response to weight
SlaverTickler said:
When a woman looks like she could be slid under a door like a sheet of paper She are too thin. When a woman has a fit athletic look (Mary Lou Rettin sp*) then she is attractive. But if your into women who look like they never digest anything they eat then good for you.
American society is so incredibly screwed up, as demonstrated by the
opinion (though an unfortunate one) of SlaverTickler (and a bit ignorant too for insulting anyone with a different opinion than his own)
It's no secret Americans are the most over weight of any other country (last I read anyway) So when you have a country full of obesity, of course the people whose weight is
normal for their
body type would appear "too thin" if they were compared to the majority.
Does that mean they're sick or that they "look like they never digest anything" ?? No way. It means that what was once the standard, or even majority has now become the minority....or overshadowed by the obesity epidemic.
I'd also like to add that being thin, especially right now, is just as hard to deal with than being over weight. I have been thin all my life, naturally, and my doctor does monitor my weight to make sure Im still healthy. And even though I am
normal size for my body weight I continue to get nasty looks (usually from larger people), and Ive even been accused of doing cocaine or having some sort of eating disorder. All of which is
I even had to end a friendship once because my friend was over weight and loved to shop but everytime we went shopping together she would constantly antagonize me with comments like "You're so thin it disgusts me" or "You look like a slut in that dress" (even though she wanted the same dress but didnt fit in it) Just a bunch of jealously like that and I couldnt deal with it anymore. Its not my fault the genes I was born with (my whole family is thin except my sister ) it's not my fault I DONT over eat, not my fault I actually get some exercise, etc.
Anyone who knows me knows I pig out all the time, I even smoke pot on a very regular basis & almost contantly have the munchies.....yet Im still 110 pounds and healthy. There is a thing called metabolism. Have we also forgotten that size petite and small still exist because there are people who have not succumbed to
My point is : people complain that overweight people are looked down on and discriminated against, yet the same complaints can be heard from the thin as well.
I'd also like to add that I am
very familliar with Ankha and her modeling/projects/work. This woman is 5'6" which is short in her industry, and I know beyond a doubt that she is
not sick,
not under-weight, definately does
not have any sort of eating disorder...she is completely and totally
NORMAL as far as her size & weight (though she is a very abnormal person, Ill admit, but hey thats good for me because being ordinary is so boring)
And as the arguement goes, a lot of the pressure of being thin comes from the fashion & entertainment industry because that is their idea of beauty and there are people who have no sense of reality or their own idea of beauty or any self-confidence at all, and they see this on TV and in movies and in magazines and it just perpetuates the cycle.
The way I see it, it's an endless battle that neither side can win.
You might think they're too thin, sick, whatever. The point is, its your opinion
but that doesnt make it fact.
Is it soooo incredibly hard to keep an open mind? Or have people forgotten what that is too?