How terribly unfair and unfortunate for valiant Katie; the lion lies down with the lamb to insure that she's tickled straight out of her mind! But that's the exciting nature of a three-way… anything can happen! And, of course, it's gonna happen to my girl Mercy next! Will solo focus prove any more devastating than this mighty team effort? That's hard to imagine, but I must say Miss Bah-Bah does look devious enough to make it work! At present, Mercy finds herself in the unusual position of partnering-up (she's more used to one-on-one action… or, alas, of being the helpless recipient of this sort of attention). That she finds the lovely Limey lass's toes as pleasant to taste as to look at is hardly a shock… haven't we all harbored such wild fantasies regarding candy-sweet Katie! It's a treat she'd better savor now… Katie's too much of a pro to ever let her get away with it twice!