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Under Influence 6 - M/F


Registered User
Jan 13, 2012
Chapter 6 - All in Due Time

Melody sat on the edge of her bed, waiting patiently for Adrien to fall into a deep sleep. She glanced at the clock. Each tick seemed to echo louder in the silent room, heightening the excitement brewing inside her. Adrien was breathing heavily beside her, unaware of what was about to happen. Once she was sure he was deeply asleep, Melody carefully got up. She slipped into her comfortable pajamas and plush slippers, her heart beating a little faster with the anticipation of what was to come.

She left the bedroom quietly, gently closing the door behind her before heading downstairs. Her nearly silent steps, thanks to her slippers, guided her toward the living room. In the dim light, she saw the silhouette of Nate, dressed in his pajamas, lying on the couch. The soft glow of the bedside lamp cast gentle shadows around him, accentuating the calm of the night.

Nate, sensing Melody's presence, sat up slowly, a slight smile forming on his lips. He knew why she was there. The deal had been sealed earlier that evening, and now, she had come to honor her promise.

Melody, in a soft voice:

"Nate, thank you again for earlier... I'm here to keep my end of the bargain."

He nodded silently, his eyes following her every move. Together, they made their way to the study, the atmosphere becoming more intimate with each step. Melody settled into the armchair, a serene, almost resigned expression on her face. She appeared calm, but inside, she could already feel the excitement building. There was something irresistible about pleasing Nate, a sensation she didn’t fully understand but that seduced her nonetheless.

She lifted her legs and placed her slipper-clad feet on the desk, letting out a soft sigh.

"It's time to thank you properly."

Nate, approaching with a sly smile:

"Like old times?"

Melody, with a mischievous smile:

"Like old times."

Their eyes met, and Nate sat down across from her. His hands gently touched the first slipper, which he removed with an almost ceremonial slowness. Melody watched him, her breath slightly quicker. Her feet, always a sensitive area, were now exposed. The warmth of her bare feet, still cozy from the slippers, drew Nate’s full attention. He ran his fingers along the curve of her foot, his touch both gentle and attentive.

A shiver ran through Melody's body as he removed the second slipper. She let herself relax, her bare feet now resting on the desk. Nate, focused, began to caress the soles of her feet, his fingers tracing the delicate lines, exploring every inch.

Melody’s expression shifted subtly, a mix of pleasure and nostalgia washing over her face. This touch awakened buried memories, feelings she had tried to suppress but that were resurfacing with force. Every caress, every kiss on her feet, brought her back to a time when things were simpler between them. And with the hypnosis she was under, these emotions mixed with her desire to please Nate, intensifying her excitement.

Nate, meanwhile, had changed too. His gaze had transformed. As he kissed her feet, it grew more intense, almost predatory. He was no longer content with light touches; his lips became more insistent, his kisses deeper. He kissed each toe with calculated slowness, savoring every moment, every reaction from Melody.

When he began to softly suck on her toes, Melody let out a light laugh.

"That tickles..." she murmured, trying to contain her laughter, but failing.

This reaction sparked an extra gleam in Nate’s eyes. He gently nibbled the sole of her foot, evoking a mix of laughter and pleasure from Melody, who wiggled slightly in the armchair.

Melody, with a teasing smile, her gaze challenging slightly:

"My feet are very sensitive."

This provocation added an element of play to their exchange. Encouraged by her words, Nate continued to kiss and lick her feet with growing passion. Every kiss, every move was carefully calculated to elicit a reaction from Melody, who, despite her efforts to remain composed, couldn’t ignore the sensations building within her. Her hands gripped the armrests of the chair, seeking an anchor as the pleasure grew inside her.

Amid this flood of sensations, Melody felt something deep, a reminiscence of what she had once felt for Nate. The hypnosis pushing her to want to please him only heightened this intensity. She was no longer merely an observer of her own emotions. She was fully living them, as if every kiss on her feet was awakening a buried desire, a lost connection.

Melody's breath became shorter, more irregular. Her light laughter mixed with sighs of pleasure. She was gradually surrendering, unable to resist how Nate made her feel.

He smiled, satisfied with how things were progressing. Melody, caught between confusing and powerful emotions, let herself go, feeling a pleasure she hadn’t anticipated. The scene played out under the dim light of the study, their proximity growing more intense, each gesture amplifying the tension between them.

In this suspended moment, Melody realized that she wasn’t just giving in to an old memory. She was rediscovering feelings she once had for Nate, feelings she thought were extinguished but that were being reborn.

Melody, seated in the study chair, felt strangely at peace. Nate's touch on her feet, as intense as it was, had awakened buried emotions, memories from a bygone era. Every gesture from Nate was respectful, despite the palpable tension between them. He knew how far to go without crossing the limits she had set. Melody felt an unexpected pleasure, a kind of renewed connection. Her heart was pounding harder, but not solely because of Nate’s caresses on her feet.

As he continued to gently kiss, suck her toes, and nibble under her feet, she couldn’t help but smile and laugh again, a natural reaction to the ticklish sensation she couldn’t control. Yet, a different warmth spread throughout her body. Her feelings for Nate, which she thought were forgotten, resurfaced, confused and intense. She loved how he made her feel, the attention he gave her. Melody let herself be carried away by this wave of pleasure and complicity, though a small voice inside warned her.

At one point, as Nate continued playing with her feet, she noticed something. Her eyes drifted toward his pajama pants, and she saw a dark spot appear. Pre-cum. Nate’s visible excitement through the fabric of his pants suddenly made her realize the magnitude of the situation. Melody felt a wave of guilt wash over her. She enjoyed what they were sharing, but the sight of that stain abruptly reminded her that she was crossing a line, that she was in a relationship with Adrien.

Melody, hesitant, her voice slightly trembling:

"Nate... I think we should stop now."

She averted her gaze for a moment, not wanting to confront the mix of pleasure and guilt battling inside her. Nate looked up at her, sensing the slight tension in her voice. He quickly understood what was happening. Although deeply aroused by the situation, he knew that pushing things would only drive her away in the long run.

Nate, with a reassuring smile, immediately stopping his actions:

"Of course. We'll stop here. No problem."

He straightened up slightly, gently removing his hands from her feet, respecting her desire to stop. He knew that, even though they were stopping now, simply having been able to reconnect physically with her was already a victory. He felt that if he continued to act with care, without rushing things, Melody would return to him more quickly than he had thought. And that idea pleased him. Already, he had the chance to touch her feet again, a pleasure he savored.

Melody, sitting in the study chair, felt vulnerable. She had kept her promise to Nate, and even though this moment with him had awakened buried emotions, part of her couldn’t help but feel immense guilt. Her thoughts were confused, torn between the pleasure she had just experienced and the weight of her responsibilities toward Adrien. The silence in the room was becoming almost oppressive, and Nate, sitting across from her, immediately sensed that something was wrong.

Nate, observing Melody attentively, his voice soft:

"Melody, are you okay? I mean, you seem... elsewhere."

Melody, her eyes downcast, gave a slight nod, but her hands trembled slightly. The guilt, the confusion, it all rose inside her like a wave she couldn’t hold back. And suddenly, without being able to stop it, tears began to stream down her cheeks. She tried to wipe them away discreetly, but Nate had already noticed.

Nate, more concerned, slightly getting up from his seat to approach:

"Hey... what's going on? You can talk to me, you know."

Nate’s words, though gentle, broke the barrier Melody had tried to maintain. She began to cry, muffled sobs resonating in the room. She felt lost, torn between recent events and her relationship with Adrien, which seemed to be crumbling day by day.

"It's Adrien... things aren’t going well between us. Ever since we looked at my file..."

Nate frowned. He knew the files had a destructive power, revealing information that could radically change dynamics between people. He knelt next to Melody, trying to comfort her.

"Your file? What happened?"

Melody shook her head, refusing to delve into the details. She couldn’t. Her file contained intimate information, things she wasn’t ready to share, even with Nate. But the crux of her problem, she could talk about.

Melody, taking a deep breath to try to calm her sobs:
"I don’t want to tell you what’s in it... but it’s changed everything between us. Adrien... he refuses to let me satisfy him now. He doesn’t want me... not like that."

The words were hard to say out loud. She still loved Adrien, despite everything, but this distance he had put between them was tearing her apart. The idea that he no longer wanted her to touch him, that she could no longer please him as before, devastated her. It was as if their relationship was crumbling piece by piece, and she didn’t know how to fix it.

Nate, placing a comforting hand on her arm:
"But why? What did he find in that file that’s making him react like this?"

Melody shook her head again, still avoiding a direct answer. She didn’t want to dive into the painful details of her file. It wasn’t the right time, and she wasn’t ready to reveal those secrets to Nate. But she could confide her feelings of helplessness.

"I can’t tell you... but it’s disturbing him. He sees me differently now. And I... I don’t know what to do. I love him, Nate, but this distance between us... it’s killing me."

Nate listened attentively, and although he didn’t know the details, he could sense that Melody was losing her grip. His protective instinct toward her resurfaced, and he squeezed her arm slightly, as if to remind her that he was there for her.

"Listen, Melody. I don’t know what’s in that file, but you don’t deserve this. You’re a good person, and if Adrien can’t see that... then he’s the one with the problem, not you."

Melody looked up at him, her tears slowing, but the pain was still visible in her eyes. She wanted to believe Nate, but she felt so broken, so fragile.

"I don’t want to lose him, Nate. But I don’t know how to fix this."

The silence settled between them again, heavy and filled with unspoken emotions. Nate, still close to her, was searching for a way to help, to comfort her without pushing her too much. But something in his mind shifted to Lily. Melody had mentioned Adrien, but another concern seemed to be troubling her. He had to know what it was.

"Nate... I think Lily is hypnotized. It’s not her. Elizabeth... Elizabeth must have manipulated her. I know her; she would do anything to achieve her goals. That would explain why Lily has been flirting with you so heavily... It’s not her."

Nate, until then silent, furrowed his brow slightly. Melody’s words gave him a new perspective. Lily... hypnotized by Elizabeth? That would make sense. He had noticed Lily’s strange behavior, her almost aggressive manner of throwing herself at him, too bold to be natural. Manipulation, yes, it was likely. It frustrated him, but it also triggered his strategic side. If there was a solution to this situation, it needed to be found quickly.

"That would explain a lot. If Elizabeth really did hypnotize her, the only way to free her would be to uncover the details of the hypnosis. We need her file."

They both agreed to go and purchase Lily’s file using Melody’s remaining tokens, heading to the office where they consulted it.

File: Lily
: Female
Age: 22
Height: 5'5" (165 cm)
Hair: Blonde, wavy
Eyes: Blue
Build: Slim
Bust: C-cup
Marital status: Single
Feet: Size 35 (EU)
Sensitivity: Her feet are slightly less sensitive than Isa’s but remain the second most sensitive in the house.

  • Needy attention: Lily has an obsessive need to please men and fears abandonment. She is willing to use any weapon at her disposal to make a man addicted to her and keep him under her charms.
  • Sexual freedom: Lily has little hesitation in trying all kinds of sexual acts with her partner.
  • Attraction to Nate: Lily is attracted to Nate and has fantasized about him for years, even when he was with Melody.
Base hypnosis:
  • Elizabeth’s hypnosis (Day 4): Elizabeth hypnotized Lily to trust her and come to her for any decision about the game.
  • Elizabeth’s hypnosis (Day 5): Elizabeth hypnotized Lily to feel exhilaration and sexual excitement when seducing men around her.
Ongoing Hypnoses:
  • Elizabeth’s hypnosis (Day 4): Lily now has blind trust in Elizabeth.
  • Elizabeth’s hypnosis (Day 5): Lily is now fighting for men’s attention, especially Nate and Florian. The hypnosis is strong enough that she is less subtle, and she no longer hesitates to use her body in her seduction games.
The silence in the room was broken only by the soft rustling of paper as Melody turned the page. She hesitated to read the contents of her little sister’s file, but she knew she had to. Nate, sitting next to her, leaned forward, his eyes fixed on the lines of text. As they read, a palpable tension filled the room.

The first lines only confirmed Melody’s suspicions.

She murmured, almost to herself:

"Obsessive attention... fear of abandonment... adoring pleasing men..."

A shiver of discomfort ran down her spine. These weren’t just words on paper; this was her sister, her Lily, being described. But this version of Lily didn’t resemble the one she knew. The carefree and gentle young woman seemed now to be manipulated, almost turned into a desperate seductress.

Nate, for his part, continued reading carefully. His eyes froze on the mention of Lily’s attraction to him. That sentence triggered a cascade of conflicting thoughts in his mind. Lily had always admired him, he knew that. But seeing it laid out so coldly on paper troubled him... and, in a way he would never admit out loud, it excited him too.

An insidious desire began creeping into his thoughts. The words "willing to use any weapon" echoed in him. Nate couldn’t help but imagine Lily using her charms to captivate him. The idea that she might, unconsciously or not, use her feet to seduce him—one of his deepest fetishes—sparked a troubling mix of excitement and guilt within him.

His mind began to wander. He thought back to Lily’s feet, which she had nonchalantly exposed under the blanket earlier in the evening. Delicate, well-maintained feet, as she had mentioned. Now, Nate found himself daydreaming about what this hypnotized version of Lily, ready to do anything to please him, might do. How far would she go to capture his attention?

The thought that Lily could one day try to satisfy his fetishes—that she could, perhaps unknowingly, use her feet to seduce him—provoked a disturbing mix of excitement and guilt.

Melody, unaware of the thoughts racing through Nate’s mind, trembled slightly as she read further into Lily’s file.

"Elizabeth’s hypnosis..." she said in a muffled voice. "It’s Elizabeth. She hypnotized her... to fight for men’s attention."

At this revelation, Nate furrowed his brow, his mind abruptly pulled back to reality. Elizabeth. So she was the mastermind behind all this. This manipulation explained Lily’s strange behavior, her sudden insistence on flirting with him. He felt disgusted, but a part of him couldn’t shake the fantasy that had just formed in his mind. Lily, under hypnosis, fighting for his attention, eager to satisfy his desires. But he knew it was an illusion, a trap. Lily wasn’t responsible for her actions. Elizabeth had used her insecurities to turn her into a tool.

Melody lowered her head, overwhelmed with a crushing sense of guilt.

"That’s my sister, Nate. She’s hypnotized... and here I am, competing with her for your attention like it’s a game. When she’s... trapped."

Tears began to well up.

"I feel so guilty. I didn’t protect her."

Nate placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, his thoughts troubled but clear.

"This isn’t your fault, Melody. Elizabeth manipulated everyone here. What’s happening to Lily... it’s not your doing."

Melody, still shaken, whispered, her voice breaking:

"But it doesn’t change anything... I let her become this."

Nate leaned closer, his eyes locked with hers.

"We’re going to save her. We’re going to help her."

Melody wiped away her tears, lifting her head gently.

"But how? Elizabeth controls her. I don’t know how to free her..."

Nate smiled slightly, an idea forming in his mind.
"I’ve got a plan."

Nate, taking advantage of Melody’s vulnerability, leaned in slightly closer.

"But before we go any further... I want to make sure you stay focused on what’s important."

Before Melody could comprehend what he was doing, Nate discreetly pulled out a small hypnosis box from his pocket. He had apparently purchased it after Melody had opened up to him earlier. Without a sound, he set it on the table, and its soft, rhythmic lights began to flicker, catching Melody’s attention.

Nate, his voice soothing, almost a whisper:

"Look at the light, Melody... Just focus on it. Let yourself relax... Everything will be easier after this."

Melody, already emotionally fragile, felt drawn to the lights of the box. Her body relaxed little by little, her eyelids growing heavy, her breathing slowing. Nate’s voice became the only thing she could hold onto.

"You’re feeling good, Melody. Safe. Now, listen closely to my words. From now on... every time you’re forbidden or refused any sexual act, whether by Adrien or anyone else, you’ll feel a growing desire for that act. This desire will increase with each refusal, each denial... until it becomes an obsession. The more you’re deprived of it, the more you’ll need it. You won’t be able to ignore it, you won’t be able to control it. And this need, this desire... will only be satisfied when you get what you want."

Melody, in her hypnotic state, nodded slightly, her mind already submitting to Nate’s new commands. Every word he spoke was absorbed, every suggestion becoming a part of her.

Nate, satisfied, gently closed the hypnosis box, his plan falling into place. He knew that Melody, now under the influence of this suggestion, would become increasingly frustrated by Adrien’s distance, pushing her closer to him.

He waited a few moments, allowing Melody to slowly return to reality. Her eyelids fluttered, and she straightened up slightly, still shaken by the revelation about Lily’s file, unaware of what had just happened.

Nate, in a softer tone now:

"I’m here for you, Melody. Whatever happens. We’re going to save Lily, and for you... things will get better."

Melody, still a bit disoriented, nodded, and listened to Nate’s plan.

Adrien woke up with his heart racing, a feeling of unease washing over him. Instinctively, he reached out to the other side of the bed, hoping to find Melody, but his fingers only brushed against cool sheets. She wasn’t there. The moonlight filtering through the curtains dimly illuminated the room, casting shadows on the walls. Melody’s absence next to him stirred a growing sense of urgency.

He sat up, his thoughts spiraling. Where could she be? Lately, their relationship had become strained, the distance between them growing wider and wider. Melody had often sought refuge with her mother when she was troubled. Maybe tonight, again, she had gone to confide in Isa, hoping to find comfort in the one person who always seemed to understand her.

Adrien quickly pulled on a t-shirt and slipped out of the room quietly, his bare feet padding softly on the cold floor. Each step echoed in the dark hallway as he made his way to Isa’s bedroom. His mind raced between the recent argument with Melody and the attraction she still seemed to feel for Nate.

Standing in front of the slightly ajar door to Isa’s room, Adrien hesitated. He didn’t want to intrude, but his worry pushed him to act. He gently nudged the door open, trying not to make any noise. The room was bathed in a soft glow from a nightlight, dim enough not to disturb Isa’s sleep.

Adrien entered slowly, stopping abruptly when he saw Isa fast asleep in her bed, the blanket pulled up to her shoulders. He was surprised to see that she was sleeping alone; Melody wasn’t there. His gaze drifted to the nightstand beside Isa’s bed, and his heart skipped a beat.

There, next to the book Isa had probably been reading before falling asleep, were two files, neatly stacked on top of each other. Adrien approached silently, glancing at Isa to make sure she wasn’t waking up. She remained still, her breathing steady, deeply asleep. His eyes were drawn to the files. He could guess that one was Florian’s. But the other… the other had Nate’s name scrawled in bold letters at the top.

Adrien’s pulse quickened. This file, Nate’s file, could contain crucial information, truths he had always suspected but had never been able to prove. Since learning about the existence of these files, he had always wanted to know what was written about Nate, especially after the recent tensions with Melody.

He hesitated for a moment, aware of the gravity of his actions, but curiosity, and perhaps a bit of resentment, got the better of him. Adrien reached out carefully and took Nate’s file. It felt heavier than he had imagined, as if it carried the weight of all the secrets he dreaded finding inside.

He stepped back, keeping an eye on Isa, who remained peacefully asleep. His heart pounded in his chest, but he had what he came for. Adrien left the room as quietly as he had entered, clutching Nate’s file like a stolen treasure. His quick steps took him back to his room, where he locked the door behind him, his breath shaky.

He sat down on the bed, the soft light from the bedside lamp illuminating the pages. He took a deep breath before opening the file, his eyes scanning the lines eagerly.

Adrien woke up, his mind still clouded by sleep, but something hit him immediately: Melody wasn’t beside him. He ran a hand over the empty space, the spot where she should have been still warm from her recent absence. A tinge of anxiety rose in him, a mix of worry and frustration. He knew their relationship had been strained lately, full of unspoken words and bottled-up resentment. And even though Melody had always been loyal, something had shifted, and he couldn’t ignore it.

His thoughts raced. Melody, sometimes when she was troubled, sought comfort from her mother, Isa. He convinced himself that she might have spent the night in Isa’s room, as she had done before. But a part of him feared another truth, an idea that had been gnawing at him for a while, especially since discovering Melody’s file and her lingering feelings for Nate.

Determined to find out where she was, he rose quietly, glancing at his reflection in the mirror. His own tired face stared back at him, dark circles under his eyes betraying his worry. He left the room, walking barefoot down the silent hallway to Isa’s door. He hesitated for a moment, then gently pushed the door open, peering inside.

Isa was fast asleep, curled up under the covers. At first glance, Melody wasn’t there, but something immediately caught his attention: a stack of documents on the bedside table, right next to Isa. He approached, glancing quickly at the door to make sure no one would catch him.

His eyes landed on Nate’s file, placed beside Florian’s. A cold shiver ran down his spine. Without thinking, he grabbed Nate’s file, holding it tightly in his hands as if it held the answers to his suspicions. He knew he shouldn’t be snooping like this, but his need to understand what was happening between Melody and Nate outweighed everything.

As Adrien frantically flipped through Nate’s file, his eyes stopped on a glaring omission. He searched for any mention of the hypnotisms Nate might have undergone, but there was nothing. The file seemed oddly incomplete. It didn’t match what he knew or suspected about the game. From the beginning, hypnotisms had been performed, and each player had seen their behavior altered or influenced by them. Nate couldn’t be an exception. Yet, the file didn’t say a word about it.

This absence only reinforced Adrien’s conviction: Nate’s file wasn’t up to date. This only fueled Adrien’s frustration. He knew that what he had just read revealed only part of the truth, but it was enough to stoke a burning jealousy within him. As soon as he heard the door creak, he reacted instinctively, quickly folding the file and hiding it under the pillow.

Melody entered the room, her movements calm and measured, as if she were simply returning from a nighttime stroll. But Adrien knew better. He could feel, he could sense that something was wrong, that this false tranquility hid an inner turmoil. Her eyes searched for his, but she avoided his gaze, a slight unease hanging in the air between them.

“Adrien, are you awake?” Melody asked softly, almost timidly. She seemed to want to soothe a situation she sensed was tense, without fully knowing why.

Adrien stood up abruptly, crossing his arms in front of him to contain his anger. “Where were you, Melody?” he asked, his voice low but sharp. He didn’t want to wake Isa, who was sleeping in the next room, but his frustration bled through his words.

Melody took a step back, surprised by the cutting tone of her partner. “I… I couldn’t sleep, so I went out for some air,” she stammered. But she knew it wasn’t the answer Adrien was expecting.

“You went to see Nate, didn’t you?” Adrien retorted with a piercing look, his jaw clenched as he tried to keep his voice down.

Melody opened her mouth to reply, but he cut her off before she could say anything.

“I know everything, Melody.” His voice was low, almost a venomous whisper. “I read his file. Everything’s there. His fetishes, his obsessions… and you, you keep hanging around him like it’s nothing.”

Melody’s eyes widened slightly at this revelation. She felt a mix of panic and guilt rising within her. But at the same time, a strange sensation seized her. A latent, deep, buried desire was awakening within her, a feeling she didn’t quite understand. She had been hypnotized to please, to respond to the desires of those she loved, and now that Adrien was confronting her with this tacit prohibition, she felt an irresistible pull.

“Adrien, I… it’s not what you think. I just wanted to talk to him. That’s all,” she whispered, trying to calm the situation.

But Adrien didn’t let her continue. “That’s enough, Melody.” His tone was lower but harder, icy. “From now on, you’re not allowed to walk around barefoot in front of him. In fact, you won’t walk around barefoot at all. And no more…,” he hesitated for a moment, his fists clenching despite himself, “no more blowjobs. It’s over. Do you hear me?”

Those words resonated in the room like a silent whip. Melody felt her heart race. Every word Adrien spoke, every restriction, only intensified her growing desire. It was an insidious, muted, but growing heat. The idea of not being allowed to walk barefoot, of no longer being able to please Adrien or Nate in the way she knew was effective, created in her an uncontrollable need.

She lowered her eyes, as if trying to hide the inner storm consuming her. “Adrien, I… I swear it’s nothing. Nate… he…” Her words trailed off as the reality of the hypnotism took over, amplifying her desire.

Adrien took a step toward her, barely holding back from shouting. “Nothing? Nothing? Are you kidding me, Melody? Everything’s written there, in black and white,” he spat, almost pointing to the bed where he had hidden the file. “His fetishes, what he expects from you. And you, you keep playing his game. Do you think I’m blind? Do you think I don’t see what’s going on?”

Every word from Adrien, every restriction he imposed, only fueled Melody’s desire. She bit her lip, struggling against the urge to give in to this growing need. She wanted to soothe Adrien, to prove to him that he was wrong, but paradoxically, the more he pushed her away, the more she felt tempted to do exactly what he had forbidden. She wanted to please, she needed to please, and it had become an obsession, a visceral need.

“I swear, Adrien… I only want you,” she said softly, her voice trembling with a mix of anxiety and desire. “I don’t want to lose you. Tell me what you want me to do…”

But even as she spoke, her own words felt hollow in her mind, because deep down, what she craved now was precisely what Adrien had forbidden her.

Adrien stared at her for a long moment, his gaze oscillating between anger and disappointment. “I want you to listen to me for once, Melody. I want you to understand that this game is more than just a simple match. It’s not Nate that you want, it’s him manipulating you. I refuse to watch you fall prey to his desires.”

Melody nodded slowly, but inside, the prohibition Adrien had just declared only amplified her need. The forbidden was stoking a flame that she could no longer extinguish. They climbed back into bed, turning their backs to each other, both lost in their own thoughts, as the tension between them simmered beneath the surface.

During the night, Isa found herself in a dream that both placed her in control and plunged her into overwhelming excitement. The scene took place in a room bathed in a soft, almost sensual light, with curtains gently swaying in an imaginary breeze. She wore a black satin dress, which slid over her body with an almost supernatural lightness, subtly revealing her curves without giving too much away. Her hair was perfectly styled, falling in soft waves around her face, while her feet, carefully concealed in thick socks, remained out of reach, like a well-guarded treasure.

Nate stood a few steps away, his gaze burning with desire, fascinated by the aura of control Isa exuded. She felt invincible, each movement she made dictating the scene. She walked toward him slowly, with calculated confidence. She loved seeing the desire grow in his eyes, feeling the anticipation she fed with every step, every word.

"Good evening, Nate," she murmured in a low, slightly husky voice. "I see you've been waiting for me."

Nate smiled, a smile tinged with admiration and uncontrollable desire. "Always, Isa. Always."

She approached him, lightly trailing her fingers over his muscular chest, savoring the sensation of his skin against the silk of her dress. "I think tonight, I’ll let you taste something unique," she whispered, her lips barely brushing his ear. Nate shivered under her breath, his desire palpable.

Isa felt euphoric, in total control. She knew she could lead him wherever she wanted, that he was at her mercy. Their lips met in a burning, passionate kiss, their bodies igniting at the touch of one another. Nate kissed her with a fervor she had never felt before, and it made her tremble. She was the one in charge, the one dictating every move.

They fell together onto the bed, their bodies intertwined in an intimate, sensual dance. Isa let herself be overwhelmed by pleasure, each caress from Nate bringing her closer to the state of bliss she had long sought. She was on the edge of orgasm, her body burning, trembling with desire, ready to let go into an uncontrollable pleasure.

Isa felt the rising pleasure taking over her. Every touch from Nate brought her closer to that point of no return. She was on the verge of climax, her body trembling under his fingers. She felt as though she was about to completely let herself go, to finally reach orgasm in an ecstasy she still controlled. Her breath grew shorter, her muscles tense with anticipation.

But just as she was about to explode with pleasure, a familiar voice disturbed this perfect moment. At first, she only heard a whisper, but it was enough to pull her, just a little, out of the state of surrender she had entered. Nate was no longer alone. He was speaking to someone else.

Isa opened her eyes slightly, still in the throes of the pleasure rising within her, and that’s when she saw Florian, standing in the shadows. He was there, watching them, his eyes fixed on her with a disturbing intensity. But she was too close to orgasm, her body too hungry for satisfaction to react. She didn’t want to fight it. She couldn’t.

Florian slowly stepped forward, his gaze never leaving her concealed feet. Isa felt a wave of unease, but she did nothing. Every fiber of her body was focused on one goal: climax. She tried to ignore Florian’s presence, to focus on the pleasure Nate continued to give her, but it became increasingly difficult.

Florian knelt, still at a distance, but his insistent gaze made her uncomfortable. Then he touched himself, his movements slow and calculated, all the while never taking his eyes off Isa. She saw him begin to remove his own socks, revealing his feet. A cold shiver ran down her spine, but she couldn’t stop. Her body, thirsty for release, kept demanding that pleasure. She was trapped in this spiral of excitement and discomfort, unable to regain control.

She felt the moment of orgasm approaching, but the image of Florian, undressing slowly, watching her like a predator, crept more and more into her mind. And suddenly, everything collapsed. Just as she was about to reach the peak, the pleasure evaporated abruptly. The reality of the scene hit her: Florian was there, watching her, touching himself. She had lost control, completely and irreversibly.

Isa woke up with a start as the morning light began to creep in, drenched in sweat and unfulfilled desire. Her body still burned with an excitement she hadn’t been able to satisfy, yet a wave of shame and disgust washed over her. She raised a hand to her forehead, wiping away the cold sweat that beaded on her skin before trying to fall back asleep.

That morning, Isa woke up still troubled by her dream and the tension that continued to rise within her. Her body was still imbued with the excitement she hadn’t been able to release, from the joy of having seduced Nate, but also from the vulnerability the dream had left her with. Isa knew she needed to adjust her strategy with Nate today.

Melody, who had been up for a long time, walked quickly, her heart pounding as she searched for Lily in the house. She knew this conversation would be difficult, but she no longer had a choice. She had to act according to Nate's plan. Melody finally found her in the kitchen, making tea, looking relaxed and carefree.

Lily, with a slight smile: 'Hi, do you want some tea?'

Melody shook her head, trying to keep her composure.

Melody, with a firm but calm voice: 'Lily, I need to talk to you. It’s important.'

Lily raised her eyebrows, took a sip of her tea before responding.

Lily, somewhat amused: 'I’m listening, what’s up?'

Melody took a deep breath.

'Elizabeth is manipulating you, Lily. I think she’s hypnotized you. For some time now, you haven’t been acting like yourself. You’re doing things you’d never do. Elizabeth… she’s using you.'

Lily frowned, her smile fading slightly. She set her teacup on the counter and crossed her arms.

Lily, visibly annoyed: 'What are you talking about, Melody? Elizabeth would never do that. You’re talking nonsense.'

Melody felt her heart tighten. She knew this wouldn’t be easy, but she had to continue.

'I know it sounds crazy, but think about everything that’s happened recently. Your reactions, the way you’ve been acting with Nate, even your attitude toward me. This isn’t you, Lily. She’s hypnotized you and is using you for her own gain.'

Lily shook her head, her expression hardening.

'Stop, Melody. You don’t know what you’re talking about. Elizabeth has always supported me, she would never manipulate me. You’re just jealous, that’s all. I know you have issues with her, but that has nothing to do with me.'

Melody tried to get closer to her sister, seeking to make contact.

'I’m not jealous, Lily, I’m worried about you! Please, open your eyes. Elizabeth is making you do things against your will, she’s playing with your emotions to achieve her goals.'

Lily took a step back, pushing Melody away with her hand.

'Stop telling me what to think! I’m old enough to know what I’m doing. And I trust Elizabeth, not you, not your ridiculous accusations. I don’t need you telling me who’s manipulating who.'

Lily’s cutting tone made Melody retreat inwardly. She could see her sister was under hypnosis, but nothing she said seemed to get through.

'Lily, you don’t understand… It’s not you talking right now, it’s what Elizabeth has made you believe!'

Lily, shrugging, her eyes filled with disdain: 'You know what, Melody? If you have nothing better to do than accuse me without proof, you should just leave me alone. I don’t need your help, or your theories. Elizabeth isn’t manipulating me, and I know exactly what I’m doing. Now, mind your own business.'

With those words, Lily turned on her heel, taking her tea with her, leaving Melody alone, clutching the small stone in her pocket.

Lily, still frustrated from the confrontation with Melody, walked quickly to Elizabeth’s room. She needed to confide in her, to understand why her sister was warning her about the person she trusted the most. When she arrived, Elizabeth was sitting calmly, flipping through a book. She looked up and smiled as she saw Lily enter.

Elizabeth, with a warm smile: 'Lily, my dear, you look troubled. What’s wrong?'

Lily sat on the edge of the bed, her expression unsettled.

Lily, a bit nervously: 'It’s Melody. She came to see me earlier, and she… she told me that you’re manipulating me, that you’ve hypnotized me. She says I’m not myself anymore and that you’re using me for your own goals.'

Elizabeth appeared surprised, almost outraged, then she delicately set her book aside and turned to Lily, looking reassuring.

Elizabeth, in a soft voice: 'Oh, Lily… I understand why you’re upset. Melody is probably jealous. She’s always had a hard time accepting how close we are, you and I. She must feel threatened, and that’s why she’s saying those things. But you know I would never do something like that. I love you too much to manipulate you.'

Lily lowered her eyes, still hesitating, but Elizabeth’s words had a calming effect on her. The blind trust she had in her sister seemed to resurface.

Lily, after a moment: 'I knew it was lies, but it still shook me. Melody seemed so convinced…'

Elizabeth, with more assurance: 'It’s normal, my dear. Melody is lost right now. She’s projecting her own fears onto you, and she doesn’t want to admit that you’ve grown, that you’re capable of making decisions for yourself.'

Lily nodded slowly, gradually feeling reassured.

Lily, taking a breath: 'You’re probably right. So… we’re continuing with the plan?'

Elizabeth smiled, satisfied with the direction the conversation was taking.

Elizabeth, with a touch of mischief: 'Of course. It’s time to move on to the next step. You’re ready for that, aren’t you?'

Lily frowned slightly, curious but also a little worried.

'The next step? And… what do I need to do? Who do I need to hypnotize?'

Elizabeth, playing up the mystery, sat up slightly in her chair and spoke in an enigmatic tone.

Elizabeth, evasive: 'Don’t worry about the details now. What’s important is that you prepare. When the time comes, you’ll know exactly what to do. But first… you need to help me gather what we need to make sure everything goes as planned. I need two tokens to buy a hypnosis box.'

Lily frowned, hesitating for a moment. She understood the importance of the tokens in the game, but she had complete trust in Elizabeth. If she said they needed the tokens to move forward, she saw no reason to refuse.

Lily, after a moment of reflection: 'Okay. Take them.'

She took out two tokens from her pocket and handed them to Elizabeth, who accepted them with a satisfied smile.

Elizabeth, softly thanking her: 'Perfect, my dear. With this, we can move forward as planned. Don’t worry, I’ll guide you every step of the way. You’re going to succeed.'

Lily nodded, once again feeling secure under Elizabeth’s protective wing. She stood up, ready to leave, while Elizabeth continued to smile, satisfied at having strengthened her hold over her sister, keeping her under control.

Elizabeth walked confidently through the halls of the house, the hypnosis box tightly clutched in her hands. She had just purchased this crucial tool, the one that would allow her to reinforce her control over the other players, particularly Melody. Melody had become a dangerous obstacle, trying to turn Lily against her. Elizabeth couldn’t tolerate that. Melody had to be put back in her place, and the box would be the perfect instrument to accomplish that.

When she entered Melody’s room, Melody was sitting on the bed, looking tense but resigned. Elizabeth closed the door behind her with calculated calm, a cold smile on her lips.

Elizabeth, in a voice that was icy but measured: 'Melody, I didn’t appreciate your little conversation with Lily. Trying to turn her against me? Really?'

Melody clenched her teeth, not responding immediately. She knew Elizabeth had the power, but tonight, things were going to change. Melody had understood that this confrontation was coming, and she had prepared accordingly.

Elizabeth, opening the hypnosis box, her voice becoming softer but laced with authority: 'I think it’s time to remind you who’s in charge here. You’re going to forget this ridiculous idea that I’m manipulating Lily, and you’re going to stay in your place. Look at this light, Melody. Let yourself go…'

The lights from the hypnosis box began to flicker, casting entrancing beams across the room. Melody felt her heart race as Elizabeth approached, but she was ready. In one smooth motion, she discreetly pulled out the small shining stone she had retrieved, the one Nate had given her to protect her from Elizabeth’s manipulations.

Melody, her voice calm but firm: 'Not this time, Elizabeth.'

Elizabeth’s gaze immediately locked onto the stone, her eyelids growing heavy. The stone seemed to engulf her in a hypnotic whirlpool, her thoughts becoming blurred and confused.

Elizabeth, weakly: 'What…'

She never finished her sentence. The stone had already taken effect, and within seconds, Elizabeth found herself in a trance, her face losing all expression. Melody took a deep breath, feeling the power slip from Elizabeth’s hands for the first time in a long time. It was her turn to control the situation.

Melody’s psyche at that moment was a mix of excitement, revenge, and anxiety. She had always been under Elizabeth’s influence in one way or another, but now, with this opportunity, she could not only restore balance but also play the same cruel game Elizabeth had so often used.

Melody, leaning toward Elizabeth, her voice soft but firm: 'You’ve always loved power, Elizabeth. You’ve always wanted to dominate others, to control them. That’s what you want with Lily, isn’t it? Using her body to manipulate Nate and the other men? Well, I’m going to give you that same power, but in a way you’ve never imagined.'

Elizabeth didn’t respond, her vacant eyes staring. Melody, leaning closer, whispered softly into Elizabeth's ear, planting the suggestion carefully:

Melody, in a controlled voice: "From now on, the very thing you’ve avoided—feet, the very thing you despise—will become your greatest tool. The more you see men enthralled by beautiful feet, the more you’ll understand their power, their ability to control. You’ll realize that to dominate, you must use them as your own weapon."

Elizabeth's blank stare didn’t falter, her mind now open and vulnerable to Melody’s hypnotic suggestion. Melody continued, feeling the balance of power shifting more with every word.

Melody, with growing intensity: "Each time you witness a man drawn to a woman’s feet, it will reinforce this truth within you. You’ll see how it weakens them, how it enthralls them, and you will crave that same control. You’ll begin to desire that power for yourself. You will no longer ignore feet, Elizabeth. Instead, you’ll feel compelled to use them to dominate, to control, just as you’ve always wanted."

Melody’s words echoed in the room as Elizabeth remained motionless, fully absorbing the suggestion into her subconscious. The transformation she was imposing on Elizabeth felt like a fitting revenge. For so long, Elizabeth had controlled others, bending them to her will. Now, she would slowly lose control over something she had never considered, driven by an urge she would not understand.

Melody, with finality: "From now on, you will see feet as the ultimate tool of dominance. And each time you use them to your advantage, you’ll feel that rush of power you’ve always craved."

Melody turned to leave the room, knowing she had successfully planted the seeds of Elizabeth’s downfall.

Lunch began in a rather calm manner, with everyone taking their places at the long table in the dining room. Nate sat in his usual seat, surrounded by an atmosphere thick with tension and conflicting emotions. It was clear that the previous day's events had left their mark on everyone. As usual, Isa sat across from Nate, ensuring that her cleavage caught his attention at every opportunity. Her movements were slow, calculated, like when she adjusted her necklace, playing with it absentmindedly—a subtle gesture that drew Nate's attention.

On the other side, Lily, sitting to Nate's right, seemed to be in a great mood. Her smile was radiant, and she started the conversation lightly. Dressed casually, she wore white socks, her foot gently swaying under the table.

"Nate, did you get some rest after last night?" she asked with feigned innocence, her sparkling eyes fixed on him. She laughed softly, hoping to catch his attention.

Nate nodded, trying to respond naturally. "Yes, it was quite an... interesting night." He smiled in return, but already, his gaze drifted back to Isa, sitting across from him. She wore a delicate necklace, and with a calculated gesture, she adjusted it, subtly grazing her cleavage. Every movement Isa made seemed perfectly timed to captivate Nate's attention, and it was working.

Isa, on her end, watched Nate closely. She knew he was receptive to certain aspects of her appearance, and her seduction game was all about finesse. "Yes, it was an interesting night, Nate... I think sometimes, relaxing after such moments is the best thing to do." She smiled, a controlled smile, as her fingers continued to play with her necklace, once again drawing Nate's eyes toward her.

Lily immediately noticed that Nate’s attention was drifting away. Her smiles and jokes didn’t seem to be enough, and she couldn’t ignore the impact Isa was having on him. After last night’s dinner, Lily felt bolder than ever, but Isa was making it clear that Nate wasn’t a done deal. A slight irritation began to build in her, along with a sense of challenge. She didn’t want to lose this game to her own mother. So, she decided to be more daring in her approach to capturing Nate's attention.

"Oh, Nate, you really should listen to me. You’re always so distracted," she said with a soft laugh, but this time, she placed her hand on his arm, seeking a more direct connection.

Caught between these two poles of attraction, Nate smiled awkwardly, but his eyes kept returning to Isa. Isa’s cold, calculated elegance triggered something in him that he couldn’t ignore, even though he enjoyed Lily’s lighter presence.

Lily realized her efforts weren’t enough. She started feeling a mix of frustration and excitement. Every glance Nate threw her way sent a thrill through her, but she couldn’t hold his attention. And this growing excitement pushed her to do more, to go further.

"You know, Nate, I’ve always found you to be the calmest one, even in tense situations." She giggled slightly, her eyes fixed on him with a new intensity. She crossed her legs under the table, her socked foot deliberately brushing against Nate's leg.

Nate flinched slightly at the touch, surprised, but Lily smiled, clearly satisfied with her provocation. Isa, on the other hand, observed the scene with a sharp eye. Lily was becoming increasingly provocative, stirring a deep-seated fear within Isa: the fear of losing her influence over Nate, but also over her daughter.

As she processed this, Isa considered her next move, the mounting pressure pushing her to cross another boundary. She realized that in this game, every detail mattered, every gesture could tip the scales.

Under the table, she slid her foot, still in her shoe, gently along Nate’s leg. The contact, though still moderate, made Nate react, his gaze growing more intense. Isa felt a surge of power within her, knowing she could influence Nate.

For her, using her foot—even through shoes and socks—was a compromise. This gesture, though crossing a line she had imposed on herself, remained tolerable because it was indirect. The physical and symbolic distance provided by the shoes allowed her to maintain a sense of control, to avoid feeling vulnerable or exposed.

The escalation continued. Sensing Isa was intensifying her approach, Lily leaned even closer to Nate and made a subtle move under the table, a mischievous smile on her lips. She slid her bare foot against Nate’s leg. The direct contact of her foot made Nate shudder, his gaze briefly igniting. This time, the effect was immediate. Lily felt a wave of excitement rise within her as Nate turned his attention to her, his gaze now fixed on her movements under the table. She bit her lip slightly, savoring the rush of adrenaline, knowing she had managed to captivate his interest.

Meanwhile, Melody struggled with the growing frustration inside her. Sitting silently next to Adrien, she felt an unbearable jealousy gnawing at her. Watching Isa and Lily compete for Nate’s attention was driving her mad. She gripped her silverware more tightly than she intended, unable to tear her eyes away from the scene. But under Adrien’s watchful gaze, she couldn’t act. He kept casting her firm glances, ensuring she understood that she shouldn’t intervene. She had to stay on the sidelines, observe without reacting. Yet this powerlessness was eating away at her.

Isa, continuing to play with her foot inside her shoe, tried to keep Nate under her control. But she sensed a subtle shift. His gaze, which had been oscillating between her and Lily, now seemed more focused on her daughter. Initially unsettled, Isa continued to apply pressure, but when she glanced down under the table, she finally saw what Lily was doing.

Her bare foot.

Isa felt a wave of anger surge within her. She clenched her jaw, trying to maintain her composure on the surface, but the shock of seeing her own daughter using this technique, and so openly, shook her deeply. The mere fact that Lily, her own daughter, was competing with her in this manner made her lose all control.

"Lily, what are you doing?" Isa snapped, her voice sharp with anger.

Everyone at the table froze, startled by Isa’s sudden tone. Lily, still wearing her provocative smile, shrugged, trying to downplay the situation. "I’m not doing anything wrong, Mom."

But Isa couldn’t tolerate it any longer. She leaned toward Lily, her eyes blazing with fury. "Don’t play innocent. I saw you, Lily." Her voice trembled slightly, a mix of rage and frustration. "You don’t know what you’re doing. You’re letting yourself be manipulated like a fool!"

Lily frowned, bewildered by her mother’s sudden attack. "What? Manipulated? What are you talking about?"

Isa, no longer able to hold back, stood up abruptly from her chair. "It’s obvious you’re hypnotized! Do you really think seducing men like this will get you anywhere? You’re making a fool of yourself!" She pointed an accusing finger at Lily’s bare foot, as if it were the ultimate proof of her degradation.

Hurt by her mother’s words, Lily stood up as well, her eyes filling with tears. "Hypnotized?! I know exactly what I’m doing! Just because you’re jealous doesn’t mean you have to humiliate me in front of everyone!" Her voice cracked with emotion, but she didn’t back down from her mother.

The tension escalated. Isa, beside herself with anger, raised her hand and slapped Lily harshly. The sound echoed in the air, and a chilling silence fell over the room. Everyone at the table remained frozen, shocked by the sudden intensity of the confrontation.

"You have no idea what you’re doing, Lily! You’re playing a game you don’t even understand!" Isa spat, her voice trembling with rage and emotion. "You’re letting yourself be manipulated by people who just want to control you!"

Lily, her cheek burning and her eyes brimming with tears, stayed silent for a moment, too stunned to respond. Finally, she turned on her heel and fled the room, stifled sobs escaping her as she ran upstairs to take refuge in her room.

A heavy silence settled in the dining room. Isa, still trembling with anger, slowly resumed her seat at the table, but her gaze remained fixed on the spot where Lily had stood moments earlier. As for Nate and the others, they remained silent, uncomfortable with the scene that had just unfolded.

Elizabeth, who had been observing the entire scene, remained silent, but her mind was racing. She had just witnessed a brutal confrontation, but what struck her the most was the importance of feet in this power struggle. She had known about their significance, but this afternoon she realized she had gained a new perspective. She understood that a person’s feet were directly tied to the influence they wielded. This new paradigm made her question her actions: if Lily had influence, did manipulating her truly make Elizabeth the one in charge?

Isa, after watching Lily leave in tears, realized that the tension had escalated too far. She remained silent for a moment, her gaze fixed on the staircase Lily had taken when she fled. She sighed deeply and then turned to the others around the table.

Isa, her voice softer but firm: "I think we all saw that the situation has gone beyond what we can handle calmly. It’s better if we avoid adding more fuel to the fire and let everyone take a moment for themselves."

She looked at each of the guests, trying to maintain some semblance of serenity despite the latent chaos brewing beneath the surface.

Isa, after a brief moment of silence: "Lily is already gone… I think it’s time for us to do the same. It would be better if everyone returned to their rooms. Let’s take some time to reflect on what happened. There’s no need for any additional drama."

Isa was the first to rise, trying to mask her internal agitation. As the others began to disperse, she cast one last glance toward the door where Lily had exited, a pang of guilt passing through her, even though she knew she had to intervene.

In the silence that followed, each person stood up in turn, leaving the room to retreat to the privacy of their rooms, letting the tension gradually dissipate, though not entirely disappearing.

In the middle of the afternoon, the familiar voice of the Game Master echoed through the house, and all the players headed toward the basement. It was dimly lit, the soft lighting creating a heavy and intimate atmosphere. All the participants had gathered around a solid wooden table, with the Game Master standing at the front.

The stakes were clear: the loser would have their file exposed to everyone, while the winner would be given the power to hypnotize someone in secret. It was a test of self-control, and everyone knew that the slightest misstep could change the balance of the game.

The Game Master began explaining the rules of "yes or no." The players, tense, exchanged furtive glances. The silence in the room was punctuated only by the nervous breathing of some.

Lily, still shaken by the confrontation with Isa, struggled to focus. Her argument with her mother replayed over and over in her mind, and she still felt a deep anger mixed with profound sadness. Her emotions were overwhelming her, and her mind wasn’t clear. She was trying to stay calm, but the tension between her and Isa was palpable—a kind of silent competition that was affecting her concentration.

On the other hand, Isa kept a stony face, but inside, she was seething. The idea that Lily had dared to stand up to her infuriated her. She was trying to concentrate on the game, to regain control, but her daughter’s proximity distracted her. She occasionally glanced sideways at Lily, wondering if this girl really understood what she was doing. Isa, a master of control, knew she had to stay composed, but this silent struggle with her own daughter clouded her ability to fully focus on the game.

Soon into the game, Lily lost. Her clouded mind, her repressed anger at Isa, and her thoughts about Nate had led her to defeat. When she was asked one last simple question about her musical tastes, she answered "yes" without even realizing it.

Meanwhile, Melody seemed elsewhere. Sitting across from Nate, her thoughts drifted frequently to the previous night. She remembered the sensuality of the moment spent with him, the way he had made her feel comfortable, much like Adrien had done before he changed. Every time Nate spoke, she was captivated by his calm voice, by the gentleness that emanated from it. Yet, this fixation on Nate distracted her from the game. She made small concentration errors, giving hesitant answers that led her dangerously close to failure.

Simple questions became traps for her because her mind was clouded by her feelings. Several times, she almost answered with a "yes," catching herself at the last second. Her gaze often drifted to Nate, mentally comparing his qualities to those of Adrien, which troubled her even more.

Florian, on the other hand, approached the game with cold efficiency. Always calculating, he saw this challenge as yet another opportunity to prove his mental superiority. He had always excelled in strategy and concentration games, and "yes or no" was no exception. His responses were precise, his tone measured. With each question, he answered without hesitation, skillfully avoiding the Game Master's traps.

Elizabeth, however, was focused. She knew she had to play skillfully to avoid drawing attention to herself. She answered the questions with confidence, but something was troubling her. The latent tension between Isa and Lily seemed to subtly influence the game’s dynamics. Elizabeth was already thinking about how to take advantage of this power struggle while remaining calm and composed in her responses.

However, toward the end, she made a mistake. The Game Master asked her a tricky question about her habits, and without thinking, she automatically answered "yes." Her face remained impassive, but inside, she was boiling.

The game came down to Nate and Florian. Both men were the most focused, and their duel became the center of attention in the room. Nate remained calm, responding carefully to each question. He knew the key was never to rush, to always analyze the questions before answering.

Finally, it was Nate who emerged victorious. His self-control, his ability to remain impassive, had allowed him to triumph.

The Game Master had invited Nate to his office, offering him the possibility of a secret hypnosis or greater power in exchange for a sacrifice. Nate, intrigued by the proposition, chose the second option, accepting a "major hypnosis" decided by the other players in exchange for four secret hypnoses. He saw it as a strategic opportunity. All the players waited in the basement lounge, intrigued by what would come next.

The Game Master, with his calm and mysterious air, took his place at the center of the room. "Ladies and gentlemen, you now have the chance to propose hypnoses for Nate. Keep in mind, you will remember this conversation. You will decide his fate."

A palpable tension filled the room. Each player knew this was an opportunity for revenge, to gain an advantage, or simply to put Nate in an uncomfortable position. But before anyone could speak, Adrien, seated on a chair off to the side, stood up slowly. He pulled a sheet of paper from his pocket and held it before him with a calculated look.

"Before we suggest hypnoses, I have something to share." His voice echoed, breaking the tense silence in the room. All eyes turned to him with curiosity, including Nate’s, who frowned.

Adrien, fixing Isa with a mixture of coldness and defiance, declared, "I found something interesting. Something you had, Isa." He paused, savoring the effect of his words before continuing. "I stole Nate's file. The one you kept hidden."

A shocked silence filled the room, and reactions followed quickly.

Isa froze for a moment, her mask of impassivity cracking slightly. Her eyes narrowed, and she straightened her back defensively. "Stolen?" she repeated coldly, her piercing gaze landing on Adrien. "You had no right to go through my things."

Nate, on his end, widened his eyes slightly before narrowing them again in confusion.

Adrien, undeterred, continued, "It’s not just that you read it, Isa. What’s more important is that I updated Nate's file this morning." He brandished the file, shaking it slightly to capture everyone's attention. "Do you want to know what he’s hiding?" And he shared the file.

Nate’s File
: Male
Age: 28
Height: 1.75m (5'9")
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Body: Muscular, well-proportioned
Marital Status: Single

  • Feet: Nate has a pronounced fetish for women’s feet, particularly well-maintained ones.
  • Tickling: He enjoys tickling games, especially on women's feet.
  • Oral Sex: He is addicted to receiving oral sex, often willing to promise almost anything to get it.
  • Attraction to large breasts: Nate is particularly drawn to women with generous breasts. This plays an important role in his physical preferences.
Other Information:
  • Exceptionally devoted lover: Nate is a very skilled sexual partner, often considered exceptional by his partners. He derives real pleasure, which could quickly become addictive, from giving his sexual partners intense pleasure.
  • Unexplored submissive side: Although he is perceived as dominant, Nate secretly dreams of being submissive to a woman who would sexually reward him in exchange for his total obedience. This repressed desire has never been explored.
Basic Hypnosis:

  • Hypnosis by Isa (Day 3): Isa hypnotized Nate to be highly attracted to large breasts.
  • Hypnosis by Elizabeth (Day 5): Elizabeth hypnotized Nate so that he is unable to feel pleasure alone. Every attempt at masturbation results in growing frustration. However, in the presence of a woman, whenever someone helps him, the pleasure he experiences is exponentially amplified.
Current Hypnoses:

  • Hypnosis by Isa (Day 3): Nate’s attention is now captivated by large breasts and cleavage. He especially fantasizes about breast-related sexual acts (titjobs).
  • Hypnosis by Elizabeth (Day 5): Nate is now unable to orgasm without external help.
When Adrien revealed Nate's file, the reactions were immediate and varied. The basement, usually so quiet, was filled with palpable tension as everyone absorbed the information. Nate himself furrowed his brow, seeing his intimate details laid out for everyone. The foot fetish, the obsession with oral sex, and especially his repressed desire for submission—everything was there, in black and white.

Isa, as the conversation around Nate's file grew heated, found herself lost in her own thoughts. The revelation that Nate couldn’t climax alone, and his growing frustration, echoed a truth she had been hiding herself: she, too, could no longer climax alone. Since Elizabeth’s hypnosis, she had lost all sensation in her sex. The more she tried to regain pleasure through masturbation, the more it left her feeling empty, unsatisfied, and desperately frustrated.

Isa found herself fantasizing about Nate, imagining how they could complete each other. The image of their bodies coming together, each offering the other what they lacked, filled her thoughts. She envisioned herself dominating this relationship, exploiting Nate's vulnerability while using her body as a tool for control. She imagined, not finding her sensations alone, but through him. This fantasy washed over her like a burning wave, an idea she would never have dared consider before, but now seemed almost inevitable.

Florian and Elizabeth observed the file without much surprise. They remained silent, waiting for their moment.

Upon discovering Nate’s file, Lily felt a shiver run down her spine. These revelations awakened a burning desire within her. The fact that he was so attracted to tickling and had such a deep fetish for women’s feet made the situation even more perfect in her eyes. Lily already knew the power of her feet in seduction, but now she understood just how much she could use this attraction to drive him wild with desire. She recalled the moments when she had caught him staring, especially when she playfully moved her feet.

Then, she read the part about his inability to climax alone. A wave of excitement surged through her at the thought. "Since yesterday, he must be in an unbearable state," she thought to herself.

When Lily discovered the hypnosis Isa had implanted in Nate, a mix of anger and jealousy overcame her. She quickly realized that her mother wasn’t just playing a subtle seduction game: Isa had literally taken a step ahead by hypnotizing Nate to be attracted to large breasts. This revolted Lily. "She always wants to take everything for herself. She never leaves anything for the rest of us."

Lily understood that her mother had no intention of sharing Nate but was planning to control him. This discovery fueled her desire to outdo Isa, not only to win over Nate but to assert her independence from her mother's influence. The fact that Isa had used hypnosis to manipulate Nate ignited an urgent need in Lily to act. "She thinks she can own him with her breasts, but I know he desires much more than that."

Moreover, reading that Nate was described as an exceptional lover, Lily felt a rush of excitement. She told herself that she couldn’t let her mother be the only one to enjoy that side of him. Her desire to have him all to herself grew, driven by the idea that she could make him completely dependent on her feet, an area where her mother could not surpass her.

With a determined smile, she made her proposal to the Game Master: "I want that every time Nate climaxes while looking at feet, he becomes more and more addicted to them, and especially to the woman who made him climax. That he can’t think of anything else."

This suggestion, cleverly formulated, was her way of ensuring that Nate would gradually become entirely captivated by her charm. She knew that if Nate became dependent on her feet, Isa would slowly lose her control over him.

But as soon as she finished making her proposal, an uncomfortable silence settled over the room. The other players turned to look at her, some surprised, others clearly distrustful. The heavy silence was filled with judgment.

Adrien, furrowing his brow, was the first to react: "Lily, are you serious?" He let out a nervous laugh, as if he couldn’t believe she had made such a direct and obvious suggestion. "You really want to turn Nate into some kind of foot-obsessed puppet? That doesn’t sound like you."

Elizabeth, observing her sister critically, saw through the transparency of Lily's maneuver. The proposal was far too bold, almost naive. She could clearly see Lily’s strategy: trying to seduce Nate in a way that was far too obvious. Elizabeth, ever calculating, understood that such a suggestion would be seen by the others as a desperate attempt at control, potentially damaging their overall strategy. She intervened quickly, her voice calm but firm: "That’s not very subtle, Lily. Everyone can see you’re trying to openly manipulate him."

Lily, slightly rattled by the criticism, tensed up. She realized that her plan, which she thought was perfect, was starting to crumble. Her desire to seduce Nate had driven her to be too direct, and now she was paying the price. She crossed glances with Melody, who looked at her with an expression of disapproval.

Florian, who had remained silent until now, smirked, amused. He enjoyed manipulation games, but Lily’s proposal seemed both clumsy and premature.

Lily's face darkened as she realized she had been exposed. "This is unfair," she thought, "I just wanted a chance against Mom."

Melody found herself caught in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions upon reading Nate's file. On one hand, she loved Adrien, and their relationship represented stability in an increasingly unstable world. But on the other hand, Nate’s presence in her life reignited deep desires and intimate memories that she couldn’t ignore, especially after the previous night.

What truly unsettled her, though, was the section about Nate’s fetish for oral sex. She hadn’t realized how much she had influenced this desire in him. It filled her with a secret pride, a feeling of having left an indelible mark on him, but at the same time, it triggered intense guilt. Adrien was her partner, the one she loved, and yet she realized she had played such a significant role in Nate's desires that he might be irreversibly drawn to her.

Each line of the file was an emotional bomb. Melody, troubled, felt a growing jealousy, especially realizing that Nate was now the target of other women like Lily and Isa, who were trying to use his fetishes to attract him. Her heart tightened at the thought that Lily, her own sister, might be taking advantage of her past mistakes to seduce Nate.

The jealousy intensified when she learned that Nate could no longer climax alone due to Elizabeth’s hypnosis. This meant that everything he felt, all his pleasures, could only be fulfilled with the help of another woman. And this idea of dependence awakened in her a mix of excitement and anxiety.

As she continued reading the file, she felt an increasing inner tension. Her love for Adrien was sincere, but the temptation Nate represented was strong, especially with this new revelation about his unfulfilled desires. "What should I do?" she wondered. She was torn between her loyalty to Adrien and the irresistible attraction Nate still held over her.

After several minutes of debate and rejected proposals, Elizabeth, with her usual calm voice, made her suggestion, much more pragmatic than Lily’s. "Listen, this is better for everyone," she said, crossing her arms. "Nate, who already struggles to climax alone, could become even more docile if we condition him. Imagine that he could climax as much as he wanted, without ever getting tired or impotent. That would give us all the tools to control him. If he can produce more sperm—a lot more—and climax multiple times in a row, he’ll be completely at our mercy, and it would be a shame for such a good lover to only have 30 seconds of endurance."

The group listened attentively, some nodding in agreement. Elizabeth, by proposing a hypnosis of total physical satisfaction for Nate, saw it as a way to make him more malleable and to play on his unexplored desires. She knew this could be the key to fully dominating him. Everyone seemed to agree since, after all, it would benefit no one in particular at first glance.

Nate, aware of the trap closing around him, could only nod. "Alright," he said in a calm voice, despite the inner turmoil. "Go ahead."

The Game Master stood up, preparing the hypnosis. "Very well," he announced with a certain satisfaction in his voice. He approached Nate, his piercing eyes focused, and softly spoke the hypnotic words. The effect was immediate. Nate felt a warmth spread throughout his body, a new sensation of power and vulnerability.

When the Game Master announced that it was time to reveal Lily’s file, a heavy silence immediately fell over the room. All eyes turned to her, some curious, others worried. Lily, already shaken by the previous events, seemed to tense up. She knew the file would reveal truths she wasn’t fully aware of, and her heart began to race.

The Game Master handed the file to Isa first, who quickly read it, her brows furrowing more and more as she progressed through the text. Her face hardened as she reached the section about the hypnosis Elizabeth had imposed.

Isa, in a cold voice: "Elizabeth... You hypnotized Lily to trust you blindly. You’re the one who’s been manipulating her to become like this."

Lily, sitting across from her mother, froze, her hands trembling. She felt a wave of anger rise within her—a mix of betrayal and confusion. For days, she had felt an external force pushing her to act differently, but she could never pinpoint what was troubling her so much. Now, everything was clear. Elizabeth had trapped her.

Lily, in shock, her voice trembling: "What… What? Elizabeth… you did this to me?"

Elizabeth, trying to stay calm but visibly shaken: "Listen, Lily, it was for the game. You didn’t understand what needed to be done. I just helped you... move forward."

Lily, her eyes filled with tears, her voice growing louder: "You used me! I thought I could trust you… But you manipulated me!" She stood up abruptly, pushing her chair away. "I’m not your pawn!"

Isa, staring intensely at Elizabeth, felt her own rage rising but tried to contain her emotions so as not to further inflame the situation. She could see in Lily’s eyes just how broken she was by this revelation. It was at this moment that Lily snapped.

Lily, nearly shouting, her voice filled with emotion: "I want it to stop! Now!"

Lily turned to her mother, her eyes pleading for help. She no longer knew whom to trust, but Isa was the only one she could hope would support her.

Lily, her voice breaking: "Mom… you have to help me. I want her to stop controlling my thoughts! I can’t take it anymore… Please, help me..."

Isa, shaken by her daughter’s pain, felt the weight of the situation. She knew that the bond between Lily and Elizabeth had been deeply affected by this hypnosis, but she was determined to fix what had been broken.

Isa, calmly but with clear intensity: "Alright, Lily. We’ll fix this. I’ll remove her influence over you."

The Game Master, still present, handed Lily a hypnosis box without saying a word, taking the remaining five tokens from her as though he had anticipated this moment. Lily grabbed the box with a swift motion and held it close, clutching it like a lifeline.

Lily, pleading:

"Mom, let's do it now. I want it gone. I never want to feel this way again."

Isa nodded, standing up and placing a reassuring hand on her daughter's shoulder. She led Lily to a separate room, away from the prying eyes of the other players. Elizabeth watched them leave, her face pale, fully aware that her control over Lily was about to be severed.

In a small, dimly lit room, Isa and Lily sat down together. Isa placed the hypnosis box on the table between them, her hands slightly trembling, but her resolve was unshaken. She sat in front of Lily, ready to undo the damage Elizabeth had caused.

Isa, in a calm yet commanding voice:

"I'm going to free you from her control, Lily. You’re my daughter, and no one has the right to manipulate you like that."

Lily closed her eyes, her body visibly relaxing as she trusted her mother to take care of her. Isa began to speak in soft, hypnotic tones, carefully choosing each word to help break the hold Elizabeth had placed on her.

Isa, her voice gentle and comforting:

"Feel the freedom returning to you, Lily. Any external influence is fading away. You are in control. The trust you had in Elizabeth is disappearing, and she no longer holds any power over you."

As Lily listened, her tense features gradually softened. A tear slipped down her cheek, but this time it was a tear of relief.

The process took a while, but Isa worked methodically, making sure to undo every layer of Elizabeth’s manipulation. When she finished, Lily slowly opened her eyes, feeling lighter, free of the oppressive hold that had clouded her thoughts.

Once the hypnosis session was over, Isa and Lily returned to the others. The Game Master, having monitored the progress from afar, cleared part of the players' memories, as he had done before. However, this time, he allowed everyone to retain knowledge of Nate’s hypnosis, making sure it was public.

Lily was visibly calmer, though exhausted from the emotional weight she had been carrying. Isa, on the other hand, seemed determined. She had freed her daughter from Elizabeth's grip and had no intention of allowing anyone to manipulate her family again. A new understanding had formed between Isa and Lily—a shared sense of protection and independence from the other players, but the tension in the house was far from over.
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