Stapleton trudged blindly through the wooded area, his eyes red from tears of frustration. His thoughts, maddened from lack of food or sleep. Makamabo was the only vision in his mind. He had followed the trail as best he could, but his heart sank as a hard rain began to fall, destroying the only trail that might lead to his companion.
He had quickened his step, but all for not. The footprints had been washed away by the rain. Finally he stopped under a large tree, with low hanging branches. His breathing was harsh, as his lungs desperately sucked in air. He was shivering, as he leaned against the trunk of the tree. His clothes, soaked with rain and sweat. He would wait here, and rest for the moment, hoping the rain would ease up, so he could continue on this almost pointless journey. He hugged his armes around his mid-section, in a feeble attempt to warm his freezing body.
Finally, the rain had let up to a light shower. He looked out from under the branches, hoping something...anything would look familiar to him. His ears picked up on a sound familiar to him. He held his breath and listened. The noise was different from the falling rain, yet somewhat similar. Almost like a...hard shower...or a...he stood to his full height...a waterfall...which meant he was near a cliff of some sort. He began a slow jog towards the falling water, stopping every now and again to tune his ears to the direction of the falls. His pace quickened as the falling water became louder in his ears.
Almost in a blind run, he suddenly had to stop short to stop himself from tumbling head first into the water. His breathing was again quick and harsh. He spotted the falls and realized in a sudden rush where he was...the memories flooding back to him like the falling water. He looked up towards the source of the falls, which towered high above his current position.
The cliffs he faced was steep...almost straight up. The side of the cliff was scattered with rocks and wild sparatic growth of moss, small trees, and grass. Stapleton squinted his eyes as he stared hard at the cliff. The rocks seemed somewhat familiar to him. The positions they took on the cliff side stirred a memory deep within him. Something his addopted father had told him. The rocks told...a story?...no...a direction? "Come you naive fool, think!" he commanded himself. A map..."A MAP!!" he shouted, hearing the echos fade into the distance. From a certain position, the rocks told how to reach...something important...something about Stapleton's people's past...but from where? From where was he to stand? In the distance, he spotted a small natural landing on a hillside. Keeping the rocks to his left, he began running towards the landing...hoping to remember where he was...