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Under Influence 2 - no tickling yet


Registered User
Jan 13, 2012
Chapter 2: "Tensions Under Hypnosis"

Night fell on the house, wrapping the participants in palpable tension. After the day they had just experienced, everyone was starting to realize that this game wasn't just a simple distraction but a dangerous arena where manipulation and strategy were the main elements. The introduction of hypnosis had left everyone on edge, and even though no one remembered who had won, they knew one player held a file and had already hypnotized someone.

Florian and Nate, forced to share the basement room, struggled to find common ground. Florian’s victory in the first game had intensified their rivalry, and the idea of sleeping together seemed unbearable. After some tense exchanges, they finally reached a compromise. Nate, though irritated, agreed to sleep on the living room couch for the night, leaving Florian to enjoy the basement room.

“You won at rock-paper-scissors,” Nate grumbled, getting up to set up his makeshift bed. “But it's not the end of the world. Tomorrow, I get the basement.”

Florian smiled, almost content. “No problem.” His voice was calm, but behind this tranquility, he was jubilant. He knew that Nate, in the living room, remained an obstacle to his nighttime plans, but he consoled himself with the knowledge that he was already one step ahead.

Florian was excited. He could already feel the power of hypnosis starting to take effect on Melody. And while he planned his next moves, a certainty grew within him: he had to move cautiously, subtly strengthening his control so no one would suspect a thing.

Nate, on the other hand, was worried. He had desires he was trying to suppress, but the current situation awakened thoughts he preferred not to explore. Melody knew some of his secrets, things he didn't want others to discover. Even though she didn’t have the file, she knew enough to make the game even more dangerous for him. He hoped she wouldn’t use this information against him.

Meanwhile, Melody went to bed, unaware that Florian’s soft hypnosis had already begun to seep into her mind. She felt a slight confusion, as if her perception of Florian was subtly shifting. She had never been so close to him before, but something about his behavior drew her toward him. This strange feeling was growing inside her, without explanation.

Isa, on the other hand, remained awake, deep in thought in the study. The 100 million euros represented an opportunity she couldn’t ignore. Her job as a hypnotherapist didn’t pay enough, and that sum would change everything for her and her daughters. But the price would be steep. She had to play, but first and foremost, she had to protect her family. She stayed awake for much of the night, pondering the best way to maneuver through the game.

Lily and Elizabeth, meanwhile, were lost in their own reflections. While they had accepted the idea of a family alliance, they didn’t take it as seriously as Melody and Isa. Lily saw it as a temporary opportunity to observe the other players, while Elizabeth, ever the strategist, knew she had to keep her options open.

The next morning, Florian was the first to wake up. Rested after his night in the basement room, he went upstairs, his thoughts focused on Melody and the hypnosis he had imposed on her. He was eager to see if his influence would start to manifest.

Nate, grumpy after a night on the couch, watched him enter the room.

“Well-rested, King of the Basement?” Nate teased as he sat up.

“Perfectly,” replied Florian with a smile that barely concealed his satisfaction. “And you? How was the couch?”

“Better than you think,” Nate muttered, not in the mood to chat.

Florian glanced at Melody, who had just entered the room, visibly still tired. She walked over to him and sat down right beside him, closer than she would have normally. Her foot, hidden by a sock and shoe, rested on Florian’s leg without her seeming to notice.

Florian felt his heart race. This was it—hypnosis at work. It was subtle, but this gesture showed that Melody was starting to get closer to him, to feel more comfortable around him. A discreet smile crept onto his face.

“Everything okay, Mel’?” he asked, feigning innocence.

“Yes… just tired, I guess,” she replied absentmindedly, unaware of the unusual closeness between them.

Isa, observing the scene from afar, frowned slightly. She sensed something strange but couldn’t quite put her finger on it.

Later that morning, Isa gathered her daughters and Adrien for a serious conversation. She knew that an alliance was their best chance of survival in this game. The 100 million euros were important, but protecting her family was even more so.

“Listen,” Isa began, her eyes fixed on her daughters. “This game is going to pit us against each other. But if we stay united, we can make it through. I suggest we form an alliance. You too, Adrien.”

Adrien immediately agreed. “Of course, Isa. I’ll do anything to protect Melody.”

Lily, sitting a bit further back, looked at her mother with a mix of skepticism and curiosity. She wasn’t opposed to the idea of an alliance, but she also knew that in a game like this, loyalty would be tested.

“Mom, I get why you want us to do this,” Lily said, crossing her arms. “But you also know that sooner or later, this game is going to force us to make tough decisions.”

Isa nodded. “I know. But as long as we stay together, we’ll have a better chance.”

Elizabeth, always quiet, was thinking. A family alliance made sense, but she didn’t plan to rely on it blindly. She would keep her own interests in mind, no matter what.

“Okay, we form an alliance,” Elizabeth finally said, a calculating smile on her lips. “But that doesn’t mean we can let our guard down.”

The afternoon wore on, and the tensions between the participants began to rise. Everyone knew that the next challenge would be crucial, and each person began evaluating their strengths and weaknesses. Florian, meanwhile, prepared to use the influence he had already started on Melody. He watched her closely, ready to reinforce the suggestion during the next game.

As the time for the next challenge approached, the atmosphere in the house grew even heavier. Conversations were limited to small talk, but behind every word lurked doubts, plans, and strategies. The 100 million euros were on everyone’s mind, and each person knew that even a small mistake could cost them the reward.

The game master gathered all the participants in the living room to announce the start of the second game of the night. The atmosphere was already thick with tension after the previous game's revelations and the first effects of hypnosis. The participants gathered in silence, each weighing their options and wondering who had been manipulated and by whom.

The game master, with his enigmatic smile, addressed them:

“Tonight, we’re playing for two rewards. The winner will receive a hypnosis they can use on another player. As for the last place, they’ll receive a detailed file on one of the participants. So you have every reason to avoid last place, unless valuable information interests you. Choose your strategy carefully, as it could open new doors.”

A murmur spread through the group. The stakes were clear: hypnosis could grant power, but a participant’s file held crucial information about the others’ weaknesses. The idea that last place could be just as coveted as first place changed everything. Everyone mentally prepared for a card game that would require more than just simple skill.

Isa shot a determined look at her daughters and Adrien.

“Remember, we’re playing together,” she whispered firmly.

Lily, Melody, Elizabeth, and Adrien all nodded in agreement. They had already formed a tacit alliance after the first game, but they knew it might not be enough this time.

The cards were dealt, and soon, the alliance seemed to be holding up its end of the bargain. Isa, Melody, Lily, Elizabeth, and Adrien played together, exchanging subtle signals, protecting one another. Florian, meanwhile, remained more distant. His gaze observed every movement with care. He knew this group was trying to protect itself, but that could also work against them. Nate, on the other hand, was bolder. He had noticed these budding alliances, but he wasn’t one to be easily intimidated.

Halfway through the game, as it progressed, Nate caught a knowing look between Lily and Adrien. A signal that a shared strategy had just been decided, and it irritated him. He clenched his teeth slightly but stayed focused on his cards, convinced a misstep was coming. And he wasn’t wrong. Lily, in a poorly calculated move, refused to help Melody and Adrien at a critical moment, destabilizing their progress.

Nate, always alert, seized the opportunity immediately. He played a decisive card that changed the course of the game. Within minutes, he had a winning hand. As silence fell around the table, the game master stepped forward.

“Nate is our winner. Congratulations.”

The group exchanged wary glances. This unexpected victory by Nate shook the dynamics and made the atmosphere even more tense.

The game master invited Nate to follow him into the study, leaving the others to speculate. Once they were alone, he closed the door behind them.

“Now, Nate, you have a decision to make,” said the game master with his eternal smile. “You can use a secret hypnosis, as Florian did last night, or opt for a public hypnosis. If you choose public hypnosis, I’ll offer you two secret hypnotic suggestions in return, which you can use in the coming days. It’s your choice.”

Nate sat in the study’s chair, deep in thought. He felt the moral weight of the decision on his shoulders. He didn’t like the idea of manipulating someone without their consent. And public hypnosis, while potentially beneficial in the long run, would put a massive target on his back.

“A public hypnosis is too risky,” he thought, but at the same time, two secret hypnotic suggestions would be a major asset in the game. He closed his eyes for a few seconds, weighing his options.

Finally, he made his decision:

“Okay... I’ll go with the public hypnosis, but I want it to be neutral. Hypnotize Isa to make her more susceptible to hypnotic suggestions. Nothing more.”

The game master raised an eyebrow, clearly amused by Nate’s choice, but he nodded.

“Very well, Nate. Follow me.”

They returned to the living room, where the group was waiting. The game master stepped forward, immediately drawing everyone’s attention.

“Ladies and gentlemen, Nate has made his choice. He has chosen a public hypnosis, and here’s what he requested: Isa will be hypnotized to become more susceptible to hypnotic suggestions, not just from him, but from everyone.”

A murmur of shock ran through the group. Elizabeth narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “Why choose public hypnosis?” she wondered. “There’s got to be a reason behind it.”

Isa, though surprised, showed nothing. She simply stared at Nate, her gaze filled with questions.

“So it’s you, Nate, who made this decision?” she asked calmly, but with a hint of challenge in her voice.

Nate, already feeling cornered, raised his hands in a placating gesture.

“I didn’t know it would be public!” he defended. “I didn’t want to put you in danger, I promise. I chose something neutral to avoid going too far. It’s not against you, Isa.”

Melody, who had remained silent until then, moved closer to Isa, visibly worried.

“Mom, are you going to be okay?” she whispered.

Isa nodded softly.

“I’ll be fine. I can handle it.” But she kept a watchful eye on Nate, wondering where this would lead.

The game master approached Isa, and under the astonished gazes of the group, he spoke a few hypnotic words. Isa immediately felt a strange sensation, as if a mental barrier was loosening inside her. It was subtle, but she knew something had changed. Once the hypnosis was complete, the game master gestured for Nate to sit back down with the others.

As soon as he sat down, the questions started flying.

“Why did you choose that?” Adrien asked suspiciously. “You say you didn’t know it would be public, but you chose Isa? What are you really after?”

Nate sighed, feeling attacked from all sides.

“Listen, I told you, I didn’t know it would be public. I thought if I chose something neutral, it wouldn’t hurt anyone. Isa is strong; she’ll handle it. I’m not your enemy.”

Elizabeth crossed her arms, skeptical. “Neutral, huh?” she thought. “This doesn’t sit well with me.”

After this tense confrontation, the game master summoned Elizabeth to the study to claim her reward: a participant file. She thought for a moment about who to choose. Nate’s face came to mind. “I need to understand why he made that choice and what he’s hiding,” she thought.

“I want Nate’s file,” she announced.

The game master smiled and handed her a folder. Elizabeth took a deep breath before opening it.

Nate's File
  • Gender: Male​
  • Age: 28​
  • Height: 1.75m​
  • Hair: Brown​
  • Eyes: Brown​
  • Body: Muscular, well-proportioned​
  • Civil Status: Single​
  • Feet: Nate has a pronounced fetish for well-maintained female feet.​
  • Tickling: He enjoys tickling games, especially on women’s feet.​
  • Oral Sex: He is addicted to receiving oral sex and is willing to promise almost anything to get it.​
Other Information:
  • Exceptional Lover: Nate is an exceptional sexual partner, often considered outstanding by his partners. He derives great pleasure, which could easily become addictive, from making his sexual partners climax.​
  • Unexplored Submissive Side: Although perceived as dominant, Nate secretly dreams of being submissive to a woman who would sexually gratify him in exchange for his total obedience. This repressed desire has never been explored.​
  • Attraction to Large Breasts: Nate is particularly attracted to women with large breasts. This seems to play an important role in his physical preferences.​

Elizabeth closed the file slowly, her face impassive, but her mind racing.

“Feet... and tickling…” she thought, slightly disgusted. Elizabeth had always had an aversion to feet, a podophobia that made her particularly uncomfortable with this type of fetish. Just reading those lines gave her shivers of disgust. “I knew he was hiding something, but to this extent...”

She took a few moments to process what she had just learned. Nate, this seemingly upright and calm man, had much darker fantasies than she had imagined. The fact that he was attracted to feet was already disturbing for her, but discovering his submissive side, this desire to be dominated by a woman, left her perplexed.

“That’s something interesting,” she thought. “If he’s really willing to do anything for sexual gratification, it could be exploited. But... how to use this information without getting my hands dirty?”

The fact that Nate was an exceptional lover also made her pause. “That could explain why Melody is still attached to him,” she thought. “Maybe she knows how good he is in bed, which complicates their relationship.” Elizabeth already saw possibilities of using this to sow discord between Melody and Adrien. If Melody had never fully cut ties with Nate, it was perhaps due to this physical chemistry between them.

Finally, her eyes fell on the last line about his attraction to large breasts. Elizabeth felt a slight unease settle over her. “Large breasts…” She couldn’t help but immediately think of her mother, Isa, who perfectly fit that description. “Oh no... He wouldn’t dare…”

The idea that Nate might be attracted to her own mother made her shudder with a mixture of disgust and disbelief. “My mother? Really? That’s gross... and yet, it explains some things.” Maybe he had never shown too obvious signs, but now, knowing this, some of his looks or comments took on a new meaning.

She closed the file and slid it into her pocket. “I’ll keep this to myself for now,” she decided. “There’s too much risk in exposing this information right now. But when the time comes, I’ll know how to play this card.”

Back in the living room, Elizabeth rejoined the group. The game master, true to form, ordered them to sit in a circle before starting a collective hypnosis session. Of course, it was meant to make them forget that Elizabeth had a file. Once the session was over, the game master withdrew, leaving the group in a tense, even electrifying, atmosphere.

Nate, back after being questioned about his intentions, felt increasingly isolated. Despite his explanations, no one seemed to fully believe his version of events, and he felt the suspicious glances on him.

“Nate, why did you choose Isa?” Melody asked softly, but with a hint of reproach. “She’s never done anything to you, you know.”

Nate sighed, trying to remain calm despite the sudden attention. “I told you, I thought it was something neutral. Isa is strong; she won’t be affected like that. And... I really didn’t know it would be public.”

Isa, meanwhile, remained silent, observing Nate with measured curiosity. “I don’t trust him, but I have to admit he could have chosen something much worse,” she thought. Nevertheless, she was wary of where this game was headed.

Meanwhile, Elizabeth, although keeping her distance, threw a few glances at Nate, thinking about the best way to use what she knew to her advantage. She watched him interact with the group, trying to discern signs of weakness, an opportunity to exploit his hidden fantasy for her own gain.

The evening passed slowly, each participant lost in their thoughts. Nate, though isolated by the group, kept playing the card of repentance, all while knowing he had to stay on his guard. As for Elizabeth, she pondered her next moves, determined to reveal Nate’s secrets only when it would truly benefit her.

As tensions rose and alliances either strengthened or weakened, one thing became clear: this game was becoming more and more dangerous, not just for the players' minds, but for their deepest secrets.

The evening wore on, heavy with unresolved tension. Conversations remained superficial, with each participant carefully weighing their words, gestures, and alliances. Nate, despite his apparent confidence, found himself caught in a whirlwind of thoughts. The piercing glances from the others made him feel their suspicion, but it was Lily who truly occupied his mind.

"Did she really want to help me, or was it just a fluke?" he kept asking himself. He couldn’t shake off that question, nor the lingering ambiguity in Lily’s demeanor.

At one point, he found himself alone with her in the kitchen. Lily leaned casually against the counter, absentmindedly swirling a glass of water in her hand. Her mischievous eyes met Nate’s, and she threw him a sly wink.

"Don’t forget to say thank you…" she murmured, her voice low but laden with innuendo.

Nate blinked, surprised, then fixed her with a searching look, trying to decipher the hidden meaning in her playful smile. "Thank you for what exactly?" he wondered, uncertain whether she was referring to the game or something deeper. Lily, for her part, was already playing on multiple fronts.

Nate forced a wry smile, masking his confusion. “So, it was deliberate, huh? What game are you playing, Lily?”

She shrugged while sipping her water. “Maybe I just wanted to give you a little help. That’s all.” Then, leaning closer, she whispered just loud enough for him to hear, “Or maybe I like knowing that you owe me something.”

"Having a handsome guy in her pocket can always come in handy," she thought with a thrill of excitement. "Especially when he’s indebted to you."

Everyone eventually retreated to their rooms, preparing for another evening as draining as the day had been. It was Nate’s turn to sleep in the basement, while Florian took the couch for the night. This temporary compromise had only deepened the growing rivalry between them. Although the couch was comfortable, it did little to quiet Nate’s thoughts.

Lying on his back, Nate stared at the basement ceiling, his mind racing. "Did Lily really want me to win?" It wasn’t her style to form alliances, especially not in a game this twisted. He knew her well enough to know she liked to keep her options open. But that last wink and the ambiguous phrase she had whispered earlier in the evening wouldn’t leave his mind:

“Don’t forget to say thank you…”

It echoed in his head, stirring conflicting emotions within him. "Maybe I’m overthinking it. But if she’s playing a double game, I need to be on my guard."

He couldn’t deny that the idea of owing Lily something, while also keeping her under control, was an enticing notion. But a more pressing concern weighed on him: Melody. Their past together was a burden, and he knew she held sensitive information about his preferences, about his weaknesses. If she ever spoke up… he’d be even more vulnerable.

"I can’t let her talk," he thought, his eyes piercing through the dark room. "She knows me too well. If she reveals anything, I’m screwed."

Without thinking further, he quietly rose from his couch, casting a final glance toward the stairs. The basement was still and calm, no signs of movement from anyone else in the house. This was the perfect moment. He made his way toward the door that led to the Game Master’s office, his heart beating faster with each step. He knocked softly, and almost immediately, a composed and calm voice responded from the other side.

“Come in.”

Nate slowly pushed the door open and found the Game Master seated behind his desk, that ever-present enigmatic smile on his face, as if he had been expecting Nate’s visit.

“Nate. What can I do for you at this late hour?” the Game Master asked, amusement twinkling in his eyes.

Nate took a deep breath before speaking. “I… I need hypnosis on Melody.”

The Game Master observed him attentively, waiting for the specifics.

“I want her to be unable to reveal anything about me. About… what she knows from our past.”

A slow smile spread across the Game Master’s face. “Clever, as always. Very well. This can be arranged. The hypnosis will be carried out discreetly tonight. Melody will suspect nothing.”

Nate nodded, feeling some of the weight lifting from his shoulders. He turned and left the office quietly, his heart a little lighter. "It’s for the game. Nothing personal," he reassured himself, but he couldn’t shake the lingering guilt.

Upstairs, the dim light of Isa’s office cast a soft glow on the walls. As usual, Isa had retreated there to think in silence. Sitting at her desk, her feet comfortably nestled in slippers, she was going over notes, her thoughts constantly drifting back to the hypnosis Nate had imposed on her earlier that day. "Why me?" she asked herself again, her jaw tightening with anxiety. The idea of being manipulated frightened her more than she wanted to admit. Nate, with his sometimes careless demeanor, was not a man she trusted. Yet, he now had the power to make her more vulnerable, and the thought gnawed at her.

"I can’t afford to show any signs of weakness," she thought, placing her pen on the desk. "This game is far more dangerous than I imagined." She briefly thought of her daughters. "They’re counting on me. I can’t let them see that this hypnosis is affecting me." Isa took a deep breath, her resolve firming, and headed upstairs to bed.

That night, a heavy silence filled the house. Isa lay in bed, feeling a growing tension creeping over her. She had always been strong, always in control, but this game, this hypnosis she had undergone, was starting to weigh on her nerves. Her thoughts were restless, wandering from one worry to the next. Every noise, every movement in the house seemed to amplify the frustration building inside her.

From the other side of the wall, she could hear Melody and Adrien. First, there were whispers. Then, muffled sighs. Isa closed her eyes, trying to ignore the sounds, but the passion emanating from the next room was undeniable. Adrien was always so gentle, so attentive with Melody. Isa couldn’t help but picture him, his comforting arms around her. He had something reassuring about him, a warmth that sometimes drew her, despite herself. For a moment, she let her thoughts wander, visualizing Adrien holding her, his soft hands caressing her skin.

But soon, the image of Adrien faded, replaced by another. Nate. Isa thought of him, more brutal, more direct, more intense. Nate was pushing her against a wall, his lips grazing her skin with a barely contained violence. Isa felt trapped, torn between her desire and her revulsion at what she was feeling. She wanted to give in, but something held her back.

Her mind drifted to more primal, less controlled thoughts. There was something about Nate that unsettled her, something wild. Imagining Nate touching her, even dominating her, stirred a frustration she could no longer deny. Her fingers instinctively slid toward her stomach, seeking to relieve the growing tension. She wanted to touch herself, to quell this mounting desire.

But nothing. The hypnotic suggestion prevented her from making any intimate gestures. She froze, her hand unable to move further. A groan of frustration escaped her lips.

The desire was there, burning, yet out of reach. Isa, unable to find any relief, finally fell into a fitful sleep. Her dreams, however, offered no respite. They became a swirl of frustration and her repressed desires.

Then, like a nightmare, Florian’s face appeared. His eyes, filled with perversion, disgusted her to the core. Yet, in this dream, she couldn’t escape his grasp. Florian stared at her, his hands slowly trailing over her body, forcing her to feel something she didn’t want. Isa felt sickened but unable to flee this vision.

She woke up with a start, her heart pounding in her chest. Her body was tense, and she was breathing heavily. A shiver of disgust ran through her as she remembered Florian. How could she have dreamed of him, that boy she found so repulsive? She felt guilty, not just for letting her mind betray her, but for even thinking of Florian in such a context.

Isa curled up in her bed, terrified at the thought that this game was starting to bring out thoughts she had always worked hard to repress.​
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