Oh, by all means, I do agree that deception is a deplorable act. On the other hand, the sexual preference of the participants in this forum is not up for negation. No one would dig hearin' someone called a "flamin' breeder" and thus, callin' someone doin' unfavorable acts "gay" is also bad news. There's cool folk here that are involved with their own gender. Whether or not it's my thing, it's their right to have such without having the nomenclature used in name-calling.
As for PROOF of age, did you prove yours? I don't recall seeing your ID. We ask for such, and if and when it's proven that someone is not of age, we remove them promptly. If we restrained this to proof of age, this wouldn't be a new frontier. It'd be a ghost town.
Anyone wanting to argue is encouraged to send me their photo ID in support of such a notion.
Regardless, you still rock for pointing that person out to us, tommy_tickle. That was helpful to the TMF, and the moderators appreciate such.