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TTF - Feathertime 24 - PART 1 (f/f wrestling-tickling)


3rd Level Red Feather
Mar 21, 2003
Part 1 of the upcoming show,
Next comes the PPV

Feathertime #24

The TTF theme music played – ‘Bullet for me Valentine’ – Tears don’t fall,
The flashing lights and fireworks blasted as the show kicked off – thousands of fans had packed into the arena for another TTF showdown,
Lisa Hicks opened the show,
LH: “Hello everyone and welcome to Newcastle- England, we are here in a packed out stadium and what a night we have in store for you, here with me is my new co-host Gemma Harrison”
GH: “Thanks Lisa and it’s great to be hosting a great event like this again”
LH: “Tonight we have go some great matches lined up, Torment’s general manager Dannii is going to face off against the number 1 hardcore contender Jakky”
GH: “Also Emma and Chloe team up to face unknown opponents – seems Kim Chambers is keeping us guessing”
LH: “And let’s not forget Trish Stratus faces off against Claire Mohan in a real grudge match – after what happened with Claire’s manager Trish will be lucky to get out of here alive”
GH: “What a match that will be… Trish has pushed her luck too many times with both Steven and Claire”

Simon D’Lue made an appearance on the stage,
“Hello everyone, and I must say I am zo pleased to be ere tonight, but first I want to say well done to Gemma who won ze contract to co-ost this show, this means that I will aft to stick to management, and once again I am offering my services to anyone who wishes to be managed by ze greatest tactician of ze hole TTF”

LH: “Is he for real?”
GH: “Seems he is Lisa, Simon still insists he has the key to managing a TTF champion yet no-one has taken him on?”

S: “I will leave you all to think upon what I offer and get back to me when ze time is right”

LH: “O…K... anyway… on with the action! But first I think we have to go backstage”

Sarah-Jane and Katie-Leigh the Hogslipper sisters waited outside Kim Chambers’ office,
Kim turned up from the parking lot accompanied by Hardcore champion Claire Mohan,
SJ: “Hey Chambers lady, why haven’t me and ma sister been put into that there tag fight?”
Kim stood back in shock at Sarah-Jane’s poor manners,
K: “I’m sorry were you talking to me?”
Katie-Leigh then piped up and advanced towards Ms. Chambers – Sarah had to hold her back as she tried to continue talking to Kim,
SJ: “I’m sorry you must not o heard me the first time…”
K: “No I heard you alright, it’s just you and your grubby little sister have forgotten your manners, can’t you see I’m busy with real superstars”
Kim gestured towards Claire, who was standing to her left - Sarah & Katie then looked Claire up and down in disgust,
SJ: “Well when your done with this umm girl… then me and ma sis wanna talk with ya”
Kim folded her arms as if waiting for something,
“Please?” Sarah-Jane huffed,
K: “Better… Yes certainly, come see me in about 20 minutes”
Kim and Claire entered the office,
KL: “Hey Claire! How that there ankle sugar?”
Katie chuckled and Claire simply turned her back and closed the door,

SJ: “That bimbo should get herself some manners”
KL: “Yeah! And I reckon we could show her some”
SJ: “All in good time sis, lets get our self a proper match first, come on lets go”

GH: “Seems the Hogslipper Sisters are back to cause havoc in the TTF”
LH: “Yes it seems that way Gemma, let’s hope they keep their grubby hands of Claire who is already nursing an injured ankle”
GH: “Well I think it’s time for our first match”
LH: “Yes and this exciting match was requested by the Torment general manager Dannii”
GH: “Is it true she wanted to fight her for her number 1 hardcore contenders spot?”
LH: “That’s true but Jakky has so far refused to comment”

Dannii Minogue {vs} Jakky

‘Who do you love now’ played and Dannii made her entrance,
She wore a tight black top with silver hot pants – along with black stockings and silver boots,
LH: “I reckon she has stole that little lot from her sisters wardrobe”
GH: “Looks that way doesn’t it?”
Dannii pulled out a hair band and began to tie her hair back as she walked down the aisle to the ring,
She entered the ring and blew kisses to her fans – even though a majority of the crowd were booing,
LH: “Any predictions for this one Gemma?”
GH: “Tough choice but I’d go with Jakky – she’s tough and resilient”

‘If I could’ by Hundred Reasons began to play,
LH: “Wait a minute!… is this?”
GH: “…New music for Jakky I believe Lisa”
LH: “Yes it is…”

Jakky appeared on the stage and waited for the music to really break into heavy and then started to mosh, she seemed energetic and ready for the fight as she walked menacingly towards the ring,
She wore a leather bra with a fishnet tee shirt, and a tartan mini-skirt with purple and black striped socks which came just above her knee high gothic boots,

LH: “Watch out Dannii, Jakky looks like she means business tonight”
Jakky grabbed a microphone and walked up to Dannii, she got right in her face and said “Number 1 hardcore contender spot you say?”
Dannii nervously nodded seeing that Jakky was really angry,
“You got it!” blasted Jakky – she then dropped the microphone and booted Dannii in the gut,
Jakky wasted no time in hooking Dannii around the waist and flipping her up above her head,
LH: “My god this could be the quickest Jakky’s Edge in history”
Dannii struggled but was powerless as Jakky got her hands under Dannii’s armpits and slammed her forward,

GH: “Goodnight Dannii”
LH: “Game over! It has to be curtains for Dannii inside the first 30 seconds”
But Jakky didn’t go for the cover – she looked menacing as Dannii laid spark out from the slam,
Instead she grabbed Dannii’s legs and un-zipped each of the long silver boots, slipping them off revealing Dannii’s black stockings Jakky smiled with joy,
LH: “Jakky is going to have a lot of fun I think, she wants to win this match in style”
GH: “Dannii had better wake up soon otherwise she will be tickled to death”

Jakky grinned as she hooked her legs around Dannii’s ankles – she then grabbed the toe-end of the stocking on Dannii’s left foot – she pulled it hard eventually ripping it off, then she grabbed the rest of the stocking that covered her sole and tore it away,
Jakky was now eager to get her feet and started to slowly circle her finger across Dannii’s bare sole trying to wake her up,
J: “Come on Dan wakey wakey! Time for your torture!”
Dannii slowly woke and wiggled her legs as the sensations on her feet tickled,
D: “What?….. what’s going on?… ha ha… stop that… wait……. Nooo Jakky oh no please!”
Dannii was soon in floods of tears as she begged Jakky to stop,
“HA HA HA hee hee ha heee hee get off please hahaha don’t tickle my feet hee hee haa god I hate it heeyahahaa pleaseeee stop I’m going to wet myself” Dannii cried out,

Suddenly Gina appeared on the ramp; she walked down the aisle and drew the referee’s attention,
Dannii was now pulling something from her pocket,
LH: “Hold on the referee’s got this all wrong”
GH: “It’s a diversion”
Dannii put on a knuckle duster and swung wildly at Jakky – cracking her in the jaw,
LH: “Once again Dannii is blatantly cheating”
GH: “Last week on Torment proved she needs more than her own muscle to win matches – it was like 4 on 2”

Jakky was clean out and slumped back – and now Dannii was able to get her ankle free,
Meanwhile Gina had completed her diversion and headed backstage – the referee turned to see a strange situation, Jakky was down and Dannii was getting to her feet,
The referee immediately asked Dannii what happened and accused he of cheating,
Dannii signaled she had punched and slapped Jakky unconscious – the referee was baffled but had no choice but to believe her,
Dannii then dragged Jakky over to the corner and put her legs either side of the ring post,
She then un-buckled each of the long heavy-duty knee-high boots, she slipped then off and grabbed Jakky’s ankles under her arm, next she started to dig her fingers deep into Jakky’s soles tickling hard on the Goth’s feet,
“Eeeeekkk yaa haah ahaaaa NOOOO eehheee not my feeeeet noooo haah aa yahahahaaa” Jakky screamed with laughter,

GH: “Dannii takes control and she should of lost this match by now – once again another victim falls to Dannii’s evil tricks”
LH: “But it’s still good to see a good tickle fight where both girls lose their shoes and get a serious tickling”
GH: “If there wasn’t there wouldn’t be much point in us commentating I guess”

Dannii tortured Jakky’s soles hard and fast causing the Goth to scream for mercy,
LH: “She knows if she quits now her hardcore title shot goes out the window”
Jakky reached up to tap the mat more than once but each time had to hold back – instead she took the torture hoping Dannii would release her hold enough for her to break free,
Suddenly Jakky managed to roll under the ropes – making it difficult for Dannii to hold on,
Jakky then grabbed a handful of Dannii’s pony-tail and yanked her back,
She let got and Jakky’s legs were free – she slid to the outside and pushed Dannii to the floor – next she grabbed her leg and put her in a half-crab,
And now Jakky was able to pull off a tickle-move of her own as she held Dannii in a submissive hold,
She used her free hand to reach down and tickle Dannii’s exposed ribs causing her to shriek with laughter and giggles,
“ARGHH hhhaaa haaaa not my sides hee haaa let me go ahahahaa not there please” Dannii cried,

Suddenly Crazyangel burst down the aisle,
LH: “What’s going on?”
GH: “She can’t be here to help Dannii…. Can she?”

Crazyangel charged into Jakky knocking her to the ground – she then sat on her and started to tickle her ribs,
“Argghh get off hee haa not there haa haa YAHAAHAHAHAA HEE HEE get off you crazy bitch” Jakky screamed,
The referee called for the bell,
RA: “The winner of this bout by disqualification JAKKY”
Dannii was gob smacked – she staggered to her feet to plead with the referee – but he wasn’t listening,
Dannii threw a tantrum in the ring stamped her feet – meanwhile Jakky and Crazyangel got up and slid under the ropes,
GH: “I don’t get it…”
LH: “Oh I do… It was a trick! Crazyangel has got one over on Dannii”
GH: “Clever girl”

Dannii turned to see Jakky and Crazyangel approach her,
D: “Wait! Girls… come on! What the deal? What have I done to you?”
C: “Lets start with Torment-2 and say that was enough – let alone anything else”
J: “And as for me… Well I just don’t f***ing like you!”
Jakky and Crazyangel grabbed Dannii and wrestled her to the ground – they flipped Dannii onto her belly and locked her feet under their arms,
Jakky went hell for leather tickling Dannii’s right foot as fast as she could,
Crazyangel licked her lips and looked down at Dannii’s bare foot,
C: “You had your little chum’s suck my toes a number of times last week so let me return the favor Dannii”
“NO DON’T YOU DARE! MEL I’M BEGGING YOU DON’T…. noooo you bitch! Eeeeewww stop it that feel’s weird… stop it” Dannii screamed at the top of her voice,
Crazyangel Mel was sucking profusely on Dannii’s toes, nibbling and biting to make her scream even louder,

LH: “About time Dannii got a taste of her own medicine”
GH: “I think it’s Melanie who doing the tasting… ha ha”
LH: “Very funny Gemma”

Gina and Debbie raced down the aisle to help Dannii – but Crazyangel and Jakky were fast on their feet and disappeared into the crowd,
Dannii was in tears from both embarrassment and the tickling,
Dannii stormed up the ramp as the TTF fans laughed and jeered her along with her two friends.

Backstage Kim Chambers came out of her office with Claire Mohan,
K: “Your sure you wanna fight tonight? That ankle is really swollen”
C: “I’ll be fine honest – the strapping will help and it feel’s fine”
K: “Ok well go get ready – I want to see my best star back out there”
C: “Thanks Kim”

Sarah-Jane and Katie-Leigh appeared from a corridor,
“Oi Kimberley!” shouted Sarah,
K: “Oh god! Not you two again… and anyway don’t call me Kimberley”
SJ: “Sorry ain’t we?”
KL: “We want a tag match… a tag-team TITLE match”
Kim paused for a few seconds,
K: “Ok Feathertime 24 it will be the Hogslippers again the Tag-Team champions Rachel Stevens and Busy Liz”
K: “Happy?”
Sarah and Katie were shocked but replied “Yes… very happy”
“Good now bugger off” Kim blasted,

KL: “See I told you to leave it to me”
SJ: “Yeah whatever sis, come on let’s go find that Claire”
KL: “Oh yummy!”

LH: “And just like that we have a title fight on the next edition of Feathertime”
GH: “And looks like they need some practice so they are off to find the Hardcore champion”

Gina & Debbie {vs} Emma & Chloe – tag team fight

LH: “onto the tag-team fight of the night involving new setup Gina Badstuff and Debbie Turner, they call themselves the Immovable objects – and judging by their size and strength I’d say that’s a great name”
GH: “Bloody frightening great monsters with skirts would be much more fitting”
LH: “Either way for Chloe and Emma this isn’t going to be easy, plus they have a problem of their own, lets take you back to Tears of Laughter II”

The big screen panned back to the last PPV – showing Emma about to leave the cage when Crazyangel got up and grabbed her – she kissed her and at first Emma refused but soon was kissing back,
Then it show’s Chloe struggling to get away from the referee’s holding her back – she wasn’t happy with the kiss.

LH: “Emma lost that match and Crazyangel may of just got into Emma’s head at the same time”
GH: “And also upset her tag-partner Chloe Katt in the process”
LH: “But it’s a case of getting on with the task in hand, can this duo work as a team once more?”

‘There goes the fear’ by the Doves played and Gina and Debbie appeared,
Gina wore a tight black dress and corset with long black PVC boots,
Debbie wore a white top with blue jeans and white trainers,

GH: “Geez Debbie is almost spilling out of that tight top”
LH: “Trust you to notice that Gemma”
GH: “What can I say she has great boobs – wish I had some like that”
Gemma looks down and starts pushing her breasts together,
LH: “Will you stop playing with yourself and concentrate on the match”
GH: “Oh… Yeah sorry”
LH: “Excuse Gemma everyone she will be back with us again shortly”

The two super-strong girls entered the ring waiting for their opponents,
‘Original prankster’ by the Offspring blasted and Emma & Chloe appeared on the stage, both of them looked glum and kept distant from each other on their entry to the ring,
Emma was wearing a very short red top with black jeans and gray trainers with white ankle socks,
Chloe had changed from her cat suit to a more casual dress similar too Emma’s,
But her top was Yellow and her jeans were more dark blue with rips in them,

Emma & Chloe debated who would start first and Emma eventually volunteered, Gina started for the other team and they got the fight underway,
The crowd picked up and chanted ‘Let’s go Emma…… Let’s go Emma’
But it was Gina who struck first - raining blows on Emma knocking her to the floor,
Gina then flexed her muscles trying to shut the supporting crowd up,
But Emma bounced up and launched a high drop-kick to Gina’s chin,
LH: “What agility… almost from a prone position springing from the mat”
GH: “Gina should not taunt her opponent so early on”

Emma again got to her feet and sized up Gina as she stumbled around the mat,
Gina turned to see Emma launch a striking kick again – but this time Gina managed to partially avoid and only caught 50% of the kick,
Emma then pounced and squeezed Gina’s sides trying to tickle her ribs,
Gina wriggled and tried to back away but Emma kept tickling – this now caused Gina to giggle and she kicked out knocking Emma backwards,

Gina quickly dived on Emma and rolled her onto her stomach – now Gina was able to attack her sides and get the brunette laughing wildly,
She dug her fingers deep into her sides and tickled hard,
“Yaaa haaa nooo argghhh haahahaaaa not my ribs eeeeek haahaha” Emma squealed,
G: “Come on Emma laugh for me… I know you love this”
E: “Nooo nooo hahaha no I don’t haa haa stop it please yaa haaahaaa”
Emma rolled over and managed to use her legs to push Gina back,
But Gina instantly got the upper hand as Emma practically placed her foot in Gina’s hands – and upon pulling away Gina hardly had to do anything to prise Emma’s trainer from her foot,
LH: “Emma’s right trainer is off and now she could be in trouble”
Emma scrambled back as Gina stood up and tossed the trainer into the adoring fans – and Emma froze for a few seconds as Gina teasingly used her finger to call her towards her,
Suddenly Emma got to her feet and quickly tagged an oblivious Chloe,
GH: “Chloe is stunned she can’t believe she has been tagged in”

Gina had her hands on her hips and waited for Chloe to get in the ring,
Chloe was now nervously climbing through the ropes trying not to take her eyes off Gina,
GH: “Chloe looks terrified”
LH: “Come on Chloe! Take her out”
Gina smiled and slowly walked over to Chloe – but the cat girl rolled past her commando style, she then stood back up and ran off the ropes – upon coming back off the ropes Chloe hit out with a huge clothesline,
Gina only stumbled as the tiny frame of Chloe was unable to ground her,
Chloe ran again and smashed again against Gina this time knocking her to her knee – Chloe quickly ran off the rope once more and went for a low dropkick – but Gina ducked and Chloe hit fresh air,
Gina got back up and waited for Chloe to get up – and as she did Gina grabbed her throat and lifted her up,
LH: “Chloe is in trouble, she’s about to get planted into the mat”
But quick thinking Chloe reached out and tickled under Gina’s arm causing her to giggle and lose her grip,
Chloe tumbled back as Gina dropped her back on her feet – meanwhile Gina stumbled back and quickly tagged Debbie,
Chloe could see the danger but was in the wrong corner she scrambled across the ring trying to tag Emma – but Debbie grabbed her leg and yanked her back,
Chole let out a cry and clawed at the mat trying to pull herself forward – but it was no use as Debbie litrelay sat down and reeled her back like a fish on a hook,
Debbie was quick to trap Chloe’s ankles and rip open the Velcro straps – she then yanked each trainer off revealing her white ankle-socks,
Chloe instantly begged for mercy and Debbie edged closer with her wriggling fingers – she was smiling as she slowly ran her index finger from toe to heel of Chloe’s left foot,
“Oh noohhooo Debbie don’t oh god nooo hee ha please” begged Chloe,
Chloe looked back to try and tag Emma but she was too far – she then looked down again to see Debbie peeling off her socks one by one – she knew her feet were the most ticklish spot on her body – her stomach turned as the cool air hit her toes as her last sock was peeled off,
Debbie then scribbled hard and fast on her bare feet sending Chloe into a ticklish insane fit,
Chloe tried hard to kick her ankles and legs free but was easily over-powered – and Debbie slowly pulled her closer to Gina’s corner,

Emma attempted to get in the ring only for referee Gary Shaw to intervine holding her back,
Gina reached under the ropes and held Chloe’s arms down with one hand as she tickled with the other,
GH: “Chloe is in deep trouble”
LH: “She’d probably tap if her arms were free”

After much arguing Emma finally got the referee to turn around – by which time Gina had let go and held her hands in the air innocently,
Referee Shaw now turned his attentions to Gina and began to give her a talking to – meanwhile Emma dived in the ring kicking Debbie in the face then scurrying under the ropes,
LH: “Mr. Shaw is losing control of this one, everytime he turns his back something happens”
GH: “Now Chloe can get free and make the tag”

And surely enough Chloe wriggled her feet free and was crawling towards Emma,
Debbie had also stumbled across too Gina and she tagged her in,
Luckily Gina was slow as she climbed through the top and middle rope – giving Chloe time to stop giggling to herself and tag in Emma Davies,
Emma burst into the ring laying Gina down with a tremendous right hook – Debbie staggered up just as Emma launched a high-kick which almost took her head off,
Emma then ran off the ropes and dived at Gina once more – she struck her with a shoulder barge and then ran off the ropes again,
LH: “Emma is on fire”
She launched another attack with her fist but Gina stuck out a leg and booted Emma in the face,
GH: “My god! Emma could be seriously injured”
LH: “Worse than that I think she’s out cold”

Gina laughed and knelt down to pin Emma,
1………….2……………(the count was broken)
LH: “What? Gina breaks her own count”
GH: “She’s going for the cover again”
1…………..2………….. (the count was broken again)
LH: “Gina is toying with her opponent and she doesn’t know anything about it”
Gina smiled with an evil grin and shook her head signaling she wasn’t going to pin Emma,
Suddenly Gina tore Emma’s top from her body and flipped Emma over with her foot,
LH: “What is going on?”
GH: “Gina might be about to strip Emma of all her dignity”
LH: “What is she doing now?”

Gina had put Emma’s arms behind her back and was using the torn cloth to tie her up,
LH: “Oh No! Gina has fashioned her own restraint using Emma’s red top”
GH: “Well the referee can’t really stop Gina either, see the clever bit about what Gina has done is it’s classed as part of the attire, it’s perfectly legal”
LH: “Yes Gina has found a floor in the tame rule of weapons like ropes and feathers being brought into the ring”
GH: “So even if the referee was strict about ropes he has no argument in this case”
And so Gina used her cunning plan to tie Emma’s arms behind her back – she then sat down and locked Emma’s feet in between her legs,
With Emma still out cold this was going to be a tickle massacre as her trainer and socks were removed with ease,

Chloe couldn’t believe her eyes and didn’t know what to do – she had no way of tackling Gina and Debbie on her own,
LH: “How the hell do you help your partner in this situation – enter the ring and force the referee to act?”
GH: “No point Emma is badly dazed and now she’s tied up – she HAS to tag Chloe and somehow I can’t see that happening”
Gina was enjoying seeing Chloe’s worried expression and got even more excited when she saw Emma begin to come around,
LH: “Tap now Emma… for your own sake”
Gina cackled as she started to massage Emma’s feet – at first Emma was smiling with her eyes still closed – then she began to frown and tried to move her arms,
Gina was now making circle patterns across her bare feet – her toes flexed and she tried to use her foot to cover the sole of the other – but now Gina had grabbed both of her toes and held then back exposing her soft soles,

Emma was thrown into a panic as she soon realized her arms were tied and her tope was torn open – she appealed to the referee who simply told her the binds were within the law,
Emma was confused but couldn’t really concentrate as Gina picked up the pace and was now going hell for leather on her feet,

LH: “This one is over!”
GH: “A very one sided match with Gina & Debbie un-booted”
LH: “I believe this is called a UB Win – haven’t seen this for a long time”

Gina rolled Emma to one side and stood up to be congratulated by her partner Debbie Turner,
The referee held Gina’s arm alotf announcing the victory,
LH: “Watch out tag-team division, these girls look mighty deadly”
GH: “Wait a minute…. Where is Chloe going?”

Chloe stood down from the apron and walked back up the aisle – her eyes welled up and she didn’t look back at her friend Emma,
LH: “Emma is still tied up and Chloe has left her”
GH: “Is this the break-up we have all been expecting?”
LH: “It looks that way”

Emma struggled as she soon realized Chloe was leaving without her – but her hands were tied tight and she was still tearful from the tickling,
Debbie and Gina now moved over to her and stood over her smiling,
Emma began to plead for mercy as Debbie picked her up – Gina then pulled out a white cloth and gagged Emma,
Then the two powerhouses hooked their arms under Emma’s and carried her away,

LH: “Chloe isn’t going to help her…. That has to be it for these two”
Chloe took a look backwards but lowered her head and slowly walked through the curtain,
Meanwhile Gina and Debbie carried Emma off kicking and struggling,
GH: “It’s going to be a long night for poor Emma”

Backstage Claire got ready just as Steven came into the dressing room,
“You’re here… I didn’t think you would make it” Claire said excited,
S: “Yes sorry I’ve had things to sort out”
C: “You didn’t answer your phone today so I assumed you had other plans”
S: “No way, I wouldn’t miss this one…”
C: “That’s good to hear, anyway I’m ready now so do you wanna come to ringside with me?”
S: “I’d love too”

LH: “It’s about time too… Steven needs to watch out for Claire – she has a bad ankle and we all know Trish can be very cruel at times”
GH: “Well here comes Trish now to get this match underway”

{end of part one}
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