The Female Art Form
I always think, especially among tickle people, that summer tummies should either smack you like a two-by-four, or be understated. The two by four approach means low and tight shorts or jeans or some such (low being the operative word), and a top that is really high and snug, just under the breasts. I'm thinking here of Kate Capshaw in that harem outfit she wore toward the end of "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom." She did some modest contortions while wearing it; and, let's just say, I sat up and took notice.
Yet I also like it when the young lady wears something on top that barely makes it down to her waist band of her shorts or slacks or whatever. The other day I was at the grocery store. There was a lass there, late thirties or early forties I would guess that, by coincidence, was pushing her cart down each aisle the opposite of the way I was traveling. She was one of those marvelously curvaceous women. She had a comfortable but form fitting something that every time she reached for something on the shelf, her top would run up and display an invitingly curvey tummy and waist. Then she would, each time, pull it back down as far as it would go. See, it was understated, and poetry in motion.
Here's the real coincidence. It turned out she was parked next to me and we both went to our cars at the same time. I have a van, so was up slightly higher than she was when she climbed into the drivers seat of her car. In the car, her top sort of pulled and rolled up just a bit. Here she made no effort to pull it down. Since she was now in the sitting position, her tummy took on that hint of a protruding look (and it was partially bare) that so many really beautiful woman have. Talk about catching your breath and having your heart skip a beat! And it was all understated hint! I just knew she was ticklish.
When you live in the snow belt, summers are a treat due to the lasses with the two-by-fours, and the will to use them. Yet I often find myself wondering if women that are a little more subtle know what they are doing to us poor saps that like to look, but can't touch. I also wonder how many times my poor wife gets tickled for no other reason than something I see that triggers an event.
There's a crescendo in subtlety, and that can't be overestimated. As to whether women know this, I usually think that they do. Whether yes or no, please let there always be some of them (your subtler kind) about.