hello fans!!!! many, many thanks for your comments to the 1st part of the ppv. i love it!!! keep giving me feedback, as it only gets me more fired up to write more!!! Scubedu, you're right, the Beach Patrol does wear nylons. sorry for the oversight. i should have looked at their bio one more time before writing. dont worry, i will make it up to you. thanks for responding!! as for everyone else, please keep up the feedback. now, enjoy part 2!!! characters of WOW can be found at www.wowe.com Hollywood at www.webkitten.com
Triple H: "That was one HELL of a match Lee!!! looks like the tWo has a shot at the tag team titles!!"
Lee Marshall: "That's right Triple H!! Francesca Le and Col. Ninotchka now are in the tag team tournament finals. that is going to be a battle, no matter who they face!! let's go the back where Julie Day is standing with David Mclane!!!"
Julie Day stood next to David Mclane who was grinning ear to ear. "David, what are your thoughts on the pay per view so far?"
"I would have to say i am quite pleased. no, in fact i am EXCITED!! this pay per view is a smash hit already!!! although i am a little disappointed in Beach Patrol. i didnt want the tWo to have a chance at the tag team titles. hopefully they will lose in the final." David responded.
"David, is there any match you are looking forward to the most?" Julie asked.
"i look forward to ALL the matches, but of course i cant wait till the main event. i want to see Hollywood go DOWN!!!! that ingrate has embarrassed my company for the last time. ha ha, revenge is sweet." David responded while rubbing his hands together.
"But who are you pulling for? Terri Gold or Lana Star?" Julie asked her followup question.
"Well....." David Mclane leaned closer to Julie's ear. "...it really doesnt matter who wins. as long as Hollywood isnt champ, i dont care. but, between you and me......i really, really hope Terri Gold wins. if Lana is champ, we'll never hear the end of it...." David whispered. "....thanks for the interview Julie, i have some other matters to attend to." David shook Julie's hand and left.
Triple H: "now that is one owner who isnt biased...."
Lee Marshall: *chuckles* "you're right Triple H, David Mclane doesnt play favorites at ALL!!!! now, let's talk about the next match..."
Triple H: "Okay Lee, what's on deck? H.L.A???"
Lee Marshall: "unfortunately no, but it should be a good one. we have our leather strap match between Ice Cold and Mystery. let's take a look at how this all went down...."
A video montage appeared on the huge WOWvision screen showing highlights. it showed how Mystery betrayed WOW by decking Lana Star with a mirror. then it showed Ice Cold teaming up with Mystery and trying to join the tWo. then during a tag match between Ice Cold and Mystery versus Beckie and Bronco Billie, Mystery is shown double crossing Ice Cold. the footage then shows Bronco Billie, Beckie, and Ice Cold suffering at the hands of the tWo. the footage continues with footage of Ice Cold and Mystery interfering in each other's matches. the footage ends....
Triple H: "this should be a great match!! a leather strap match? this could be good. it isnt H.L.A. but S&M should be good!!!"
Lee Marshall: "well, i guess so....anyway the rules of this match are simple. a competitor can use a leather strap in this match. it is perfectly legal. now let's go back to Korn_ste who is with the mysterious one......"
Korn_ste stood next to Mystery with a smile on his face. "Mystery, tonight you have a leather strap match against Ice Cold. you betrayed WOW, and joined the tWo. are you worried about tonight's match?"
"I am not worried at all. tonight, Ice Cold will learn that life is full of mysteries. she will learn that life can be cold. Ice Cold is a very bad girl. tonight, she will be punished. not only will she be humiliated by my ring prowess, but she will be whipped into submission, then i will tease her body. but i do have a very special surprise for her tonight, and everyone else...." Mystery told him.
"surprise? what kind of surprise?" Korn_ste asked.
"you shall soon see...i cant let the cat out of the bag. see you later." Mystery told him then made her departure.
Korn_ste stood there with an incredulous look on his face. "suprise? this should be good." he told himself.
"Ladies and gentlemen!!!! this next match is scheduled for ONE fall. it is a special leather strap match!!! first i would like to introduce the special guest referee for this contest. he hails from the TMF, he posts like no one else, here is AMK714!!!!!!!" Phreakadelic announced.
amk714 made his way to the ring with his referee gear and had an Angels baseball cap turned backwards on his head. he ran to the ring and once inside, waved to the capacity crowd who responded with a huge ovation. he leaned in the corner awaiting for the combatants. then the music of the NWO hit and Mystery made her entrance. dressed in a black, sleeveless top, with black spandex shorts, black boots and her hood like mask. Mystery walked down the aisle to a chorus of boos. since her face was covered, no one could see if she was smiling or snarling. she entered the ring and looked at amk714. then she paced in the ring, awaiting her opponent.
Triple H: *shivers* "Hey Lee, i just had a disturbing thought."
Lee Marshall: "what is that Triple H??"
Triple H: "what if Ice Cold manages to take off the mask and Mystery is really Bea Arthur?"
Lee Marshall: *has a blank star on his face* "oh God, i hope not. but i can assure you that Mystery is much, MUCH younger. by a few centuries!!!! now let's go back to Julie Day who is standing by with Ice Cold.
Julie Day stood next to Ice Cold wearing a fur coat. Ice Cold looked at her with a strange look. "Ice Cold, tonight you take on Mystery in a leather strap match. are you ready for the brutality of this match?" she asked her.
"Julie, why in the world are you wearing a fur coat?" Ice Cold asked.
"Because you're 'ice cold' remember?? ha ha ha ha ha" Julie replied.
Ice Cold didnt even blink. "listen up you moron. tonight's match is special to me. 1st, i get a chance to get back at that traitor! she led me to believe i was going to join the tWo. then she betrays me! that is something i just cant forgive!! tonight Mystery, i am going to whip your pathetic body, i am going to tickle that sensitive body, then i will show your ugly face to the world!!!!"
"But what about Mystery's surprise?" Julie followed up.
"surprise? nothing surprises me anymore. except maybe, that you get more stupid every day!!" Ice Cold told Julie Day, then walked away.
"and now introducing from the Arctic circle, here is IIIIIIIIIIICE CCOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLDDDDD!!!!" Phreakadelic announced.
Ice Cold's music hit and the cold one made her way to the ring. dressed in her silver top that resembled a sports bra, silver shorts covered by a silver skirt, and her long silver boots, Ice Cold had a look of hate in her face. she scowled and had an icy glare towards Mystery. despite the cheers of the crowd, Ice Cold's demeanor never changed. she entered the ring and stared at Mystery.
Triple H: "you know Lee, she should lighten up. if she ever played the GAME, then she would be known as blazing hot."
Lee Marshall: "have you been hanging around Jerry Lawler too much?"
Triple H: "no, why?"
Lee Marshall: "Just asking. anyway, this match is going to be brutal!"
Discerning eyes rang the bell, and the two immediately tore into each other. Ice Cold then poked Mystery in the mask where her eyes should be and Mystery reeled. Ice Cold then started chopping against her chest. Ice Cold then grabbed Mystery by the arm and wound the arm up. she dropped the point of her elbow into Mystery's bicep, and Mystery screamed in pain. Ice Cold then whipped Mystery against the ropes, then followed up with a huge clothesline. Mystery hit the canvas in pain. Ice Cold dropped a knee in Mystery's chest then went for the cover. amk714 made the count. 1.....2.....KICKOUT. Mystery kicked out easily, but Ice Cold wasnt going to let up. she then suplexed Mystery, then picked her up again, then suplexed her again. she then straddled her and began to blatantly choke Mystery. amk714 made his count, then Ice Cold broke her hold. Ice Cold snapped at amk714, then slapped Mystery as she got up off of her. Ice Cold waved to the crowd, then went back to Mystery's body, then planted her boot into the midsection of Mystery. Ice Cold then bounced off the ropes, and tried to drop a leg. Mystery rolled out of the way and Ice Cold hit the canvas. Mystery stood back up trying to catch her breath. when Ice Cold got up off the mat, Mystery rushed her and clotheslined her. Mystery then laid on the mat trying to catch her breath. she got up and waited for Ice Cold.
Ice Cold got up again and was a little disoriented. she turned around and Mystery speared her. Mystery went for the cover. 1....2...KICKOUT. Mystery then grabbed Ice Cold by the hair, picked her up, then scooped Ice Cold's body up. she slammed Ice Cold to the mat hard. Ice Cold moaned in pain. Mystery then began to stomp on Ice Cold's body. then she grabbed both of Ice Cold's ankles, then put Ice Cold into a boston crab. Mystery hunched backwards, putting more pressure on Ice Cold's back. Ice Cold wouldnt quit. amk714 asked Ice Cold if she wanted to give up. Ice Cold shouted no into his face. Ice Cold then began to use her arms to raise her upperbody off the mat. using her upperbody strength, she began to crawl to the ropes. she made it and amk714 told Mystery to release the hold. Mystery let go, then grabbed Ice Cold's ankles again and dragged her to the middle of the ring. Mystery then sat on Ice Cold's back. she reached down and pulled Ice Cold's ankle towards her chest. she began to unlace the boot. she frantically tried unlacing the long boot. Ice Cold noticed this and reached back, grabbing Mystery by her hood-mask. Ice Cold tried pulling at it, trying to take it off. Mystery responded by getting off of Ice Cold's body, and checking to see if her mask was loose. Ice Cold tried getting up and Mystery kicked her in the ribs, sending Ice Cold back to the mat, wincing in pain. Mystery stomped her feet. she then looked towards the ring announcer's table. the leather straps were sitting there. she got out of the ring and went towards the table. she grabbed one and raised it in the air. she got back into the ring and standing over Ice Cold, she then smacked the strap across the lower exposed back of Ice Cold.
SMACK!!!!!! the leather strap whipped of Ice Cold's body. SMACK!!! the strap went again. Ice Cold screamed in pain. Mystery looked down on Ice Cold's body and saw Ice Cold's back getting red. she then went into crazed mode and began whipping Ice Cold's back repeatedly. Ice Cold screamed in pain. red welts adorned her back. Mystery began to strut around the ring. Ice Cold was moaning in pain. Mystery then picked up Ice Cold by the hair and placed her in the corner of the ring, standing up. she then used the strap and whipped Ice Cold across the chest. Ice Cold's eyes bugged out. Mystery smacked her chest again with the strap. Ice Cold was reeling. her arms were draped across the corner ropes and her chest was vulnerable. she leaned against the turnbuckle, exhausted. Mystery whipped the chest again and Ice Cold was nearly unconscious from the pain. Mystery then stared at her opponent. Ice Cold was leaning there before her, totally exhausted, totally weak. then Mystery dropped her strap. she then began to poke her fingers into Ice Cold's ribs. Ice Cold began to giggle and her body began to quiver. Mystery kept poking and Ice Cold kept letting giggles come out. then Mystery plunged her hands into Ice Cold's vulnerable armpits.
"HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA NOOOOOOOOOO!" Ice Cold roared in laughter.
Mystery continued her tickling, digging her fingers deeper into the armpits. Ice Cold clamped her arms shut, but she trapped Mystery's fingers into her armpits. Ice Cold then began to stand on her tippy-toes and Mystery guided her to the middle of the ring, still tickling her. Mystery tickled harder and Ice Cold collapsed. Mystery sat on top of Ice Cold's body and continued to tickle her. amk714 checked to see if Ice Cold's shoulders were pinned to the mat. but Ice Cold kept squirming so her shoulder never were pinned. Mystery just kept digging deeper into the armpits and Ice Cold's mouth was open and laughter poured out like a stream of water. her eyes were clamped shut and tears were forming. Mystery dug deeper and deeper. Ice Cold's body was becoming limp. the tickling was maddening. Mystery then put her masked face into Ice Cold's.
"laugh for me Ice Cold. laugh like the little girl that you are. such ticklish armpits. they are just so ticklish arent they? i wonder if your feet are just as ticklish. i bet they are!!! let's find out." Mystery taunted. she released her and Ice Cold laid limp on the mat. Mystery then flipped Ice Cold over onto her belly. she sat down by Ice Cold's ankles and finished unlacing the first boot. she pulled the long boot off, revealing Ice Cold's sock. she peeled the long white sock off revealing Ice Cold's barefoot. she nodded her head and stared at Ice Cold's foot. it was a size 10 foot with a pale creamy sole and the toes were long. they descended in length and had a nice curl to them. the arch was high and the skin very smooth. although it was baby soft, it did have a tenderness to the sole. Mystery then slowly raked her finger down length of the sole. she felt the foot shake, then she heard a giggle. then Mystery tickle attacked the sole. she scraped all her fingers up and down the sole. Ice Cold roared in laughter.
Mystery enjoyed watching Ice Cold squirm. she knew just how ticklish Ice Cold's feet are. she remembered what Lana Star did to Ice Cold at the last pay per view, so she knew Ice Cold had a weakness. she scrabbled along the sole and Ice Cold screamed. Mystery then remembered Ice Cold's weakest spot on her foot. she then scraped her nails along the ball of the foot. Ice Cold's eyes popped out of her head and she screamed. the ticklish sensation was so intense she screamed in agony, then a steady stream of hysterical laughter poured from her lips. Mystery scraped that area over and over and over again, never letting up. Ice Cold was in tears. she saw the ropes and it was far from where she was. amk714 asked her is she wanted to give. Ice Cold wanted the tickling to stop, but she couldnt give up. she remembered that Mystery didnt get her other foot. using her other foot, which was still in its boot, she kicked Mystery in the head. Mystery was knocked back and Ice Cold tried to recover. Mystery shook the cobwebs out and tried grabbing Ice Cold's ankle. Ice Cold rolled over onto her back and again, kicked Mystery in the head. Mystery reeled backwards and Ice cold got to her feet. Mystery charged her and Ice cold planted her boot into Mystery's ribs, and as Mystery hunched over, Ice Cold did a DDT. Mystery was sprawled on the mat. Ice Cold rolled out of the ring. with a look of rage in her eyes, she looked at her bare foot. she then looked over to where more leather straps were. she quickly grabbed one and got back into the ring. now she held a strap and stood over Mystery's body. then, using all of her strength, she whipped the strap off of Mystery's back.
SMACK!!!! Mystery roared in pain. Ice Cold then went into a frenzy, whipping Mystery's back repeatedly. over and over again, she whipped the backside of the mysterious one. Ice Cold then kneeled on one knee, then put Mystey's body over her knee. she slowly stroked Mystery's rear end. she marked an "X" with her finger, then smiled. she then began to whip Mystery's rear end. the crowd roared in laughter as Ice Cold was spanking Mystery's behind. Ice Cold smacked the rear end and thighs with a resounding smack of the leather strap. she felt Mystery's body writhing in pain. Ice Cold then shoved Mystery's body off her knee and onto the mat. Ice Cold smiled, then snarled again. she sat by Mystery's head. she whispered into her ear. "Now, let's see how ticklish your feet are......" Ice Cold saw Mystery's body wiggle a little, but she knew she was powerless. Ice Cold then used her powerful thighs and clamped Mystery's ankles between them, soles facing up. she began to unlace the boots, and when she was done, pulled them both off, revealing Mystery's black socks. she quickly pulled the socks off revealing Mystery's bare feet. Ice Cold marveled on how nice the feet looked. the soles were tanned, and very smooth and soft looking. the toes were a little short and meaty, but not stubby. the arch was medium and the ball of the foot was quite plump and tender. the heels were rounded and very smooth. Ice Cold admired the sight, then with a vicious look, ran her fingers up and down the soles of Mystery. a thunderous laugh came from the mask Mystery. her toes immediately clamped shut and Ice Cold raked her fingers in the arches. Mystery kept laughing and laughing. she struggled to try and get her feet free, but Ice Cold's legs were too strong. Ice Cold pried the toes open and attacked the delicate undersides of the meaty toes. amk714 asked Mystery if she wanted to give up. all he heard was laughter. Ice Cold poked the tip of her finger in each of Mystery's toes and Mystery just laughed and laughed and laughed. she tried reaching for the ropes, but then Ice Cold would circle her fingers in the soft arches. Ice Cold had her right where she wanted. Ice Cold LOVED tickling the feet of an opponent. she loved the feeling of soft, ticklish feet under her fingertips. she could do this all day. she remembered her pay per view loss at UNLEASHED when she had Lana's feet in her clutches, but then she lost. not this time. she attacked the toe crevices with more vigor. she was going to make Mystery submit to her.
then the crowd stood up looking towards the top of the ramp. a figure stood at the top of the ramp, dressed like Mystery. except this person had a huge chest. the fabric of the top displayed her chest. her legs were long and firm. she walked down the ramp towards the ring. the crowd was murmuring. was this Mystery's surprise? is this a new member of tWo??? or was it already a tWo member dressed in disguise. the figure made it down to the ring and stared at Ice Cold. Ice Cold was still tickling the feet of Mystery when she noticed the figure. with a double take, Ice Cold stared back at the mysterious figure. Ice Cold then stopped her tickling, got up and walked over towards the figure outside the ring. amk714 warned the person not to interfere. Ice Cold then started jawing at the person and the figure responded back. Mystery, recovering from her tickling torment, grabbed a leather strap and sneaked up behind Ice Cold. with a quick slap of the strap to the back of Ice Cold's head, Ice Cold hunched over in pain, the Mystery set her up in the piledriver. she delivered the piledriver. Mystery made the cover. amk714 made the count. 1.....2.........3!!!!!!!! Discerning eyes rang the bell!!!!
"the winner of the match, MYSTERY!!!!!!!" Phreakadelic announced.
Mystery jumped into the air, and celebrated. amk714 raised her hand in victory, then the mysterious figure got into the ring. she and Mystery did a high five and looked down at Ice Cold as she was just coming to. the mysterious figure then scooped up Ice Cold onto her shoulders and delivered an F5 (a la Brock Lesnar). Ice Cold was knocked out. Mystery and her "friend" then grabbed the rest of the leather straps and a table. setting up the table in the ring, then placed Ice Cold's body on top of the table. using some straps they strapped her wrists to an end of the table. they removed her other boot, then strapped her ankles to the other end. Ice Cold started coming to. she looked up and saw two hooded women staring at her. she tried getting up, but discovered she was strapped down. she began to panic. amk714 tried to stop the two, but they shoved him out of the ring. Mystery held up a leather strap and then whipped Ice Cold across her bare belly. Ice Cold screamed in pain. the other mysterious figure whipped Ice Cold across her thighs. they were going to beat Ice Cold. after several whips of the straps they stopped. Ice Cold was moaning in pain. then Mystery began to stroke her fingers into the bare, exposed armpits of Ice Cold. Ice Cold roared in laughter again. the other figure went to Ice Cold's feet and began tickling them. Ice Cold screamed in laughter. she was strapped down and there was no escape. she felt their fingers tickle and tease her armpits and her feet. her toes were tickled, then the ball of her foot was tormented. Ice Cold's back arched high off the table, until Mystery began tickling her belly button. minutes passed and Ice Cold began to lose consciousness. her eyelids were getting heavy as the tickle torture continued. one more scrape on the ball of her foot, she screamed, then finally passed. out. Mystery and her mysterious friend laughed then hugged. then the looked at each other. the mysterious figure then tried to take off Mystery's mask, but Mystery stopped her. then Mystery pointed her fingers towards the mysterious figure. the mysterious figure then slapped Ice Cold awake. Ice Cold's eyes opened up and she saw the two masked faces again. excpet this time the mysterious figure began taking off her mask. strands of blond hair were coming free. the mask was removed. ice Cold's vision was still blurred. the face looked much like.....like....Lana Star!!! Ice Cold's eyes then adjusted. what she saw shocked her. it wasnt Lana Star.....it was Rena Mero!!!! it was Sable!!!!!!!
UP NEXT: 1st round tag match between Bonco Billie/Beckie vs Harley's Angels. plus, is Sable a member of the tWO??? stay tuned!!!
okay fellas how was this one? appreciate all the feedback. i hope you are enjoying this pay per view as much as i am writing it!!!
Triple H: "That was one HELL of a match Lee!!! looks like the tWo has a shot at the tag team titles!!"
Lee Marshall: "That's right Triple H!! Francesca Le and Col. Ninotchka now are in the tag team tournament finals. that is going to be a battle, no matter who they face!! let's go the back where Julie Day is standing with David Mclane!!!"
Julie Day stood next to David Mclane who was grinning ear to ear. "David, what are your thoughts on the pay per view so far?"
"I would have to say i am quite pleased. no, in fact i am EXCITED!! this pay per view is a smash hit already!!! although i am a little disappointed in Beach Patrol. i didnt want the tWo to have a chance at the tag team titles. hopefully they will lose in the final." David responded.
"David, is there any match you are looking forward to the most?" Julie asked.
"i look forward to ALL the matches, but of course i cant wait till the main event. i want to see Hollywood go DOWN!!!! that ingrate has embarrassed my company for the last time. ha ha, revenge is sweet." David responded while rubbing his hands together.
"But who are you pulling for? Terri Gold or Lana Star?" Julie asked her followup question.
"Well....." David Mclane leaned closer to Julie's ear. "...it really doesnt matter who wins. as long as Hollywood isnt champ, i dont care. but, between you and me......i really, really hope Terri Gold wins. if Lana is champ, we'll never hear the end of it...." David whispered. "....thanks for the interview Julie, i have some other matters to attend to." David shook Julie's hand and left.
Triple H: "now that is one owner who isnt biased...."
Lee Marshall: *chuckles* "you're right Triple H, David Mclane doesnt play favorites at ALL!!!! now, let's talk about the next match..."
Triple H: "Okay Lee, what's on deck? H.L.A???"
Lee Marshall: "unfortunately no, but it should be a good one. we have our leather strap match between Ice Cold and Mystery. let's take a look at how this all went down...."
A video montage appeared on the huge WOWvision screen showing highlights. it showed how Mystery betrayed WOW by decking Lana Star with a mirror. then it showed Ice Cold teaming up with Mystery and trying to join the tWo. then during a tag match between Ice Cold and Mystery versus Beckie and Bronco Billie, Mystery is shown double crossing Ice Cold. the footage then shows Bronco Billie, Beckie, and Ice Cold suffering at the hands of the tWo. the footage continues with footage of Ice Cold and Mystery interfering in each other's matches. the footage ends....
Triple H: "this should be a great match!! a leather strap match? this could be good. it isnt H.L.A. but S&M should be good!!!"
Lee Marshall: "well, i guess so....anyway the rules of this match are simple. a competitor can use a leather strap in this match. it is perfectly legal. now let's go back to Korn_ste who is with the mysterious one......"
Korn_ste stood next to Mystery with a smile on his face. "Mystery, tonight you have a leather strap match against Ice Cold. you betrayed WOW, and joined the tWo. are you worried about tonight's match?"
"I am not worried at all. tonight, Ice Cold will learn that life is full of mysteries. she will learn that life can be cold. Ice Cold is a very bad girl. tonight, she will be punished. not only will she be humiliated by my ring prowess, but she will be whipped into submission, then i will tease her body. but i do have a very special surprise for her tonight, and everyone else...." Mystery told him.
"surprise? what kind of surprise?" Korn_ste asked.
"you shall soon see...i cant let the cat out of the bag. see you later." Mystery told him then made her departure.
Korn_ste stood there with an incredulous look on his face. "suprise? this should be good." he told himself.
"Ladies and gentlemen!!!! this next match is scheduled for ONE fall. it is a special leather strap match!!! first i would like to introduce the special guest referee for this contest. he hails from the TMF, he posts like no one else, here is AMK714!!!!!!!" Phreakadelic announced.
amk714 made his way to the ring with his referee gear and had an Angels baseball cap turned backwards on his head. he ran to the ring and once inside, waved to the capacity crowd who responded with a huge ovation. he leaned in the corner awaiting for the combatants. then the music of the NWO hit and Mystery made her entrance. dressed in a black, sleeveless top, with black spandex shorts, black boots and her hood like mask. Mystery walked down the aisle to a chorus of boos. since her face was covered, no one could see if she was smiling or snarling. she entered the ring and looked at amk714. then she paced in the ring, awaiting her opponent.
Triple H: *shivers* "Hey Lee, i just had a disturbing thought."
Lee Marshall: "what is that Triple H??"
Triple H: "what if Ice Cold manages to take off the mask and Mystery is really Bea Arthur?"
Lee Marshall: *has a blank star on his face* "oh God, i hope not. but i can assure you that Mystery is much, MUCH younger. by a few centuries!!!! now let's go back to Julie Day who is standing by with Ice Cold.
Julie Day stood next to Ice Cold wearing a fur coat. Ice Cold looked at her with a strange look. "Ice Cold, tonight you take on Mystery in a leather strap match. are you ready for the brutality of this match?" she asked her.
"Julie, why in the world are you wearing a fur coat?" Ice Cold asked.
"Because you're 'ice cold' remember?? ha ha ha ha ha" Julie replied.
Ice Cold didnt even blink. "listen up you moron. tonight's match is special to me. 1st, i get a chance to get back at that traitor! she led me to believe i was going to join the tWo. then she betrays me! that is something i just cant forgive!! tonight Mystery, i am going to whip your pathetic body, i am going to tickle that sensitive body, then i will show your ugly face to the world!!!!"
"But what about Mystery's surprise?" Julie followed up.
"surprise? nothing surprises me anymore. except maybe, that you get more stupid every day!!" Ice Cold told Julie Day, then walked away.
"and now introducing from the Arctic circle, here is IIIIIIIIIIICE CCOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLDDDDD!!!!" Phreakadelic announced.
Ice Cold's music hit and the cold one made her way to the ring. dressed in her silver top that resembled a sports bra, silver shorts covered by a silver skirt, and her long silver boots, Ice Cold had a look of hate in her face. she scowled and had an icy glare towards Mystery. despite the cheers of the crowd, Ice Cold's demeanor never changed. she entered the ring and stared at Mystery.
Triple H: "you know Lee, she should lighten up. if she ever played the GAME, then she would be known as blazing hot."
Lee Marshall: "have you been hanging around Jerry Lawler too much?"
Triple H: "no, why?"
Lee Marshall: "Just asking. anyway, this match is going to be brutal!"
Discerning eyes rang the bell, and the two immediately tore into each other. Ice Cold then poked Mystery in the mask where her eyes should be and Mystery reeled. Ice Cold then started chopping against her chest. Ice Cold then grabbed Mystery by the arm and wound the arm up. she dropped the point of her elbow into Mystery's bicep, and Mystery screamed in pain. Ice Cold then whipped Mystery against the ropes, then followed up with a huge clothesline. Mystery hit the canvas in pain. Ice Cold dropped a knee in Mystery's chest then went for the cover. amk714 made the count. 1.....2.....KICKOUT. Mystery kicked out easily, but Ice Cold wasnt going to let up. she then suplexed Mystery, then picked her up again, then suplexed her again. she then straddled her and began to blatantly choke Mystery. amk714 made his count, then Ice Cold broke her hold. Ice Cold snapped at amk714, then slapped Mystery as she got up off of her. Ice Cold waved to the crowd, then went back to Mystery's body, then planted her boot into the midsection of Mystery. Ice Cold then bounced off the ropes, and tried to drop a leg. Mystery rolled out of the way and Ice Cold hit the canvas. Mystery stood back up trying to catch her breath. when Ice Cold got up off the mat, Mystery rushed her and clotheslined her. Mystery then laid on the mat trying to catch her breath. she got up and waited for Ice Cold.
Ice Cold got up again and was a little disoriented. she turned around and Mystery speared her. Mystery went for the cover. 1....2...KICKOUT. Mystery then grabbed Ice Cold by the hair, picked her up, then scooped Ice Cold's body up. she slammed Ice Cold to the mat hard. Ice Cold moaned in pain. Mystery then began to stomp on Ice Cold's body. then she grabbed both of Ice Cold's ankles, then put Ice Cold into a boston crab. Mystery hunched backwards, putting more pressure on Ice Cold's back. Ice Cold wouldnt quit. amk714 asked Ice Cold if she wanted to give up. Ice Cold shouted no into his face. Ice Cold then began to use her arms to raise her upperbody off the mat. using her upperbody strength, she began to crawl to the ropes. she made it and amk714 told Mystery to release the hold. Mystery let go, then grabbed Ice Cold's ankles again and dragged her to the middle of the ring. Mystery then sat on Ice Cold's back. she reached down and pulled Ice Cold's ankle towards her chest. she began to unlace the boot. she frantically tried unlacing the long boot. Ice Cold noticed this and reached back, grabbing Mystery by her hood-mask. Ice Cold tried pulling at it, trying to take it off. Mystery responded by getting off of Ice Cold's body, and checking to see if her mask was loose. Ice Cold tried getting up and Mystery kicked her in the ribs, sending Ice Cold back to the mat, wincing in pain. Mystery stomped her feet. she then looked towards the ring announcer's table. the leather straps were sitting there. she got out of the ring and went towards the table. she grabbed one and raised it in the air. she got back into the ring and standing over Ice Cold, she then smacked the strap across the lower exposed back of Ice Cold.
SMACK!!!!!! the leather strap whipped of Ice Cold's body. SMACK!!! the strap went again. Ice Cold screamed in pain. Mystery looked down on Ice Cold's body and saw Ice Cold's back getting red. she then went into crazed mode and began whipping Ice Cold's back repeatedly. Ice Cold screamed in pain. red welts adorned her back. Mystery began to strut around the ring. Ice Cold was moaning in pain. Mystery then picked up Ice Cold by the hair and placed her in the corner of the ring, standing up. she then used the strap and whipped Ice Cold across the chest. Ice Cold's eyes bugged out. Mystery smacked her chest again with the strap. Ice Cold was reeling. her arms were draped across the corner ropes and her chest was vulnerable. she leaned against the turnbuckle, exhausted. Mystery whipped the chest again and Ice Cold was nearly unconscious from the pain. Mystery then stared at her opponent. Ice Cold was leaning there before her, totally exhausted, totally weak. then Mystery dropped her strap. she then began to poke her fingers into Ice Cold's ribs. Ice Cold began to giggle and her body began to quiver. Mystery kept poking and Ice Cold kept letting giggles come out. then Mystery plunged her hands into Ice Cold's vulnerable armpits.
"HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA NOOOOOOOOOO!" Ice Cold roared in laughter.
Mystery continued her tickling, digging her fingers deeper into the armpits. Ice Cold clamped her arms shut, but she trapped Mystery's fingers into her armpits. Ice Cold then began to stand on her tippy-toes and Mystery guided her to the middle of the ring, still tickling her. Mystery tickled harder and Ice Cold collapsed. Mystery sat on top of Ice Cold's body and continued to tickle her. amk714 checked to see if Ice Cold's shoulders were pinned to the mat. but Ice Cold kept squirming so her shoulder never were pinned. Mystery just kept digging deeper into the armpits and Ice Cold's mouth was open and laughter poured out like a stream of water. her eyes were clamped shut and tears were forming. Mystery dug deeper and deeper. Ice Cold's body was becoming limp. the tickling was maddening. Mystery then put her masked face into Ice Cold's.
"laugh for me Ice Cold. laugh like the little girl that you are. such ticklish armpits. they are just so ticklish arent they? i wonder if your feet are just as ticklish. i bet they are!!! let's find out." Mystery taunted. she released her and Ice Cold laid limp on the mat. Mystery then flipped Ice Cold over onto her belly. she sat down by Ice Cold's ankles and finished unlacing the first boot. she pulled the long boot off, revealing Ice Cold's sock. she peeled the long white sock off revealing Ice Cold's barefoot. she nodded her head and stared at Ice Cold's foot. it was a size 10 foot with a pale creamy sole and the toes were long. they descended in length and had a nice curl to them. the arch was high and the skin very smooth. although it was baby soft, it did have a tenderness to the sole. Mystery then slowly raked her finger down length of the sole. she felt the foot shake, then she heard a giggle. then Mystery tickle attacked the sole. she scraped all her fingers up and down the sole. Ice Cold roared in laughter.
Mystery enjoyed watching Ice Cold squirm. she knew just how ticklish Ice Cold's feet are. she remembered what Lana Star did to Ice Cold at the last pay per view, so she knew Ice Cold had a weakness. she scrabbled along the sole and Ice Cold screamed. Mystery then remembered Ice Cold's weakest spot on her foot. she then scraped her nails along the ball of the foot. Ice Cold's eyes popped out of her head and she screamed. the ticklish sensation was so intense she screamed in agony, then a steady stream of hysterical laughter poured from her lips. Mystery scraped that area over and over and over again, never letting up. Ice Cold was in tears. she saw the ropes and it was far from where she was. amk714 asked her is she wanted to give. Ice Cold wanted the tickling to stop, but she couldnt give up. she remembered that Mystery didnt get her other foot. using her other foot, which was still in its boot, she kicked Mystery in the head. Mystery was knocked back and Ice Cold tried to recover. Mystery shook the cobwebs out and tried grabbing Ice Cold's ankle. Ice Cold rolled over onto her back and again, kicked Mystery in the head. Mystery reeled backwards and Ice cold got to her feet. Mystery charged her and Ice cold planted her boot into Mystery's ribs, and as Mystery hunched over, Ice Cold did a DDT. Mystery was sprawled on the mat. Ice Cold rolled out of the ring. with a look of rage in her eyes, she looked at her bare foot. she then looked over to where more leather straps were. she quickly grabbed one and got back into the ring. now she held a strap and stood over Mystery's body. then, using all of her strength, she whipped the strap off of Mystery's back.
SMACK!!!! Mystery roared in pain. Ice Cold then went into a frenzy, whipping Mystery's back repeatedly. over and over again, she whipped the backside of the mysterious one. Ice Cold then kneeled on one knee, then put Mystey's body over her knee. she slowly stroked Mystery's rear end. she marked an "X" with her finger, then smiled. she then began to whip Mystery's rear end. the crowd roared in laughter as Ice Cold was spanking Mystery's behind. Ice Cold smacked the rear end and thighs with a resounding smack of the leather strap. she felt Mystery's body writhing in pain. Ice Cold then shoved Mystery's body off her knee and onto the mat. Ice Cold smiled, then snarled again. she sat by Mystery's head. she whispered into her ear. "Now, let's see how ticklish your feet are......" Ice Cold saw Mystery's body wiggle a little, but she knew she was powerless. Ice Cold then used her powerful thighs and clamped Mystery's ankles between them, soles facing up. she began to unlace the boots, and when she was done, pulled them both off, revealing Mystery's black socks. she quickly pulled the socks off revealing Mystery's bare feet. Ice Cold marveled on how nice the feet looked. the soles were tanned, and very smooth and soft looking. the toes were a little short and meaty, but not stubby. the arch was medium and the ball of the foot was quite plump and tender. the heels were rounded and very smooth. Ice Cold admired the sight, then with a vicious look, ran her fingers up and down the soles of Mystery. a thunderous laugh came from the mask Mystery. her toes immediately clamped shut and Ice Cold raked her fingers in the arches. Mystery kept laughing and laughing. she struggled to try and get her feet free, but Ice Cold's legs were too strong. Ice Cold pried the toes open and attacked the delicate undersides of the meaty toes. amk714 asked Mystery if she wanted to give up. all he heard was laughter. Ice Cold poked the tip of her finger in each of Mystery's toes and Mystery just laughed and laughed and laughed. she tried reaching for the ropes, but then Ice Cold would circle her fingers in the soft arches. Ice Cold had her right where she wanted. Ice Cold LOVED tickling the feet of an opponent. she loved the feeling of soft, ticklish feet under her fingertips. she could do this all day. she remembered her pay per view loss at UNLEASHED when she had Lana's feet in her clutches, but then she lost. not this time. she attacked the toe crevices with more vigor. she was going to make Mystery submit to her.
then the crowd stood up looking towards the top of the ramp. a figure stood at the top of the ramp, dressed like Mystery. except this person had a huge chest. the fabric of the top displayed her chest. her legs were long and firm. she walked down the ramp towards the ring. the crowd was murmuring. was this Mystery's surprise? is this a new member of tWo??? or was it already a tWo member dressed in disguise. the figure made it down to the ring and stared at Ice Cold. Ice Cold was still tickling the feet of Mystery when she noticed the figure. with a double take, Ice Cold stared back at the mysterious figure. Ice Cold then stopped her tickling, got up and walked over towards the figure outside the ring. amk714 warned the person not to interfere. Ice Cold then started jawing at the person and the figure responded back. Mystery, recovering from her tickling torment, grabbed a leather strap and sneaked up behind Ice Cold. with a quick slap of the strap to the back of Ice Cold's head, Ice Cold hunched over in pain, the Mystery set her up in the piledriver. she delivered the piledriver. Mystery made the cover. amk714 made the count. 1.....2.........3!!!!!!!! Discerning eyes rang the bell!!!!
"the winner of the match, MYSTERY!!!!!!!" Phreakadelic announced.
Mystery jumped into the air, and celebrated. amk714 raised her hand in victory, then the mysterious figure got into the ring. she and Mystery did a high five and looked down at Ice Cold as she was just coming to. the mysterious figure then scooped up Ice Cold onto her shoulders and delivered an F5 (a la Brock Lesnar). Ice Cold was knocked out. Mystery and her "friend" then grabbed the rest of the leather straps and a table. setting up the table in the ring, then placed Ice Cold's body on top of the table. using some straps they strapped her wrists to an end of the table. they removed her other boot, then strapped her ankles to the other end. Ice Cold started coming to. she looked up and saw two hooded women staring at her. she tried getting up, but discovered she was strapped down. she began to panic. amk714 tried to stop the two, but they shoved him out of the ring. Mystery held up a leather strap and then whipped Ice Cold across her bare belly. Ice Cold screamed in pain. the other mysterious figure whipped Ice Cold across her thighs. they were going to beat Ice Cold. after several whips of the straps they stopped. Ice Cold was moaning in pain. then Mystery began to stroke her fingers into the bare, exposed armpits of Ice Cold. Ice Cold roared in laughter again. the other figure went to Ice Cold's feet and began tickling them. Ice Cold screamed in laughter. she was strapped down and there was no escape. she felt their fingers tickle and tease her armpits and her feet. her toes were tickled, then the ball of her foot was tormented. Ice Cold's back arched high off the table, until Mystery began tickling her belly button. minutes passed and Ice Cold began to lose consciousness. her eyelids were getting heavy as the tickle torture continued. one more scrape on the ball of her foot, she screamed, then finally passed. out. Mystery and her mysterious friend laughed then hugged. then the looked at each other. the mysterious figure then tried to take off Mystery's mask, but Mystery stopped her. then Mystery pointed her fingers towards the mysterious figure. the mysterious figure then slapped Ice Cold awake. Ice Cold's eyes opened up and she saw the two masked faces again. excpet this time the mysterious figure began taking off her mask. strands of blond hair were coming free. the mask was removed. ice Cold's vision was still blurred. the face looked much like.....like....Lana Star!!! Ice Cold's eyes then adjusted. what she saw shocked her. it wasnt Lana Star.....it was Rena Mero!!!! it was Sable!!!!!!!
UP NEXT: 1st round tag match between Bonco Billie/Beckie vs Harley's Angels. plus, is Sable a member of the tWO??? stay tuned!!!
okay fellas how was this one? appreciate all the feedback. i hope you are enjoying this pay per view as much as i am writing it!!!