Sheesh, P50, thy cup of bitterness overflows a tad, don't you think?
(WARNING-Anyone who knows me knows about my lil' soapboax, and I'm fixin' to drag it out.....)
Seriously, fellas, part of the problem (in this furry little bastard's humble opinion)you could chalk up what you're focusing on. It's a lot easier to find a woman who's what I call "tickle-friendly" than it is to find one with a full-blown tickle fetish. Why? Because most women are (prepare for a shock) DIFFERENT than men, in the way they think, feel, and approach certain situations. Even a woman who's into tickling probably feels differently about it than a man with a similar background and experiences.
(The following is not intended to apply to our lovely female TMF members--) Many women who enjoy tickling don't really have a "fetish" because when they've wanted it, they could get it. It's not hard for a pretty girl to get tickled, now is it? They don't spend a lot of time thinking about it, because it's not unattainable. My lovely wife spent a lot of time getting tickled in her teen years; it's fun, flirtatious, and a common way for a lot of guys who aren't necessarily ticklers to cop a feel. She grew very fond of it, but, she could live without it if needs be. She has fantasies that involve tickling, and some that don't. Does that mean she has a tickle fetish, or not? Dunno. Don't care.
The way some people talk about "finding a woman with a tickle fetish" seems a little lazy, and even a little cowardly, to me, for a couple of reasons:
1 - Knowing, at the outset, that the other person shares your fetish means you don't have to face "coming out" and possibly getting rejected.
2 - It also means you never have to compromise on what you want, since the other person wants the same thing.
Look, long story slightly shorter; I have tickled a lot more women than a fella who looks like me would ever have a right to, so it would stand to reason that most women don't really have a problem with it. There are women, few and far between, who have a tickle fetish, and they are gems, bless them all....but, in your search for the perfect "woman with a tickle fetish", I think a lot of you fellas are missing out on some great opportunities. Broaden your search, and you may be pleasantly surprised.
Anyway, that's just my opinion, I could be ripping off Dennis Miller.