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Untold Tales of Unknown University: Making Michael Pay (M/M Intense)


2nd Level Red Feather
Jan 23, 2004
Here's a tale of kinky ticklish enslavement from the secret archives of that bastion of hilarious higher learning, Unknown University. Poor Michael! He shouldn't have teased his roomie—and he should NEVER have supplemented his income from the bookstore receipts!



Making Michael Pay


T.T. Gore


During my freshman year at Unknown University, I had the good luck to be assigned a room in Stanley Hall, a brand-new dorm with all the amenities. Each student has a small suite consisting of a bedroom, a small living room and a kitchenette. Two suites shared a common bathroom. That was how I happened to meet Michael…sweet, sexy Michael…

From the moment I first laid eyes on them, Michael’s curvy derriere and shapely legs dominated my sexual fantasy life. Indeed, everything about him aroused me: his pale olive complexion, silken skin, big brown eyes, long lashes, pouty lips, slender yet well-toned physique, the dark hairs that adorned his supple limbs…

Michael soon became the undisputed star of my solitary late-night masturbation fantasies. And he knew it—oh, yes, the bastard KNEW it! I could tell from the way he sashayed past me when we happened to meet in the bathroom. He never locked the door, he was always naked or nearly so, and there was usually a slight, mocking smile playing about his lips…

But when after much hesitation I came on to him, Michael put me off. He pretended that he didn’t understand what I was getting at. Hah! He understood what I wanted, all right. And knowing that I lusted after him, the cock-teasing little tramp took pleasure in tormenting me!

“Yeah,” he’d say with a sly laugh. “We both need girlfriends, Tommy!” And he’d give me a playful slap on the ass, the monster!

This unrequited passion for my sexy but heartless roomie might have been the sad, frustrating story of my freshman year at U.U.—but for a happy accident of fate.

It just so happened that Michael had a work-study job at the campus book store. And it turned out that his cock-teasing ways constituted a pointer to other, more serious character flaws. Not to put too fine a point on it, but Michael was a crook. He was skimming money from the daily receipts and hiding his thievery with some fancy accounting footwork. Did I mention that Michael was a math major? If you ask me, that’s one sure sign of a devious mind. But he made the mistake of leaving some incriminating evidence of his criminality lying around in his suite—where I found it one day while snooping through his things.

Yes, yes, I know—that wasn’t very cool of me. Put it down to my burgeoning sexual obsession with sweet Michael. The point is that I now possessed information that could get him kicked out of school and perhaps even prosecuted. Bad for my roomie…but very convenient for me…

“Omygod!” he cried when I confronted him with the unambiguous evidence of his crime. “Omygod Tommy! Please, you CAN’T turn me in! You just CAN’T!”

“Can’t I?” I patted Michael’s thigh—he was wearing a skimpy bathrobe and it had fallen open. “Hmmm, well, that depends on you, Michael.”

“W-w-w-what do you mean?” he stammered.

“I mean that you have a choice, Michael.” I replied, running my hand along his thigh. “You can let me hand the evidence over to the university authorities and take your punishment like a man, or you can accept MY punishment!”

“Y-y-y-your punishment?” He actually cringed. Perhaps, thanks to the presence of my hand on his thigh, he already realized where I was going. “Uh, you shouldn’t TOUCH me like that, Tommy…”

“I shouldn’t? You’re probably right.” I removed my hand. “But how about it, Michael? Are you willing to let ME administer your punishment, or would you prefer to deal with the law?”

“Just tell me what you want!” he moaned.

So I did. I explained my intentions in great detail. And though Michael protested, and whined, and begged, and even wept, I remained firm in my resolve. And eventually, as I knew he would, Michael caved in.

What choice did he have, really?



“Oh, my goodness, cupcake, you can laugh louder than THAT!” I snickered. “Come on, let’s HEAR it!”


Poor Michael! There wasn’t much he could do to defend himself. After commanding him to remove his clothes and tying his wrists together I’d strung him up to one of the exposed pipes with which the basement ceiling was plentifully supplied. Then I’d bound his ankles to either end of a barbell loaded down with three hundred pounds of weights and hoisted him just high enough to poise him on his toes. Quite a predicament for my reluctant trainee! And quite convenient for me, as it exposed every delicious INCH of his naked body to my devoted attentions!

I should mention here that the venue for our close encounter was the sub-basement of the old Administration Building, a decrepit Gothic pile scheduled for demolition at some indeterminate future date. Vague rumors concerning the illicit purposes for which its subterranean warrens were sometimes used had reached my attentive years. I conducted a stealthy exploration of the premises, eventually locating a snug little corner where Michael and I could work on our relationship without fear of interruption.

I was standing behind sweet Michael at the moment, the better to relish the sight of his curvaceous posterior as it wiggled and jiggled in response to my ticklish assault. Ah, he was tempting me, the little flirt! But the night was young and I had such PLANS for my sexy dorm mate! There was no hurry…no hurry at all…

“EEEEEEEEYAAAAAAAA-HAAA-HAAA-AAAH-HAAA-HAAA-HAAA!!!” he screeched as I dug my nails—carefully honed for the occasion—into his helpless hollows. “OH-HO-HO-OH-HO-OH-HO-HO-OH-NO!!! OH-HO-HO-OH-HO-HO-OH-HO-HO-HO!!!”

“Mmmm, yes, you LOVE it, don’t you, cupcake?” I whispered as I stroked his ribs. “You love being tickled SILLY, don’t you? And you don’t EVER want me to stop, do you? Oh, no, cupcake! You want me to tickle and tickle and TICKLE you until you’re tickled to BITS—!”

Michael’s response to my observation was another howl of demented laughter that echoed through the basement. He writhed and wiggled with frantic energy as I dug my fingers into his ribcage…as I stroked his tense belly…as I teased the ultra-sensitive patch of skin just above the cleft of his quivering buttocks…

“Oooo, you’re VERY ticklish there, cupcake!” I giggled as he wiggled his ass with redoubled desperation in response to my swirling fingertip. “Want MORE? Want me to go DEEP?”

Michael knew what I meant by THAT—and the very suggestion that I might attempt such an unthinkable violation caused him to pitch a FIT!

“No!” he screamed. “Not THERE!” Oh, you CAN”T! I won’t LET you—!”

“Oh, you won’t?” I replied. “But we’d make such a cute COUPLE, cupcake! Don’t you like blondes?” I flexed my fingers and dug them into his thighs, just about the knees. “Well, In that case I guess I’ll just have to keep TICKLING you! Don't you know that blondes have more fun—no matter WHAT?!”


“I do have a confession to make,” I whispered as I stroked his thighs and belly. “I’ve been thinking about doing this for months now, Michael, ever since the first time I saw your sweet ass in the bathroom. And remember when you gave me that slap on the butt, cupcake? Something about it just GOT to me, you know? I just started thinking about what it would be like to get you naked, and tie you up, and tease you, and tickle you, and drive you out of your MIND—!”

“GAAAAAAR-HAR-HAR-AAR-HAR-AAR-HAR-HAR-AAR-HAR-HAR-HAR!!!” Michael bellowed as my fingers scampered back up to torment his ribs. He went up on tiptoe, arched his back and quivered all over. He actually succeeded in making the weights move an inch or two! “BWAAAAAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-HAA!!!”

“And now, cupcake, you’re all MINE!” I stroked his butt cheeks with my sharp nails, causing him to shriek like an adolescent GIRL! “If only you hadn’t stolen all that MONEY!”

“OH-HO-HO-OH-NO-OH-HO-HO-HO-OH-HO-HO-HO!!!” he howled, jerking his torso to and fro in a frantic but futile effort to evade my scampering fingers. “HAA!!! HAA!!! EEEEYAAAA-HAA-HAA!!! YAA-HAA-HAA-YAA-HAA-HAA-HAA-YAA-HAA!!!”

Needless to say, watching Michael dance madly at the end of a rope just because I was giving him a little tickle made ME feel rather hot and bothered! This presented a problem for, as you’ve probably guessed already, I was just as naked as he was. At one point I realized that I was tickling him with one hand and stroking my own upright organ with the other. I stopped that immediately—it was WAY too early for either ONE of us to experience the pleasure of a consummated relationship! But I didn’t stop the tickling! In fact, I decided at that moment that it was time for some SLAP and tickle!

Michael’s wiggling ass made SUCH an inviting target! CRACK! “HIIIIIIEEEEEE!!!”

“So is THIS what you like?” I asked, preparing to deliver a second slap. “It’s certainly what you DESERVE, you cock-teasing little FLIRT!”


“Mmmm, I think you DO like it!”


“Is it getting you EXCITED, cupcake?” I whispered. “Does it make you want to CUM?”


I spanked him until his butt cheeks turned a blushing shade of pink. Then I resumed the tickling!

“EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HIIIIEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE!!!” Michael screamed, wiggling his ass even harder now that I’d warmed it up for him. Standing behind him, stroking his armpits, I couldn’t tell whether he was sporting a hard-on. But I had no doubt that before too long, sweet Michael would be in a VERY manly way—!

And perhaps it might facilitate matters if we were face to face! No sooner had the thought occurred to me than I stepped around to check on the progress of his reeducation. Sadly, Michael hadn’t entered into the spirit of our little tryst—not yet. But I was confident that my own good example would provide the necessary motivation…

His eyes widened and he gasped at the sight of my tumid tool. “See?” I whispered, stepping closer and patting his flushed cheek. “If I can do it, cupcake, YOU can do it!”

“Omygod!” he blubbered! “Omygod NO!”

“Oh, so you’ve changed your mind about our little deal, have you? Okay!” I snickered. “If that’s the way you want it, Michael. Let me make just one phone call, then I’ll untie you.”

“No, wait!” he cried. “Omygod PLEASE don’t turn me in!” Poor Michael was positively blubbering. “I’ll do ANYTHING—anything you SAY!”

“You will?” I patted his squirming ass. “Mmmm, now THAT sounds interesting! But how can I BELIEVE you, cupcake? Sure, you’ll promise me anything to get out of this predicament. But what if you change your mind later?”

“How can I?” he whimpered. “You’ve got me by the balls, Tommy.”

“Interesting way of putting it,” I observed. “But you’re right, of course. I can make you do anything. But can I make you ENJOY your punishment…?”

I moved closer still…and ran my fingers through the tangled curls of his pubic hair…

“EEEEEEEEK!!!” Michael squealed. “Stop! Don’t! Omygod! You can’t put your HAND there—!”

“Ah, but I can, cupcake!” He writhed as I continued to toy with his pubic hair—and he shrieked like a GIRL when my fingertips began to caress his BALLS!

“ARRRRRRGH!!!” he screeched. “GAAAAAA!!! I won’t let you DO this to me—!”

“But don’t you remember?” I reminded him as I continued to tickle that most delicate portion of Michael’s masculine anatomy. “You said you’d do ANYTHING!”

At this point, poor Michael began to weep.

“Poor you!” I snickered. “Poor, poor little cock teaser! If only you hadn’t stolen all that money from the school bookstore!”

“You said you wouldn’t TELL!” he cried.

“And I won’t cupcake, as long as you continue to cooperate with my little scenario!” I tickled his balls with my fingertips. “You ARE going to cooperate, aren’t you?”

“BWAAAARRRRGH!!!” Michael screamed as I gave his balls an affectionate squeeze. “Oh please don’t DO this! STOP it! I don’t WANT to—!”

“I know you don’t, cupcake, which is half the fun!” I resumed toying with his pubic hair. “You’re going to hate every SECOND of this—but you’re going to perform for me anyway!”

“That’s right! He blubbered. “I’ll HATE it! You’ll NEVER make me like it!”

So he claimed—but the evidence before my eyes indicated otherwise! For Michael’s cock was RISING—and getting LONGER—!

“Hmmm,” I observed. “It looks to me as though your precious PENIS is begging to be PETTED, cupcake!”

“No!” he blubbered. “It ISN’T! Don’t you TOUCH it—!”

“Touch it?” I squeezed his balls again. “Oh, cupcake, don’t worry! I’m just going to POLISH it for you”

“What the fuck does THAT mean?!” he screamed.

“Oh, I’m not going to make you do anything naughty!” I giggled, patting his cheek again. “At least not right now. We’re going to play a different kind of game.” And I displayed the instrument of his impending torture: a piece of scarlet silk two feet long and six inches wide.

“W-w-w-w-what are you going to do with THAT?” Michael stammered.

“Glad you asked, cupcake!” I replied, “Let me show you!”

And snapping the silk taut, I began to buff the swollen head of Michael’s upright organ!

“GAAAAAARRRRRRUGH!!!” he squealed, arching his back and wiggling his curvy derriere. “Omygod NO! Please STOP—it fucking TICKLES! Oh PLEASE you’ve got to fucking STOP it! EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Oh SHIT!!! SHIIIIIIT!!! I can’t fucking TAKE it—!”

“Sure you can, cupcake!” I assured him. “It’s just a little bit of silk…sliding back and forth, back and forth…not too quickly, because we don’t want you to make a MESS…just back and forth, back and forth…”

“EEEEEEYAAAAAAR-HAR-HAR-AAR-HAR-HAR-HAR!!!” he screamed, gyrating his hips in a vain effort to increase the friction between the head of his cock and the silk. “Oh FUCK me—you’re KILLING me—!”

“Really?” I snickered. “Does it TICKLE too much? Hmmm, then maybe I should slow down…”

“BWAAAARRRRUMPH!!!” Michael gasped. “GRRRRRRUGH-UGH-UGH!!!” A plague of goose bumps roughened his skin, causing the dark hairs on his arms and legs to stick up like tiny quills—a detail that struck me as EXTREMELY sexy!

“Still too fast for you?” I inquired snidely as I buffed the tip of his quivering joystick. “Want me to slow down some more?”

Michael blubbered out something that may have been a protest, a plea for mercy or a declaration of love—I couldn’t tell. But it was obvious that my ardent attentions to his erect member had his full and undivided attention. Michael shivered. He writhed. His face was contorted. Squeals of laughter—or were they cries of passion?—poured out of his wide-open mouth. His body was covered with goose bumps and his skin extruded a delicate sweat whose enticing scent filled my flaring nostrils…

“Oh, my GOODNESS, cupcake!” I exclaimed, shifting the silk so as to buff the underside of his shaft. “I could do this all night LONG! Mmmm, yes, I could polish your precious penis until it positively GLOWS!”

And indeed, the head of Michael’s cock was showing the effects of my ministrations. It was swollen, pulsing, well anointed with pre-cum—and bright pink! I couldn’t resist lowering my head for an instant for a taste of that sexy lollipop. Michael shrieked like an adolescent GIRL as my tongue swirled over his cock’s super-sensitive head, capturing every delicious drop of his laboring body’s most rare and priceless essence!

Then I snapped the silk taut again and resumed the labor of love that was driving him out of his stupid MIND!

“EEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!” he screeched. “EEEEEE-EEEEEE-EEEEEEEEEEEEK!!! Oh FUCK! You BASTARD! You’re driving me fucking INSANE—!”

“What did you just call me, cupcake?” I sneered, concentrating my attack on the very tip of his quivering member. “You know, if you get SNOTTY with me, I’ll just have to punish you MORE!”

“YAAAAAARRRRRRRUGH!!!” he screamed, writhing in his bonds like a ferret in heat. “Stop—STOP! Oh PLEASE Tommy! I didn’t MEAN it! I’m so SORRY—!”

“Not sorry ENOUGH, cupcake!” I assured him, snapping the silk tight again. “But you WILL be!”

Over the next hour or so, poor Michael strove desperately to achieve the release that my silken ministrations promised but never quite permitted. Oh, how prettily he BEGGED me to make him cum as I polished the throbbing head of his rock-hard cock! He squeezed out drop after precious drop of delicious pre-cum—which, to his cries of encouragement, I periodically welcomed upon my tongue.

But I would not permit him to achieve orgasm!


“But you LIKE this kind of tickling, cupcake, don’t you?” I breathed. Unable to resist, I treated myself to another taste of his lollipop. “Mmmm, nice! And I think you’re getting CLOSE—!”

“ARRRRRRGGGGGGH!!!” Michael growled. His entire body was shivering in a desperate effort to achieve the release he so ardently craved. “OH SHIT! OH FUCK! OH FUCK-HUCK-HUCKING SHIT YOU’RE MAKING ME CRA-HAY-HAY-ZEEEEEE-HEE-EEEEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE!!!”

And so it went for what seemed to me—and especially to poor Michael!—to be a very long time indeed! Finally, when I judged that he really wouldn’t be able to take any more, I decided to grant my writhing, squealing prisoner a respite. He sobbed with relief when I set the silk aside.

“Oh, Tommy!” he blubbered. “Please, I’m BEGGING you—let me CUM! I think I’ll go CRAZY if you keep DOING this to me!”

“Really?” I snickered, toying with his pubic hair. “But I thought that you LIKED my punishment! Not three minutes ago, you were begging me NOT to stop!”

“I thought that if you did it just a little…and if I could…oh, if you just went FASTER!” he whined. “Omygod I just don’t KNOW! It felt so bad—but if felt SO fucking GOOD—but I couldn’t fucking STAND it—!”

“But you LIKED it, didn’t you?” I whispered, stroking his quivering balls. “Be honest, cupcake! Deep down inside, you absolutely ADORED my tortures…”

“All RIGHT!” he sniveled. “It’s true! I fucking LOVED it! Oh, you BASTARD—why did you STOP—?!”

“Because this is your PUNISHMENT!” I replied in a hard voice. “And it’s just BEGINNING! I allowed you a short break, cupcake—I figured that you needed a few minutes to catch your breath. Now we’ll resume!”

I held up my hands in front of his face and flexed my fingers.

And Michael screamed! And then he laughed! And laughed! And fucking LAUGHED! But no one could hear him, of course…

(To Be Continued!)​
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