly after the siege of giggoth'kur around 10 years ago. Some believe he has gone mad...others believe he has undergone another 'experiment'.

Mis info: wields 2 black ivory hilted swords, the pommel shaped in the heads of a chimera. The swords are wrought in silver with runes that glow red when wielded by Phil. Upon the field of battle he wears his personal armor. A full set of Black dragon armor, the head of the dragon made into the helmet, and a pelt of fur believed to be a chimeras slung over his shoulders.
Bignorm868's Characters

Name: Killinya Softly

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Race: Himerian/Human Hybrid

Description: Born of an Himerian father and a human mother, he grew up a difficult life. Himerians are known for there expertise in the infamous tickle torture. from age 5, his parents tought him the Himerian way of torture, and to become a great warroir. He is an expert tickle torturer, and trained in the black arts of hand to hand combat when he was merely 15, he was in his first combat, defeating 10 Damanian warriors in the blink of an eye, and took 2 women from their caravan they were transporting and tickle tortured then to confess all they knew about the Damanians. For the last 4 years he has served as a warrior for hire, fighting in skirmishes and civil uprisings for who pays top dollar, as part of his fee, he demands 2 woman from the defeated to tickle torure, so he may practice and home his skills even further.

He has orange tinted skin with bright green reptilian eyes. he has a long scar from his right cheek to his chin. His reddish orange hair is spiked on end, resembling an inferno. his poison tipped tongue can lash out 8 feet to strike an opponent, the poison knocking the opponent unconscience for several hours. His main weapons are 2 double edged long daggers, which he leaves holstered at his sides when not in use, in the form of an S that he grabs in the middle, they can be used for cose combat or with focusing his powers over Lonterium, the metal only found in the Lnd of Himeria, of whom which his dagger is made from, he can throw them both, and recall the at will, making them a dangerous projectile. his secondary weapon is a bull whip, most of the time, strapped to his back. made from the Drecaris, a race known for there expert whip making from the Jukarian Bull leather, the toughest leather known. He wears all black, from his thick black boots with 5 buckles, to his thick black leather tank top shirt, with the magnificent emblem of the rising phoenix on the front. to his long black leather trench coat with loose buckles lining the front.

He is strong willed and not at all easy to lose his temper, he does have feelings from his human parts, but takes his tickle torture training to heart. unbeknownst to many, he seeks a life partner, a woman that he can love, gently love and tickle, and maybe, just maybe, tickle him for a change.

Name: Mystic-Fury

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Race: Human (Bred for ticklishness)

Weapons: Magical "Homing" Bow and Arrow, 2 small Battle Hatchets

Clothing: A light blue sweater that exposes her middrif and had large holes, exposing her bare armpits. Short white skirt and knee high, high heeled black boots. Her shoulder length black hair flows freely.

Description: She was born into Baron Von Renard's Servant quarters, where at the age of 8, she was taken from her parents, and served as the Baron's personal assistant, but while not working, she was bred for one day, being the Baron's personal tickle slave, making her very beautiful, and soaking her feet and body in fragmentire flower lotions to enhance ticklishness to it's very peak. Then, on her 18th birthday, the Baron had the pleasure of tickle torturing his helpless servant. 3 times a week from then on, for hours on end, he'd tickle her from head to toe, her soft feet being her worst spot. Until 2 years ago, a young warrior by the name of Killinya-Softly raided the Baron's kingdom and freed her. Killinya wanted her to tickle to enhance his skills, but she put an end to that with a punch to the nose and a body slam. So she goes wherever he goes, becoming friends as she grows in skills as a warrior, helping Killinya in his battles, and when he takes a few woman from his raids to tickle, she takes 2 also, loving the feeling of power, tickling the hell out of her victims, and she's quite good. Once in a while, Killinya wants to tickle her, but she says, when he will allow her to tickle torture him, she'll allow him to tickle her, so that always ends the discussion. She's secretly falling in love with Killinya, sharing the same likes, not to mention he's handsome. Next time he asks to tickle her with bondage, she might say yes, feeling happy to be under her love's tormenting fingers............
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Hue's Characters

Name: Robert T. Lee

Age: UNKNOWN looks like he is 19

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Occupation: Mercenary/Wanderer

Weapons: 2 Sais, a Sickle, a Knife, and a Medium sized Double Edged Sword.

Clothing: Black Trench coat, Black Pants, Black Combat boots, Grey shirt with red Skull and Crossbones, Black Gloves, and a Black Cowboy style hat.

Bio: He was a leader of a group of vicious murders and bandits. Fought for whoever offered and paid the highest price. Solo kills = 197 with 3 assisted kills. One day in battle, his group of murders and bandits were badly outnumbered. Of the total 1,000, none were captured, 999 were killed, leaving Robert all alone to face the enemy of, at that time 2,545 soldiers. He and his group took down 2,955 of the enemy. He took down 1,245 enemy fighters before his capture. On the way to the enemy’s headquarters, Robert escaped and fled into the infamous and deadly Woods of Turanox. No mortal who entered these woods EVER came out alive. Armed with only his knife and wits, Robert treaded further and further into the Woods. Robert came to a village where he met NIGHTMARE, Night Raptor, and Draco. None of whom were particularly pleased with Robert’s intrusion. The most powerful of these three warriors was Night Raptor. Night Raptor challenged Robert T. Lee to combat, and the winner got to decide the fate of the loser. Robert and Night Raptor went at each other fast and furious. Robert won the battle and made NIGHTMARE, Night Raptor, and Draco join him. Before this fearsome foursome left the village, Draco offered Robert one wish. Robert wished for immortality. This wish was granted, but the catch was this, ‘If Robert was tickled in one certain spot of his choice for more than 25 NON-Stop minutes, he would lose his immortality.’ Robert agrees to this and off they go, out into the world and out of the Woods of Turanox. Robert receives the Sword, the Sickle, and the Sais from Draco, NIGHTMARE, and Night Raptor before the group heads out as Robert’s symbol of authority.



Gender: Male

Race: Half Human, Half Dragon

Weapon(s): Single Edged Broad Sword

Clothing: Metal Armor with a Three clawed brown muscular arm

Features: 6’ 7” with long red hair. Very muscular, and weights 250 lbs.

Bio: This monster lives in a village in the Woods of Turanox until Robert T. Lee shows up in the village one day. He spent most of his life earlier wandering around from kingdom to kingdom as a trainer of warriors, eventually was chased into the Woods of Turanox where he spent the rest of his days ‘til Robert showed up at the village. Allies are Robert, Night Raptor, and Draco. Enemies are RAPTOR, Roberta C. Lee (Robert’s sister), and the rest of the world. Robert told them about his ‘vengeful’ sister prior to leaving the Woods of Turanox. NIGHTMARE only tickles for he is NOT ticklish. Favorite tickling instrument is a stiff brown turkey feather. Favorite ticklish spot to torment with the feather is the toes. NIGHTMARE as tickle tortured 123 females and 16 males in his lifetime while working in dungeons. For those of you wondering, Robert T. Lee’s Features are; 5’ 7”, weighing 150 lbs., long shoulder length brown hair worn in a ponytail. Robert has a brown goatee and muscular.


Age: 2,934

Gender: Male

Race: Half Human, Half Dragon (like NIGHTMARE)

Features: Blood Red pants, Grey Muscle Shirt, Long Blond Hair, Suit of Armor Boots, Four Clawed brown muscular arm (right side) NIGHTMARE’s “dragon arm” is left side.
Height = 6’ 6”, Weight = 320 lbs.
Weapon(s): Single Bladed Long Broad Sword

Bio: RAPTOR totally LOATHES NIGHTMARE and will stop at nothing to destroy him, ever at the expense of his own life. Unlike NIGHTMARE, RAPTOR is ticklish. This is one of many reasons why RAPTOR despises NIGHTMARE. RAPTOR ticklish and NIGHTMARE isn’t. NIGHTMARE tickled the living hell outta RAPTOR roughly 2,545 years ago. Before RAPTOR got his chance for revenge NIGHTMARE left that area known as The Enchanted Village of Podia to wander the land in search of new ‘hobby’ if you will. Roberta C. Lee finds RAPTOR during her efforts to track down Robert to get even with him for an earlier account of him tickling the living daylights outta her and disappearing. RAPTOR, after hearing Roberta’s story, agrees to accompany her and will help her if she helps him gain revenge. Both agree and roam the wilderness together in search of their victims. RAPTOR has killed countless numbers of opposing warriors in his path. NO one has come close to beating him in 1-on-1 combat EVER.

Name: Roberta C. Lee

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Weapon(s): 2 daggers, 2 Samurai Swords, 1 knife, and 10 throwing stars

Features: Long brown hair shoulder length, height = 5’ 5”, weight = 115 lbs. Wears her daggers at her sides, her swords on her back (like Leonardo from TMNT), and her throwing stars are kept in a belt packet on her right side. Roberta wears black knee high boots, gray pants, blue shirt with red skull on the front.

Occupation: ASSASSIN

Bio: Roberta has a vengeful spirit. It started when she was 10 and the cause was one of her best friends and her brother. These two tricked Roberta and lured her into a trap where they tickled her mercilessly for twenty minutes. Roberta vowed revenge and two years later, she got it by first killing the brother and then punishing the sister by NON-STOP tickle torture ‘til death claimed its victim. Her own brother Robert tickled Roberta again for forty minutes then he disappeared. Roberta was 15 years old at the time, but she vowed to have her revenge on him. When Roberta was 16, she joined a group called, “The Dark Assassins” who would go around from town to town, city to city, looking for whoever needed or wanted someone eliminated and they would go out and kill that person. Their price was 100 pieces of silver per victim. Roberta destroyed the group when one of the ‘victims’ was her other brother Tommy, whom Roberta was very fond of, and once she found that out, Roberta’s temper went into the ‘black’ zone. She was so furious that she killed the group of assassins and the one who wanted Tommy killed. Roberta went on her own way trying to hunt down Robert and seek her revenge against him, when she met another vengeful soul. RAPTOR was on his own manhunt for NIGHTMARE for a similar account. The two vengeful souls agree to help each other out and joined forces. They call themselves, “The Terrible Twosome”. No group of any number survived against them, mostly because Roberta and RAPTOR killed the leader of the group fairly quickly and that sent the rest running to their death. No one ever lived from Roberta and RAPTOR, either in battle or running away like cowards.
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M'Lady Kit's Character

Avarra Xenya Silver

For short:

Looks 20, actually 102


Human, with dragon blood running through her veins.

*5'8", 140lbs.
*Long black hair flowing down to mid-back and colorless eyes
*Very agile, quick, and strong despite her size.
*In public she is most commonly seen wearing almost skin tight purple or black leather. In private, let us just say that she tends to have a feminine side.
*Weapons (always with unless otherwise noted) include 10 hidden daggers, and a small pouch on her belt...what's inside? Well, wouldn't you like to know.

Born on a human mother when her idiot of a human/dragon father could not control his urge and participated in rape. She was never loved, and therefore never had a family, but all that is long past and better left there...

She began training in the art of assassination and torture at a very young age. After training under the best Masters, she achieved a rank only slightly lower than their own. Well, it was the best that could be expected after one kills her Master in a fit of temper...She was lucky they did not outcast her.

After wandering from town to town, she found work in the land of Alethron and very quickly became one of the most sought after torturers. And only to the highest bidder would she submit herself. Their style was a little lighter than she was accostumed too, but money is money. And screams are screams...although she does tend to miss the rush from seeing blood...

Her casual side is as sadistic as her work. The unusal aura of strange beauty tends to draw people's eyes to her, and she loves to tease...after all, there's nothing better than picking up a man (or even a woman) in a crowded bar and taking them back to her place to have a little "fun"...

Misc. Info:
Avarra is blessed with impatience, and a wicked temper that can be used against her. She loves to her knives when killing a person because fear and blood excite her. She is not exactly evil, but extremely twisted.

Excels in survival skills. Good in short-sword and dagger use. Fair in horsemanship and the more physical hand-to-hand combat.

She is very good at what she does...and there is not much else to say...
RaineSage's Character

Name: Raine Sage

Age: 173, but due to her Elven blood, she looks 23.

Gender: Female

Race: Half human, half Elf.

Weapons: Broadsword and staff.

Clothing: Raine is a swordswoman, but wears no armor. She garbs herself in white boots, black pants and a white shirt. She has a long orange cape, and over the white shirt is a blue overshirt with a white border. Her bright silver hair is quite short, flowing over her head and shooting out across her shoulders, enhancing her eyes of the same color. She stands about 5' 7". She keeps her sword at her side, and her staff can be summoned on command.

Bio: Raine comes from the village of Heimdall, a pure elven village deep in an enchanted forest. Heimdall was a very introverted place, never needing anything from outside the forest. Until one day, a human adventurer by the name of Kite wandered into the woods. He was lucky enough to not run into any elven patrol, instead bumping into a villager named Assiria, literally. They collided head on, Assiria being knocked back and off a small cliff. Kite lept off and manuvered his body under her. They hit the ground, Assiria padded by Kite's body, knocking him unconcious. Assiria nursed him back to health on the spot, and they instantly fell into a forbidden love. Assiria presented Kite to the village elder, asking his blessing for a marrage. He denied at first, but with much coaxing from Assiria's friends, and the fact that Kite was a good person to have around, he reluctantly accepted. Kite married Assiria, however very few people accepted him as one of them. They bore two children, Raine and Genis.

Many years had passed, and because he was a meer human, Kite was growing old. Kite died about 70 years after his eldest child, Raine, was born. Few outside of his family morned his death, and for most people, his death just meant that one out of three nusances was gone. Now all the negative attention was directed toward Raine and Genis. They dealt, however, using their mother's strength.

However, one grave day, Assiria was overcome by an illness, a human illness. Everyone began to blame Kite for bringing this too Heimdall, but since he was no longer of this world, they shifted the blame to his children. Assiria died, despite the great healing powers Heimdall was known for. One by one, the inhabitants of Heimdall fell prey to this incureable disease. Raine and Genis were quarentined for fear that they were the transmiters. This seclusion proved too much for Genis, he began to go mad. Genis had trained in the Black Arts of the village, Raine in the White Arts. One day, Genis used his arsenal of magic to break out of his prison, and ran amuk in the village. Despite Raine's attempts, she could not stop Genis as he slaugtered everyone he could. Finnaly, after many hours of fighting, Raine drove Genis to flee the village, although she had exhasuted herself to the point she couldn't follow, and passed out.

As Raine awoke, she truly absorbed the carnage around her. Fearing the she too would go mad, she absorbed what magic she could from the dead, and fled.

To this day, Raine wanders the land in search of her brother Genis. She relys mostly on her sword and skills in the White Arts. She sometimes succums to her tickling fetish, but rarely lets it cloud her judgement. She herself isn't ticklish, she's trained far too much for that.
The volunteers who will take control of NPCs and one-shot minor characters:

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Hue's character #5 and #6

Pending Review.

Name: Night Raptor

Age: 10,250

Gender: Male

Race: Half Human, Half Dragon with Dragon Blood running in his veins

Occupation: Warlord/Assassin

Features: 6’ 9”, 325 lbs., long orange hair, bright black eyes, very muscular, and scar on his face (left side).

Weapon(s): Wooden Staff, 2 razor sharp knives, and a Scythe

Clothing: Red silk robes, and black boots

Bio: Human mother with Dragon father. Night Raptor is very short-tempered, and got his scar from his father when he was 142 years old. This caused Night Raptor to kill his father in cold blood. Night Raptor has the ability to transform into a full dragon and back into his human form. Night Raptor can destroy a whole town with just a thought, and kill off enemies just as easily. Night Raptor hunts only at night and is very fast, hence his name. Night Raptor can partially transform in to a dragon as well, meaning that he just grows dragon wings instead of the whole deal. He was caught once in his lifetime and was interrogated for days and days. The capturers did not get want they wanted from him by ‘normal’ methods, so they tried the infamous Tickle Torture on him. Uh oh, big mistake, Night Raptor CAN’T stand to be tickled and that causes him to loss control and go on a massive killing spree. 2 seconds after the tickling started, Night Raptor broke the bonds that held him down and killed every last person in that building by ‘bringing down the house’ from inside the dungeon. Night Raptor emerged from the rubble unharmed and flew into the air to seek more revenge on the human race, full blooded humans that is, by burning their fields and villages. Night Raptor became wounded in his right wing from an arrow and crash landed in the Woods of Turanox. NIGHTMARE, and Draco found Night Raptor and treated his wounds. When Night Raptor was fully healed, he went out and tested his abilities in the woods. A few weeks later, Robert showed up in the village where NIGHTMARE, Draco, and he (Night Raptor) resided. The way Robert defeated Night Raptor was a shot to the side towards the back. This brought Night Raptor down for that was the area in which the arrow struck him. Robert did not know that at the time, but he felt proud that he defeated someone taller and stronger than him. Night Raptor was going to shred Robert apart if it wasn’t for the intervention of Draco and NIGHTMARE. Night Raptor was the one who gave Robert the Sword, NIGHTMARE gave Robert the Sickle, and Draco gave Robert the Sais. Night Raptor is Robert’s 2nd in Command.

Pending Review.

Name: Draco

Gender: Male

Age: 10,000

Race: Half Human, and Half Dragon, like his half brother Night Raptor, with Dragon Blood flowing in his veins.

Clothing: Black Muscle shirt, Gray sleeveless robe, Gold Cape, and Green & Orange boots.

Features: Long Green Hair worn in a ponytail, height = 6’ 1”, weight = 210 lbs., very muscular, not as muscular as Night Raptor or NIGHTMARE but more muscular than Robert, Blood Red eyes, and on the front of his shirt, is a flaming bright red ‘D’.

Occupation: Sorcerer

Weapon(s): Battle Axe, 2 Double Edged daggers, and a Double Edged Medium Broad Sword. He wears the daggers at his sides, the sword is belted on his back (right side) and the Battle Axe is strapped on the left side of his back when he doesn’t want to carry it in his hand(s).

Bio: Dragon father, and human mother. His mother is the same mother of Night Raptor, and he has a different father. “How can Night Raptor and Draco be related if their mother is human and they are 250 years apart in age?” is what you are probably thinking. Well, Night Raptor’s father gave Night Raptor’s mother a potion that would give her 300 extra years of her life; however, she could only bear his children. Once she gave birth to another dragon’s child, she would last only two days after the birth. Draco’s mother was heart-broken when Night Raptor killed his father that she fled from the cave and went out to hid from her son in order to save herself, that is when she got captured by Draco’s father and lived with him for 250 years and 2 days. 250 years after Night Raptor was born, Draco was born and 2 days later, his mother died from violating the potion’s commandment. Yes, Night Raptor and Draco know that they have the same mother and are half brothers. Like his half brother Night Raptor, Draco as the ability to transform into a dragon and back again at will, the one major difference between them, besides their age, is Draco is less sensitive to tickling than Night Raptor. Draco is ticklish, but he can last longer at receiving tickle torture than Night Raptor can, and the reason is that he doesn’t show off his power until the right moment. Anyway, Draco is the last member of “ The Fearsome Foursome” and his job is the arms master, meaning that Draco handles the weaponry of the group and keeping the weapons sharp and always ready for use.

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Name: Waylander
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Description: 6'6", biracial, mildly muscular and very agile, dark brown hair, wears black chain mail hidden by tunic and leggings of all black, skilled in a variety of martial arts and weaponry, but favors an all black samurai sword, the very sword used by his mentor, Grey Fox, in his younger days as an assasin. He is a quiet and methodical man who does not lose his temper for anyone.
Bio: A man of many arts and skills, a dangerous man of good virtue. An assasin/errand boy/heir/apprentice of his mentor, Grey Fox. Orphaned as an infant when his parents were killed by a large band of bandits, he was found by the old man and raised as his own, trained him, taught him everything he knew about anything. Waylander has been traveling since the death of his mentor 2 years ago. In that time he has helped a great deal of people, and hunted down an even greater number, in his travels, in search of a woman. Of all the orders and requests given to him by his mentor, this was by far the strangest. He had fulfilled all of them, from elliminating enemies to washing clothes, but to look after a woman he had never even heard of or seen before was just downright weird, in every sense of the word. But the old man had made it his dying wish, and he could not, would not disobey. His lack of certain physical feelings, thanks to a spell gone wrong cast by some low level necromancer who had hoped to paralize him in a battle but instead made him unaware of most feelings below the level of moderate pain or extreme pleasure, had both helped and burdened him throughout his years of peril, and had forced him to become completely aware of everything around him on a mental plain at all times. He had always been far ahead of most people when it came to mind play. But to pit his mind against that of a crafty woman on the run would be a welcome challenge.
TNtickle's Character

Name: Reynaldo Vega
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Species: Were-human
Description: Latin features, long black hair flecked with gray, clean-shaven, gray eyes. He carries a pair of swords, one thin but razor-sharp in a scabbard on his leg and a larger broadsword strapped to his back. His body is wiry but strong. Well-spoken but very dangerous in a fight, and hesitant to make alliances due to what happens with every full moon--and his concern of what might happen to those around him.

Bio: For many years, there was only the sword for Vega.

The youngest son of five children of an affluent merchant of Port Kaphraktos, he knew there would be no inheritance awaiting him. Stirred by a restless nature, he left home and traveled to a variety of kingdoms, the free and despotic, large and small, learning a multitude of fighting styles. Slowly but surely he began to amass a reputation as one of the finest swordsmen in any land. He dreamed of becoming a general, using his skills and dashing good looks to reach the inner circle of one of the finest kingdoms--until that night.

On a cold, rainy night in a distant land, he encountered a snarling wolf on the rolling hills outside a small village. The ensuing battle left Reynaldo unconscious and wounded, and the beast dead. Vega had never seen a creature of that ilk... but one month later, he learned its identity, when The Change first took place.

The memory of the aftermath of that first bloody rampage under the full moon, the carnage he wrought, had a cataclysmic effect upon his psyche. The days of dreaming of life leading a royal army died. None would accept him, not a monster like this. Furthermore, the wolf within him had changed his personality. He found himself more aggressive, stronger and with greater reflexes.

So, Vega wanders the earth, working as a bounty hunter or hired mercenary while he tries desperately to seek a cure--or at least something to lessen the monster inside him.

And every month, he seeks the dark, secluded places of the world. Somewhere where he can hurt as few people as possible when the change comes...
Taj's Character

Name: Stapleton

Race: Elven/Orc

Age: Unknown

Birthplace: Unknown

Sex: Male

Occupation: Basic training in the sourcery of sight

Since Stapleton was not of pure Elvan or Orc blood, his tribe (or village) never knew of his exsistance. His Father, Blyther of the Orc Village Mahk (Mah) had wandered past the safety borders of his lands in the mountains to the wooded lands down below, where he had met Orsillia, of the Elvan village Tosape, (toe-sap-eh) and heir to the thrown. He had found her, caught in an animal trap set by a careless hunter. Usually the Orc's did not interfere with the trials and tribulations of others, but something in her had caught his eye. Orsillia had been grateful for his assistance and to show her gratitude prepared a meal fit for a king. After eating and talking, the pair realized they had more in commen with eachother than what was anticipated. After that, they had met fallen in love and continued to meet in secrecy. For awhile all was well with the new couple. However, like every tragic love story, their world of love and laughter was torn apart when Orsillia announced her pregnancy to her lover.
Blyther, with his hot Orc temper exploded in rage, insisting Orsillia destroy the newborn immediately after birth. He reminded her time and time again that marriage, let alone children were forbidden between the two races. They would be outcasts immediately if not outright slaughtered in public. Orsillia was heartbroken, but finally agreed to Blyther's request. However, after the birth of her son, she could'nt bring herself to kill the new infant. Instead she fled with him into the woods and never saw her village or beloved again.
She had stumbled onto a small hut standing alone by a river, and collapsed at the door. She died shortly thereafter from hunger and dehydration, with her baby still held lovingly in her arms.
A hermit had returned to find the carcass and now weak baby. He was deathly ill and thin, but alive none the less. The hermit raised the child as his own, teaching him all he knew. Which really did'nt amount to much since he had lived alone for nearly all his life. But Stapleton took to heart all his addopted father's teachings. He learned to respect, be kind and to seek and offer friendship to others. He was also given the gift of sight but in a very limited sence. In order to forsee the future, he had to be within a certain distance of another person.
After the death of the only father he ever knew, he ventured out on his own and had travelled a great distance on his wits and services in exchange for passage. During his many adventures he befriended a fierce looking wolf. Or what appeared to be a wolf, judging by his size. The animal had wandered to him one day hoping for a scrap of food. Stapleton's compasion shined through and offered the wolf animal a large helping of what he had left. The two had been inseperable since. He named the creature Makambo after his addopted father. Stapleton's fighting skills are minimal, but his ability to anticipate a foe's move gave him a great advantage. Plus his travelling companion would lay down his life to save the man who had been so kind to him. Since raised by a kindly hermit, Stapleton is unaware of the customs or mannorisms of his birth rights. Physically he looks awkward. A below average height, but with unusually larger arms and legs than his frame should allow. His skin is a shade of olive green, with piercing black eyes, a too sharp a nose and a thin mouth. His smile was not pretty to look at. Neither was the rest of him to be honest. With long scraggly hair and ragged clothes he gave the appearance of someone who cared little about his appearance. Despite all this his personality is friendly yet very shy since his interaction with others has been, shall we say, severely limited? However he loves to help others and is usually eager to please, but has been known to show the Orc in him with a sometimes short temper. His anger is shown through yelling and sometimes physical violence.
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I'll post the character sheets for these two minor characters in case they stay around longer than expected.

Albert ‘Snake’ Vans

Gender = Male

Age = 38

Occupation = Head Commander in the King’s Tracking Party.

Features and Clothing = Tall man measuring in a height of 6’ 00”, weights 144 lbs., wears guard clothing consisting of gray pants, black boots, blue shirt, with armor chains across his chest. Albert’s hair is short and black.

Weapons are a Double Edged Medium Sword and a Dagger.

Bio = Serves under King Thoth as a Tracker. Albert goes out as a spy or a scout, finding out the location of useful animals, people, and other information that will help King Thoth find his daughter. All other attempts have failed, but his last attempt is looking promising until getting captured by Night Raptor in the woods and rendered unconscious.

Katie Jones

Gender = Female

Age = 22

Occupation = Trapper

Features = Bright face, long blonde hair worn in a braided ponytail, and is very agile. 5’ 5” height, weights 115 lbs., and is very frisky.

Clothing = short leather boots, green pants, brown shirt, and a black cape.

Weapon(s) = only a dagger.

Bio = works for King Thoth as a trapper of all animals. Rumors in the kingdom told of a war wolf that could be ridden and fight against the enemy. Katie was sent out along with Albert to find this war wolf and bring it back to Thoth. Attempt foiled by Night Raptor even though N.R. brought her in the presence of the war wolf. Katie is highly ticklish and would rather be whipped or die than to be tickled.
xtxlx's Character

Name: Tanandra (probably not her actual name)
Race: Half-elven
Gender: Female
Age: 30's
Occupation: Information broker, freelance tickler
Features: Elegant, Cultured. Perhaps even a bit jaded.
Clothing: Dresses in the current fashion of the wealthy and noble.
Weapons: Fighting? Oh my no, that's for guards and other low class sorts. Does have certain alchemical tricks (smoke pellets and other distractions) for making an escape.

Bio: Having been born third daughter to a minor noble family, Tanandra's future was not in any doubt. She would have been married off for the political or financial advantage of her family, had children, and given how the land is probably getting tickled regularly throughout. Fate had other plans.

As was the style, Tandy studied a trade so as to be a more valuable marriage prospect. In her case, alchemy. She was not really the best student however, and in the process of "marrying the Green Dragon to the Golden Arc of Heaven" (an alchemical process for turning lead to iron) made a terrible error. The alchemical effect irreversably affected her own body, deadening her to sensation. She would no longer feel pleasure or pain.

She soon became the black sheep of the family. Marriage prospects were non-existent, as who would marry such a non-ticklish (or anything else) woman? The rejection twisted her spirit and sharpened her envy of other women who could still feel what she could not. It soon took the form of her tickling and tormenting other women.

As it happened, she had a talent for it. Starting as a freelance torturer, she soon became a trader of information that she acquired from her unlucky victims. Now reasonably well off, she finds women of interest and extracts bits of knowledge and hidden secrets while doing her best to break them to her will. The information she sells to interested parties. As for the women, well that depends on how much fun she's having.

Abilities: Alchemy (somewhat), Information from her network of contacts and sources, Considerable Wealth, Good Relations with a variety of "powers that be"
Ksilrebu's Characters

Name: Sethos Newyrs

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Tickling Orientation: 'Ler - M/F. 'Lee - M/M, F/M. This wasn't listed as a requirement, but I saw it rise up in a later post and thought it might be a good idea to include.

Race: Human (Draconic Ancestry)

Description: Seth is the kind of child that even a mother would have a difficult time loving. He suffers from an odd sort of albinism; his skin is alabaster white and completely hairless, his eyes a pale pink, and his short, uneven hair is silver. His form is short and frail; were it not that he typically wore no clothing on his upper body, he could be easily mistaken for a young girl. His legs are wraped in oversized, heavy leather pants, which are sewn to his black leather boots at the ankles. Chains wind around both legs, looping about his waist several times, and then twice diagonally about his torso. He also wears heavy black leather gloves; those two are bound about his wrists with chains. One great, heavy iron padlock hangs on the left side of his hip. All of his possesions, including a large cloak he wears during the day to hide himself from the sun, are packed into an oddly small satchel at his waist.

Bio: Seth was born into a family of low-key practitioners, but his obvious defects put his parents into a regretable possition. Though they cared for their son, it was clear that their standing was challenged by other nobles of "untainted blood". He spent all of his early childhood at the Temple of Kinetics, where it became clear that he posessed no talent in the arts of practiced spellcasting and ritualism. In time, the rejection and failure he suffered at this institution grew to be more than he could bear.

In his early teens he discovered that not only was he accursed, but so would be anything around him; forest animals shied from his presence, and plant life within a short range of him would wither and die. Even humans would feel ill at ease around him, and his gaze could cause loathing and contempt in the heart of a nun. One day, the Temple of Kinetics attepted to kill the boy in his own home. In a panic, he tried to harness his untrained arcane power to escape. He only suceeded in killing his own parents.

After seeing the child use such force untrained, the Temple decided not to kill him. However, he remained unresponsive to attempts to train him. Later, in order to control the errant use of his power, various means of torture were derived to rob him of his ability to focus on his talents while they continued research on the source of his power. One means of torture, however, proved more effective than any other: tickling him.

Thus passed three years of his life as a guinea pig, being subjected to horrible experiments to make his most sensitive spots even more sensitive. Inflicted upon him in this time were such tortures as humankind was never meant to know, his insidiously ticklish feet kept in torment for weeks at a time, his body magically preserved to remain in stasis, save for his mind. On the third year anniversary of his incarcaration, a lowly servant who took pity on the child's plight helped engineer his escape.

Misc. Info: Plagued by regret and the desire for vengeance, Seth wanders the land in search of a scapegoat: someone or something to release his aggression on, to blame for what happened to him. He survives by bullying peasants through the use of his Golem. His effeminate, soft feet rarely ever leave the confines of his leather pants. The pants themself are enchanted to keep him clean and dry at all times, effectively preserving him and allowing him to rarely remove them without risk of disease. While being tickled, he has no access to what miniscule magical talent he posesses. Moreso than his hyper-sensitivity (going into [and arguably beyond] the realm of those 'bred for ticklishness'), it is for this reason that he hates being tickled. It is a conundrum he is destined to face for the rest of his life: when facing his most hated torture, he is robbed of his only chance to make it stop.

Name: Dredge

Description: A lumbering, top-heavy mass of black stone and burnished copper, the golem known as "Dredge" is an early and rough prototype of a design meant to, in time, replace soldiers in warfare. He normally remains hidden in a long leather coat and a wide-brimmed hat, though it does little to disguise his ungainly mass. His face lacks any and all feature save for two round glass disks where eyes would be on a human, and a great steam pipe emerges from the center of his back at a 45% angle, though very rarely does anything ever pipe from it.

Bio: Dredge has followed Sethos since the day of his escape from the Temple of Kinetics. It seems drawn to his magical ressonance, and Sethos has found that if he focuses enough of his energy in to the golem, it can be made to follow simple commands. Because it is awkward even when disguised, Dredge is often left outside of highly populated areas.

A final note: Seth's magical talents are extremely limited: if the reader be a D20 (or even oldschool D&D for that matter) player, think in terms of Cantrips (Prestidigitation, Mage Hand, Frost Ray, etc.), maybe a few first level Evocations (Magic Missile, Flaming Hand, etc.). Otherwise, the easiest description I could give is making minor stuff with no significant effect on anything happening, and occasionally mustering enough strength to pester someone with a bit of hurtin'. Because he already suffers persecution, he avoids using these in public view, unless he has ample means by which to hide their use, or is in a situation where he can shift the blame to another, or to coincidence.
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