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Under Influence 5 - no tickling yet


Registered User
Jan 13, 2012
Chapter 5: Tension Games

Isa woke up in a state of intense confusion, her mind still clouded by the dream she had just experienced. The memory of the dream, where she gradually lost control to her daughter Lily, haunted her. Her body, still reactive to the erotic images that had shaken her, betrayed an excitement she wasn’t used to. The cool air of the room did nothing to quell the heat still radiating under her skin. That morning, she knew she had to change tactics.

The abrupt awakening of her desires and her urge for control after Florian’s manipulation pushed her to be more strategic. Lily, without even realizing it, had caught the attention of both Nate and Florian the previous night, but Isa couldn’t let that continue. Her daughter was too young, too vulnerable to play this dangerous game. As a mother, Isa had to protect her, but also protect herself, while making the most of the situation.

As she prepared herself that morning, Isa made a bold decision. She not only had to regain Nate's attention but also keep him away from Lily. She knew that the hypnosis from the previous night, which reinforced his attraction to large breasts, gave her a certain advantage. Nate would be more receptive to her charms, but she also had to compensate for her aversion to exposing her feet, a part of herself she had always wanted to keep private—unlike Lily. This placed her in a delicate situation, but she intended to use her other physical assets.

Isa dressed carefully, choosing an outfit more provocative than usual. A plunging neckline subtly revealed her chest, drawing the eye without seeming too ostentatious. The necklace she wore, discreet yet shining, hung delicately over her cleavage, drawing attention to that part of her body, as if to anchor Nate’s focus exactly where she wanted it. Her dress, fluid but fitted, elegantly highlighted her curves. Every detail was thought out, every move calculated.

As she looked at herself in the mirror, a gleam of excitement crossed her gaze. A shiver ran down her spine—a feeling both familiar and new, like a fire she had managed to contain until now. The idea of seducing Nate, of taking control of him through her body, thrilled her. She had always kept away from such games, but today, she understood their importance. Her sexuality, long set aside, was awakening with a newfound strength.

When she descended to the dining room, she found Nate already seated, his expression pensive, but he quickly lifted his eyes as she entered the room. She immediately felt his attention fix on her—or rather, on her cleavage—exactly as she had planned. A faint smile touched her lips as she sat down across from him. The silence of the room made every gesture more significant, every glance more intense.

Isa began to absentmindedly play with her necklace, her fingers lightly brushing her cleavage—an innocent gesture but subtly provocative. She knew Nate couldn’t resist following the movement. And indeed, he seemed captivated.

Elizabeth was watching Lily, who appeared increasingly troubled. Sitting on the edge of the bed, the young woman nervously fiddled with her fingers, avoiding eye contact. She had had a restless night, and now, a wave of uncertainty overwhelmed her.

“I… I don’t know what to do,” Lily murmured, her voice trembling. “I woke up this morning with no memory of what happened yesterday. That means I lost again, right? I must have been hypnotized, I’m sure of it… And I’ve never won. What does that mean for me, Elizabeth?”

Lily was visibly stressed, panic beginning to set in. Elizabeth, ever calculating, straightened up, observing her sister closely. This was the perfect moment to capitalize on the suggestion she had implanted in her the day before.

“Lily, calm down,” she said in a soft yet firm voice. “It’s not that bad. We can still turn things around, but for that, you have to trust me.”

Elizabeth played her role perfectly, comforting yet manipulative. The hypnotic suggestion that bound Lily to her as her only source of trust was already working. Elizabeth could feel it. She just needed to pull the right strings.

“Do you remember what I told you yesterday? I said we could use your feet to attract attention. It worked. Nate was interested, Florian too. This is our chance.”

Lily hesitated, her face marked by uncertainty. “But are you sure there’s no other way? I’m not comfortable with the idea of using my feet for that. It’s not me, and… and I don’t know. There must be another solution, right?”

Elizabeth suppressed a smile. Lily was sweet, fragile, almost innocent—and that’s exactly what made her malleable. She could sense that her sister wasn’t quite ready to fully submit to this manipulation, but with a little finesse, she could push her in the direction she wanted.

“Maybe…” Elizabeth replied after a moment of feigned reflection, playing on her sister’s doubts. “I do have another idea, but for that, I’d need some additional resources. And… you still have tokens, don’t you?”

Lily looked up, surprised. “My tokens? What are you going to do with them?”

Elizabeth approached her sister, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “Let me hypnotize Nate. With that, I could control him, divert his attention from everyone, including mom. But for that, I need your tokens to buy a hypnosis box. Trust me. I’ll tell you everything when the time comes.”

Lily remained silent for a few moments, still caught in her doubts. But the hypnotic suggestion implanted by Elizabeth was working in the background, reinforcing her blind trust in her sister. After a long sigh, she nodded softly. “Alright. I trust you. Take them.”

Elizabeth smiled, a glimmer of satisfaction in her eyes. Without wasting a second, she left the room to go buy the hypnosis box. A few minutes later, she returned, having exchanged Lily’s five tokens for the precious tool.

“Already?” Lily asked, visibly surprised by the speed.

Elizabeth nodded, pulling the box from her bag. “Yes. Now, listen carefully…”

She slowly opened the box, revealing inside a complex mechanism of lights and sounds, specially designed to induce a quick and deep trance. Lily’s eyes widened, captivated by the swirling lights and the soft humming coming from the box. Elizabeth knew exactly how to use it. She had read the instructions with clinical precision, anticipating every move Lily would make, every moment when her sister would begin to lose herself in the hypnotic dance of the lights.

“Just watch, Lily, let yourself go… focus on the lights, feel your body relax, your thoughts drift away… you feel safe, trusting…” Elizabeth whispered, her voice now soft and almost sing-song.

Gradually, Lily’s eyelids began to droop, her breathing slowing. The box was doing its work, plunging Lily into a deep and suggestible trance. Elizabeth patiently waited until her sister was completely under hypnosis before speaking more directly.

“Lily, from now on, every time you feel men’s eyes on you, every time you are the center of their attention, you feel happy and… excited. The feeling of pleasing, of seducing… becomes more than just a game. It’s an end in itself. It’s what will make you stronger in this house. Seducing men is your mission, and you will feel incredibly good doing it.”

Lily nodded gently, still under the influence of the hypnosis, Elizabeth’s words sinking deep into her mind. Elizabeth closed the box, a satisfied smile on her lips. She knew her sister would now be a valuable tool in her plan.

At lunch, the atmosphere was heavy, but the power games were already in motion. Isa, like the day before, played with the tension between Nate and Florian. Her movements were calculated, her gestures subtly provocative. Her necklace brushed against her cleavage, drawing Nate’s gaze, while Florian, though more discreet, missed none of her maneuvers.

But this time, something had changed. Lily, sitting not far from them, was beginning to actively seek attention. Her gestures were more pronounced, her gaze more confident. The hypnotic suggestion was starting to take effect. She wanted to seduce, and she did so with a newfound confidence, without even realizing it.

Isa quickly noticed the change. Her daughter was drawing the attention she had managed to monopolize the day before, and it made her nervous. She redoubled her efforts to maintain her hold on Nate and Florian, but Lily, driven by her newfound obsession, seemed determined to shine.

After lunch, while coffee was served in the living room, Isa continued her little game. Sitting across from Nate and Florian, she played even more openly with her chest, brushing her necklace and subtly revealing more of her cleavage. Nate’s gaze was inevitably drawn to her, and Isa savored the feeling of power. However, something was worrying her. Lily continued to gain confidence.
Elizabeth, meanwhile, observed all this with discreet satisfaction. Her sister was beginning to take her place in the game, and it served her interests perfectly.

Lily turned to Elizabeth at one point, whispering, “I feel like mom is putting obstacles in my way. She’s doing everything to capture Nate and Florian’s attention.”

Elizabeth smiled, aware of her sister’s fragility at that moment. “Don’t worry, Lily. Mom is doing what she has to do, but you have another asset. You know what Nate likes, and Florian too…”

Lily frowned, still hesitant. “You want me to use my feet, right? I don’t know… I’m not comfortable with that yet.”

Elizabeth approached, placing a comforting hand on her sister’s. “You don’t need to do anything extreme, not

yet. But you can start small. Just take off your shoes, stay in your socks, and talk about taking care of your feet. It’s enough to grab their attention, and you’ll see, it’ll feel natural. You’ll get more comfortable with time.”

Lily nodded gently, convinced by Elizabeth’s words. Shortly after, she straightened up, slipping off her shoes to reveal her white socks. She had understood that Elizabeth’s suggestion was already working. As soon as she felt Nate and Florian’s eyes on her, a wave of satisfaction, almost excitement, washed over her.

Melody, observing the scene, hesitated for a moment before following Lily’s lead. Encouraged by her, she also slipped off her shoes, sitting cross-legged next to Florian, her white-socked feet visible. Meanwhile, Adrien, still brooding and troubled by his argument with Melody, had retreated to their room.

Nate, on the other hand, was struggling to maintain his composure. His gaze kept returning to Isa’s cleavage, almost hypnotized by the movement of the necklace as it danced lightly on her skin. His thoughts were muddled. He knew he shouldn’t get too distracted, but every move Isa made seemed designed to stir desires he couldn’t suppress. His lower body tightened slightly, and he had to look away for a moment to regain a bit of control over himself.

Isa, seeing this reaction, felt a wave of exhilaration. The fact that she could capture Nate’s attention, making him falter simply with a few gestures of her chest, filled her with euphoria. She felt powerful, dominant, and every second Nate watched her reinforced that feeling. However, a part of her remained alert. She knew that in this house, nothing was ever fully under control. Every moment of power could shift in an instant.

She enjoyed this feeling of control. For days, she had felt that power slipping away, and she couldn’t afford to lose more ground. She had to keep Nate under her spell, keep him focused on her, to protect her daughters. While she played this calculated role, she felt an unexpected impulse rising within her. An unexpected excitement. Could it be that I’m getting turned on by this game? she wondered. But she quickly pushed the thought away. This was just strategy.

At that moment, Lily, sitting on the couch not far away, decided to act. With disconcerting ease, she lay back on the couch and, with a casual movement, rested her bare feet on Nate’s lap. The gesture was simple, almost innocent, but its impact was immediate. Isa, stunned, watched as Nate’s attention shifted from her cleavage to Lily’s feet in an instant, as if drawn by an invisible magnet.

The warmth Isa had so carefully built in Nate seemed to dissipate in a moment, replaced by a raw, almost obsessive fascination with her daughter’s perfectly groomed feet.

A wave of frustration surged through Isa, followed closely by another emotion she hadn’t anticipated: jealousy. How could a simple gesture so quickly divert Nate’s attention? Feet? Seriously? Even after my hypnosis? she thought, struggling to maintain her composure. But she couldn’t ignore the reality of the situation. Lily, with such ease, had captivated Nate’s attention without even trying.

Lily, meanwhile, was savoring every moment. She had immediately noticed the shift in Nate’s focus and the slight shiver that had passed through him when her feet touched his lap. A playful smile formed on her face. She now knew that Elizabeth was right. This simple gesture, this highlighting of her feet, had been enough to captivate Nate in a way she had never imagined before. This newfound power, however small it seemed, filled her with a sense of exhilaration. She felt beautiful, desirable, and, above all, capable of rivaling her own mother in this game of seduction. Elizabeth had been right, as always. Using what you have to manipulate others’ desires was the key. A subtle smile played on her lips as her bare feet remained on Nate’s lap, playing slightly with his legs.

And then there was Florian. She could feel his gaze, even though he tried to look away. Lily knew she had caught the attention of both men, and this dual attention thrilled her more than she had imagined. Maybe this game isn’t so terrible after all, she thought, the shadow of a smile still hovering on her face.

Meanwhile, Melody sat beside Florian, completely comfortable despite the strangeness of the situation. The hypnosis Florian had implanted in her was working wonders. He could now act without fear of provoking any resistance in her. He slowly moved forward, reaching out and placing his fingers on her foot. Melody, unaware of the gesture, didn’t react. Florian, inwardly, relished this silent submission. She felt nothing in particular, as if the contact was completely natural. Perfect, he thought, a smile playing at the corners of his lips.

At that moment, Isa had an idea. She purposely dropped her coffee spoon onto the floor, not far from Nate. She stood up and bent down, revealing her entire cleavage to Nate, who didn’t miss a single detail. Isa knew then that she still had the power—that her hypnosis had worked—but she also knew that Nate’s attraction to feet was just as strong as his attraction to her breasts.

“If you give me a good foot massage, I’ll take really good care of them tomorrow,” said Lily in a light, almost teasing voice. She had noticed that Nate’s attention was now on her mother. Wanting to up the stakes, she added a wink, saying, “Maybe I’ll borrow mom’s cream—the one that makes feet so soft.” Her gaze locked onto Nate’s, and he saw a sparkle in her eyes, a little glint that suggested she wasn’t entirely unaware of what was happening.

Lily’s insistence on Isa’s cream had an immediate effect on Nate. He felt his body react, a wave of excitement rushing over him that he couldn’t control. His thoughts became more confused, and before he could recover, he felt a familiar wetness in his underwear. He had just leaked pre-ejaculate, an obvious sign of his growing desire. The frustration accumulated over the past few days, where he hadn’t been able to give in to any temptation, suddenly exploded inside him. He tried to mask his reaction, but the flush that spread across his cheeks and the visible tension in his body left no doubt.

Isa, who had been watching Nate closely, immediately noticed the change in his behavior. She realized with horror what had just happened. Nate had become aroused, and it wasn’t because of her, but because of her daughter’s feet. This realization felt like a knife to her ego. Her power, her control over Nate, had crumbled before her eyes. The image of her nightmare overlapped with reality, and for the first time, Isa felt powerless, stripped of her role as a seductress.

At that very moment, the voice of the Game Master echoed through the room, cold and implacable. All the participants were summoned to the basement, a place that each one had come to dread as it was often charged with unpredictable consequences. Isa, Nate, Florian, Adrien, Melody, and the others descended in silence, their thoughts racing about what the Game Master had in store for them this time.

Once gathered, the Game Master’s voice rose again, announcing a new proposition. “You’ve all experienced great tension in recent days. Your frustrations are growing. Some of you have been left wanting, unable to find relief… I offer you an opportunity: you may masturbate, but it will come with a price. Each person who accepts will have to submit to hypnosis by a player selected at random.”

A murmur spread through the room. The idea seemed insane at first glance, but for some, the accumulated frustration of the past few days far outweighed the risk. Isa, Nate, and Florian were the first to feel an unusual excitement rise within them at this provocative offer. Melody, on the other hand, remained frozen, shocked by the proposition, her thoughts tormented by her recent fight with Adrien.

Isa, standing with her gaze fixed on the Game Master, felt her body respond to the offer with an intensity she could no longer ignore. For days, she had been trapped in a spiral of desires she no longer controlled. The erotic dream implanted by Florian still haunted her, and each new frustration seemed to add fuel to the fire she could no longer extinguish. Her body demanded relief, and her need for orgasm was making her increasingly enslaved to her own impulses.

She was aware of Nate’s gaze on her, and Florian’s too, and that only added to her frustration. She played with her power of seduction, but Isa needed to release this tension, to find some peace in her own body. She clenched her fists for a moment, hesitating between temptation and reason, but deep down, the choice was already made.

“I accept.”

Her voice, though firm, betrayed an underlying urgency, a dependence that she was no longer in control of. Isa knew she would be hypnotized, but her need to release this tension was stronger than anything else. Her companions’ gazes turned toward her, some with curiosity, others with a glint of envy. But Isa no longer cared. She had crossed the point of no return.

Nate, on the other hand, had been struggling with his own desires for several days. Isa’s hypnosis, combined with Lily’s constant presence, had awakened uncontrollable urges in him. The seductive game with Isa, her fleeting but pointed glances at her cleavage, had heightened a tension within him that had become unbearable. And as for Lily, every detail, from the polish on her toes to the way she walked barefoot, obsessed him. He felt caught between two fires, unable to satisfy his desires, and it was eating away at him.

The idea of being able to masturbate, to finally release this frustration that was choking him, seemed irresistible. It didn’t matter who would hypnotize him; he was ready to pay the price.

“I accept too,” he said in a hoarse voice, his eyes drifting furtively towards Isa and Lily. He was already imagining the relief it would bring him, a respite from this hellish game of control and excitement.

Florian, for his part, was just as plagued by frustration as Nate. He had hypnotized Melody to ensure her obedience, but that didn’t suffice to calm his own desires. His interactions with Isa, marked by subtle exchanges of glances and innuendos, fueled his fantasies. And Lily, with her innocent air and well-manicured feet, had become a silent obsession. He had spent days juggling his repressed desires, savoring his control over others without ever giving in to his own impulses.

When the Game Master made the proposal, Florian felt a surge of excitement ripple through his body. “I accept as well,” he announced calmly, but inwardly, he was already in the grip of a storm of desires. The random hypnosis was a risk he was willing to take, given that his frustration had reached an unbearable level.

Adrien, who had stayed on the sidelines so far, observing everyone else’s reactions, also felt an internal conflict growing within him. His relationship with Melody had deteriorated after he discovered her past with Nate. Nate’s hypnotic suggestion had amplified his doubts and reservations. He felt increasingly detached from her, especially on an intimate level. The desire he once had for Melody had been eroded, and the thought of distancing himself from her physically was becoming more and more appealing.

After last night’s argument, Adrien had realized he needed space. He could no longer tolerate the idea that she satisfied him with oral sex because of Nate’s influence, and he wanted to reassert his independence. This led him to a decision that surprised everyone.

“I accept,” he declared coldly, emotionless.

Melody, shocked, stared at him with wide eyes. “What? But… why? I thought…,” she began, but trailed off, overwhelmed by a mix of horror and disbelief. She had done everything to please him, to maintain their connection, and now he was turning to this? It made no sense to her.

Adrien looked at her with indifference. “After last night,” he began, “I’m not sure I want to continue like this. I don’t want you to... satisfy me the same way you satisfied Nate. I want to be independent of all that.”

His words hit Melody like a slap. She felt betrayed, rejected. She had done everything to maintain their relationship, and now he was casting her aside so easily, citing her past with Nate as the reason. A wave of anger rose within her, a deep, destructive anger. “You’re revealing everything, don’t you realize?” she hissed, furious. “And you know what? I don’t care about the hypnosis. I accept, too.”

Melody’s decision wasn’t driven by sexual frustration. It was an act of rebellion, of revenge against Adrien. If he could reject her so easily, she would do the same. No matter the hypnosis, she wanted to free herself, even if only for a moment, from this betrayal.

The Game Master burst into laughter. “Well, well, it seems you’ve all made your decisions.” He pressed a button, and a wheel appeared, spinning slowly. “Let’s see now who will hypnotize whom.”

Isa, Nate, Florian, Adrien, and Melody remained silent, their eyes fixed on the spinning wheel.

The wheel spun first for Melody, and it landed on Nate as the one to hypnotize her. Nate had long noticed the attention he attracted in the house, and it fascinated him. But this fascination transformed in his mind into strategy. He knew he finally had the chance to solidify his grip on Melody.
When he turned to the Game Master to impose a new hypnosis on Melody, he knew exactly what he was doing. His low, authoritative voice left no doubt about his intentions. However, the Game Master corrected him. His specific hypnosis was too strong, so he had to generalize it. After a consultation between the two, the Game Master voiced the command with precise clarity:

“Melody, from now on, you will feel intense satisfaction from pleasing those you have feelings for, far more than anyone else. Each time they show interest in someone else, you won’t be able to bear the thought of someone else doing it instead of you. This will make you deeply jealous and drive you to seek their approval obsessively.”

The hypnosis completed, the Game Master then turned the wheel to choose the next subject, this time Nate. At first, the wheel seemed to land on Adrien, who looked ready for confrontation. But it continued spinning, and the Game Master announced Elizabeth’s name.

Elizabeth, the cold and calculating strategist, saw Nate as an opportunity. Lily had already captured his attention, but that wasn’t enough. To ensure lasting influence, Elizabeth wanted to make Nate more receptive to her sister’s charm and to solidify future manipulations of his desires.

With the Game Master’s permission, she implanted a carefully thought-out hypnosis:

“Nate, from now on, you are incapable of experiencing pleasure alone. Every attempt to masturbate will result in a void, a growing frustration. However, whenever you’re in the presence of a woman, whenever someone helps you, the pleasure you feel will be exponentially amplified. You will become dependent on this interaction to reach the peak of pleasure.”

The next spin of the wheel was for Florian, and to everyone’s surprise, Adrien was chosen to hypnotize him. Adrien, the most rational of the participants, had been observing Florian for some time. He knew that Florian was scheming in the shadows, forging dangerous alliances, especially with Nate. For Adrien, there was only one solution: to sabotage these plans before they took shape. And to do so, he needed to ensure that Florian saw him as a reliable ally, someone he could confide in.

Adrien expressed his intention to the Game Master, and the hypnosis was formulated as follows:

“Florian, from now on, you consider Adrien a trusted ally. Every time you think of a new strategy or a secret, you will feel an irresistible urge to share it with him, to confide in him as a safe confidant. Each secret you share with him will bring you relief and strengthen this trust.”

Adrien aimed for Florian, typically cautious and calculating, to begin including him in his plans. A word dropped here, a shared piece of information there, would help Adrien anticipate the next moves.

Next was Isa’s turn. Elizabeth, lucky tonight, was once again chosen to define the hypnosis. She had been observing Isa closely for two days. Her mother seemed increasingly agitated, frustrated, and was making not-so-subtle advances toward Nate, as if an invisible tension was gnawing at her from within. Elizabeth knew this frustration stemmed from Isa’s sexual urges. Although Isa usually remained composed and controlled, she wasn’t immune to temptation. And that was precisely where Elizabeth intended to strike.

She approached the Game Master, her words measured and precise.

“I want it so that every time Isa tries to masturbate, she progressively loses all sensation in her sex. The more she strives for orgasm, the less capable she becomes. She must be frustrated, powerless to feel pleasure, no matter what she does.”

The Game Master nodded, mentally recording each word of Elizabeth’s request. He then turned to Isa, who, unaware of what was about to happen, was already under the influence of hypnosis. The Game Master, in a soft but authoritative voice, began implanting the suggestion.

As Adrien sat on the couch, arms crossed and looking tense, it was his turn for hypnosis. Lily, who was sitting next to Elizabeth, was chosen by the wheel. She cast a questioning glance at her sister. She knew she had the opportunity to hypnotize Adrien, but wasn’t certain about what direction to take.

Elizabeth, ever the calculating strategist, turned to Lily with a light, cold smile. She knew exactly what she wanted her sister to do, and she wasn’t going to let this chance slip by to solidify their control.

"Lily," Elizabeth murmured softly, "you can use this hypnosis to achieve two goals at once. You shouldn’t just ensure that he stays on your side... you should also implant a fetish." Her smile widened slightly. "Make him a foot fetishist. That could be very useful later. You’ll have the attention of all the men in the house with one simple action."

Lily blinked, surprised by Elizabeth’s suggestion. Her gaze flickered between Adrien, who was waiting passively, and her sister, whose calculating intentions always seemed to surprise her. There was always a cold logic behind Elizabeth’s plans, and although Lily had learned to trust her, this idea made her uncomfortable. Hypnotizing Adrien to implant a fetish seemed extreme, almost cruel, but she understood that in this game, every advantage could make the difference.

"But... it’s Adrien, Liz," Lily whispered back, her voice tinged with hesitation. "I’m not sure that’s a good idea. He’s already in conflict with Melody. If we do this... it could ruin everything between them."

Elizabeth, without losing her smile, placed a light hand on her sister’s shoulder. "Exactly. And that’s what we want. If Adrien is disoriented, if his attention is diverted by this fetish, he’ll be easier to manipulate, more docile. Melody won’t have any power over him."

Lily frowned slightly, understanding the strategy but feeling uneasy about it. But under her sister’s piercing gaze, she felt the pressure mounting. This was her moment, her chance to act, and she didn’t want to disappoint her sister.

Slowly, she rose, meeting Adrien’s gaze. Her heart pounded in her chest, but she took a deep breath before murmuring softly, "Okay, I’ll do it."

Lily turned to the Game Master, her fingers trembling slightly with apprehension. She focused, repeating the words in her head like a mantra, preparing herself for the hypnosis. When the Game Master gave her the signal, she approached Adrien.

"Adrien," she began in a soft but assured voice, "from now on, every time you see bare feet, especially well-groomed feet, you will feel an irresistible attraction. This sight will awaken a fascination in you that you can’t ignore, a deep desire. Feet will become for you a silent but powerful obsession. The more you try to ignore it, the stronger this desire will grow."

The words resonated in Adrien’s mind, who remained still, his eyes half-closed, absorbed in the hypnotic trance. Lily felt an unexpected sense of satisfaction as she spoke, a feeling of power she had never experienced before. Perhaps Elizabeth was right, after all. Maybe this control was necessary.

The hypnotic session came to an end, and the Game Master, with an enigmatic smile, gathered the participants around the table. Before them were colored pieces and a game board: a classic game of "petits chevaux" (a French version of Ludo). A moment of surprise hung in the air, but no one dared ask questions. Everyone knew that this game, though seemingly innocent, was merely a cover for a much more intense competition: the quest to win tokens. And these tokens held far more value than just the pleasure of victory. They symbolized power and control.

The Game Master rolled the dice, and so began the game. Each move on the board seemed trivial, but the underlying tension only grew as the turns passed. Everyone kept a close eye on each other, trying to guess their opponents' thoughts.

Finally, after a short but intense game, the final ranking was announced:

  • Lily, in first place, with 7 tokens, her face illuminated with satisfaction.
  • Florian, right behind her with 6 tokens, pleased but already thinking about his next moves.
  • Nate, more preoccupied with his own desires than the competition, ended with 5 tokens.
  • Melody, surprised by her own performance, finished with 4 tokens.
  • Adrien, lost in his thoughts, gathered 3 tokens.
  • Elizabeth, silent, couldn’t climb higher and settled for her 2 tokens.
  • Isa, last, obtained only 1 token, her frustration clearly visible.
The Game Master stood up, his face impassive, but his eyes gleamed with a strange light. He approached each of the players, whispering softly, unintelligible words. And one by one, their faces changed. Confusion settled over their features as he carefully erased certain parts of their memories.

Isa, sitting in a corner, felt some of her anxiety dissipate, no longer fully remembering why she had been so tense. Melody looked at Florian, feeling a stronger sense of docility but without understanding why. Nate furrowed his brow, knowing he had forgotten something important, but unable to recall what.

The players looked at each other, aware of the hypnoses they had imposed on each other, but now unable to remember certain crucial details. And more troubling, each of them now knew who among them could still masturbate... and who was incapable. The Game Master then withdrew, leaving a heavy silence in the room.

Elizabeth was still shaken by the tension between her and Isa. Ever since she had hypnotized her mother, Elizabeth felt the situation could spiral out of control at any moment. Their relationship was already complex, but now, she felt responsible for something deeper. She observed Isa's signs: growing frustration, a subtle but palpable loss of control, particularly before the "petits chevaux" game. Elizabeth felt torn between guilt and the need to maintain control. With Lily, the two went upstairs to share their thoughts on the game.

In the basement, Adrien and Florian had settled comfortably on the couches, a silent camaraderie forming between them. Adrien knew he had to be cautious with his new ideas. He was eager to implement the suggestion he'd received and exert new control. Florian, on the other hand, observed Adrien with a detached curiosity.

Meanwhile, Nate and Melody were walking in the garden, enjoying a rare moment of calm away from Adrien and the others. Melody, although appreciating the tranquility, felt conflicted. She knew Nate had feelings for her, but something was off. Her emotions were confused, influenced by the hypnosis she was under without realizing it. She felt ambivalent: worried on one hand, but paradoxically more relaxed seeing Nate happy to talk to her.

As they walked side by side, Nate, taking advantage of the apparent lightness, started the conversation.

Nate: "It's been a while since we've had a moment just for the two of us. Feels good, right?"

Melody nodded softly, a slight smile on her lips. She felt more at ease, and a familiar warmth washed over her. This pleasant sensation reminded her why she loved spending time with Nate, but at the same time, a small voice in her head troubled her.

Melody: "Yeah, it’s true. It's peaceful, especially without Adrien around."

Nate chuckled lightly, happy to see Melody more relaxed. But a part of him knew he had to stay on guard. The events of the past few days had shown that nothing was certain in this house, and Melody, although affected by the hypnosis, was not entirely predictable.

They continued to walk in silence for a few moments, Melody lost in thought, before she turned to Nate, her expression more serious.

Melody: "Nate, I need to ask you something."

Nate tensed slightly, knowing that this question was likely going to be delicate.

Nate: "Sure, what is it?"

Melody took a breath before asking her question, seeking to understand what had been troubling her for days.

Melody: "Why did you hypnotize me?"

The question hit Nate hard. He stopped for a moment, staring at Melody with intensity. His mind raced. He couldn’t reveal the whole truth — he had hypnotized Melody primarily to protect himself, to prevent her from becoming a threat or an obstacle. But he had to handle the situation carefully.

Nate: "Melody… it wasn’t to hurt you. I wanted to protect us, you and me. You know, this house, these games… everything can get complicated. I didn’t want you to get caught up in something that could hurt you."

He looked at her, hoping that this explanation would be enough to calm her doubts. Melody furrowed her brow slightly, trying to understand what Nate was saying. The idea that he did it to protect her resonated with her, but another part of her knew something else was hidden behind this justification.

Yet, an odd warmth spread through her body. Seeing Nate care about her like that calmed her. She felt this wave of well-being grow stronger as she saw Nate sincere and happy with the conversation. Melody didn’t realize that the hypnosis was acting at that moment, making her feel pleasure when she pleased Nate. And now, she wanted nothing more than to see him reassured and content.

Melody: "I understand, Nate. I… I don’t think I’m mad at you."

She surprised herself with these words, but part of her felt soothed by saying them. She saw Nate smile, and it further strengthened that sense of comfort.

Nate: "Thank you, Melody. I knew you would understand."

He smiled sincerely at her, visibly relieved that the situation hadn’t escalated. Melody, for her part, felt her doubts fading, replaced by a sense of lightness. They continued to walk, talking about lighter subjects, memories from the past and anecdotes that made them laugh together. Every smile from Nate nourished in her a satisfaction she couldn’t explain, but that fulfilled her entirely.

Meanwhile, Isa was in her room, far from the commotion. Physically and emotionally exhausted, she had chosen to stay away from everyone. Her mind, however, remained clouded by recent events, frustrated by her inability to reach the satisfaction she sought. Every attempt hit an invisible barrier, a frustration she couldn’t overcome. However, this afternoon, she decided to set those thoughts aside, lying down for a well-deserved nap.

Isa had the same dream again, the one that had haunted her for some time. She saw herself, powerless, watching Lily at the center of attention, seducing Nate and Florian without even realizing it. Her daughter, always so sweet, so innocent, used her delicate and perfect feet to captivate both men, while Isa remained frozen, unable to intervene. This dream had an intensity that felt almost tangible, each movement from Lily reinforcing the attraction she exerted over the men.

Isa woke up with a start, her body drenched in sweat, her mind still clouded by the vivid images of the dream. Her heart pounded as she tried to catch her breath. She slowly sat up in bed, her chest tight with a mixture of panic and anger. This couldn’t go on.

But something deeply troubled her. Why were Lily’s feet attracting Nate’s attention so much? Nate, who had been hypnotized to be obsessed with her chest, suddenly seemed fascinated by something else. This obsession with feet made no sense. He was supposed to be hypnotized to be exclusively captivated by breasts, by her own assets.

Isa got out of bed, her thoughts swirling. She walked over to the window, trying to clear this unease. She mentally replayed the exact words of the hypnosis she had applied to Nate. Then, suddenly, realization hit her. She remembered that specific part: "This vision gives you intense pleasure, to the point that you ignore other women who don’t have such exciting attributes."

Isa understood her mistake. She had focused the hypnosis on breasts, but she had left a loophole. For Nate, feet were just as exciting, just as capable of capturing his attention. The hypnosis had reinforced his obsession, but it hadn’t limited it.

This realization sent a shiver of anxiety through her. She absolutely had to protect her daughter from this attention, but she was faced with a dilemma. Showing her own feet to Nate was out of the question. She couldn’t expose that part of herself, especially with her extreme sensitivity and ticklish fetish. Her feet represented a zone of control, and she knew she could never submit to that kind of weakness in front of him.

Isa bit her lip, feeling trapped by her own strategy. She wanted to divert Nate from Lily, but that meant using an asset she wasn’t ready to reveal. Showing her feet or playing with the idea of tickling were prospects she couldn’t accept. The trust simply wasn’t there. Her feet were too sensitive, too vulnerable. She couldn’t offer them to someone who might use them against her.

Isa closed her eyes, searching for a solution. She knew she had to act quickly, but she didn’t yet see how. However, one thing was clear in her mind: Lily had to be protected, no matter the cost.

Isa decided to review Nate's file again, and she realized she hadn’t read it thoroughly. What she discovered disturbed her greatly, still troubled by the erotic dream she had just had. The image of Nate, an apparently attentive and capable lover, capable of giving repeated orgasms, began to haunt her thoughts. Her body was burning with desire, her mind overwhelmed by an excitement she had never felt with such intensity. The discovery that Nate was an excellent lover, combined with her obsession with orgasm, pushed her to act without thinking. She told herself that this time, nothing would stop her from surrendering to the pleasure she so desperately craved.

Without wasting time, she lay down, preparing to masturbate. Her hands slid eagerly over her body, excitement flooding her with every caress. But as she attempted to stimulate her sex, a strange sensation settled in. At first, she thought it was due to her intense desire, as if her pleasure was on the verge of exploding, but something was wrong. Every move became increasingly futile, and instead of bringing her closer to pleasure, she began to lose all sensation.

Isa redoubled her efforts, convinced that pleasure would come, that it was only a matter of time. She focused, pushed harder, accelerated her movements… but nothing. Her fingers seemed to glide over her sex without provoking any reaction. She didn’t understand what was happening. The more she tried, the more the frustration grew. It was as if her own body was betraying her, denying her the release she so desperately sought.

The frustration quickly mounted, invading every fiber of her being. She was so close, yet at the same time, she seemed to be drifting further away from the pleasure she desired so ardently. Her mind, haunted by the image of Nate, exacerbated this frustration even further. She imagined what he could do to her, how he could lead her to orgasm with effortless ease. But alone, facing herself, she was incapable of achieving it.

After long minutes, Isa felt utterly powerless. She was at her limit, exhausted from the effort without any result, a mixture of anger and despair boiling within her. This hypnosis, of which she was unaware, deprived her of all pleasure, leaving her trapped in her own body, tormented by a frustration that seemed impossible to alleviate.

She had tried to push her limits, to force her body to respond, but nothing worked. Her hands slid over her skin, trying to awaken that familiar sensation, but her sex had become numb, as if it refused to cooperate. Isa, in a moment of panic, wondered what was wrong. Why couldn’t she feel anything? A pernicious doubt crept into her mind. Was it her? Was it something beyond her control?

This new impotence terrified her. She, who had always controlled her body with precision, who had known how to use her charms when needed, was now disarmed in the face of this inability. She could no longer feel, and this absence of sensation plunged her into an abyss of frustration.

As she tried to catch her breath, someone knocked on her door.

Melody: "Mom, it’s time for dinner. Are you coming?"

Isa remained silent for a moment, staring at the ceiling, not really hearing what was happening around her. The weight of her own frustration crushed her, and the idea of joining the others seemed unbearable at that moment. How could she show up when she was in such internal chaos?

Isa: "No, I… I’m not hungry."

Her voice was weak, almost broken, but firm enough to be left alone. She heard footsteps retreating, and she painfully sat up, her muscles tense from the useless effort. She couldn’t stay like this, brooding over her failure. So, by sheer habit, she decided to take refuge in her routine.

At the dinner table, usually animated by Isa’s calculated and dominant presence, things seemed more relaxed, but in reality, a palpable tension hung in the air. Isa wasn’t there, leaving a void, an open field for the others to play their own cards. And Lily, well aware of this absence, seized the moment with enthusiasm.

Lily had been hypnotized to adore pleasing men, and tonight, she was indulging herself fully. Her sharp gaze flitted from Nate to Adrien, then to Florian, her gestures subtly crafted to capture their attention. She knew the competition was open, and without Isa to occupy a dominant place, it was her time to shine.

She wore a light, almost innocent outfit, but one that was carefully designed to subtly reveal her assets. Her skirt, which lifted slightly with every crossed leg, allowed just enough to be seen to stir interest. But it wasn’t just a simple physical provocation. Lily played with finesse, her charming smile, her light words, creating an atmosphere where she was the queen, the object of all attention. She also knew that Adrien, like Nate and Florian, was developing a foot fetish, and she amused herself by lightly grazing the floor with her toes, her shoes slipping off just enough to reveal her ankles and her feet in white socks, with a hint of green nail polish peeking through.

Melody, for her part, saw through her sister's game. Hypnotized to feel jealousy whenever a woman in her family satisfied the men she loved, she couldn’t help but feel increasingly tense. Lily seemed to dominate the evening, capturing all the glances, and it drove her crazy. Melody tried to intervene, to insert herself into the conversation, but her attempts seemed futile.

Melody, trying to smile while hiding her frustration:
"So, Nate, you were telling me that you're still passionate about cars? I'd love to hear more."

She hoped to recenter the attention on herself, and Nate, out of politeness, turned toward her, answering her question gently. But his gaze kept drifting toward Lily, who, on her side, was subtly playing with her legs under the table. Her socks were clearly visible, and she knew that was a detail the boys were beginning to notice. A shiver of excitement ran through her, but she didn’t act on it yet.

Seeing the situation slipping away from her, Melody tried another approach, attempting to charm Adrien, but again, her efforts seemed weak compared to the aura Lily was exuding.

At one point, Lily leaned discreetly toward Elizabeth, her sister and confidante, seeking advice.

Lily, whispering excitedly:
"I feel like they’re captivated, but I’m not sure if I should go further…"

Elizabeth, in a calculated and assured tone:
"Of course, Lily. You’re the seductress here. They only have eyes for you. Go further, show them who dominates tonight."

Elizabeth's words acted as a catalyst for Lily, who felt a surge of euphoria rising within her. It was exactly what she needed to hear. The attention of the three boys thrilled her already, but with this validation, she felt invincible. She straightened up slightly, her eyes gleaming with mischief. Her sister's strategy was perfect, and Lily was ready to take things to the next level.

After dinner, the group gathered in the living room. The atmosphere was deceptively relaxed, but in reality, every glance, every gesture carried an undercurrent of rising tension. Lily, comfortably settled on the couch under a blanket, was now playing on a different level. Still wearing socks, she subtly moved her legs under the blanket, drawing the boys’ attention without even trying.

Elizabeth, while observing from a distance, continued to mentally guide Lily. She delighted in seeing how well her younger sister was mastering the art of seduction without even fully realizing it.

Then, slowly, Lily began to remove her socks under the blanket. The thrill of excitement she felt in baring her feet was almost palpable. She knew it was the moment to push further. Without a word, she let one of her bare feet emerge from under the blanket, moving gently, her toes playing with the air.

Nate, already troubled by his foot fetish, couldn’t tear his eyes away. Adrien, for his part, was equally captivated by these almost innocent movements, but so deeply exciting to him. Even Florian, always discreet, watched silently, fascinated by the dynamic.

Melody, sitting nearby, saw the scene unfold before her eyes, and each of Lily’s movements made her more jealous. She knew exactly what her sister was doing. Melody had already faced Nate’s foot fetish when they were together, and she remembered how he could be captivated by things as subtle as feet. Now, she saw the same fascination in Adrien, and it unsettled her.

Melody, internally:
"I could play this game too… If Lily thinks her feet will give her the advantage, I can do the same."

Though frustrated, Melody told herself she could play the same game as her sister. She had the experience, and if it could draw the attention of Adrien and Nate, why not? After all, she knew these two men had a latent foot fetish, and she could easily adapt to it. However, Florian, though her cousin, wasn’t seen as a real threat to her.

Melody, with a more calculated smile this time:
"You know, Lily, you talk so much about your skincare routine. Maybe I should start doing it too."

It was a subtle attempt to reclaim attention, but Lily didn’t seem willing to let go. Her leg, still under the blanket, moved slowly, revealing more and more of her bare feet. She feigned innocence, but she knew exactly what she was doing.

Lily, with a slight smile:
"Oh, you should, Melody. My feet have never been so soft. I’m sure the boys would agree."

This remark stoked Melody's jealousy even more, but instead of giving in to anger, she chose to counterattack subtly. Leaning forward slightly, she pretended to adjust her shoe, delicately removing it while revealing her own feet. She knew that this action, though subtle, would attract attention.

Adrien, his gaze now torn between Lily and Melody, found himself confused and captivated. He was caught in this silent game of seduction, torn between his desires and instincts.

As Melody observed another exchange of glances between Lily and Elizabeth, a brutal realization struck her. Lily wasn't acting like herself. She was probably hypnotized. Everything about her behavior, her gestures, and even her way of interacting with the boys, seemed orchestrated. Elizabeth must have had a hand in this manipulation.

Melody, fixing Nate with a firm yet soft voice:
"Nate… I think we should end the evening here."

Nate, who had been deeply focused on Lily's feet, slowly turned his gaze back to Melody, a playful smile tugging at his lips. His eyes drifted again, this time to Melody's own feet, now partially exposed.

Nate, in a teasing tone:
"Why, Melody? I'm having a great time."

He emphasized his words by glancing once more at her feet, which made Melody blush immediately. She felt a warmth rising in her, a mixture of excitement and frustration. The tension between them was undeniable, and despite her jealousy, Melody couldn't help but feel a certain attraction at this moment.

Her cheeks flushed, her heartbeat quickened. Yet, just as she began to be swept up in the moment, her gaze shifted instinctively toward Lily. Lily, still under the blanket, played softly with her feet, drawing Nate's attention back almost instantly.

Adrien, too, was visibly captivated, his eyes glued to Lily's every subtle movement. Melody could feel the evening slipping away from her grasp. The excitement she had felt turned into a bitter resignation but also a strange determination to take back control, no matter what.

Taking a deep breath, Melody turned to Nate once more, trying to conceal the disappointment in her voice.

Melody, hesitating but determined:
"If you end the evening now… tomorrow in the study, I'll give you what you want. Fifteen minutes. Just the two of us, but… clothed."

Her voice trembled slightly, but a wave of relief washed over her as she spoke. She knew Nate wouldn’t refuse such an offer. By playing on his foot fetish, Melody hoped to regain at least a little power.

Nate, his eyes lighting up instantly:
"Fifteen minutes? Just us? Deal."

Without missing a beat, he accepted. The idea of a private moment with Melody the next day was too tempting to pass up. He immediately rose from the couch, stretching with an exaggerated yawn.

Nate, in a casual tone:
"Well, I'm tired. I'm going to sleep here in the living room tonight."

He cast a knowing glance at Lily and Adrien, who were taken aback by the sudden shift in the evening’s dynamic. But Nate, true to his nature, took control and began gently ushering everyone out of the living room.

Nate, smiling:
"Alright, everyone out. I need to rest."

Elizabeth, observing from her corner, made no objections. She had watched the evening unfold as she had intended, but she wasn’t upset to see Melody trying to regain ground. She knew her younger sister still had much to learn. Lily, for her part, seemed disappointed that the evening was ending but reluctantly obeyed, casting one last glance at Nate before leaving the room.

Adrien, also bewildered by the abrupt conclusion, left the living room without a word, though his mind was still absorbed in the images of Lily’s feet that had captivated him throughout the night. He gave Melody a confused look, unsure why things had ended so suddenly, but retreated to his room nonetheless.

Once everyone was gone, Nate settled back on the couch, a satisfied smile on his face. He knew that tomorrow, Melody would keep her promise, and that thought left him more than content.

While the others were eating, Isa had gotten out of bed, still troubled by the failure of her own attempts to rid herself of the oppressive frustration. She didn’t understand why her body was betraying her like this, leaving her incapable of feeling the pleasure she so desperately craved. Every fiber of her being cried out for release that she couldn’t achieve alone. However, she refused to be overwhelmed by this impotence. She needed to regain control.

She headed to the bathroom and dove into her routine with renewed rigor. Every gesture, every movement, was an attempt to calm herself, to anchor her mind in some sort of logic, far from the uncontrollable wave of desire threatening to engulf her. Her hands moved carefully over her feet, massaging them methodically, trying to tame her thoughts.

As she applied the cream, her thoughts drifted to Nate. Her obsession with orgasm was no longer just a frustration; it was now tied to this man, the one who had awakened in her desires she hadn’t felt in a long time. But this time, she no longer saw him as a threat to her daughters. No, now she wanted him for herself, and she needed to find a strategy to attract him while still remaining in control of the game.

She knew exactly what Nate liked: feet, tickling, oral sex, and of course, breasts. Each of these elements could be a deadly weapon if she used them correctly. But Isa couldn’t see herself giving in directly. Show her feet? No, they were far too sensitive, a symbol of control she refused to sacrifice. Let herself be tickled? Unthinkable. She felt vulnerable just thinking about it. As for oral sex… she wasn’t ready to throw herself at Nate in such a direct manner; it would ruin her entire plan.

So how could she use these assets? She needed a more subtle, more strategic approach. Isa began to envision an indirect seduction game, where every element—feet, tickling, oral sex—would be hinted at without ever being fully offered.

She adjusted her plan. She would make subtle references to these preferences, letting Nate know that she was aware of his desires, but without ever giving them to him outright. During their conversations, she could slip in allusions, light but suggestive remarks. For instance, a sly smile when she innocently mentioned how comfortable her shoes were, or a playful joke about tickling, without ever going further.

The feet? She would show them just enough to stoke his desire, but never in an explicit manner. Perhaps she would let her sandals slide gently down her foot during a conversation, discreetly drawing Nate’s attention without overdoing it.

The tickling? She would mention it with a laugh, recalling a lighthearted anecdote, but with a knowing look, leaving a hint of vulnerability on the subject. Everything would be in the suggestion, never in the action.

The oral sex? Isa wouldn’t rush into that game either, but she could slip in subtle remarks about the pleasure of giving and receiving, ambiguous enough to stimulate Nate’s imagination without making any concrete promises.

Finally, there was her chest. She knew she had already caught Nate’s attention with that asset. This time, she would highlight it in a calculated manner, with fitted clothes and movements that accentuated her figure. But always with elegance, letting Nate’s mind do the rest.

Isa stood up from her chair, more determined than ever. She had her plan. She would play on these allusions, using every interaction with Nate to make him understand that all his desires were within reach, without ever giving him a single one directly. Every smile, every gesture, every word would be a delicate trap, carefully woven to lure him into her game of seduction. She would lead him to the edge of desire, letting him believe he was close to satisfying his fantasies, without ever actually giving him what he wanted.

In this way, Nate would no longer be a threat but a potential lover. Isa felt ready to play this game, to use every detail to seduce him, but on her own terms. She massaged her feet again, savoring the thought that this time, she would be the one leading the game, not the other way around.

She waited until she no longer heard any noise; downstairs, only Nate remained on his makeshift couch.

Isa moved silently down the hallway, her thoughts still focused on Nate. The evening had fallen a while ago, and the house was bathed in soft light. The night brought with it a particular intimacy, an atmosphere conducive to quiet conversations. Isa had finished her evening routine, her feet encased in thick socks filled with softening cream. She loved the feeling of being wrapped up, the promise that her feet would be even softer the next day. But tonight, she had another plan in mind.

She knew Nate was alone in the living room, probably reading or relaxing. This calm moment was the perfect opportunity for her to start weaving her web of seduction. She was determined to captivate him without ever giving in, to play on his desires with subtlety. She would not show vulnerability, but she would give just enough to pique his curiosity.

As she entered the room, she saw him sitting on the couch, a book open on his lap. He looked up at the sound of her steps and gave her a light but intrigued smile. Isa approached slowly, taking a seat not too far from him, but not too close either. She wore a comfortable dress that subtly emphasized her curves, while her thick socks, clearly visible, carefully hid her feet.

"Good evening, Nate. Still up?" she asked in a soft but confident voice.

Nate nodded, closing his book without taking his eyes off Isa.
"I thought I was the only one not asleep yet," he replied with a smile. "And you, Isa? Not tired yet?"

Isa made a nonchalant gesture with her hand, as if brushing the thought away. She crossed her legs, adjusting her socks slightly, catching his brief glance toward her covered feet.
"Not really. I just finished my little routine of self-care, and you know, after a long day, it’s always nice to take care of yourself. Especially… my feet," she said, letting her voice linger on the last word.

She glanced at him from the corner of her eye, gauging his reaction. Nate was attentive, his gaze subtly lingering on her legs, then on her socks. He seemed to be waiting for more details.

"Oh really? You seem to take good care of them."

Isa smiled, savoring the effect her words were having. She lowered her eyes to her thick socks.
"I spend a lot of time pampering them. Hydration, massage… Tonight, I used a special softening cream. That’s why I’m wearing these thick socks," she said, slowly sliding her feet under the couch, hiding them even more. "But you know, it’s a shame you can’t see them tonight… They’re so soft, and… very, very ticklish."

Nate swallowed, his eyes still fixed on her now-hidden feet. Isa knew she had him, that his mind was imagining the feet concealed under those socks.

"Ticklish, huh? Interesting," he replied with an amused smile, though Isa could detect a hint of desire in his voice.

She nodded, casually tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, and continued, her tone calculated.

"Oh yes, terribly so. I can’t stand anyone touching them… In fact, I usually keep them to myself, you see. And I have quite the collection of jewelry for my feet too—toe rings, ankle bracelets…" She let her words drift off, knowing full well that Nate was imagining every detail.

"You really do cherish them, don’t you?" he responded, his voice deeper now, his eyes not leaving hers.

Isa smiled, playing along with the moment.
"Oh, absolutely. They’re like a well-kept secret. And you know, I don’t show them off barefoot like this." She crossed her legs again, emphasizing the movement so her socks would hide her feet further. "Too bad you won’t be able to see them tonight… But, well, that’s just how it is."

She accompanied her words with a light laugh, easing the tension that was steadily building. Nate stayed silent for a moment, clearly thinking about the feet he couldn’t see. Isa knew he was intrigued, and that was precisely what she wanted.

"Maybe another day then," he murmured finally, his gaze flickering briefly to her socks.

Isa stood slowly, satisfied with how perfectly her plan was unfolding. She gave him a knowing look before heading toward the door of the living room.

"Who knows, Nate. Maybe someday. But for now, it’s late. I’m going to the study to finish a few things before bed," she said, walking slowly, letting the tension linger in the air.

Before leaving, she turned back one last time.
"Good night, Nate," she whispered softly, letting the door close behind her.

Nate, left alone in the living room, felt the tension within him rising, a pressing desire that hadn’t been satisfied by the conversation with Isa. She had planted images in his mind, ideas he couldn’t shake. Coupled with the earlier competition between Lily and Melody, his excitement had become unbearable. His breathing quickened, and in a moment of impulsivity, he tried to relieve himself. His hand slipped under his pants, hoping to find some respite from the growing frustration.

But despite his efforts, something was wrong. The excitement was there, the need too, but no pleasure came. Each movement seemed futile, as if he were fighting against an invisible force. Nate groaned in frustration. His mind wandered back to Isa, to her subtle hints, to her feet she had described so vividly without ever showing them. The desire intensified, but an unseen barrier prevented him from crossing that line, from finding release.

He persisted, telling himself it would happen eventually. But nothing. The pleasure remained just out of reach, inaccessible, and every move only amplified his frustration. The effects of the hypnosis, of which he was still unaware, had trapped him. He was stuck in a loop of unfulfilled desire, unable to escape.

Isa, who had been discreetly watching from the hallway, had paused, intrigued by the scene unfolding in front of her. Her eyes focused on Nate, struggling vainly against his own body. She watched him for a while, fascinated by his desperate attempts to find relief. Her gaze drifted over his tense form, and especially the size of his erection, which he was trying in vain to satisfy. A shiver of desire ran through her, a quiet heat spreading within as she imagined what she could do with him.

She bit her lip lightly, her thoughts spiraling into increasingly explicit fantasies. The sight of Nate, unable to find satisfaction, unsettled her, awakening an excitement she hadn’t anticipated. But Isa knew she couldn’t give in now. She had mastered the art of seduction, and she wouldn’t allow herself to lose control. Not yet.

After a few minutes of watching, Isa made a decision. She had to leave before crossing a line she had set for herself. Isa stepped back, slowly moving away from the living room, leaving Nate to his internal struggle.

Nate, realizing he wouldn’t succeed, eventually gave up. Exhausted, his body tense and heavy, he abandoned his efforts. A sigh of frustration escaped his lips as he let fatigue take over. He turned over on the couch, his mind still filled with the events of the past few days and his conversation with Isa. Unable to find any satisfaction, he finally closed his eyes, waiting for the next day’s promise of Melody’s offer.

Isa, having returned to her room, smiled to herself, knowing she had set the stage perfectly for her plan. As Nate drifted off, filled with frustration and desire, Isa reveled in the knowledge that she now had control over his thoughts, his actions, and his desires.
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