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Vellication Vignette: "Siri at the Beach" MMM/F, bare feet


TMF Expert
Oct 8, 2003
The following MMM/F tickle tale is copyright 2013 by the author. All rights reserved, and if preserves are served, please let them be blueberry.

by Tee Hee Lawrence

Siri was tickled.

The mature, full-figured blonde Dane pretty much had the private beach of this small Mediterranean hotel to herself. It was off-season, and it had rained all morning, She was stretched out, oiled, on a beach chair, reading a racy historical and tanning nicely, enjoying the relative solitude. She was actually grateful that the beloved friends she was meeting here wouldn't fly in until the following morning.

There were a handful of other sunbathers, scattered, and none close. She wiggled her toes in the sand happily. Her baby blue toenail polish glistered in the sunlight.

She gave in to a nap. It was that peaceful.

She wasn’t sure how long she’d been dozing when she heard laughter and shouting not so far away. Three young men were sprawled on towels maybe fifty feet away, drinking and laughing, tossing sand and ice at each other.

At first, she was miffed. They had practically the whole beach to horse around in, and they plop themselves so near to her. She was determined to ignore them and stared at her book.

A little while later, she heard them whoop. She peeked over her book to see one of them--a tall blonde--digging in the sand like a dog, throwing huge handfuls behind him. The others were cheering him on. She took the opportunity to look them over. They were certainly handsome and healthy, probably college students, tanned, toned, and very sexy in their Speedos. She wished that they weren’t so close. They were very distracting.

She went back to reading, but renewed shouts drew her furtive gaze. Blondie had flopped, tongue hanging out, onto his back on his towel. Another--a compact guy with curly brown hair--was singing nonsense as he continued digging with his hands in the hole. The third--wiry, with long black hair and Asian features--sang along between swigs from a bottle.

Soon, Brownie was on his back, exhausted, while Blackie was digging in the hole. It was getting pretty deep. She could only see him from the knees up.

She read a bit more, thinking that it must have been close to teatime. When she peeked at the guys, she was startled to see that all three were in the hole. Two of them were in it up to their knees, while she could barely see Blondie’s thighs. His side of the hole was obviously deeper. She chuckled. Just the kind of hole in the sand you’d expect from drunken college boys.

She had barely returned to reading, and had been dreaming of tea and cakes, when she heard a theatrical throat clearing next to her.

“Excuse me…”

It was the brown-haired cutie, standing next to her. Trying not to stare at his Speedo, she noticed that he had lovely brown eyes.

“…but my friends and I--He motioned to the other two, standing by the hole. They waved.--were wondering if we could ask a favor.” He smiled fetchingly, and she couldn’t help but smile back.

“If it’s not too much to ask, we wanted to send our folks a picture showing that we’re being good, and not just partying all the time while we’re here.”

“Oh?” she cocked an eyebrow, skeptically. “How would you do that?”

“Well, we did the vanilla beach thing, and dug in the sand. We just need to show them that we’re having good, clean fun--and not doing what they think.”

“You mean being BAD boys?“ she teased.

He blushed, which was adorable. “Hehheh. Well,….” He couldn’t meet her amused gaze. “I’m Bobby, by the way. My friends are Chris and Sam.”

“I’m Siri. I don’t understand. How can I help you?”

“Well, hehheh, like I said, we wanted to show them that we’re doing normal beach stuff, making friends with normal folks, well, like you.”

“Thank you.” She glanced at her phone for the time, beginning to crave some tea.

“Hehheh. It’ll just take a minute. We’d like to take a picture with you to show them.”

“Sure, dear.” She got up and stretched, slipping her large, tender feet into her beach shoes. “As long as it doesn’t take long. I’m hungry.”

“Hehheh. Me, too. The food here is great, huh?”

“Yes, ha-ha, only I have to be careful to watch my figure.” She walked with him to the others, to whom he introduced her. Chris was the big blonde, and Sam was the Asian. They were even more attractive up close.

She peered into the hole. “Wow! Ha-ha! You boys were busy!” It was surprisingly deep, and even deeper at one end. “But, I can see that none of you is an engineer, ha-ha.”

“Oh, are YOU, Siri?” Chris wondered.

“Nah, heh, I work as a personal trainer at a spa in London.”

“Oh, so you bully folks into losing weight?” Sam cracked.

“Not me, son.” Siri said, winking at him. “I SEDUCE them into making better bodies."
"I can believe THAT," Chris murmurred, as he comically leered at her barely-covered curves.
Now it was HER turn to blush, and, to change the subject, offer, "So, uh, where do you want me to pose?” She was unaware that now SHE was being slyly seduced.

The three exchanged looks, looked at her, and then at the hole.

“Oh, no! Ha-ha!” she cried. “I’m not getting in there!”

“C’mon, Siri,” crooned Bobby, looking so hurt and innocent she had to laugh. “We’ll just bury you--Well, MOST of you!--in the sand, snap a pic with all of us smiling, and dig you out. You’ll be at the hotel for tea in no time.”

“I dunno,“ muttered Siri, looking around at the virtually empty beach. “It seems so silly.”

“That’s the whole point, Siri,” insisted Chris. “We take a silly pic, send it to our folks, and they won’t worry that we’re doing anything but fun stuff here.”

“I’ll get all sandy,” Siri murmured, looking at her bikini.

“We promise to brush every grain off,” offered Sam, seemingly not realizing what a provocative thing he was saying.

She laughed at that. “Oh, ha-ha, all right. Let’s get it over with.”

They helped her into the hole so she sat her butt in the deep end. Careful not to toss any in her face, they quickly, with quiet economy, pushed the sand accumulated on the sides into the hole, completely burying her except for her head and her feet. It wasn’t uncomfortable. The sand was actually pleasingly warm, though she quickly realized that there was so much sand on top of her that she’d definitely need their help to get out.

At that uneasy thought, she craned her neck to see who else was on the beach. It seemed deserted. Everyone else must have gone for tea. She stared up at the three guys smiling down at her. She glanced down at her beach shoes and waggled her feet. She WAS stuck, but what could they do to her after all?

“OK, boys,” she intoned, trying to bravely hide her misgivings and play the adult in this silly situation. “Take your pics and then dig me out, please.”

Each of the boys flashed a phone and, chuckling and cracking wise, circled her, snapping pics.

“Pretty lady in a sand trap!” cried Chris. “Smile!”

“C’mon, smile, blondie,” teased Sam, bending low to get a close-up. “Great head shot!”

“What’s the matter, Siri?” Bobby asked, as he snapped away. “Can’t get out?

“You know bloody well that I can’t!” Siri cried, straining in the sand, but sunk too deeply to rise out by herself.

“Awww!” Chris teased, as he reached down to pinch her nose. “Don’t get your cute nose out of joint.”

“Snop thnat!” she honked, shaking her nose loose and adding a sneeze. “All right. You had your fun,” she stated, with all the dignity that she could summon. “Dig me up or there’ll be trouble!”

“Oh?” smirked Chris, catching her nose again.

Siri jerked her nose free and shouted, “HEEEEELPPPPP! HELLPPP MEEEEEEE!”

The boys looked around, amused, as she craned her neck desperately. “HHHHHEEELLPPP!”

When her cries faded, all that could be heard was the surf and the calls of sea birds.

“Yeah, right!” Sam sneered. “Now, give us a smile.”

Siri, for lack of anything else she could do, stuck her tongue at him. The boys laughed.

“Hey, guys!” Bobby said. “I see somethings that’ll make her smile.” He stepped out of her sight and returned, handing something to each of the others. Kneeling by her head, each of them brandished a long, wide white feather from a sea bird before her stunned eyes.
"WAIT!" she blurted, before catching herself. She definitely didn't like where this silly business was headed. "What are you going to do with--?"
Smiling broadly, they began brushing her helpless face, ears, and neck with the tickly plumes.

“AHHHHH! Stop! Stop it!” She futilely tried evading the feathers, before catching Sam’s in her teeth. He smirked and squeezed her nose. She gasped and let the feather go.

“Hmm…she’s still not smiling, guys,” Chris said.

“I know!” Bobby said, brightly. “Let’s try the OTHER end.”

When she realized what he meant, as the three moved towards her feet, Siri, despite the warm sand, was chilled. “NO, BOYS! WAIT!"
They knelt at her helpless feet and grinned at her. Bobby slowly slipped off her beach shoes and tossed them away. She waggled her extremely tender bare feet and wiggled her long, flexible toes nervously. She swallowed her terror and, said, haltingly, “Now, boys, please...stop this nonsense and dig me out. I’ll, uh, forget all this and, ah, buy you drinks at the Bar Tropical. OK?”

“What’s the matter, Siri?” Bobby teased. “Ticklish?” He swept his feather across her soft, pink soles, and the other two brushed her beestung toes and tanned foot tops.

“NOOOOAAAAAAAAHHAHAHAHAHAAAAAASTAHHHHPPIT!!” Being supremely ticklish on her big bare feet, she screamed and began laughing hysterically, eyes squeezed shut and face reddening.

“Tickle, tickle, little girl,” teased Chris, as he feathered her alternately desperately scrunching and spreading toes.


Chuckling, Sam and Bobby were eagerly brushing her soles, which were turning red and sweaty from the tickly torment.
“Lllllllaugh, llllllllady!” Sam crooned. "Hoohoohoo!"
“Tickling your feet, tickling your feet!” shouted Bobby. "Hehhehhehheh!"


Siri opened her eyes and threw her head back and laughed and laughed as they feathered and feathered her ticklish bare feet. Their teasing and laughter only made her laugh even harder.

She couldn’t summon the breath to cry for help. She couldn’t beg them to stop. She just laughed and laughed as they feathered up and down her red, wrinkly moist soles, brushed her silken arches, teased the sensitive balls of her feet, tormented her red heels and touchy ankles, sawed between her long, tender toes, and dusted her tanned foot tops.

“We’re never going to stop, lady.” Sam assured her, as he held her right foot still and feathered the top half of her roiling sole.


Bobby bent the toes back of her other foot and expertly feathered the super sensitive skin under and between them. “Gotta love these ticklish toes,” he gushed.

Siri, face deep red and soaked with ticklish tears, giggled helplessly, then howled with laughter. "Heeheeheeheehee w-why are youhoo dohooing thihihihis AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAAA!"

Chris reached between his feathering friends and relentlessly brushed each of her well-defined arches, . “Who’s a ticklish one, then?”

Siri’s screamed “NOOOOOO!" was capsized by a tidal wave of ticklish laughter.
They feathered and feathered her feet and she laughed and laughed. Oh, how they tickled her and how she laughed and laughed, giggled and gasped, chortled and chuckled, begged with laughter, cried with laughter, screamed with laughter.

“Hey, mates!” cried Bobby. “Look at the time. We’ve got those dates with the American Christian girls.”

“Yeah, but I could tickle this dolly’s feet all night!” Chris cracked, as he sawed his feather back and forth between her right big and second toes.

“We could just leave her here all night and come back in the morning and tickle her,” Sam said, loudly, watching her reaction as he feathered her left heel.


“Nah, we’d better dig her out,” Bobby conceded. “The tide might come in over poor Siri,“ cruelly teasing her as he feathered her left toe tops.

As they alternated singly feathering her ticklish feet, they, in wisecracking pairs, dug out the sand covering the still hysterical Siri. They lifted her--still giggling, sweaty, and red-faced--out of the hole,

“You rotten--hehheh--bastards…I’ll have you--hehheh--thrown out of the hotel, hehheh…thrown in jail…!”

“We got some great pics and video here, Siri,” Chris offered, examining his phone. “Everyone on the World Wide Web is going to know that Siri loves having her feet tickled with feathers.”

“You wouldn’t!” Siri bleated, dusting off sand. When Bobby started to "help,” she slapped his hand away.

“If you get vindictive…,” Sam offered, “we damn well would.”

She somewhat unsteadily drew herself up to her full 5', 9" and spat, “I’ll--I’ll get you someday!” The three exchanged knowing looks.

Chris held her, Sam grabbed and held out her right leg and Bobby began feathering her bare sole.

Siri cried out, laughing, “HHEEHAHAHAHAAAA…NO! STAHAHAHAP!” Bobby swept all three feathers across her sole.

“You going to be reasonable about this?” Chris whispered in her ear. Bobby feathered her toes.


Bobby stopped tickling and they released her. She sank to the sand, panting.

Bobby handed her the three feathers. “Enjoy your tea, Siri!” They laughed as they left the beach.

Still breathing hard, sweat dripping from her comely, furrowed brow, Siri flung away the terrible plumes. “I HATE feathers!” she growled.

After rubbing her tingling feet for a few minutes, she gathered her things and stepped gingerly to the hotel. It certainly could be dangerous in some parts to be very, very ticklish…
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