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Tyclonia Case Files: Case A624 (?/f)


2nd Level Yellow Feather
Jan 8, 2003
This is story #5 in my Tyclonia Penal Case Files Series...a tickling universe set in a futuristic universe. They center around the famed Tyclonia Penal System, a planetary system where each planet is the prison. No one, according to the case files, ever escaped from the famed penal system, which also boasted one of the highest known rehabilitation rates of it's parolees. To see more, refer to mtjpub.com and you'll find both volumes of the Tales of Tyclonia series. This prisoner is, of course, based on our own Bella Donna. Creating a character that would fit her was a great challenge and was a lot of fun.

Samiri Novantra​

As revealed in previous case files from the esteemed Tyclonian Penal System, a plan of rehabilitation was prepared for every inmate. The majority were the simple, proven methods handed down from millennia to millennia by civilizations past and present. From the simplest petty thief to the mass murderer, every plan was set in motion within an hour of the prisoner's arrival.

How was this possible? Not only were the Tyclonians well skilled in holographic and nanotechnology, they had one of the best systems in existence to gather and intercept data from planets all over the galaxy. For example, if a child was caught and reported to have stolen a toy or a piece of candy, from that point on, a file was started on that child and that person was monitored until the day that person died. The Tyclonians had information sources everywhere. Besides the standard spy networks, the Tyclonians had offices in every location where trials were held, under the guise of facilitating prisoner transfers. In fact these were central processing centers to monitor potential inmates so the Tyclonian High Established Magistrates, known only as T.H.E.M., could prepare the rehabilitation plan.

As seen the case presented below, no detail was missed in preparing for the arrival of one of the most renowned assassins of the age...

Samiri Novantra was a native of Tecan 5, a planet famed and promoted as the place to go for fun, frivolity, and hedonism. This was such an anachronism when one looked at Samiri. She was dressed in black leather from head to heel, dark black hair with a thin streak of jade green, and bracelets of black leather with red nail studs. She was an antagos, one who had chosen to forsake the joy and pleasure so heavily promoted by her world (and so dependent upon for tourist income) and instead not only denied herself of those pleasures, but sought to deny those pleasures to others. There were groups on other planets and civilizations similar to the antagos, but most kept to themselves. The antagos, in contrast, looked for opportunity to punish others for enjoying life, which they felt was but to be endured for its harshness.

Samiri was no exception. She grew up in the lower class slums of her planet, in areas where survival went to the tough and hard. Fun, play, and pleasure did not exist for her. She saw the joy in others faces as people came through her land, not to help them or raise them from their squalor, but to look upon them as part of the tour like animals in the zoo. Those memories burned in her mind every day of her life. Her mother died during a pneumatic plague brought in by tourists during the summer of her ninth year. She never knew if any other family members existed, having no memories of her father.
Like many of her class, she tried to gain employment in the service sector, serving the needs of the hordes of tourists visiting her home world. Being so young, combined with a cruel employer, jaded her. The happier the tourists she served and waited on, the deeper and darker her anger became towards them. She never was allowed to enjoy life, why should they? This train of thought monopolized her until she left her employer at the age of 15.

She joined up with a street gang, quickly learning the skills of a fighter. Her skills became so high that even the gang leader feared her. She was loyal to the group, but his lack of trust in her lead to her leaving the gang and setting out on her own. She took the life of the antogos, and did whatever it took to survive. Petty thievery, pickpocketing, home and hotel burglary, whatever it took to feed and clothe her. She gained a street reputation that caused one to either seek her services or avoid her at all costs.

Her first kill was quite by accident. During a routine home robbery, she was walked in upon by the current resident, a tourist who was renting the house for a month long vacation. He arrived with his sexcort, the local term for a prostitute, as Samiri was in the middle of cleaning out his stash of money.
To the outside world, the sexcort was portrayed as an honorable profession that entertained and showed visitors the best places to visit, tour and revel. To the natives of Tecan 5, they knew the bitter truth that it was nothing more than a cruel form of slavery. Samiri's former employer had tried to force her into that wretched trade, but she fled before he had negotiated the sale. She saw the visitor enter with his young teen sexcort, barely passed the age of fertility. Her rage turned white hot against him and jumped him, snapping his neck instantly. He was dead before he hit the floor. The sexcort screamed in terror and stood there, paralyzed with fear.
Samiri told the lass that she was free now. But the young girl just stood there. Then, Samiri saw it, the tell tale signs of needle marks the base of her neck. She had been injected with tricylantoin rods, a slow releasing drug that kept sexcorts very compliant and highly aroused. She stood there, zombie-like. Her "master of the night' now gone left her without direction as to what to do. Samiri felt a slight twinge of sympathy followed by an avalanche of repulsion. She pulled out a stiletto and plunged it in and out of the sexcort's chest, piercing her heart and killing her as quickly as the man. She stole what she wanted and disappeared into the night.

As she thought about that night, Samiri found that she had enjoyed her two silent kills. Quickly, she became adept at the art of the silent kill, becoming even more feared by the Tecan 5 underworld. In time, her skills were sought out as an assassin. She could have aligned with any crime cartel she chose, but elected, smartly, to be free-lance. This gave her the independence she craved, and made her even more desired by cartels in need of a kill untraceable to their own assassins. The law enforcers knew of her, but were unable to get a description of her, let alone catch her. All they knew was she was an antagos, but that was all they had.

In time though, it even got too hot for her on Tecan 5. She needed to get off the planet, feeling the long arm of the law getting closer and closer to her. That's what made her next assignment so intriguing. The vast Vincar cartel needed a special hit. A member of a rival cartel needed elimination, but was in the most unlikely of locations: Tyclonia. The person in question was Sandralah Pinkay, a minor under lord in the rival Erlot cartel. However, this minor rival, Sandralah, had escaped an attack by Vincar's forces and, in the escape, was caught by the law. To avoid a larger sentence, she had made a plea bargain and implicated many in Vincar's operation. Vincar wanted to prove that even the galaxy’s toughest prison system could not hide and protect one from Vincar's reach. They presented a quite simple plan. Samiri would go in, convicted of some small crime, but big enough to get her sent to Tyclonia. She would eliminate Sandralah Pinkay, in one of her patented silent ways or in some manner to make it appear an accident. Then, Vincar's legal workers would get her conviction reversed by blackmailing someone else to confess to the crime, clearing Samiri and gaining her release.

Samiri could smell a set-up a mile away, and this one reeked of it. She had no guarantee that Vincar would keep his end of the bargain. But, Samiri needed off Tecan 5 fast and the money was enough to set up her life on another planet. They reached a mutual agreement and moved forward with the plan. She robbed a planned house using an MO totally opposite of her normal manner, thus not letting the law enforcers be able to link her other thefts to this one. She was quickly arrested and sentenced to a 5 year sentence in Tyclonia.

Her arrival was uneventful, the standard staging health exams and treatments, changing into the same small-strapped light blue camisole style top, Capri pants of the same color, and brown leather sandals. Within 3 hours of her arrival, she was in her cell. At the meal-time bell, she was lead to the eating hall, then back to her cell. To her surprise, and delight, her cellmate was no other than Sandralah Pinkay. "Vincar's people are more efficient than I expected," she thought to herself.

The next few weeks were spent being trained in doing the daily required work inside the prison and then outside in the harvest fields. It was now planting season, and the prisoners were worked hard to get the planting done prior to the rainy season. Samiri loathed each day, not for the work but for the cheerful manner in which many of the inmates worked. It made her antagos blood boil. That and the fact she had to wear that horridly cute shade of blue on their uniforms. No make-up was allowed, so she was unable to put on her preferred black lipstick, eye shadow, and liner. She knew she would not be able to take much more of this, so she started to put a plan together to eliminate Sandralah.

The next meeting of the wardens took on a different air than usual this month. The discussions with T.H.E.M. took a very serious tone when Samiri’s case file and plan were presented. The chief warden for the planet Samiri was incarcerated was the most serious…and nervous. He always trusted T.H.E.M. to devise the rehabilitation of even the most dangerous prisoners, but he felt this plan was too big a risk.

“Magistrates, I again ask you to reconsider. Sandralah Pinkay is no innocent bystander, but we cannot rightly be placing her life in this much danger by internally placing Inmate Novantra in the same cell. Samiri may strike at any moment. We must separate them quickly.”

“She will not move as quick as you fear. Be reassured, Warden, we can easily predict that her plan will not move into action for at least 2 weeks. Even then, she will have to wait for the right opportunity. The opportunity WE will provide for her. I’m sure your holographic engineers are up to this task.”

“And what happens if you are wrong, Magistrate?” The room fell silent, this being the first time such an accusation had ever been leveled on a High Established Magistrate.

“We are never wrong, Warden. However, we delight in your concern over Inmate Pinkay. This shows great pride in your position as well as the deep need to protect life as we know it. You shall go far in this realm…” was the response as the view screen went black and the meeting ended.

Samiri was leaving her cell to go to the eating hall for dinner when she saw a large gathering of inmates. She followed them and heard them murmuring about an escapee being found. She watched as the guards brought back the limp-looking body of Phrodita Rondi. Rumors were saying she had been found during the sweep of the harvest fields being attacked by some creatures. Some said it was a malrog, others a spinneret serpent, many more claiming it to be tentacle moths. Samiri could tell that whatever it was, it had nearly killed Phrodita. Samiri's eyes started to sparkle as the possibilities and ramifications of those possibilities took shape.

After dinner, Samiri obtained permission to go to the prison library. She spent the entire time reading up on the flora and fauna of the Tyclonus planetary system. She learned all she could about tentacle moths, malrogs, spinneret serpents, boa worms, vermillion winged lemurs, and many more. She did her best to know every possible detail about their habitats and behaviors. She was especially interested in the malrogs. A large, lumbering sort of creature that was stronger than 3-4 humanoids. The males roamed solitarily, except during the mating seasons. The females would raise a litter of cubs, called roglets, until they reached the age of 3 solar years. At that point the mother would force them out on their own, and would prepare to mate again to procreate a new litter. She even read reports on malrog attacks, and how more often than not, the malrog would win and kill anything that got between the mother and her roglets.

It took about 3 weeks, but Samiri was ready to put her plan in action. Sandralah had a big running feud going on with one of the other prisoners, Kay Le'Zeolda. They were from rival criminal cartels and were always either arguing, posturing, or, at times, even fighting. The guards eventually placed them at opposite sides of the fields during the planting and weeding of the harvest fields. Samiri waited for the right moment. It finally occurred. Kay and Sandralah got into a big fight over field tools as the guards handed them out. Sandralah won out, but Kay and her group verbally vowed to even things out. “This is the day.” Samiri thought. She would be able to kill off Sandralah, and escape from the prison at the same time. She held no delusions of Vincar’s promise to get her out. What better way to kill off the evidence than to let her rot in this hell hole of a prison. She always lived by her code of honor and finished any job she started, no matter how long it took. But, she was realistic enough to know how Vincar’s mind would work. She was an antagos, so she always assumed the dark nature when dealing with anyone else.

It was about 3 pm in the afternoon when she put things into motion. All the field workers were murmuring though out the day about the big fight and what Le’Zeolda was going to do to Pinkay when she got her hands on her. Sandralah kept her cool, but physically she was no match. She had been a “behind the scenes” type, as opposed to the street urchin Samiri, or the ‘labor in the trenches’ background that Kay Le’Zeolda came up from. Samiri looked up and saw that the guards had moved ahead of them in the field, leaving them alone near a wooded section. She grabbed Sandralah’s arm and told her, “Quick, here comes Kay and her gang. The guards have left us alone so she can get you. We have to run!!”

“That’s crazy,” she replied. Then, she looked up and saw that they were all alone. They were at the top of a hill, and Sandralah could see a group of 6 women walking their direction, sharp field tools in their hands. “Oh, no…what do we do?” Sandralah looked at Samiri, panic in her dark brown eyes.

“Follow me into the woods, now!”

“But, that would be an escape attempt…”

“The guards have left us sitting ducks. Escape reprimands means we’re still alive! Let’s go!” Samiri yelled, grabbing her arm and pulling her towards the trees. Sandralah followed her, still hesitant at first, then running hard to keep up with Samiri's pace. The forested area was very thick, and quickly hid their bodies from anyone looking their direction.

Meanwhile, the hologram engineering monitors watched as Samiri ran into the forest. "Is inmate Pinkay still secured in the infirmary?" the lead engineer asked.

"Yes Sir, she is safely sequestered under quarantine, as per your orders," replied one of the guards, assigned to watch the events unfold.

"Good, let Inmate Novantra continue her plans as dictated. Inform me of any deviation from the warden's rehabilitation plan," the lead engineer replied as he went back to the monitoring of the arrival of a new inmate, a terrorist leader from Mepanoid 7, a certain Doxoru Bi-Adria, who would need extra monitoring.

Samiri led Sandralah deep into the woods, weaving as if to avoid being followed. Samiri's aim was to confuse her companion so she would be completely lost in the woods and unable to flee from her back to the guards. After nearly 30 minutes of what appeared to be evasive maneuvers, Samiri halted at the edge of a small clearing.

They rested, Sandralah panting for breath. As she did, Samiri looked around, as if she as looking for something specific. After several minutes, she saw deep scraps on one of the nearby trees. These were tell-tale signs that an adult malrog had been here, looking for food. She knew that because of their size, they preferred to be in clearings, so they could move easier. The clearing seemed to be void of animal life, however. She told Sandralah to get down as they both knelt in the high grass. She hoped to look for other signs on the ground near them, using the action of hiding in the grass as an excuse.

Her trained eyes saw footprints in the dirt, small ones. She smiled at the thought of using roglets to her advantage. Malrogs liked to hide their young in areas such as this clearing as they hunted to keep them hidden from other predators. Her desire was to find a den. She told Sandralah to stay there as she started to quietly crawl through the high grass. Her heart rate started to rise as she searched in the grass, hoping that luck would smile upon her. She searched for several minutes, almost ready to give up, when she heard a small rustling ahead of her. She paused, and then saw two small roglets hiding in a clump of high grass ahead of her. She slowly tightened her grip on the small hoe she had been using in the field and slowly crept toward them.

When she got close enough to them, their natural curiosity caused them to creep toward her, sniffing as they did. She let them come toward her, thinking this was going to be even easier than she thought. After they had sniffed her for about a minute, she slowly raised the hoe, and brought it down on top of the smallest of the two roglets, crushing its head. It gave out a high pitched shriek as she did, causing Sandralah to leave her spot and come rushing toward the sound. The other roglet squealed and ran into taller grass as Sandralah appeared next to Samiri, who was now standing over the dying roglet.

“What the…why did you do THAT?” Sandralah cried out. Striking that creature made no sense.

“It caught be by surprise. I reacted before I could think or stop myself.”
They both heard a squeal, followed by a loud roar about 100 yards ahead. Samiri reached down and grabbed the now dead roglet, placing it in Sandralah’s hands. Sandralah stood there in shock at the sound of the roar as the enraged mother malrog came out of the woods. As the mother appeared, Samiri broke for the opposite end of the clearing, leaving Sandralah there to face the angry mother. “Never get between a mother malrog and her young, they can be lethal…” she called out as she disappeared into the wood. She turned and looked just in time to see Sandralah tossing the dead roglet down as the mother malrog swung a huge paw and hit her. The powerful blow sent her sprawling. Samiri could hear the sounds of Sandralah trying to defend herself and the rage of the malrog avenging her cub.

Samiri turned away, smiling as she ran. The mother malrog would take her anger out on Sandralah, thinking she had been the killer. The creature was not considered very intelligent, so it would soon forget all about her. The plan had been perfect, and she had executed it with cool precision. It felt good to pull off a kill without getting her hands dirty. Now, she had to make plans for the coming nightfall, as well as how to get out of there. She was no fool; she knew that guards were searching for her at that very moment. If and when the body was found, they would very easily see that only one body was there.

One option was to turn herself in, or be found near enough and act as if in shock as she retold how the malrog had attacked them from nowhere. But, she would have to make herself look like she had been attacked as well. Another option would be say that it had attacked when they had been separated in the woods, and that she got there in time to see the end result. Then, go back to the prison and wait for Vincar to spring her. That is, IF he ever kept his end of the bargain.

She decided instead to do the third option. She would keep moving and find the nearest town or village. From there she would find a way to get off this deity-forsaken planet. There had to be sources from here, legal or illegal. She would just have to find them. That and a place where she could steal some new clothes to replace the prison garb she had on. She was more than certain that any natives here would recognize the outfit as the prison uniform, so she needed to ditch it fast.

Back in the prison, the engineers finished reporting to their chief. “All was accomplished as planned, sir,” they stated. The chief of the team looked on at the camera image displayed. There was Samiri, leaving the scene of her crime. In the other screen was the fleeing Samiri.

“Is she out of visual and audio rage?” he asked.

“Yes, sir,” they answered in unison.

“Then end the Pinkay hologram sequence and prepare the trap for nanite release.”

Then programmers entered a series of commands, and the images of the malrog, her cubs, and Sandralah slowly faded into nothing, the holograms having served their purpose.

Samiri moved through the forest at what she felt was a decent pace through the forest. After about one hour, she reached an area surrounded by a dense thicket. It was full of bracktel bushes, native to the planet with long, sharp thorns. Going backward was a non-issue, so she slowly tried to crawl through it. The thorns at times tore her clothes and her skin. Her arms, legs, chest, and back were covered with needle-like pricks. As each thorn scratched her, she ignored it, but when they punctured her skin, she felt pain along the lines she had not felt since a child. The beatings she had received by adults were almost as painful as this, but not quite, so she pressed on. As these thorns broke her skin, millions of nanites were released and entered her body. They entered via the open skin and entered her circulation. Samiri felt nothing but the pain of the thorns as she made her way out of the thicket. It was dark, so she found a place to hide for the night under the low hanging branches of some trees.

As the morning broke, the programmers were in an eager mood. “When do we activate?” was the constant question they were asking. They were eager to show off the results of all their hard work.

“Soon, on my signal,” was the chief’s reply.

Samiri woke up as the sun was rising. She needed to put as many miles between her and the prison as she could. She wasted no time getting started. Less than an hour after she had awakened, she heard the sound of voices. She looked around, and found a dense area of overgrowth to hide in. She stayed there, motionless as 3 guards walked right by her. She dared not move as she saw them stop no more than 50 yards past her and radio to others to check on their progress.

Suddenly, she felt a strange sensation in the sole of her foot. It started right above the heel and moved along the sole to the base of her toes and back. It felt as if something was stroking her there. She fought off the weird sensation as she waited for the men to leave. Then, it happened again, but even stronger. She felt a strange, unknown reaction in her gut and chest. Out of some instinct, she felt herself clamp her lips tighter, as if she was trying to hold in air. It wasn't a painful sensation, but her foot desired to escape whatever was touching it. She slowly looked behind her, but nothing was there!

When she turned her head back, she felt it now on the other foot. It almost had the feeling of…pleasure. She had not felt many pleasurable sensations in her body, the last time being when she reached the age of fertility, and she had explored herself. That was the only time in recent memory that she had left anything sensation like this. She was glad to see the soldiers go back to where they had come from. After enough time, she got out of the underbrush and checked out her sandal-clad feet. Nothing had touched her soles at all. She started back on her walking escape.
After ten steps, she felt a poking sensation in her ribs. She fell to her knees and clamped her mouth hard shut as some strange sound was trying to escape. She got up and it started again. She did her best to ignore it and then, just as suddenly, it stopped. She walked further and now felt this weird sensation in her armpits. This time, a giggle came out of her mouth before she could shut it. A giggle? She hadn’t giggled or laughed since she was 5 years old! She was an antagos, and antagos don't laugh! She looked around and then hid, afraid she would be found. After 15 minutes she started back walking, the sensations gone.

Another 10 minutes went by before it hit her again. This time it was her belly and navel. Several seconds of giggles came out before she could stop herself. This was madness! She could feel fingers all over her, but no one was touching her. Was she going insane? Hallucinating from lack of food or a natural drug in the berries she had found for breakfast? Again, she went to her knees, clawing at her body in the vain hope of stopping this feeling. After a few minutes, it stopped like before.

She looked around. She saw and heard no one. She stood, looked around one more time, and then started walking. Out of nowhere, it started on her feet again, this time all over her soles. She shrieked, fell to the ground, and pulled the sandals off her feet. She felt more giggling well up inside her and start to come out as she grabbed at her feet, trying to stop the feeling of fingertips or bugs crawling all over her soles. As she did, the invisible poking of her ribs started as well. The gigging turned to laughter as she now was fighting some invisible enemy on two fronts. Now, her armpits felt on fire as if fingers were scraping in them. The tickling sensations hit just as quickly all over her belly as the nanites fired stimuli on her nerve endings, mimicking the sensation of fingers and feathers tickling her. She kept trying to grab and pull at her invisible assailant, at times tearing and eventually removing all her clothing.

She was unable to remain silent. This was madness. Has this last kill made her snap into some new form of insanity? She tried to think, but soon her mind was engulfed by this sensation her body vaguely remembered and recognized as tickling. It was a horrible, yet delightful sensation. Her antogos instincts tried to block off the sensations of pleasure, but the nanites were more potent than her will.

Now, the sensation was spreading. The nanites were literally all over her, and she could feel the tickling moving up her legs. It was as if someone was turning a knob, causing the tickling to move up her legs like the flames on a gas stove. It stopped at the top of her thighs, covering all her legs. Then, it started to radiate from her belly, ribs, and armpits to the rest of her torso. Now, she was beyond the ability to stifle any laughter, her body betraying her, as centimeter by centimeter it moved along her skin. When all her back and torso were covered, she screamed in pain and delight as the sensations moved on in their march.

“MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP! NOOOOOOO!” she cried out in vain. Now, she could feel it start the slow progression up from her thighs and down from her hips. “No, NO! Not THERE!” she screamed, to no avail as she was powerless to stop it. Soon, both her buttocks and her fertility zone were covered with the sensations. Moans joined her laughter as she felt the tickling fully hit her breasts, nipples, and birth canal. These areas had never been touched by one other than her, and she was losing her mind. When the stimulus was enough, her first climax occurred. Then another. She had never climaxed before and was overwhelmed and unable to resist and fight it. She had always denied herself such pleasure in the past, and now she found herself in a mental tug of war. Part of her mind still resisted the sensations with all her might. Yet, a growing part of her was wondering why she had denied herself such wonderful sensations.

She was curled on the ground in the fetal position when the guards found her on the ground. As they loaded her up, any touch made the sensations worse, intensifying it where ever they touched her. She begged and pleaded with them to make it stop. Deep inside her body yearned for more. She had sworn off pleasure and now was being overwhelmed by it, unable to control her reactions to it or resist its effects. They loaded her up in the security vehicle and drove her back to the prison compound. She was taken to the escapee holding facility where the sensations stopped after 6 hours of endless nanite stimulation. When it was all over, she was brought to a new cell and new cell mate.

Samiri awoke in her cell, completely exhausted from her ordeal. Too tired even to speak, she just looked around the room, not recognizing her new cell mate. She didn't really care. Her mind was still overloaded by the pleasures that had accompanied this unexplainable attack to her body. As her body shivered when she recalled it, she found herself, inexplicably, desiring to feel it again. Her soul was a dry sponge, eager to soak up pleasure of any kind. She got up, slipped off her sandals, introduced herself and asked, "This may sound strange, but could you do something for me..."

Samiri was a very model prisoner the rest of her term. As she expected, there was no action by Vincar to shorten her term or clear her of the conviction. To be honest, she didn't care. She and Kinuko, her new cellmate, became life long friends. Upon her release, she returned to Tecan 5 with Kinuko. Rejecting her criminal past, she became a dealer in one of the larger gambling houses on the planet. She was famous in the business as "The Giggling Antagos," creating a stir on the planet. At times she remembered her past, regretting the lives she had ruined or taken. But, whenever she thought back to those days, her 'invisible companion," as she referred to it, would commence with a massive tickling attack that would send her not only into hysterics, but be so intense she would forget whatever she had been thinking about.

Prisoner considered to be completely rehabilitated from all crimes, known and unknown. Case file considered closed. For information on Inmates Rondi, Pinkay, Bi-Adria and Le’Zeloda, please refer to their respective case files.
Well, you removed the MTJ pub stories. Any chance they will be put back up for sale or posted here? I really enjoy your stories and would like to read more.

Nice Story

Great story, alot of thought has gone into this, very well written, thanks
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