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Under Influence 7 - No tickling


Registered User
Jan 13, 2012
Chapter 7: Acceleration

The late afternoon sun gently bathed the house in golden light, as the players, now aware of the most intimate revelations, tried to regain their composure. The game master, as usual, had wiped the memories linked to the game's most secret information, but a malaise still hung in the air. The most palpable was the sense of betrayal toward Elizabeth. Isolated, ostracized, she stood apart from the others, her thoughts whirling around the power she once mastered so well, but now seemed to slip through her fingers.

In this electrified atmosphere, Nate, fully aware of the silent battle among the girls for his attention, felt both exalted and vulnerable. He knew he had been manipulated, hypnotized, and that his thoughts and desires were no longer entirely his own. Winning four secret hypnoses was his only advantage. He knew it was his turn to make a move.

The furtive glances from Lily and Isa, the visible jealousy of Melody, and even Florian's calculating coldness... all of this formed a complex tableau in which Nate had to find his place. But to do that, he needed to regain control.

Nate took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. He had no time to waste. Without further delay, he left the living room and headed straight to the game master's office. The latter, as if expecting him, greeted Nate with an enigmatic smile. Nate wasted no time with small talk and spoke in a calm and determined voice, expressing his desire to use his four hypnoses.

The first of these hypnoses was already clear in his mind: Adrien. For some time now, Nate had noticed Adrien’s constant watch over Melody’s interactions. Nate needed to change this dynamic.

When the game master gave him the chance to formulate his hypnosis, Nate spoke in a low but assured voice: "I want Adrien to consider that the foot fetish of the women in the house is normal. He shouldn't see it as something strictly sexual. In other words, he should no longer be shocked or jealous if other men, including me, interact with Melody’s feet."

The game master nodded, recording the instruction in the hypnosis. Nate knew it wasn't a perfect solution, but it was a first step. He couldn't make Adrien's conflicted feelings for Melody disappear, but he could neutralize part of his jealousy, making future interactions with her easier.

Nate settled more comfortably in the office chair, thinking about the second hypnosis he wanted to impose on Adrien. He knew he couldn't rely on just one hypnosis to completely neutralize his rival. Adrien remained a serious obstacle, especially with the emotional hold he had over Melody, even if that hold seemed to be weakening. Nate needed to ensure that Adrien would be diverted or even overwhelmed by a new obsession.

“For my second hypnosis...” He paused, savoring the thought of what he was about to say. “I want Adrien to develop an intense fetish for tickling, especially on women’s feet. I want him to feel uncontrollable pleasure when he sees, hears, or participates in a tickling scene. I want it to become an obsessive desire, something he can no longer ignore.”

The game master listened carefully, then nodded before carefully noting down the instruction.

Nate leaned back in the chair, a calculated smile on his face. The next hypnosis would undoubtedly be one of the most strategic. Lily, with her open attempts to seduce him, represented an opportunity. He knew she was determined to attract him, especially after discovering his file and his fetishes. If she continued down that path, she would succeed one way or another. But Nate wanted to turn this dynamic to his advantage.

He wanted every attempt by Lily to seduce him to backfire on her, making her fall into her own trap of desire. If she tried to manipulate him or capture his attention, she would be the first to succumb to her own advances, rendering control impossible for her.

Nate turned to the game master, his voice filled with confidence: “My third hypnosis will be for Lily. I want that every time she tries to seduce me, she becomes more and more attracted to me. The more she tries to manipulate or capture my attention, the more she will feel enchanted herself, unable to resist her own desire.”

These past days, Melody's presence had awakened a desire in him that he thought was extinguished. Their past connection, exacerbated by recent events, troubled him more than he wanted to admit. He knew Melody still felt something for him, even though she was with Adrien. And he, despite everything, couldn’t ignore his lingering attraction to her.

The fourth hypnosis would transform Melody's mouth into an erogenous zone. Gradually, every kiss, every word, every sensation related to her mouth would become a source of excitement for her. He didn’t want her to fall into his arms instantly, but he knew that this transformation would bring her closer to him, almost without her realizing it. Nate’s intention here was purely to satisfy his own desires, and he hoped the sum of the hypnoses placed on Melody and Adrien would give him the opportunity.

The game master leaned forward slightly, listening to Nate intently, and silently approved his choice. He activated the hypnotic device, a flickering light reflecting in his eyes as he uttered the hypnotic words that would seal this new suggestion in Melody’s mind. Time seemed to freeze for Nate, who suddenly no longer saw the game master. The latter had somehow teleported to the entrance of the room, but strangely, he was entering instead of leaving.

“It’s done,” he said with a smile on his lips.

The late afternoon sun slowly bathed the house in golden light. In their bedroom, Melody, sitting on the bed, observed Adrien with a look of determination in her eyes. She knew that recently, their relationship had taken a complicated turn, especially after the revelations from the files and the growing distance she felt between them. Yet, she was resolved to reignite their connection, to satisfy her own desires and to rekindle the intimacy they once shared.

Adrien sat on the bed, absent-mindedly flipping through a book, but Melody knew he was elsewhere, preoccupied with his own thoughts. She got up slowly, approaching him with a slow, sensual walk.

She stood in front of Adrien, leaned slightly, letting her hair fall around her face, and whispered in a soft, almost pleading voice: "Adrien… Let me please you."

She knelt before him, her hands gently caressing his thighs, and began to undo the belt of his pants. She knew he had been distant, but she hoped that by giving in to her own desires, she could bring him back to her. Her need to satisfy him had almost become an obsession, amplified by the hypnosis she was under.

However, Adrien frowned and leaned back slightly, placing a hand on Melody’s to stop her.

“No, Melody. I… I can’t.”

His tone was firm but not cold. He was finding it increasingly difficult to give in to her, especially since discovering the manipulations and the influence of the hypnoses in the game. He loved her, but every time she tried to approach him this way, an invisible barrier stood between them. He pushed her away, not out of a lack of desire, but because he no longer knew how to manage this relationship.

Melody, however, felt a shiver run through her body at his refusal. The hypnosis she was under, the one that pushed her to want to please Adrien at all costs, intensified. Every refusal only increased her need to please him. She bit her lip, the hot and electric sensation she felt in her mouth troubling her, but she decided to change tactics.

She stood up, a slight smile on her lips, and climbed onto the bed, lying down slowly while crossing her legs in front of Adrien. She knew that Adrien was starting to develop a fascination with feet. She stretched her legs gently, sliding her bare feet toward him, and whispered in a soft and playful voice: “How about a foot massage?”

Adrien, already tense from the situation, felt his gaze involuntarily slide toward Melody’s feet. It had become almost instinctive for him, this new attraction he had for her feet, a desire he didn’t fully understand but which captivated him more and more. He found himself staring at the delicate curve of her toes, the softness of her skin, and before he even realized it, he leaned forward, gently taking one of Melody’s feet in his hands.

The skin beneath his fingers was warm, soft, and Adrien felt a wave of excitement rise in him. He began to massage gently, caressing the underside of her foot with precise movements. Melody, on her part, sighed lightly, closing her eyes to better savor the sensation. She knew she had something, that her partner was getting lost in this unexpected pleasure.

“It feels so good, Adrien…” she whispered softly, a satisfied smile forming on her lips.

The more Adrien massaged, the more his gestures became unconscious, almost automatic. Without even realizing it, his fingers slid to the sensitive areas of Melody’s foot, triggering slight reactions in her, muffled laughter when he touched particularly ticklish spots. These soft and sensual laughs seemed to awaken something deep within him.

Melody, sensing that Adrien was now captivated by her feet, slightly intensified the game. She bit her lip again, this sensation setting her body on fire, and whispered: “You like that, huh? It does something to you, doesn’t it?”

Adrien didn’t respond, but his actions spoke for him. He was becoming more and more focused on her feet, his hands becoming more skilled, and Melody felt a warmth rise within her. Every caress, every pressure triggered pleasant sensations, but she knew that she wasn’t the one most affected. Adrien, though trying to contain himself, was visibly excited.

Then, gently, Melody slid her foot against Adrien's groin, feeling his growing arousal. She made small movements, caressing delicately, almost innocently, but she knew exactly what she was doing. Adrien groaned softly, his excitement becoming uncontrollable.

She continued, with slow, deliberate motions, caressing his calf with the tips of her toes before moving a bit higher. The silence in the room was interrupted only by their heavy breathing, filled with tension. Adrien, unable to resist, let out a soft sigh, a sign that he was receptive to her advances. He instinctively placed his hands on her feet, gently massaging the soles, caressing the softness of her skin.

Encouraged by his reaction, Melody let her feet roam over Adrien’s body with more insistence. She could feel him gradually losing his resistance. Her fingers gripped the sheets delicately as she got more comfortable, slightly parting her legs, her feet quickly finding their place against Adrien’s erection.

With a disarming expertise, Melody began to stimulate him with her feet, using precision and rhythm to tease him. She slid them along his length, alternating between pressure and lightness, using each movement to stoke his desire even more. Adrien, completely under her spell, could only observe, his hands clutching the sheets as the tension within him grew.

Melody felt Adrien’s excitement rising rapidly. She quickened her movements slightly, pressing her foot gently along the length of his shaft, rubbing it with calculated slowness before increasing the rhythm, all while watching Adrien’s reactions, who struggled to suppress his moans. His excitement was palpable, and Melody could sense that Adrien’s orgasm was near.

Her foot, sensual and skilled, continued to glide with ease, manipulating his member with delicate mastery. Every pressure, every movement, was designed to push him closer to the edge of ecstasy. Soon, Adrien’s breath quickened, deeper, as his body tensed, signaling his climax was approaching.

Suddenly, she felt a shudder in his body, a tremor that ran through Adrien from head to toe. Melody, sensing that he was about to climax, pressed more firmly, quickening her pace until Adrien, with a muffled groan, finally released. His orgasm was intense, his body twisting under the wave of pleasure, while Melody continued her slow movements, prolonging his release.

Satisfied, Melody smiled softly. She had successfully captured him, played on his desires, and brought him to the point she wanted. But deep down, as Adrien caught his breath, she felt that something deeper was at play. It wasn’t just about physical pleasure; it was also the satisfaction of having regained, even for a moment, that fragile intimacy they once shared. Yet the satisfaction was tinged with a slight bitterness.

Though Melody had succeeded in physically pleasing Adrien, she still felt that something was missing between them. That emotional distance he maintained continued to weigh on her, and she knew that it wasn’t just through her feet that she could bridge the gap.

Adrien, on the other hand, was torn between physical relief and a vague sense of confusion. He had given in to a desire he didn’t fully understand yet—this growing foot fetish that consumed him more and more each day. Yet, after climaxing, a strange guilt settled in, a sense of emptiness that left him emotionally unsatisfied. He loved Melody, but each time they shared an intimate moment, something inside him seemed to shut down further. The invisible barrier between them continued to grow despite his feelings.

Melody, lying next to him, observed his expression. She could read in his eyes that he wasn’t fully present with her, and that hurt. But she tried not to show it, gently stroking his arm.

“You liked it, didn’t you?” she asked softly, hoping to find a bit of complicity in her words.

Adrien nodded but said nothing. He didn’t want to hurt her, but he knew that they were drifting further apart. Each intimate gesture, each attempt to physically reconnect, only highlighted the emotional chasm between them. Despite the excitement of the moment, something inside him remained unsatisfied, as if the physical act was no longer enough to fill the void he felt.

Melody, despite the pleasure she had felt through Adrien’s excitement, sensed this lack. The hypnosis she was under, which pushed her to want to please and satisfy Adrien at all costs, only amplified her desire to give him everything he wanted. But the more she tried, the more she encountered this wall that he had erected between them. Each refusal drove her to try harder, to give more, but the frustration she accumulated was becoming almost unbearable.

“Adrien… I want us to work,” she murmured softly, her voice tinged with sadness. “Tell me what I need to do. I’ll do anything for you, you know that.”

Adrien turned his head to look at her, his face weary, as though carrying a burden he couldn’t express. He loved Melody, that much was certain. But their relationship had changed, altered by the game, by the revelations, by the hypnoses they were all subjected to. He no longer knew how to go back, how to find what they once had.

“It’s not you, Melody… it’s me,” he finally murmured, his words heavy with unspoken meaning.

Melody felt her heart clench at those words. She knew what he meant, even if he didn’t dare to say it outright. Their relationship was transforming, and she didn’t know if she could save it. But deep down, something in her refused to give up. She was willing to do anything to win back Adrien’s love, even if it meant playing with his desires, even if it meant accepting the new dynamics the game had introduced between them.

“We’ll make it, Adrien,” she whispered, more to herself than to him. “I promise.”

But deep down, Melody knew it would be more complicated than she thought. The real question was how long she could continue fighting against this invisible wall between them, and how many more refusals she could endure before it broke her completely.

In the living room, tension was palpable as dusk slowly settled over the house. Everyone was gathered around the couches, each lost in their own thoughts, playing very distinct roles. Isa, as usual, displayed a façade of absolute calm, though she was troubled by recent events. She mentioned, almost absent-mindedly, that she was going to follow her routine before dinner, a ritual she held to no matter what.

Isa, subtly adjusting the collar of her blouse, said, “I’ll take care of my routine before dinner. Let’s take a moment to rest before what’s to come.”

She stepped toward the door, ready to slip away discreetly, but the game master, ever watchful, interrupted her with his characteristic tone, a mixture of mystery and control.

The game master, his voice echoing through the room: “Isa, don’t be in such a hurry to leave. Tonight is special. A particular day. The second game begins.”

The announcement cast a veil of excitement and apprehension over the room. Glances crossed quickly, each trying to decipher the thoughts of the others, anticipating the events to follow. Isa stopped in her tracks, turning slowly, her face betraying a mixture of surprise and curiosity. The game master continued, savoring the effect of his words.

The game master, with a slight smile: “We’ll go down to the basement. I’ve organized a special evening… with alcohol. The goal is simple: for two hours, you’ll drink with your partner, and at the end, whoever drinks the most will hypnotize the other.”

The idea of an evening of drinking didn’t seem to bother some, but the game’s rules added strategic complexity. The penalties and powers that would come from it were the real question.

The game master added an important point: “However, one crucial detail. Those who don’t have a partner will be hypnotized by the one who drinks the most. So, choose wisely.”

A heavy silence followed. Alliances were about to form. It was more than just a drinking game; it was a battle for control disguised as fun.

Immediately, Melody, sitting next to Adrien, exchanged a complicit look with him. Despite the recent tensions, they were still a couple, and for her, this alliance was obvious. She didn’t want anyone else by her side.

Melody, turning to Adrien with a reassuring smile: “We’re doing this together, right? We trust each other.”

Adrien nodded without hesitation, though deep down, a part of him remained clouded by recent events, particularly his own fetishes and frustrations with Melody. But for tonight, he would pretend everything was fine. They were united.

Adrien, softly: “Of course. We’ve got each other’s backs.”

Isa, having observed the scene, approached Melody, hoping to win her over and convince her to form a team with her. After all, Melody was under hypnosis and extremely jealous of other women. Isa hoped to exploit this weakness to ensure she had someone reliable by her side.

Isa, with her sweet but calculated smile: “Melody… you know you could join me, right? We’ve been through so much together. It would be a pleasure to be your partner tonight.”

Melody hesitated for a moment, sensing the pressure in Isa’s voice, but she remembered everything that had happened—the manipulations, her mother’s attempts to control her. Her gaze hardened, and she politely but firmly declined.

Melody, shaking her head slightly: “I’m sorry, Mom. I’m already with Adrien. He’s my partner.”

Isa, though slightly vexed by the refusal, masked her displeasure with a serene smile. She wouldn’t let this disappointment throw her off balance. There were other ways to turn the situation to her advantage.

On the other side of the room, Lily, with a confident and seductive posture, suddenly stood up. Without wasting any time, she crossed the room and grabbed Nate by the arm, her smile radiant and provocative. She had decided to take the lead in this game.

Lily, cheerful and a bit mischievous: “Nate, you want to be my partner, right? It’ll be fun, I promise.”

Nate, still shaken by the recent manipulations he had undergone and the invisible war between the women of the house, couldn’t ignore the attraction he felt for Lily, even though part of him knew it only intensified the rivalry between her and Isa. He merely nodded with a half-embarrassed, half-amused smile.

Nate, slightly nervous: “Okay, Lily. I guess it couldn’t hurt.”

Meanwhile, Elizabeth remained in a corner of the room, isolated. Since the revelation of her influence over Lily, she felt ostracized by the others. She watched the scene, calculating her options in silence, knowing that no one would rush to form an alliance with her.

Then Florian, the most cunning of the players, approached her. Elizabeth, surprised, looked up at him, wondering why he was coming her way. Florian, with his usual enigmatic smile, sat beside her.

Florian, speaking softly, almost conspiratorially: “So, it seems we’re in the same club, huh? The club of the outcasts. Welcome.”

Elizabeth, initially incredulous, let out a nervous laugh. Florian had always had a talent for lightening the mood, even in the most tense situations. She shrugged, aware that she didn’t really have much of a choice.

Elizabeth, with a slightly sad but resigned smile: “It seems so. So, are we partners for tonight?”

Florian nodded, visibly satisfied with this unexpected alliance. He knew that, despite being shunned by the others, Elizabeth was a formidable player, and he planned to use her intelligence to his advantage.

Isa, watching the others form partnerships, found herself alone. She frowned slightly, searching for a solution, but every person in the room seemed to have already made their choice. Finally, she turned to the game master, hoping for clarification.

Isa, her voice composed but with a hint of frustration: “I’m the only one without a partner. What does that mean for me, then?”

The game master, ever impassive, responded calmly.

Game Master, with a mysterious smile: “It means, Isa, that you will be hypnotized by whoever drinks the most. Unless, of course, you are the one who drinks the most.”

Isa immediately understood the stakes. She wouldn’t have a partner to help or protect her. She would be alone against everyone, and that made her vulnerable. However, the idea of relying only on herself awakened a fierce determination within her. If she were to be hypnotized, it would be by her own choices, not because of others. She smirked, ready to face this new challenge.

Isa, standing up with confidence: “Very well. I guess I don’t have a choice, then.”

The group then headed to the basement, tension palpable and alliances ready to be tested in this new challenge. Everyone was determined not to lose, because in this house, every loss had a price, and every victory, a hold over another.

The basement, usually calm, now buzzed with a more relaxed, almost festive atmosphere as drinks were poured and emptied at a rapid pace. The game master observed the participants with an enigmatic smile, savoring this evening that promised to shift certain dynamics.

Florian quickly aligned himself with Elizabeth, aware of her position as an outcast after the recent events. She sat in a corner, watching the others while sipping her drink, her attitude clearly that of a woman withdrawn, lost in her thoughts.

Florian, approaching her with his usual calculated smile, started the conversation in a soft, almost conspiratorial tone: “So, Elizabeth, it seems you’re in a delicate position. The outcast club, does that sound familiar? Maybe we should team up, you and I. We could create a different dynamic, without needing to please these hypocrites.”

Elizabeth looked up at him with a hint of disgust in her eyes. Florian, with his cold assurance and mischievous smiles, had always made her uncomfortable. She knew he was formidable, a manipulator as skilled as she was, but the idea of teaming up with him didn’t sit well.

Elizabeth, shaking her head slightly, her tone detached: “Florian… you may be used to being hated, but I’m not. You disgust me a little, to be honest. I don’t think we need to team up.”

Florian didn’t lose his smile, amused by Elizabeth’s sharp response. He knew she was trying to maintain control, even in her ostracized state, but he could sense her vulnerabilities. If he were to exploit them, it would be later.

Florian, with a slight shrug: “As you wish, Elizabeth. But don’t forget that alliances are often the shortest path to power. It’s up to you if you’d rather stay alone.”

He quietly walked away, leaving her alone with her thoughts. He then made his way to where Melody and Adrien sat.

Meanwhile, Isa, true to herself, approached the evening with some reluctance. She didn’t like drinking, especially not in large quantities. However, she knew that if she didn’t participate, she would end up under the control of whoever drank the most. She valued her control too much to let that happen without a fight.

Isa, slightly annoyed, eyed the bottles of white wine placed in front of her. She chose the only option she could tolerate: a sweet white wine. She poured herself a first glass and drank it slowly, disliking every sip but knowing it was necessary. After three glasses, she was already feeling the effects—a slight dizziness, a sensation of lightness. She forced herself to continue, but by the time she reached five glasses, she was clearly tipsy. Her gaze became more glassy, her movements slower, and she was starting to hate the taste of wine in her mouth. Each sip became a struggle.

Isa, in a slurred voice, talking to herself: “I really hate this…”

She attempted a sixth glass, but by the seventh, she couldn’t anymore. She placed her glass down with a grimace of disgust, unable to drink another drop.

Isa, resigned, murmured softly: “That’s enough… I can’t anymore…”

She knew then that she would be hypnotized by whoever drank the most. The prospect half-terrified her, but her body refused to cooperate. She slumped back in her chair, her mind floating, observing the room in a daze.

Meanwhile, Lily was playing a different game. Since the beginning of the evening, she had made no secret of her intention to seduce Nate. She knew all eyes were on her, but it didn’t bother her. Every smile she gave him, every gesture directed at him was calculated to spark his interest. Her manners, both light and seductive, left no doubt about her intentions.

Lily, with a playful smile, leaning slightly toward Nate: “Nate, you’re handling this pretty well, huh? I think you’re holding your alcohol better than anyone here. I wonder… how much more you can drink before you really feel it.”

She gave him suggestive looks, her gestures becoming more intimate. She moved closer to him, brushing his arm, playing with his hair, laughing at his jokes, even the most mundane ones. Nate, though troubled by the intensity of the attention she was giving him, couldn’t help but respond to her charm. He found her captivating, and the alcohol helped disinhibit his reactions.

Nate, smiling awkwardly: “I think I’m still doing okay. But if you keep encouraging me, I might have to prove how far I can go.”

Lily laughed softly, moving even closer, her fingers now lightly grazing his shoulder, her breath warm against his ear.

Lily, in a soft and provocative voice: “I’m sure you can go very far, Nate. But be careful, I might just outdo you.”

Lily, under the influence of her hypnosis, found herself trapped in an endless cycle of desire. The more she tried to capture Nate’s attention, the more she fell under her own spell. Her desire to attract him grew into an uncontrollable obsession. Every gesture she made, every look exchanged, fed a growing need within her—to seduce him, to possess him, to make him succumb.

Sitting next to Nate, the tension in her body rose as the alcohol removed her inhibitions. She crossed and uncrossed her legs, subtly drawing attention to her feet, which were still in socks.

Lily, smiling, immediately noticed the effect she had on him. A shiver of pleasure ran through her body. She slowly slipped her foot out of her sock, revealing it under the table like a silent offering to Nate. Her bare foot, soft and smooth, brushed against Nate's leg under the table, causing him to flinch slightly, caught between excitement and surprise. The light touch sent a wave of excitement through Lily as well, intensifying her desire to captivate Nate.

Lily, with a teasing smile, leaned closer to him and whispered in a soft, seductive tone: “You like that, Nate?”

She didn’t give him a chance to respond, her toes slowly gliding up his leg under the table. The intimacy of the gesture heightened the already electric atmosphere. Nate, already disarmed by Lily’s advances and Isa’s presence, felt his desire rising, his gaze fixated on Lily’s exposed foot.

Isa, observing the scene, felt a mixture of anger and fear. Her daughter was using her feet, something Isa had always kept hidden, something too personal to expose. The audacity of Lily’s move put Isa in a precarious position. Isa realized she needed to act. Her subtle attempts to seduce Nate were no longer enough. She would have to escalate her own game, crossing lines she had always refused to cross. Adjusting her already revealing blouse, she moved closer to Nate, knowing full well that his weakness for her body, especially her chest, could pull him back.

Isa, with a sensual voice, leaned in close to Nate, gently brushing his arm: “Nate, darling… you seem distracted. Look at me for a moment…”

She deliberately adjusted her posture, offering Nate an even more tantalizing view of her cleavage. Every movement she made, whether adjusting her necklace or fiddling with the fabric of her blouse, was designed to capture his attention. She knew that her body, heightened by the hypnosis, had an almost magnetic effect on him.

Lily, noticing her mother’s maneuver, felt a surge of jealousy wash over her. She couldn’t lose Nate’s attention now, not after nearly hypnotizing him with her feet. Without hesitation, she upped the stakes. Slowly, under the table, she placed her bare foot directly on Nate’s thigh, applying light pressure. Her smile grew with satisfaction as she saw the immediate effect it had on him.

Nate, caught between these two powerful forces, didn’t know where to focus. His gaze darted between Isa’s generous cleavage, which held an almost hypnotic allure, and Lily’s delicate foot provocatively moving up his leg. He was literally captivated, his mind clouded by the hypnosis and the growing excitement. He could feel desire overtaking him, unable to resist the simultaneous seductions.

Isa, sensing that Lily was gaining too much ground, decided to abandon all pretense of subtlety. She leaned in even closer, her lips near Nate’s ear, her warm breath sending shivers down his spine: “You remember, Nate… what you told me last time? How much you loved being close to me.”

She accentuated her words by letting her hand brush Nate’s chest, a gesture more direct and intimate. Isa knew she had to recapture his attention fully, pulling him away from Lily’s growing influence.

Lily, however, wasn’t giving up. Feeling Nate’s desire intensify, she slid her foot higher, closer to his groin, her movements slow and calculated. Each touch was designed to draw him further under her control. Her own thoughts were becoming increasingly clouded by her growing obsession with Nate. The hypnosis had taken over her mind, turning her own seduction attempts into a self-consuming desire.

Lily, her voice full of longing, her eyes burning with passion: “Nate, let me show you… just how much I can please you.”

Isa, recognizing the escalating battle for Nate’s attention, straightened up and adopted a more authoritative tone, her voice cutting through the tension: “Lily, I think you’re being a little too bold. Nate isn’t a toy. Right, Nate?”

Lily, slightly tipsy, burst into laughter as she looked at Nate with a playful grin. The alcohol had loosened her inhibitions, and her thoughts, already muddled by hypnosis, became even more direct.

“Nate, you know what? My feet could be your toys… they’re so sensitive and ticklish,” she said with a mischievous smile.

Nate, already torn between Lily’s advances and Isa’s seduction, felt another wave of excitement as the word "ticklish" echoed in his mind, triggering an immediate response. His eyes instinctively moved back to Lily’s exposed foot, gleaming under the dim light. The smoothness of her skin, coupled with the promise of sensitivity, awakened a nearly unbearable desire in him. The thought of watching her react to his touch, to his teasing, ignited a fire in him, making him even more receptive.

Lily, noticing the instant effect she had on Nate, smiled with satisfaction, but her triumph was short-lived. Isa, observing the scene closely, couldn’t let her daughter take the upper hand so easily. Her smile turned colder, and she assumed a more dominant posture.

“Oh, Lily,” Isa retorted, her voice soft but laced with challenge. “You know as well as I do that you’re not the most sensitive in this house…”

Lily furrowed her brow, turning to her mother with a mix of confusion and defiance.

Isa, lazily playing with her necklace, continued, “According to your file, I believe it’s me who has the most sensitive feet here. I take such good care of them, and I follow my routine every night. Trust me, Nate, when I tell you no one has feet as soft and sensitive as mine.”

Nate, caught between his attraction to Lily and Isa’s allure, turned his attention back to Isa, intrigued by her words. He knew Isa well, and the hypnosis that heightened his attraction to her breasts already intensified his desire for her. But now, she was subtly using his foot fetish against him. His mind was swirling with conflicting temptations.

He leaned slightly toward Isa, his interest evident in his voice: “Your routine? Tell me more…”

Isa smiled, savoring the effect her words had on Nate. She knew that every detail she shared would captivate him even further. She shifted into a more sensual position, allowing her cleavage to become even more prominent as she adjusted her shoulders.

“Oh, Nate,” she whispered in a low, seductive voice, “every night, I take the time to pamper my feet with special care. First, I soak them in a warm bath infused with essential oils, making the skin incredibly soft.” She let her finger trace lightly along her chest, as if accentuating the intimacy of her confession.

“Then, I exfoliate them slowly, removing every little rough spot. I massage every inch until they’re so smooth that no one could resist touching them…”

Nate, completely absorbed by her words, stared at Isa with growing intensity. His mind was already painting vivid images of what she described—the scent of the oils, the softness of her skin. Everything Isa said played on his foot fetish, drawing him deeper into her web.

Isa, seeing that she had captured his full attention, continued, her voice becoming more suggestive: “Next, I moisturize them with a special cream, massaging it in gently until they’re almost silky to the touch. And finally, I make sure they’re well-groomed—every nail perfectly trimmed, every detail impeccable. They have to be perfect… because, you know, Nate, well-cared-for feet are a real treasure.”

Lily, feeling that she was losing Nate’s attention, tried to regain control, but her mother’s words had shaken her. She had always known that Isa had power over men, but she hadn’t expected her mother to use a fetish like this in such a calculated manner. Lily, though hypnotized to seduce Nate, felt her own growing desire for him intensify with every passing second.

Isa, leaning slightly closer to Nate, exuded an aura of confidence and sensuality. She knew she was playing multiple angles at once—her physical charms and the subtle manipulation of Nate’s foot fetish. Her feet, which she had always kept hidden and protected, were now becoming a potent weapon of seduction.

Nate, meanwhile, was torn. Lily, with her bare and delicate feet teasing his leg, was irresistibly tempting, but Isa’s detailed description of her foot care and the way she played with his fetish left him conflicted. His mind was a storm of contradictory desires, each word and touch heightening the intensity of his arousal.

Florian, sitting slightly in the background, observed the unfolding scene between Isa, Lily, and Nate with great interest. He hadn’t missed a single detail of their interactions. The way Lily teased with her feet and Isa’s suggestive description of her foot routine had clearly stirred something in him. The mixture of alcohol and palpable sexual tension in the room was raising the temperature, and Florian, though drinking heavily, seemed to handle the alcohol like a true colossus. His ability to stay lucid while consuming a staggering amount of alcohol set him apart from the others, and he intended to use it to his advantage.

Adrien, sitting not far from him, seemed slightly more affected by the alcohol, his gaze occasionally uncertain. Florian, who had already noticed certain signs in Adrien—particularly his frequent glances at Melody’s feet and the feet of the other women—decided to approach him. He knew Adrien wasn’t entirely comfortable with the dynamic that was forming around him, but the alcohol could perhaps break down some of his barriers.

“So, Adrien, you holding up okay?” Florian asked with a sly grin, his sharp gaze fixed on his companion.

Adrien nodded with a slight, nervous laugh. “Yeah… a bit tipsy, but I’m fine. And you? You seem like the alcohol isn’t affecting you at all.”

Florian shrugged, feigning indifference. “Let’s just say I’ve got experience. These kinds of nights… you get used to them.”

They continued exchanging a few words, with Florian subtly encouraging Adrien to drink more, filling his glass whenever it was empty. Florian knew that the more Adrien drank, the more malleable he would become. Meanwhile, Melody, also slightly tipsy, was lounging on the couch, watching Adrien and Florian with a distant gaze. Her laughter was lighter, more carefree, and she seemed less concerned with the escalating tension in the room.

At one point, Florian, approaching Melody almost casually, let his hand slip under the table, gently brushing against her foot. Melody, taken by surprise, giggled and pulled back slightly before laughing again.

“Hey… you’re touching my feet now?” she said with a soft, slightly slurred laugh, her cheeks flushed from the alcohol.

Florian smiled and replied in a laid-back tone, “Just trying to help you relax. You seem tense.” His hand, still on her foot, began to gently massage her ankle with practiced precision. Melody didn’t resist; instead, she seemed to relax further, enjoying the soothing sensation.

Adrien, though a bit drunk, observed the scene. Normally, he would have felt jealous or uncomfortable, but tonight, with the alcohol blurring his thoughts and the charged atmosphere, he found himself reacting differently. Instead of feeling possessive, a strange idea popped into his head.

“Florian,” Adrien said suddenly, his voice slightly slow and slurred, “how about you… massage both of us? Melody likes it, and I wouldn’t mind it either.”

Florian raised an eyebrow, surprised by Adrien’s suggestion, but he wasn’t one to pass up an opportunity. Melody, still slightly tipsy, giggled at Adrien’s unexpected comment. Without much thought, she lifted her feet and placed them on Florian’s lap.

“Why not? It’s a relaxing night, isn’t it?” she laughed, her voice playful and carefree.

Florian accepted the challenge, his hands moving skillfully along Melody’s feet, massaging them with a confident touch. He took his time, savoring each moment of contact, running his fingers across her soles with precision. Melody let out a contented sigh, closing her eyes as she relaxed into the sensation.

Gradually, under the table, Florian began to slip off Melody’s socks, revealing the soft skin of her feet. Melody let out a nervous giggle, wiggling her toes slightly as her bare feet were exposed. She squirmed a bit in her seat, a lighthearted reaction to the unexpected sensation.

“It tickles a little…” she murmured with a soft laugh but didn’t pull her feet away. Instead, she seemed to indulge in the moment, enjoying the gentle teasing and relaxation.

Adrien, meanwhile, watched with a strange expression on his face. His eyes were drawn to every movement Florian made on Melody’s feet, his hands kneading and caressing them with surprising expertise. Adrien’s smile wavered slightly, as if caught between pleasure and unease, but something inside him prevented him from speaking out or stopping the scene unfolding before him.

Melody, though relaxed and seemingly carefree, eventually noticed the change in Adrien’s gaze. As Florian continued massaging her bare feet, she glanced over at Adrien, catching his odd, almost strained expression. For a moment, a flicker of doubt crossed her mind, but it was quickly drowned out by the effects of the alcohol.

“Everything okay, Adrien?” Melody asked, her tone still playful, though tinged with a touch of concern.

Adrien nodded, but his eyes remained fixed on Melody’s feet in Florian’s hands. “Yeah, everything’s fine… enjoy yourself.”

Despite his words, the tension in Adrien’s face told a different story. He wasn’t entirely comfortable, but he couldn’t seem to bring himself to act on his discomfort. Instead, he sat back, trying to mask his conflicted feelings with a smile.

Melody, slightly troubled by Adrien’s expression but still caught up in the moment, let herself drift back into relaxation. She decided to enjoy the evening, though a small part of her mind remained cautious of Adrien’s growing silence.

Florian, on the other hand, continued his careful massaging, taking pleasure in the control he subtly exerted over the situation. His hands moved with precision, caressing every part of Melody’s feet with a sense of mastery. The excitement that buzzed within him was masked by his cool exterior, but his satisfaction was evident in the way his fingers lingered just a bit too long in certain spots.

As the night wore on, Florian’s boldness grew. He gently removed Melody’s other sock, fully exposing both of her feet, and his touch became more deliberate, more confident. Melody’s laughter became softer, her reactions more subdued as she relaxed into the soothing motions of his hands.

Florian, under the guise of a simple foot massage, was playing his own game, using the charged atmosphere and the influence of the alcohol to manipulate the situation to his advantage.

Meanwhile, Elizabeth, sitting across the room, quietly observed everything that was happening. The entire night had been a blur of tension, seduction, and power struggles, and it wasn’t lost on her that something deeper was brewing. The men were clearly drawn to the women’s feet, and the attention they paid to this particular fetish seemed to be growing with each passing moment.

Elizabeth watched as Florian touched Melody’s feet, as Nate ogled Lily’s, and as Isa used her own feet as part of her seduction strategy. It was clear that feet had become a central part of the power dynamics in the house, something she had once considered trivial. But now, seeing how the men were becoming hypnotized by it, she couldn’t help but reconsider.

The suggestion she had been hypnotized with was slowly taking hold. Each interaction, each glance, each touch involving feet was reinforcing a new truth within her: if she wanted to regain control, she needed to embrace this fetish and use it to her advantage. What she had once viewed with disdain was now becoming a powerful tool she could wield, and it was only a matter of time before she took full advantage of it.

The scene in front of her, Florian massaging Melody’s feet while Adrien watched with a mix of tension and excitement, was a clear indication of just how powerful this dynamic could be. If someone like Florian, a calculating manipulator, could lose his composure in this way, then anyone could be controlled through this subtle yet effective form of seduction.

Elizabeth’s mind raced as she strategized her next moves. She knew that in order to fully exploit this dynamic, she needed to get over her own aversion to feet and make them her weapon. She had been on the sidelines for too long, and it was time for her to reclaim her influence. She was ready to turn the tide of power in her favor, and she would use every tool at her disposal.

As the night continued, the tension only grew, and the games of seduction, manipulation, and control spiraled deeper into new territory. The players, caught up in the mix of alcohol, desire, and hypnotic suggestions, were all on the brink of something inevitable.

Florian, after his little adventure at the table with Melody’s feet, stood up discreetly, pretending to excuse himself to the restroom. The others were too engrossed in their drinks, conversation, or subtle games of seduction to notice his quiet departure. His mind, however, was already racing with plans. He had drunk more than everyone else and was set to dominate the next phase of the game.

As he ascended the stairs, leaving the increasingly heated atmosphere of the basement behind, his thoughts drifted to Isa’s earlier monologue about her carefully maintained feet. Something about it had struck a chord with him. Isa had always been untouchable, meticulously controlling her image, and now, her careful narrative around her feet had presented him with an opportunity.

Florian quietly crept into Isa’s bedroom. He knew she wasn’t there and that she took great care in her nightly routine, especially regarding the creams and oils she used to maintain her allure. Moving swiftly, he located the jar of cream on her vanity, the very one she had so proudly mentioned earlier. The plan that had formed in his mind, fueled by a mix of excitement and inebriation, was reckless, but the potential rewards made it irresistible.

He opened the jar, the rich scent of the cream wafting up. Without hesitation, Florian pulled out his cock, and started masturbating. He did not take long to reach his climax, and mixed the cream with his.

As he set the pot of cream down, something else caught his eye. On the desk, under some papers, a file stuck out slightly. He moved closer to get a better look and realized it was his file. Florian immediately understood the value of this document and what he could do with it, coupled with the memory modifier, he could make anyone believe many things.

Satisfied, Florian made his way back to the basement after having stolen the file, his heart racing, not only because of his sneaky actions but also because of the power he felt growing within him. He had manipulated the night, set the stage for future events, and now had leverage over Isa.

When he reentered the basement, the atmosphere had shifted further. The others were drinking more heavily, their voices a bit louder, their actions more carefree. Nate was now fully engrossed in the attention from both Isa and Lily. His gaze flickered between Isa’s cleavage and Lily’s bare feet, clearly struggling to control his desires as they played on both of his hypnoses. Melody, meanwhile, was stretched out on the couch, her feet resting on Florian’s empty chair, looking entirely relaxed from the massage he had given her earlier. Adrien, though seemingly relaxed, continued to watch her closely, his emotions swirling between pleasure and jealousy.

The game master, ever the silent observer, took note of Florian’s return and gave a subtle nod. Florian smirked. He had drunk the most, which meant the power to hypnotize others tonight belonged to him.

The game master, in a deep, resonant voice, broke through the noise in the room: “It’s time to declare the results of our little drinking game.”

Instantly, everyone who had lost froze. Their eyes lost their shine, their bodies seemed to relax completely, as if their will had just been taken from them. They were in a trance, unable to react to anything around them.

Adrien, standing in front of Melody, felt the excitement rising within him. He now had the power to shape her as he wished. Standing before her, the game master, at her side, whispered:

“Melody, from now on, you will be obedient, you will be afraid that Adrien will leave you if you don’t do everything to make him happy. »

The words floated in the air, slowly penetrating Melody's mind, already void of any resistance. Her face remained impassive, but somewhere in her mind, a seed of submission had been planted, ready to sprout as soon as she came to her senses.

Florian was unsurprisingly the one who had drunk the most. In addition to the hypnosis, he pocketed 10 tokens for his resounding victory. He approached Elizabeth, his arrogant smile never leaving him. He knew that he had control over this woman who had always displayed an almost implacable coldness. She stood there, motionless, unable to do anything to stop him.

The game master, at his side, whispered Florian's hypnosis directly to Elizabeth:

"Every time you make a man cum, every feeling of domination you experience will bring back your libido, little by little. One day, this desire that you have repressed for so long will overwhelm you."

Elizabeth, in a trance, remained stoic, but her mind recorded everything. Florian knew that he had just opened a breach in his mental armor. Every act of domination she inflicted on herself would bring her closer to her own vulnerability, trapping her in a spiral of desire from which she would never be able to escape.

Then he turned to Isa, the centerpiece of his plan. Isa, who had maintained a certain dignity all evening despite the alcohol, was now at his mercy. Her features froze in the trance, but Florian could sense the inner struggle she must be going through, even in this state. He approached her and, without hesitation, signaled to the game master.

“For Isa,” Florian said, his tone growing more predatory, “I want her to develop a heightened sensitivity to… certain stimuli. Every time she comes into contact with a man’s semen, her body will react more intensely, especially in the areas where it touches her. The more contact, the more erogenous those areas will become.”

The game master delivered the hypnotic suggestion with precision, and Isa’s eyes flickered slightly as the command took hold. Florian watched her closely, enjoying the subtle tension in her posture. She was proud and powerful, but now, there was a new vulnerability within her that he could exploit.

Nate, for his part, was looking at Lily with a glint of satisfaction in his eyes. Lily, for her part, stood there, inert, unable to move or speak. Her need for Nate’s attention had been palpable all night, and now he was going to take advantage of it even more.

“Lily,” the game master whispered in her ear, “the moment you feel like you no longer have Nate’s attention, you’ll go even further to get it. You won’t be able to help but seduce him.”

Lily remained still, but her mind, like those of the other hypnotized, registered every word, every new suggestion implanted in her subconscious. She was now a prisoner of her own desire, unable to escape Nate’s hold.

Once the hypnotic suggestions had been spoken, the game master snapped his fingers, erasing the memories that needed to be erased.

Florian, feeling the victory was his, slipped into the shadows, while the others began to resume their conversations or search for an escape from the palpable tension that filled the room. The power he held over Elizabeth and Isa was his greatest asset, while Adrien savored the thought of having Melody completely submissive to him.

Isa, after the alcohol-filled evening and intense manipulations, felt slightly dizzy, but her methodical nature pushed her to maintain her nightly care routine. As the others retreated to their rooms for the night, she cast a glance at Lily, who was becoming increasingly uncontrollable under the influence of alcohol and hypnosis. Isa didn’t trust what her daughter might do, driven by her growing impulses for Nate. With a touch of authority, she calmly told her:

‘Tonight, you’ll sleep with me. I’m not leaving you alone, not with everything that’s happening. Go wait for me in my room.’

Lily, though disappointed, obeyed and headed towards the bedroom. Isa then made her way to the bathroom to start her routine. She took out the cream she used every night and applied a thin layer to her feet, making sure to massage every inch thoroughly. But soon, a strange sensation troubled her. The cream, though familiar, seemed to react differently on her skin. A gentle warmth settled in, subtle at first, but slowly growing, like a shiver that lingered longer than expected.

Isa furrowed her brow. This is... new, she thought, as a light wave of pleasure began to spread from her heels to her toes. She continued her massage, but the sensation continued to rise, slowly but steadily. It disturbed her. She wasn’t used to this kind of reaction, especially not during her routine, which she considered a sacred moment of focus and recentring.

Her instincts told her to stop, to not pursue this unfamiliar feeling, but she forced herself to continue. No, it’s just habit, she told herself, convincing herself it was all in her head. But despite her resolve, the sensation intensified. It wasn’t a brutal or overwhelming pleasure—it was more subtle, almost hypnotic. A soft heat gradually accumulating, as if her feet, previously shielded from any sensuality, were beginning to awaken something within her.

She froze for a moment, her mind troubled by this surge of sensations. My feet… why now? she wondered. They had always remained hidden, inaccessible to others’ gazes, precisely to avoid this kind of vulnerability. Isa refused to believe there was something else behind this, something she hadn’t noticed. Her control over her own sensuality, over her body, had always been a priority.

Mechanically, she slipped on her special socks, as she did every night, to ensure the cream was well absorbed. But even as she put them on, the fabric brushing against her feet added a layer to this strange yet pleasant sensation. Isa clenched her teeth, trying to push the feeling out of her mind. She wasn’t going to let herself be distracted by this, not after years of mastery. Her routine was sacred; it represented her identity, her power over control, and she wasn’t going to let this moment slip away from her.

Isa slowly stood up, her feet still enveloped in the pleasant warmth the cream continued to diffuse. The weight of the day, and now this persistent, strange sensation, exhausted her more than she wanted to admit. She walked towards the bedroom, determined to ignore what had happened. But deep down, she knew she would have to face this change sooner or later. Why now?

Tired, Isa eventually lay down and fell asleep. In her dream, Isa found herself in a grand, luxurious living room, dimly lit. She was dressed sensually, in a dress that accentuated her chest, just as she liked to draw attention without ever losing control. Yet, something was different. She felt a soft warmth begin to rise in her feet, just like during her nightly care routine, but this time, the sensation was more intense, more insistent.

Nate was there, sitting on a large couch, watching Isa with desire in his eyes, his gaze fixed on her feet, which she had always kept hidden. Florian was there too, lurking in the shadows, but she felt his presence. She knew he was watching as well, but in a different way. He seemed to be waiting for his moment, like a patient predator.

Isa tried to maintain her composure, to stay cold and detached, but the excitement rose within her. Her feet, so sensitive under the imaginary caress of the cream, began to betray her. Nate approached, his gaze shifting, and this time it wasn’t her chest that interested him. He knelt before her, his hands brushing against her ankles before slowly moving upward. His fingers gently grazed her feet through her socks, and in that moment, Isa felt a violent shiver, the sensation almost unbearable—troubling yet incredibly pleasant.

Florian then approached, silently. He stayed back, observing Nate as if gauging his reactions, but Isa felt she was no longer in control of the situation. For the first time, she felt control slipping away completely. Nate removed her socks, exposing her bare feet to the air, a situation Isa would have never allowed in reality. But here, in this dream, she didn’t protest. She let it happen. Every touch from Nate intensified the heat flooding her body, and she realized that her feet, usually protected, were becoming the source of her pleasure.

At that moment, Florian stepped closer. He whispered words in her ear, words she didn’t fully understand, but they seemed to play with her nerves. He didn’t touch her yet, but his voice alone awakened an uncontrollable desire within her. He spoke of his power over her, how he could make her succumb just by his presence. She saw him pull out the cream she used every night and watched as he poured it over her feet slowly, massaging the lotion as if he knew exactly what she was feeling. The sensation grew even more intense.

Nate, driven by his own foot fetish, continued to caress and lightly tickle her feet, causing her to pant. Isa, who had always maintained control over her libido and desires, suddenly felt lost in this ocean of sensations. Her chest, though still exposed, was no longer the center of attention. It was through her feet that her entire body seemed to awaken. Florian, sensing her vulnerability, murmured that he could keep massaging her like this all night, but he would wait for her to fully give in to her desires before taking it further.

Isa, now lying down, her feet still in Nate's hands, experienced a surge of pleasure she had never imagined possible, all while feeling that the total control of her own sexuality was now in the hands of these two men. Florian smiled from the shadows, satisfied that he had finally uncovered Isa’s most vulnerable side, while Nate, unaware of her internal struggle, remained fully captivated by her feet, completely absorbed by his fetish.

She woke up in a sweat, troubled by this dream, wondering if she would still be able to maintain control in reality or if she would eventually succumb to these long-repressed desires.
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