Those of you who aren't familiar with my project are welcome to visit the link in my signature, read all about it, then return here and join in the discussion. Go ahead. We'll wait.😀
I'm bringing up this topic now because several aspects of Ticklish Situations are still on the drawing board. One of them, I have been struggling with since the project's conception. And given recent circumstances, I figured it may be time to revisit the topic and see how changing it would affect my potential customers.
First off, some history.
Back when TS was merely an idle daydream that popped into the nog during a particularly boring stretch of program design at work one day, the focus of the game was on my favorite topic alone; */f foot tickling. But I realized that not everyone was into that, and so I would have to expand to include as many other interests as possible in order for the game to have any appeal.
To this end, I widened the scope of the tickling to include ribs and underarms (tummies/genitalia/other sorts of tickling, unfortunately, will be left out), and attempted to recruit models of all genders and ethnic persuasions. Due to the percieved difficulty in getting women in front of a camera, especially for free, especially especially for the type of game I was doing, I decided to concentrate all of my networking efforts into finding female models first.
To this end, I have placed a large amount of information on the TS web site regarding modeling for the game, including the types of people I am looking for (it's spelled out quite plainly; female, NJ area, no tickling involved, etc) and what is involved in a photo session, in order to better acquaint people with my requirements. It is also clearly spelled out that I am not looking for men at this time, and will post a message stating when the casting call begins.
(Okay Phineas, we know all of this. Get to the point.)
Well, quite bluntly, I have always been uneasy about including */m tickling of any sort in Ticklish Situations. It does not appeal to me, and I can only imagine how awkward the filming sessions would be, even though there's no actual tickling involved in them. However, I figured that I could do it with a minimal amount of hassle on my part, thus pleasing a much wider audience.
To be honest, however, I am at the point where I am ready to cut it entirely. I have gotten a number of interested parties to E-mail me from the website offering to model for TS, however after speaking to them for all of thirty seconds it's obvious that none of them even have a clue of what they are volunteering for and definitely haven't read a word of the web site. The first indicator is that all of them are men, despite the two or three prominent notices plastered all over the web site stating that I am not recruiting male models at this time.
When informed of this, their next question is, of course, "when WILL you be filming men?", and they generally get quite disappointed when told that it may not be for months. This, however, does not dissuade them, and after repeatedly mailing me on the subject I eventually discover that all they care about is having someone come tickle them, game involved or no.
So the long and short of it is, the fact that I am even considering using men in TS has made me a target for guys looking for a tickle buddy - which I am 100% NOT interested in, and am getting a little tired of fielding propositions for.
It is for this reason that I am considering clipping men out of TS entirely. I don't think this will keep these guys from coming on to me, but at least it will give them one less reason to think I'm interested. TS is not now and never was a vehicle for me to pick people up with.
So, given this information, I would like you, the people who would eventually become fans of my product (one can hope!😀), to answer the following questions as honestly as possible.
1) What aspect of TS are you most interested in - */f or */m?
2) Would the game appeal to you even if it did not contain the type
of tickling that most appeals to you, whether it be tummy, */m, or whatever?
3) Would the lack of */m tickling dissuade you from trying and/or purchasing the game altogether?
4) If you feel that my consideration of removing */m is financial suicide, what should I do about this issue?
Thank you in advance for your responses. 😎
I'm bringing up this topic now because several aspects of Ticklish Situations are still on the drawing board. One of them, I have been struggling with since the project's conception. And given recent circumstances, I figured it may be time to revisit the topic and see how changing it would affect my potential customers.
First off, some history.
Back when TS was merely an idle daydream that popped into the nog during a particularly boring stretch of program design at work one day, the focus of the game was on my favorite topic alone; */f foot tickling. But I realized that not everyone was into that, and so I would have to expand to include as many other interests as possible in order for the game to have any appeal.
To this end, I widened the scope of the tickling to include ribs and underarms (tummies/genitalia/other sorts of tickling, unfortunately, will be left out), and attempted to recruit models of all genders and ethnic persuasions. Due to the percieved difficulty in getting women in front of a camera, especially for free, especially especially for the type of game I was doing, I decided to concentrate all of my networking efforts into finding female models first.
To this end, I have placed a large amount of information on the TS web site regarding modeling for the game, including the types of people I am looking for (it's spelled out quite plainly; female, NJ area, no tickling involved, etc) and what is involved in a photo session, in order to better acquaint people with my requirements. It is also clearly spelled out that I am not looking for men at this time, and will post a message stating when the casting call begins.
(Okay Phineas, we know all of this. Get to the point.)
Well, quite bluntly, I have always been uneasy about including */m tickling of any sort in Ticklish Situations. It does not appeal to me, and I can only imagine how awkward the filming sessions would be, even though there's no actual tickling involved in them. However, I figured that I could do it with a minimal amount of hassle on my part, thus pleasing a much wider audience.
To be honest, however, I am at the point where I am ready to cut it entirely. I have gotten a number of interested parties to E-mail me from the website offering to model for TS, however after speaking to them for all of thirty seconds it's obvious that none of them even have a clue of what they are volunteering for and definitely haven't read a word of the web site. The first indicator is that all of them are men, despite the two or three prominent notices plastered all over the web site stating that I am not recruiting male models at this time.
When informed of this, their next question is, of course, "when WILL you be filming men?", and they generally get quite disappointed when told that it may not be for months. This, however, does not dissuade them, and after repeatedly mailing me on the subject I eventually discover that all they care about is having someone come tickle them, game involved or no.
So the long and short of it is, the fact that I am even considering using men in TS has made me a target for guys looking for a tickle buddy - which I am 100% NOT interested in, and am getting a little tired of fielding propositions for.
It is for this reason that I am considering clipping men out of TS entirely. I don't think this will keep these guys from coming on to me, but at least it will give them one less reason to think I'm interested. TS is not now and never was a vehicle for me to pick people up with.
So, given this information, I would like you, the people who would eventually become fans of my product (one can hope!😀), to answer the following questions as honestly as possible.
1) What aspect of TS are you most interested in - */f or */m?
2) Would the game appeal to you even if it did not contain the type
of tickling that most appeals to you, whether it be tummy, */m, or whatever?
3) Would the lack of */m tickling dissuade you from trying and/or purchasing the game altogether?
4) If you feel that my consideration of removing */m is financial suicide, what should I do about this issue?
Thank you in advance for your responses. 😎