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Tortured to the Brink of madness by a Vengeful Caterpillar (Plants/F Bug/F Bare Feet) [I Tickled a Demon until she Joined my Party: Chapter 1 Part 1]


Registered User
Jul 16, 2024
I only learned healing spells, so I tickled a demon until she agreed to join my party, but her weakness makes her a terrible fighter!
(Yes I'm making fun of Light Novel titles)
This is going to be a long running fantasy series with lots of predicaments, helpless scenarios, and torturous tickling. The main characters are Celestia, an Eladrin elf, and Azraelle, a powerful demoness who's been cursed to be extremely ticklish and lose all her strength at the slightest tickle. Together they try and find a way to break the curse, but not before Celestia has a lot of fun with it.

Ch 1 Blurb:
Celestia is hiking towards the fabled hot springs, when she decides to have a little fun letting the prickly foliage tickle her sensitive feet. She's unaware that a tenacious little caterpillar is ready to defend his home against the giant intruder, and he spotted what might be the giant's weakness...

Chapter 1 - Part 1
Celestia groaned as she reached the top of the plateau. She stretched her petite and lithe but surprisingly muscular body, raising her arms and letting out a satisfying squeak—exposing her flat toned tummy to the world—before lowering them again with a deep sigh. Burnt auburn leaves scattered as she shook out the physical strain of her climb. ‘The effort will all have been worth it once I reach the fabled hot springs, and I can have the relaxation of a lifetime,’ she thought.

She was an Eladrin; a subrace of elves who hail from the Feywild. Eladrin were somewhat reminiscent of Dryads, in their connection to nature, but what truly made them stand out was the fact that their skin and hair would change along with their emotions, often taking on the characteristics of one of the four seasons. They could even magically extend this property to their clothing and gear.

Celestia was currently in her autumn form, where her skin took on a pale reddish hue and her short pixie-cut hair blazed a fiery copper, lightening at the tips into playful orange and yellows. Bright freckles were sprinkled across her face and body, amongst the deep cut lines that formed patterns which resembled wood carvings all across her skin. Not that her skin was anywhere near the texture or toughness of wood; anyone who had had the pleasure of experiencing a touch of her skin would never forget the unnatural softness of it.

She twirled and playfully shook her many-layered skirt of crimson-edged autumn leaves, and several new ones magically grew where old ones had flown off in her dance. The same happened to her adorned sleeves, which only attached to her crop top along the tops of her shoulders, leaving her underarms exposed and free to breathe the cool air when she raised her arms above her head. Her gait was perfectly silent as her tiny feet glided through the underbrush, save for a gentle rustling as the myriad of tiny bushes, plants, and weeds scraped against the weathered leather of her shoes.

There already wasn’t much to her shoes. (In our world, they’d be called Grecian elasto-split jazz shoes.) They consisted of two halves: the front half which covered her toes and the balls of her feet, and a back half for her heels; those halves were then held together with a small elastic band on the bottom, and a T-shaped elastic band along the top of her foot wrapping around below her ankles to the sides of her heels.

This allowed the two parts of the shoes to easily move independently, providing extreme flexibility to her feet as she pranced through the woods like a ballerina, pointing and flexing her beautiful feet as she went. It also meant there was nothing for the middle of her shoe, exposing both sides of her feet to the harsh outside world; her arches, the outside edges, and a significant part of her soles always enjoyed the gentle licks of fresh air. To make up for this, she also wore some thick thigh-high stirrup socks, which protected at least a little bit of her otherwise unprotected arches. Her Eladrin nature magically extended to her clothing, so today her socks sported a bright crimson red hue, complimenting her pinkish autumn skin.

On dirt and stone, the soles of her shoes were thick enough to keep her skin safe, but in places like this, plentiful twigs, leaves, grass blades, and wild weeds reached out and stroked, poked, scratched, and—daresay—tickled the parts of her feet that were exposed to them. Her body tensed and twitched with soft gasps as she floated gracefully through the tantalizing foliage. She then came to a halt in a patch of pillowy soft moss and got a playful idea. She bit her lip as she admired the soft moss, and more specifically, the treacherously rough foliage and terrain around it. She blushed and her skin tingled with goosebumps as she giddily reached down and slipped off her shoes, and even pulled back the stirrups of her socks in order to completely bare her soles. The moss crept between her tiny toes as her soft soles landed on the forest floor; she spread her toes with a gasp and then wiggled them deep into the squishy green fabric of nature.

“Ffffffuck yeah,” she moaned loudly with satisfaction, as her feet had been aching from being trapped inside her shoes for hours upon hours of hiking and climbing.

She closed her eyes and enjoyed the pleasurable sensations as the soft tendrils of the moss played with her feet. Then she looked ahead, and her eyes narrowed with a sly mischief while her lips curled into a naughty grin. She gazed upon all those sharp and prickly weeds, twigs, rocks, leaves, and plants that made up the underbrush, and a rattling shiver crawled teasingly up her spine as she imagined how ‘terrible’ that would all feel under her poor, soft, sensitive soles. Why, she wouldn’t be able to bear it.

She took a deep breath and stepped forward, and as expected, she immediately burst with a high pitched gasp and subsequent giggles as her freshly bared feet began to bravely traverse the unbearably treacherous terrain and sliding through all the little sharp shrubs and bushes. Spiked leaves, rough twigs, pointy gravel, and sharp plants all began assaulting all parts of her defenceless soles, poking, scratching, and prickling the pillowy soft skin of her heels, the balls, the pads of and under her poor toes, and some even managed to reach in between her toes, and—worse—up into the depths of her high arches, all sending jolts of overwhelming sensations up her lithe body and into her overwhelmed brain.

Being a Fey creature, she wasn’t quite used to having to actually walk on her feet as opposed to gliding on streams of magical energy, and such her soles were especially susceptive to the slightest of disturbances. But she happily squirmed and gasped, and occasionally even squeaked when she stepped into a particularly prickly weed or twig; in fact, she found herself subconsciously seeking out the prickliest looking weeds and “accidentally” stepping on them, and would bite her lip right before subjecting her poor exposed soles to their vicious attacks.

“Oh nature, you’re so mean,” she gasped, her skin tingling with goosebumps as she pretended that she was the helpless victim of this cruel assault on her weaknesses. She emitted a most adorable squeal when she planted her toes into a particularly vicious looking weed.

But then, her whole body suddenly tensed up and her eyes shot wide with shock as something unexpected flooded her senses.


A fuzzy caterpillar was having a perfectly normal day: crawling around and munching on leaves. Despite magically possessing a higher level of intelligence than the average bug, he still enjoyed the simple things. He was enjoying a particularly hardy weed, when a dark shadow flooded his surroundings. He looked up in shock at the enormous foot headed his way. If he’d had the persuasion, he would’ve gawked in awe at the flawless softness of the bare sole towering above him, perfect and smooth with slight wrinkling in all the right places, but he was a caterpillar, so he didn’t care and ran—well, crawled—for his life as the weed was crushed behind him. The dust settled he realised that the only reason he was still alive and not crushed by the foot was because the giant intruder was standing tiptoed, the ball of her right foot barely a millimetre from the poor startled bug. ‘What is she waiting for?’ Then the caterpillar heard it, the giant’s panicked gasps and squeals. ‘The weed was fighting back,’ he thought, ‘it has somehow slipped its spikey leaves between her toes and is driving the giant wild with its attacks!’

He looked up at the enormous bared sole towering above him, stretched out due to her tiptoed stance. ‘This must be her weakness,’ he thought as he crawled closer, its little claws and fuzzy body only a hair’s breadth away from her clearly excruciatingly sensitive skin. ‘At last, we shall defeat one of these vicious giants who trample our lands without care!’ He looked at her pale pinkish arch with fervorous vengeance. ‘That is where I shall strike the beast, I shall exploit her weakness and fell this monster!’ The giant was completely oblivious to the fact that she was about to have her mind broken by the tiniest of warriors. And thus, his little prickly claws grasped onto the soft flesh of the ball of her foot, digging in as he began his brave climb towards her arch while his fuzzy, hairy body scratched all across her sensitive skin.


Celestia’s back arched as she threw her head back, her wide-shot eyes looking to the heavens in desperation. Her jaw dropped with a sharp gasp and she slapped her hands across her mouth, muffling the subsequent yelp. The gentle prickling that suddenly spawned on her stretched right sole sent lightning bolts of intense sensations up her leg, up her spine, and into her poor brain. She had never felt anything like it. Goosebumps spread across her skin, rendering her ever more sensitive to the skittering on her sole. Her legs quivered and her mouth curled into a forced smile, as a deep, stuttered, breathy giggle spilled from her lips.


The caterpillar could feel the giant suffer under his claws and he redoubled his efforts, scritching and scratching his dozens of little claws as he continued to skitter across the excruciatingly sensitive skin of her bared sole, still stretched from her tiptoed stance.

‘My, she’s even more sensitive than I thought, she doesn’t stand a chance,’ the brave little warrior thought. Unbeknownst to the little crawlie, his prickly fur was secreting a near-undetectable substance wherever he crawled, a substance which turns out to increase the sensitivity of any skin it touches by multiple factors. Something Celestia was finding out in the worst possible way, as the enhancement seeped into her already deathly sensitive skin.

He finally reached the dip in the centre of her arch and his eyes beamed at the sight of such a soft sensitive spot. Not because he had any appreciation for her beautiful Elven body, but because it was clearly one of the beast’s greatest weaknesses.

‘Say goodbye to your mind, evil giant’ the caterpillar mused, ‘for it will be broken into pieces once I dig my fangs into this spot.’ And with that, he reared back, spread his mandibles, and went to town on the feast before him.


“YAAHAHAH!” Ticklish laughter burst from her lips as the deepest part of her arch was suddenly violently assaulted. Her knees buckled inward, and she could no longer hold herself together; she dropped down to her knees and landed on all fours. Her eyes stared dead ahead at the forest floor as her mind was slowly melting into mush from the overwhelming sensations on that most sensitive place. It was an intensity she had rarely experienced before, in part due to the bug’s special secretions still seeping into her skin. She lifted her feet and scrunched her toes hoping to somewhat alleviate the intense tickling caused by the caterpillar’s incessant nibbling, but it proved to have quite the opposite effect. I had been a big mistake on her part, indeed.


The caterpillar rejoiced as the giant fell to her knees, a clear sign of the effects his onslaught was having on his enemy’s weak spot. Then, an unexpected setback. The soft surface upon which he was perched suddenly squished together and parts of it raised up while others disappeared between the converging folds. As her toes scrunched tightly together, her sole wrinkled beautifully, in a way that would have been aesthetically pleasing to those who enjoy the humanoid body, but he was still just an insect, so all he cared about was getting to her weak spots. ‘Protecting certain parts, hm? Those must be worth digging for.’ He crawled onto one of her soft winkles and latched on, sliding his prickly claws down into the deep creases on either side, wriggling and vibrating them inside the depths of her wrinkles, scratching at the vulnerable skin inside. The giant suddenly screamed like a maniac, with an intensity the caterpillar had never heard come from anything before, and as the poor vulnerable foot shook uncontrollably, he knew he was singlehandedly defeating this great beast.

This tiny little harmless bug was easily driving this beautiful elven adventurer, this powerful mage of the Feywild, to absolute madness with just the lightest of touches and nibbles, strategically targeted at her greatest weakness: her deathly ticklish bare sole. The caterpillar mused that it wasn’t even trying that hard, driving this great adversary out of her mind with minimal effort, and dreamed of all the other giants it will defeat in the future with this similar technique. He thought of the cute maidens and the lovers that come picknick and canoodle in the nearby field, who trample the flowers as they take off their shoes and kneel or lie barefoot in the grass, often dozing off for a while. And he thought of how, with this newfound technique, he was going to drive them out of their mind by crawling onto their bared soles and scratching their sensitive skin until they fell apart just like this Elf did. ‘Especially,’ he realised, ‘once I teach all the other bugs how to do this as well! We shall swarm the giants! They won’t stand a chance!’

The caterpillar’s dreams of greatness were suddenly interrupted by a giant hand casting its shadow overhead.

“Egads!” he squeaked.


Chapter 1 - Part 2 (Bug/F Bellybutton) Preview:

“I think I’m gonna call you Squirm. Because you squirm. And because you make me…” Celestia’s eyes glazed over somewhat as her mind began to wander to unsavoury places.

She looked down at her exposed stomach, flattened by her supine position, and her deep bellybutton that sat cutely between the subtle hints of toned abdominal muscles. She sucked it in in anticipation and her prominent canine tooth dug deep into her lower lip as she slowly brought Squirm over to the sensitive dimple at the centre of her taut tummy. Her breath stuttered, her body quivered, and her skin broke out into tingling goosebumps once more as Squirm dangled but a quarter inch above her inviting navel. His little claws wiggled violently, desperate to dig and claw into her soft skin on the moment of contact, and his little furry body wriggled with a vengeful desire to drive his captor out of her mind once more.

Giggles already bubbled up in her throat as she slowly lowered him and felt his long prickly fur barely graze against the inside of her deep bellybutton; she realised that if just that little gentle contact had already felt that ticklish, then she was really about to get her mind short-circuited beyond comprehension.

Thanks for reading! Let me know what stuff you'd like to happen to Celestia in the future, and I'll try to work it in. Or just let me know what you think, the comments really help!

Part 2:

If you like my writing, you can read the first chapter of my other Series, Raven's Predicaments, over here:
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In some later chapter, I would like for Squirm to have taught the tickling technique to dozens of other caterpillars. When Celestia next falls down in their presence, all of them climb onto her and tickle her insane, several on each sole, several on the toes of each foot, several on her belly, and several in each armpit. :devil:
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